Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The song we sing

I have shared before that I come from a singing family. Not that any of us sing particularly well but we all sing. I grew up in a family that loved to listen to music and loved to sing along. And, a lot of times, there is nothing that touches someone's soul quite like a good song. It's all about what you are singing.

Now, I have been known to make up a song or two. I have also been known to make up lyrics to songs that others find popular, as have others. Trishia's cousin used to think the Bon Jovi song "You give love a bad name" actually said, "You give love a bandaid". Songs can express so much; it's all about the words.

Today's word is 1 Chronicles 16:23, ESV, which reads, "Sing to the LORD, all the earth! Tell of His salvation from day to day."

We, Christians, have A LOT to sing about. We should be singing it daily. We should be singing the praises of our LORD and SAVIOR to everyone we come across. Now, I know that you can't be offensive, and some companies don't allow overt religious discussion, but, we should be telling others about JESUS and the difference He makes in our lives any time that opportunity presents itself.

There are lots of folks that we will encounter daily that need to hear that there is a SAVIOR Who loves them. They need to hear that there is a GOD who cares and who is concerned about their eternity. They need to hear that there is a GOD who wants a personal relationship with each and every one and that He made a way for that to happen. They need to hear the song we sing!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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