Friday, August 29, 2014

No Peeking

I have shared this absolutely true story many times but I wanted to share it here. I cheated on one test in my entire life - one. And, I got caught.

It was Chemistry II and I was having great difficulty on one particular question, one question, and I needed to verify that my answer was correct. So, I stealthily looked over my shoulder at the paper behind me and verified that my answer was correct. Did I say stealthily? As I turned my head forward again, I noticed the teacher staring me dead in the eye. "Mike, are you cheating, she asked?"

Today's word is just a paraphrased, anonymous thought that says, "Life is our hardest test. Many people fail because they try to copy others."

You can't copy someone else; we all have different tests. While we are all taking the same type of exam - life - everyone's exam is specific. Your answer to number 1 is going to be different than for my number 1 because we have different tests. Don't fail the test trying to copy someone else. You have to complete yoru test.

So, the end of the story. I looked the teacher in the eye and honestly answered, "Yes Ma'am." She called me to her desk and asked me what I was doing. I explained that I had checked the answer for one particular question. She asked which one. I showed her. She marked that question wrong and allowed me to complete the test, while sitting beside her. As a matter of fact, I sat beside her desk the remainder of the year. And, I never cheated on another exam - EVER.

Don't try to copy someone else. Be yourself. Complete your test.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Strength for the battle

Ever have one of those days that when you finally laid down in bed you couldn't believe you made it through? I think everyone has had those. Lately, though, I have had several in a row. I think it has been brought on by allergies, and the heat of summer, and the daily grind. But, I have had those days that I didn't think I had enough strength to make it through.

Isn't it funny, though, that at the end of the day, exhausted and totally drained, you realize that you had just enough strength to make it through. Maybe there was absolutely nothing left in the tank; maybe you fell asleep as you were falling towards your pillow; maybe you don't even remember crawling into bed, but you had just enough strength to make it through.

Today's word is from Psalm 18:39, ESV, which reads, "For You equipped me with strength for the battle; You made those who rise against me sink under me."

When we rely on GOD, He will equip us with what is necessary to push through the battle. You may not have anything left at the end, but you will have enough to make it through.

Whatever you have going on, whatever you have that HAS to be accomplished, whatever it is that it dragging you down, rely on GOD. He will equip you with the strength for the battle.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

So, you don't like me

Look, I like to be liked. I am sure that most folks do. I don't know of many people who strive to have people dislike them. Of course, you have those who play a character whose main purpose is to make everyone hate them - Simon Cowell, Donald Trump, etc. but, I would bet that, deep down, they really want people to like them too; that is why they marry and have friends.

With that in mind, though, I know that there are those who do not like me. It doesn't matter how hard I try to befriend them, they have made up their minds that they are not going to like me. I would venture to say that if I could afford to give them thousands of dollars, they would still dislike me for "showing off" how wealthy I am. Well, no one has to worry about that happening.

Today's word is a quote from an unknown source that says, "I don't have time to worry about who doesn't like me...I'm too busy loving the people who love me."

If we spend all of our time worrying about why people don't like us, and worrying about who these people are that don't like us, we will wear ourselves down and wear ourselves out. US worrying about why THEY don't like us is futile; we aren't hurting them in the least while we are doing major damage to ourselves.

Let's spend our time loving those who love us, and not wasting our time on those who don't and never will. I think if we do that we will find ourselves happier, more fulfilled, and even healthier.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 25, 2014

Now and Later

There's a candy out there by the name of Now & Later. The name implies that you are to have some now and save some for later. I don't know who came up with that thought but it has never worked for me. I usually have some now and the rest now. There is an important lesson to be learned from that though...

I have a friend that recently turned down a supervisory position because he felt there wasn't enough of an initial pay increase. His words to me were that he felt it was an insult what he was offered to start in the position. He was only thinking of the here and now and not the later.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 15:19, KJV, which reads, "If in this life only we have hope in CHRIST, we are of all men most miserable."

Paul was telling his Corinthian audience that we have CHRIST now BUT the best comes later. We have a great life living with and in CHRIST in this world but the future benefits are what really keeps us going. When this life is over, it gets better than it has ever been; that is something to look forward. to.

My friend was so hung up on the present value of things that he couldn't see how much he would benefit from the position in the future. If he had taken the job, he probably could have changed the amount he would draw when he retires by hundreds of dollars each month. However, all he could see was that he wasn't being compensated immediately. Don't let the little stuff today destroy your desire for tomorrow. We can enjoy living in CHRIST now and later - The BEST is yet to COME!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 22, 2014

The dirt

Ever wonder why things have to be so difficult? I mean, it doesn't even have anything to do with anything we did; things just seem to be going wrong and becoming more difficult despite our best efforts. You know the old question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

It's easy to say that it rains on the just and the unjust, that every rose has its thorn, that in every life a little rain must fall, that nobody ever said that life was going to be fair. There are a lot of cliched sayings that we can use to try and explain things but the facts are that we are all going to have some challenges. Every now and then, someone is going to kick dirt in our faces.

My though today is "Even the prettiest flower had to push through the dirt."

We are all going to have to push through the difficulties to get to the other side. It'll be hot and dirty and tough and rough and tiring and trying but it'll be worth it. You may be stuck in the dirt today but keep pushing. You'll blossom into the most beautiful flower, the flower GOD intended.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's the won't

There's an old saying that goes, "Can't never could do anything." In other words, saying you can't doesn't mean you can't. More often than not, saying you can't just proves that you're not willing to try. I've thought about this lately.

What if you had never tried to tie your shoes? It would look pretty funny for a grown adult having to ask another grown adult to tie their shoe. What if you had never tried to learn to drive. Once again, you would be an adult being shuttled around by someone else, not because you couldn't afford a car but because you weren't willing to learn to drive one.

Those thoughts have led me to a thought - "It's not so much the "can't" that holds us back, it's the "won't".

How much more could we do if we would only try? I ask that question of no one but myself. I often wonder how much more I could do if I would only try to do it. Why can't I do something? Am I physically unable? Sometimes. I can't lift 1,000 pounds; I am physically unable to do it. Can I do some exercise, though, and keep myself in better shape than I'm in? Yes. Yet, I have found excuses as to why I "can't" exercise, the main one being that it hurts really bad. And, it does. However, if I do a little at a time and get stronger each day, I will eventually find that it's not the "can't", it's the "won't". Don't let "won't" stop you from getting what you "want".

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I have been trying to hit the gym four times a week lately. I need to get in better shape, plus I have the little ones that this old body needs to try to keep up with. There are some side effects I am hoping to see - lower cholesterol and less joint pain.

Working on one of the bench presses the other day, I noticed there was a young lady on the bench press next to me. She was benching more than me, which shouldn't have shocked me but it did. Now, I guess my aspiration is to be as strong as a young girl. Before anyone takes offense to that, I mean none. There are lots of ladies exponentially stronger than I am, but it doesn't help my self esteem.

Today's word is from Hebrews 10:36, NIV, which reads, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of GOD, you will receive what He has promised."

Now, GOD isn't going to make me physically stronger than someone else just because I try to do His will. He does promise that if I seek to do His will that I will receive all His promises, including having His protection and direction and provision.

The key is the first part - persevere. We have to keep doing the next right thing. If I want to get stronger and maybe one day be stronger than I thought I would be, I have to persevere, I have to keep at it. To fully see the many promises of GOD, we have to keep on keeping on. Perseverance - yeah, that's the ticket.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Failure to communicate

There's a great line in the movie Cool Hand Luke, which says, "What we have heah is a failyah to communicate." I really like that line because it sums up the reason for some of the most difficult situations I have found myself in - lack of adequate communication.

There have been times when things fell apart because proper instruction/direction was not forthcoming. Or, maybe the instruction/direction was given but it was given in such a confusing manner that something was lost in translation. It's easy to miss the mark if you don't know the target.

Today's word is from 2 Timothy 2:7, KJV, which reads, "Consider what I say, and the LORD give thee understanding in all things."

Now, I am not implying by this verse that you should listen to me because I am the foremost authority on everything. I am using this verse to try to explain communication. If we would take the time to consider what we are being told, to truly listen to what is being said, the LORD will give us understanding. And, on the other side of that coin, if we will use plain language and take the time to explain things adequately, we might be really surprised at how well our communication improves.

As long as people keep talking to one another there will always be some communication failures, but don't quit talking. Maybe what we need is to consider/to really concentrate on what is being said. I bet if we do, we'll begin understanding more.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 18, 2014

Quiet Time

Being quiet is not one of my strong suits. I have moments of silence but they usually occur while I'm sleeping. And, I am not even sure then, I just know I don't hear myself, so, maybe I'm quiet when I sleep.

With two little ones in the house, there are some noisy moments, and it's not always the kids. We have a lot of fun and make a lot of noise, it's a virtual cacophony. Although it is fun and thrilling, we all need a little quiet time in order to regroup, recharge, and pay the bills.

Today's word is from Mark 1:35, NIV, which reads, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, JESUS got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed."

Ever try to intently listen to someone in a noisy restaurant? How about in a loud room with lots of machinery running? It's almost impossible to really hear what someone is saying when there are so many auditory distractions. Sometimes, we need to find a quiet place; this is so much more important when we are trying to discern GOD'S voice and direction.

Next time you find yourself in the midst of what seems to be ceaseless noise, and you really need to figure something out, take the example of JESUS and find a quiet place. You might really be surprised what you hear when you can actually listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T


I haven't posted in a week or so because my family and I took a little vacation. It is always nice to get a change of scenery, to get away from the norm, to spend a little quality and down time with those you love the most. We had a blast. I won't say that it wasn't without its moments; I believe any vacation with a soon to be three year old and a soon to be two year old will have its moments. But, we had so many good moments.

While I am absolutely not the best at relaxing and just letting go, I do believe it is essential for us to get away and take a break. It is imperative for us all to slow down occasionally and, proverbially, stop and smell the roses. I believe that when we relax, when we refresh, we can bring refreshment to others. That is the thought with today's verse.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 11:25, NIV, which reads, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

You see, speaking of refreshing, this verse tells us that when we lift someone else, when we refresh someone else, when we help someone else, we will receive the same. We've all heard it said before, and I hope you have found it true, if you want to feel better, help someone else. There is absolutely nothing that refreshes more than refreshing someone else.

Vacations are nice. They are a time to relax and refresh. I pray that I can bring refreshment to someone because I have been so refreshed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm Rich!!!

Jeff Foxworthy has one of his "redneck" jokes that goes, "If your richest relative buys a new house and you help remove the wheels and tires, you might be a redneck." We've never had a lot of money in my family, and I am not likely to break that mold.

I come from a long line of honest, hard working, earn everything you get type of people. We have never had much monetarily but we have always been rich. I don't recall anyone in my lineage ever leaving a lot of material wealth to their descendants. Nope, we aren't wealthy but we are rich...

Today's word is a quote that I really like. It says, "If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money cannot buy."

I am rich beyond all imagination. I have a wife who loves and adores me (I don't know why either). We have been blessed to have two wonderful little ones in our lives, who give us a million smiles a day. I have pretty good health, except for that stinking cholesterol. We have a nice place to live, if it survives the little ones. We are blessed with food to eat in abundance. I can see, hear, smell, taste, feel, walk, talk, think, comprehend. Do you get it? I am rich!

Yet, that is not all. I have eternal life through JESUS CHRIST my SAVIOR, and no amount of money can buy that. And, no amount of money can take that away! That alone makes me one of the richest men in this world and in eternity.

The next time you feel as if you don't have anything significant, just think of all the things you have been blessed with that money cannot buy or take away. I think you'll find that you are truly rich!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 4, 2014

Joyful Drinking

Our little ones like their juice. Now, we don't give them straight juice, much too sugary according to the dentist. We usually mix their juice about two thirds water and one third juice, and they drink it up (or down, whichever you prefer). They don't usually want to drink plain water, though we try to get them too often.

Additionally, if the little guy sees you putting water in his juice, he will let you know that he is not appreciative of that behavior. Yet, if I am drinking ice water, he always wants my water. So, what gives? Why will he not drink water, not want his juice watered down, yet, wants to drink my water?

Today's word is from Isaiah 12:3, NLT, which reads, "With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation."

The reason he wants to drink water from my cup is because it is Daddy's. It's amazes me how much he loves me. Yes, I know that will change when he gets older but I am blessed to enjoy it right now.

The point, though, is that he drinks the water from my cup because it is from my cup. GOD is our FATHER. He has a well of salvation that, if you would only give it a try, you will find is eternally fulfilling. Thirsty? Looking for something to satisfy that thirst? Drink deeply from the fountain of salvation. You'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

I'm not lacking

Thoughts about GOD'S goodness and provisions have been running through my mind lately. We have had an abundant crop of apples and pears this season, which has not been the case in previous years. It's pretty sweet (no pun intended) to see the bountiful harvest that GOD has granted us.

I can say that about so many things. GOD has been better to me than I deserve. I have good health, a good job, a great family, wonderful friends, and Heaven awaits. Do we have ALL that we want? No. But, we have been blessed beyond imagination.

Today's word is from Psalm 34:10, NIV, which I am sure I have used before but really sums up my thought today, "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack NO GOOD THING."

When we seek the LORD, He provides everything we need. The verse today tells us that if we seek the LORD, we will lack NO good thing. I have certainly been blessed with good things.

Do you feel as if something is missing? Do you feel as if something is lacking? Do you feel as if you are unfulfilled? Have you sought the LORD? Those who seek the LORD lack NO GOOD THING. Seek GOD first, everything else will be provided.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T