Monday, December 3, 2012

It's only temporary

I, once again, am your typical male. I do typical male things; I act like a typical male; I am sure I probably talk like a typical male. While that may not be the greatest thing in the world, it is what it is. I can be very nurturing and caring but I am often seen as stoic and uncaring. I don't show emotions very well, which causes others to think I am unconcerned, when in fact I am deeply concerned.

However, I am one that tries to not lose sight of the big picture. I realize that what is happening right now at this very moment is serious, trying, tiring and troubling. On the other hand, I often step back and ask myself if what is going on will really matter in ten years, ten months, ten weeks, ten days, ten hours? If I find that it really won't matter, I usually just let it go. I don't worry about things I can't control.

I think we often get lost in the moment and feel that there is no way to fix the mess we have made. If you haven't been there, give it time. I have made mistakes that I thought would NEVER be fixable but, looking back on them now, I realize that they were only temporary problems.

Today's word is part anonymous quote and part my rendering: "Life is full of temporary situations; don't try to find permanent solutions to those temporary things."

So many of us have made some really bad rash decisions based on something that is happening at the moment. I think we need to step back, take a deep breath, get a glimpse of the big picture and, then, ask GOD to help us make the right decision. It is far more important to make the correct decision than to make a quick decision.

Yes, I may seem to be the typical male, uncaring and unconcerned. But, I promise you, when I am quite, the wheels are turning. I pray that I have them moving in the right direction. Life is going to give you temporary problems, solve them with prayer and discernment.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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