Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Be sensible and keep your mouth shut

I have probably shared before that Trish will tell you that I am brutally honest. I hope that more emphasis can be placed on "honest" than on "brutal". Now, it's not that I haven't told lies; if I claimed that, that would be a LIE. I have just gotten better with age at telling the truth, brutal or not.

One thing I have learned, and it has proven true time and again, is that if you start with a lie, you will have to tell more lies and more lies and more lies. And, before long, you have told so many lies to so many people that you can't remember what you have told to whom. Then, one things leads to another and, eventually, you have a mess. Lying is especially prevalent when we are trying to cover up a sin...

Today's word is Proverbs 10:19, and I love the NLT translation, which reads, "Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

When we start trying to impress, to be something that we are not, or we try to cover up something, we have a tendency to talk too much. And, the more we talk, the deeper the hole gets. The more we talk, the more we are apt to get caught up in sin. Not that talking in and of itself is a bad thing, it's not. But, too much talk will give us a false sense of belonging or a false sense of self-worth (everyone is interested in me).

Then, as with all other things that cause that euphoric feeling, we find ourselves needing more. So, in order to sound more interesting, we find ourselves telling things that aren't exactly true. I know. I've been there. Eventually, we leave the conversation thinking, "I should have shut up before I said...". Or, "I shouldn't have said..." The verse today has some great advice for each of us - "Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Push Back

I seem to have had a lot of no win situations lately. It's not that I have had more than anyone else or that I am complaining about the ones I have had to face; I am just saying that it seems that I have had an abundance of situations lately that there really seems to be no good answer, no good fix. But, we all have those, right?

So, where do you turn when you face a difficult task, a difficult situation, a dilemma so to speak? It is good to ask advice, if you have someone that you trust enough to ask, and if they have some experience in a similar situation. It is good to seek articles and such from creditable resources that may help in the decision making process. BUT, why not turn to the ONE that knows all and can really give you the answer you need?

Today's word is Psalm 44:5, NLT, which reads, "Only by Your power can we push back our enemies; only in Your name can we trample our foes."

Sometimes, the best thing you can do when you are challenged on every side is to push back. Now, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. And, trust me, I have done it wrong more times than I care to admit. However, there will come those times, those challenges, those moments when we need to stand down and let things work themselves out. There will also be those times that we need to stand up and push back.

When it is time to push back, we need to do it correctly, wisely, and with GOD'S assistance. We need to pray and seek His will and, then, to act accordingly. We need to know what to do, then, do it. We need to allow Him to direct us, then, act. BUT, only if that is His will. And, if it is, He will give us the strength to push back.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 27, 2017

Don't blame GOD

There is a lot of blame and finger pointing going on in our society today, and some it rightfully so. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD; I know I certainly have. Some, though, are being pointed out for heinous things that they tried to cover up for years. The Bible also reminds us to be sure that our sins will find us out.

In all the finger pointing, everyone is looking for someone to blame, something to blame besides self. I have mentioned before that there are things in my life that I wish I had never done, NEVER. However, all I can do is ask forgiveness, learn from the failures, and move on - remorseful, repentant, refocused.

Some folks, in their desire to place blame, want to blame GOD for some of the atrocious acts being committed. GOD is not to blame. We have allowed so many things, tolerated so many things, accepted so many things, that we are to blame. When you allow and accept everything and anything, you will eventually see and receive everything and anything. GOD isn't to blame for the evil that befalls us; human nature and free will is.

Today's word is Job 1:22, ESV, which reads, "In all this Job did not sin or charge GOD with wrong."

Job had just received word that he had lost everything: all his flocks, all his livestock, all his servants, even all his children. It would have been easy to stand there and blame GOD for all the calamity. It would have been easy to stand there and blame GOD for all the losses. However, Job recognized that GOD had given it all to him to begin with. Job stated that he had come into the world with nothing, and he would leave this world with nothing (You don't take any of it with you).

Job also knew that GOD is Good, and He has our best interest at heart. He knew that we live in a broken and sinful world and that it rains on the just and the unjust. He knew that GOD would see him through, and that He wasn't to blame. Don't let satan talk you into blaming GOD for his doings. Don't let satan talk you into blaming GOD for the mess you got yourself into. Praise GOD. Serve GOD. Don't blame GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

GOD'S Favor

I have a good friend of mine that made a comment once that still resonates with me. He said that he hoped that when he stands before GOD that his good outweighs his bad. Now, of course, we all hope that can be said of us but, this gentleman was telling me that in lieu of accepting JESUS as SAVIOR and LORD. I told him that it didn't work that way - you must be born again.

I can tell you that my goodness is as filthy rags. I could NEVER do enough good to earn GOD'S salvation. I could NEVER earn enough to pay for GOD'S salvation. It is a free gift. It is available to all who will believe and accept. The only thing that makes me worthy enough to spend eternity in Heaven is the blood of JESUS CHRIST that covers ALL my sins. Period.

Today's word is Esther 5:2a, ESV, which reads, "And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight..."

Esther had taken her life into her own hands to try and save her people, the Jews. Going before the king without permission could get you killed. If the king was having a bad day or if things just rubbed him the wrong way and he didn't hold out the scepter, granting you favor, he could have you imprisoned or killed. The king loved Esther but it was still a chance.

We don't have to worry about coming before the King of Kings if we have accepted JESUS as our SAVIOR. If we are saved, when the day comes for us to stand before GOD, He will reach out His hand and say, "Welcome home My good and faithful servant." If you're not saved, there will come a day when you hear the LORD say, "Depart from Me, for I never knew you." Don't rely on you good outweighing your bad - it won't. Accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, and win eternal life and GOD'S favor.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My Part

I once knew a guy that thought GOD would do everything for him. Now, don't get me wrong, I KNOW that GOD does everything for me. But, this guy took it to a whole different level. He believed that GOD would doe everything for him even when he (this guy) was doing stupid stuff. An example...

This guy had a car that would backfire through the carburetor. The car was in dire need of a new timing chain and gears but this guy would just adjust the distributor and, after several backfires through the carburetor, would get the vehicle running and proceed to drive it anywhere. When this guy was told that he needed to get it fixed or it was going to either leave him stranded or catch fire and burn up, his reply was, "GOD will take care of me."

Today's word is Nehemiah 4:9, NLT, which reads, "But we prayed to our GOD and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves."

Nehemiah and the Israelites were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and it made some folks angry. Verse 7 of Nehemiah 9 tells us that Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites were angry. They decided that they were going to go down and stop the rebuild. Nehemiah knew that what he and the Israelites were doing was not a popular thing. He knew that it made the surrounding communities angry. He knew that GOD had called them to do this great work. He knew that GOD would take care of them while they carried out this task. He also knew that he had to do his part. So, they prayed AND they guarded the city day and night to protect themselves.

As I said, I know that GOD can do all things. I know that He is working all things for my good. BUT, I also know He made me smart enough to do my part. He expects me to pray and seek His will. AND, He expects me to earnestly do my part.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 20, 2017

He is good

It is the week of Thanksgiving, and I love it. I LOVE Thanksgiving. Not because of the food, though it's some seriously good food. Not because of family get-togethers, though I am always grateful to have another chance to get together with family. No, I love Thanksgiving because of what it means.

Blake has been learning about Thanksgiving in school and has shared with us his rendition of the Mayflower and the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. It is such a blessing to hear him narrate the story, to hear him describe the first Thanksgiving. That is something I am thankful for.

Today's word is Ezra 3:11a, NIV, which reads, "With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: 'He is good; His love towards Israel (and us) endures forever...'"

The Israelites had been freed from Egyptian captivity. They had had their difficulties, many of which were brought upon themselves, with enemies and settling in. But, finally, the foundation of the House of the LORD had been laid; it was time for celebration, time for Thanksgiving.

Much like these Israelites, our forefathers, who endured great strife and difficulties to allow us the privileges that we enjoy in this great country, gave GOD praise and thanksgiving. If we will take the time to look around and see all that GOD has done and all that He is doing, and remember all that He is going to do, we should have nothing but thankfulness. We have so much to be thankful for. One reason is because He is good!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 17, 2017

Look to GOD for help

Ever have a decision to make and not know which way to go? We all face those moments when we know that it is an important decision and that no matter which way we go, it will have consequences and pain. It is true that the right thing to do is often the hardest.

When I have decisions to make, I always pray about it. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what others do but that is my first action, to pray. I always want to do what GOD wants me to do. I want to be a good example for my wife and kids. I want them to see that I seek GOD'S will in every decision we make. Besides, that should be our desire when a decision needs making.

Today's word is 2 Chronicles 20:12b, NLT, which reads, "...We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help."

It is a really tough position to be in where you don't know what to do. I have faced that decision more times than I care to admit, more times than I care to mention, more times than I care to talk about. It is a tough position to be in and a tough position to find a way out of. UNLESS...

Unless, you allow GOD to direct your decisions. If we will allow GOD to direct us and if we will submit to His will, we will find our answers. We will NEVER go wrong with allowing GOD to direct us. We will NEVER go wrong with allowing GOD to show us what we need to do. When we don't know what to do, we know what to do - Look to GOD for help.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The song we sing

I have shared before that I come from a singing family. Not that any of us sing particularly well but we all sing. I grew up in a family that loved to listen to music and loved to sing along. And, a lot of times, there is nothing that touches someone's soul quite like a good song. It's all about what you are singing.

Now, I have been known to make up a song or two. I have also been known to make up lyrics to songs that others find popular, as have others. Trishia's cousin used to think the Bon Jovi song "You give love a bad name" actually said, "You give love a bandaid". Songs can express so much; it's all about the words.

Today's word is 1 Chronicles 16:23, ESV, which reads, "Sing to the LORD, all the earth! Tell of His salvation from day to day."

We, Christians, have A LOT to sing about. We should be singing it daily. We should be singing the praises of our LORD and SAVIOR to everyone we come across. Now, I know that you can't be offensive, and some companies don't allow overt religious discussion, but, we should be telling others about JESUS and the difference He makes in our lives any time that opportunity presents itself.

There are lots of folks that we will encounter daily that need to hear that there is a SAVIOR Who loves them. They need to hear that there is a GOD who cares and who is concerned about their eternity. They need to hear that there is a GOD who wants a personal relationship with each and every one and that He made a way for that to happen. They need to hear the song we sing!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 13, 2017

Open our eyes

Fear is an easy thing to have and a hard thing to lose. I've probably mentioned before that we all have fears of some sort or another. Whether your fear is flying or public speaking or darkness or whatever, it can be overwhelming and, sometimes, debilitating.

I have seen people freeze up at the most inopportune times. I have also seen people conquer their fears and excel beyond imagination. I always try to remember that if GOD is for us (and, He is if we are children in His will), then, who dare be against us. With GOD on our side we have nothing to fear. However, in our human, earthly, carnal, made of dust flesh, we can often forget about the army with which GOD has surrounded us.

Today's word is 2 Kings 6:17a, NIV, which reads, "And Elisha prayed, 'Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.' Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes..."

Elisha and his servant were surrounded by a great army; an army of horses and chariots was all around the city. Elisha's servant had gone out and seen the vast challenge before them. He was sure that Elisha and he were about to meet their demise. BUT, GOD already had the situation handled. When Elisha prayed for the LORD to open the servant's eyes and let him see, the LORD allowed the servant to see the force that GOD had assembled.

We are often too busy focusing on our fears that we fail to look around and see how GOD has already conquered them. We allow ourselves to get concerned and flustered and fearful when GOD is saying, "Look around. I've got this covered!" Don't let fear stop you from going where GOD leads you. Don't let fear stop you from doing what GOD has called you to do. Don't let fear cause you one moment of worry. Let's ask GOD to open our eyes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Then, you will know the truth

Lee Segal is credited with saying, "A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure." It's hard to trust anything if you are trying to trust two different things, and watches are no exception.

We have about twenty clocks in our house. And, as much as possible, I try to synchronize them. I mean to the second. I would love to see them all change the minute and the hour at precisely the same time. NEVER HAPPENS. No matter how much I try, over time, some of the clocks will lose milliseconds, which accumulate into seconds, then minutes, etc. So, at any one time, one clock could be twenty minutes different from another. BUT, if I only rely on one...

Today's word is 1 Kings 18:21, NIV, which reads, "Elijah went before the people and said, 'How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is GOD, follow Him; but if baal is god, follow him.' But the people said nothing."

Elijah was telling these prophets of baal that you can't ride the fence. Do you know why? Because, satan owns the fence. You are either on the right side of things or you are not. You can't continue to try to waver between two opinions; it is either twelve o'clock sharp or it isn't. It is either GOD is LORD or He is not. (HE IS).

There are a lot of us that try to "slip by", that try to justify some of the things we do by keeping two "rule books" - one for us, one for everyone else. There are many of us that try to "slip by" by just believing anything and everything, especially anything that will justify our actions. Trust me, there are enough false teachings out there to justify most any sin BUT that doesn't make it right. Choose to do right - follow the LORD GOD. Then, you will know the truth.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

You don't have to stub a toe

Ever got up in the middle of the night and stubbed your toe? Or, ran into something with your shin? Yeah, if memory serves, I have damaged my pinkie toe on my left foot three times by catching it on something I didn't see.

Usually, we get up and leave everything dark because we don't want to disturb others and we don't want to mess up our sleep anymore than we have to, and bright light will do that. However, if we aren't careful, if we don't turn on some light, we may stub a pinkie toe or bash a shin, neither of which is overly appealing. And, usually, if one of these two occur, everyone in the house is awakened anyway.

Today's word is 2 Samual 22:29, NIV, which reads, "You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light."

Just as many of us wander around at night in the darkness, there are many more wandering around in this world in darkness so thick they can't see all the dangers in their path. Yet, they continue to walk, not knowing that they can run into something far worse, far more sinister, far more evil, far more painful, far more dangerous than a bed frame or coffee table. As a matter of fact, if you are outside and walking in darkness, you may fall off a cliff. So many are walking perilously close to the edge.

Just as we can turn on the light in our houses, we too can turn on the True Light in our lives. If we will allow GOD to take control and lead our lives, He will shine a light on the path that we should go. He will illuminate every danger, every peril, every trouble, every obstacle that lies ahead and lead us safely to our destination. Turn on some lights. You don't have to stub a toe.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 6, 2017

Pray for Sutherland Springs

The tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas is heavy on my heart this morning, as I am sure it is yours too. I cannot imagine the pain and anguish suffered by so many. I don't have any idea how you recover from something so devastating; I pray I never have to.

There is so much wrong in this world, so much hatred and malice and terror and disconnect. There are a lot of people that will tell you that we need to take away every gun. That won't work because then only the ones capable of doing such dastardly acts would have guns. This isn't about gun violence; this is about violence. Our world continues to get more and more violent. What can we do?

Today's word is from 1 Samuel 1:10, NIV, which reads, "In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the LORD, weeping bitterly."

Hannah wanted to have children but it wasn't happening, and she was earnestly seeking GOD. The first chapter of 1 Samuel tells us that Elkanah, Hannah's husband, loved Hannah. As was customary in Old Testament times, Elkanah had another wife, Peninnah, and he had given portions of his sacrifice, of his possessions, to Peninnah and their children, BUT, he loved Hannah so much that he gave her a double portion. He even asked Hannah why she was so sad, and wasn't he worth more to Hannah than ten sons? Hannah loved Elkanah. She wanted to please him. She wanted to give him a son. So, she earnestly pleaded with GOD.

There is only one thing that will cause people to stop committing heinous and cowardly acts of terror - GOD, the One True and Living GOD. We can hope that our legislators will fix it. We can hope that it will stop. We can hope that people will find other ways to vent their hatred and anger. But, the truth is that it will only stop when everyone turns to GOD. Let's join together and pray earnestly, sincerely, with conviction and anguish that GOD will stop the violence. Pray for Sutherland Springs.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 3, 2017

Some things can't wait

I am not one to procrastinate much. If Trish tells me that we need to do something, I try to jump up and start working on it, if money and time allows. There have been several instances when she will tell me that she didn't mean, "At this very moment," but, I like to get things done. I have to mark things off my list.

Now, there are times when I am a little less quick to act. I am a planner to a fault. So, if a big project is to be done, I will sit down and plan it all out, detail by detail. Once the plan is done, however, and, if time and money allows, we go at it full bore.

Today's word is Ruth 3:18, NLT, which reads, "Then Naomi said to her (Ruth), 'Just be patient, my daughter, until we hear what happens. The man won't rest until he has settled things today."

Boaz loved Ruth. He knew that she was a good woman, a virtuous woman. As a matter of fact, he had told her that he knew she was a woman of excellence. He was going to discuss with her closest next of kin about redeeming the property of her deceased husband and father-in-law, which would also allow him the right to marry Ruth. Boaz didn't know how it would turn out but he wasn't going to wait very long to find out; he would settle the matter today.

On the other hand, Naomi reminded Ruth that she had to be patient. Sometimes, we have to wait for the plan to come together, for all the pieces to fit together. And, we always find out in the end that it was worth the wait.

While today's thoughts might seem contradictory, they aren't. There are times that we need to sit and wait for GOD'S plan to unfold, like Ruth. There are other times that we are led by GOD to act, like Boaz, and we need to settle things today.

If you don't know JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR, won't you make that decision today? Some things can't wait.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Do not be afraid!

Have you ever been really scared? REALLY SCARED? There have been situations that many have been through that were truly life and death situations. It seems that most everyone has some fear, whether it be public speaking, meeting your new girlfriend's parents, etc.

I think the biggest fear that many have is death. It is easy to see why the fear of death is so prevalent. I don't know about you but I really enjoy my life. I love the life that GOD has given me. I know that when this earthly life is over that I will spend eternity with JESUS in Heaven. So, what is there to fear?

Today's word is Judges 6:23, NIV, which reads, "But the LORD said to him (Gideon), 'Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die."

Gideon had entertained the LORD'S angel, who had told Gideon that GOD was going to use him to defeat the Midianites. Gideon had asked for a sign that this was GOD'S will (I have shared before that I am a Gideon-type person). The angel gave Gideon a sign. Gideon feared that he would die because he had seen the LORD'S angel face to face. BUT, he had no need to fear...

With GOD on our side, with us being His children, we have no reason to fear what He calls us to do. He has a plan. He has it all worked out. He has our best in mind. We can rest peacefully and comfortably in His arms. Do not be afraid!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T