Friday, November 2, 2012


When you unite something, you put things together to form a single unit. I think of uniting a man and woman in holy matrimony; they are no longer two individuals but one unit. As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us that they become one.

I love when people talk about marriage being a 50 - 50, equal relationship. I can tell you that that is impossible and will never work. The math is correct, the two equal 100%, but the percentages are wrong. Marriage is not a 50 - 50 relationship; marriage is a 60 - 40 relationship.

Now, before you get crazy trying to brand me as chauvinistic or mad or imbecilic, allow me to explain. Marriage is 60 - 40; sometimes, I am 60, and, sometimes, I am 40. There are times when my wife needs more and I have to give more, thus making me the 60. There are also just as many times that I need more, and my wife has to give more, making her the 60 and me the 40. However, in the end, we are ONE.

Alot to be said about uniting things. Today's word comes from 1 Corinthians 6:17, NIV, which reads, "But whoever is united with the LORD is one with Him in spirit."

No, we are not GOD. And, no, we are not gods. But, when we unite with GOD, His Spirit will communicate and fellowship with our spirit. WOW!

I think the same is true with whatever you have your spirit united. The difference is that the other things cannot communicate and fellowship back, think talking to a rock. You may talk to the rock but it will NEVER talk to you. But, if we will unite with GOD, He will unite with us in spirit.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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