Thursday, November 1, 2012


We just finished Halloween, which, if you read yesterday's post, I am a huge fan of. I like Halloween. I like seeing all the costumes and seeing the kids have fun and laugh. I am amazed at the opportunity to be a Christian witness on Halloween.

Thinking about the costumes, though, has led me to today's thought that we seem to want to hide behind our "masks". We all have things that we try to hid, things that we keep covered up. Now, don't get me wrong, I have things that will go to my grave with me, and for good reason. However, that is not what I am talking about.

We seem to want to hide anything that might be perceived as a weakness or as an offense in today's politically correct society. Once again, if you read yesterday's post, you know that there is a time, a season, a place for everything. But, I want folks to know that, with me, what you see is (unfortunately) what you get.

I try to emphasize that GOD has made each of us individually; we are all unique masterpieces. No two of us are exactly alike. Isn't that AMAZING? So, why do we try so hard to cover up who we truly are?

Well, today's word is a quote from Julia Shalom Jordan, which says, "Nobody likes a "Knock-off". Be TRUE to YOU."

There will always be people who do not like you or accept you regardless of what you try to be. So, why not just be YOU! Be the best you that you can be. You are exactly what GOD envisioned when He formed you. Now, you may have strayed from His plan and you may not be doing His will but you are His unique creation. BE YOU!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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