Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Given or Gotten?

Approaching this time of year when we take a breath and reflect on the goodness and graciousness of GOD, always leads me to think about "Black Friday" and the those who try to "beat everyone else to the punch". I have no desire to be a part of "Black Friday" shopping. As a matter of fact, I try to not go ANYWHERE the day after Thanksgiving.

It is sad to me that the day after we sit down with loved ones and thank GOD for His wondrous provision, many will go out and "fight", sometimes literally, to get this unbelievable bargain. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going shopping, and certainly nothing wrong with getting the best deal and being good stewards of what we have been given. However, it is all about the motivation.

I see people out there during the shopping season that are stressed out and frustrated and panicked and tense trying to make sure they "outdo" everyone else. It is a sad testament that the season we should sit back and reflect on the Greatest Gift ever given is more about how much I can get.

Today's word is a quote from George Sweeting that goes, "When we come to the end of life, the question will be, 'How much have you given?', not, "How much have you gotten?"

It is most important to keep things in perspective. If we are out shopping to give to someone that is one thing. If we are out shopping to "outdo", to "get more" than someone else, we really need to check that motivation. Life truly is more about what we give than what we get. The Only exception is that of salvation through JESUS CHRIST.

Once we receive the Greatest Gift, though, we must try to give it away. Why would you want to keep the Greatest Thing anyone could ever receive? When GOD asks me what I have given, I pray to reply that I shared the Gospel with all. It is more blessed to give than receive. Keep sharing the Greatest Gift!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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