Friday, November 30, 2012

Moving Mountains

We all have things that seem to arise from time to time determined to hamper our progress. Let's call these mountains. Yes, we do have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills, but, sometimes, there are mountains that arise.

Allow me, if you will, to digress for just a second about mountains and molehills, then, we will get back to this. Mountains compared to molehills are like comparing problems and inconveniences. If you want filet mignon and all you have is ground round, that is an inconvenience. On the other hand, if you have absolutely nothing to eat, that is a problem. I try to keep that in mind when I am looking at mountains and molehills. Back to today's thought...

We all have things that arise, mountains, that get in the way. We try everything within our human realm to get that mountain out of the way but it won't budge. The big thing we try is to just lay our shoulder into it and shove; that NEVER works. In order to move a mountain, we must start by removing one stone, one shovel, one handful at a time. Let's look at what JESUS said about moving mountains.

Today's word comes from Matthew 17:20, NIV, which reads, "...If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Whatever your mountain is, whether it is illness or addiction or finances or whatever, JESUS is standing by patiently waiting for us to take that first step of faith. We may have to really dig in and work our tails off one handful at a time but JESUS is faithful and will help us to move that mountain.

We can shove all we want with our human strength and be repeatedly defeated. Or, we can faithfully believe that JESUS has our back and, in due time, HE will move that mountain.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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