Tuesday, May 31, 2016

It's encouraging

If you read the story of Gideon in the Bible, you will find that Gideon needed a little encouragement, a little assurance that he was doing what GOD wanted him to do the way GOD wanted him to do it. I find that I need a little sign from time to time (actually, more often than not). I need GOD to remind me that He has it under control; I just need to step out in faith and trust Him.

I am much like Gideon. If you read the account in Judges Chapter 6, you will find me. Gideon asked for a sign, for the fleece to be wet with dew and everything else to be dry, which GOD did. Then, Gideon said, (my paraphrasing, of course) "Alright GOD. I don't want to make you angry but could you show me one more? This time make everything wet and the fleece dry." And, GOD did.

Today's word is Judges 6:12, ESV, which reads, "And the angel of the LORD appeared to him and said to him, 'The LORD is with you, O mighty man of valor."

With encouragement like that, how can you not feel confident. Listen to the encouragement...first, the angel lets Gideon know that GOD is with him. The LORD is with you! I tell people all the time that I am never alone because wherever I go, GOD goes with me. You can feel confident that everything will be alright when GOD is with you.

Then, the angel calls him, "mighty man of valor". Valor is "great courage in the face of danger." The angel was letting Gideon know how GOD had made him - courageous! There is nothing to fear because GOD is with you and you are courageous. That would be extremely encouraging.

As we go about our daily grind, let's remember that GOD is with us, the LORD is with us, and we are meant to be courageous!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

GOD will do amazing things

Probably most people that know me have heard me say that it does not amaze me what GOD does - He's GOD. It does, however, amaze me at what He does for me. I don't deserve anything He gives me. Yet, He has given me all this and Heaven too.

I am truly a blessed man. Not that we have everything in the world (and, we don't need everything in the world). Therein is the truest statement - I have EVERYTHING I need and then some. I have a wife who loves me, children who, for now, adore me, a good job, good health, a place to live, and I can go on and on. Then, as I said, the best part is that I am a child of GOD and will one day spend all of eternity in Heaven. Yes, GOD has done amazing things in my life.

Today's word is Joshua 3:5, NLT, which reads, "Then Joshua told the people, 'Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do great wonders among you.'"

GOD does amazing and wonderful things in our lives all the times. We don't always acknowledge it but He is doing it. Just the fact that you have the ability to get up in the morning and do the things you do is a blessing that we so often take for granted. Look around at all the amazing things GOD has done and is doing.

Don't lose sight of the first part, the requirement, - "Purify yourselves." GOD gives us all blessings, but He wants us to be His children, His clean and pure children. If we will purify ourselves, we will be amazed at what GOD will do for us. Let's purify ourselves and see the wonders of GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why did this happen?

There are times in our lives when bad things happen and we just cannot figure out why; there will always be those times. We have experience those times when things just don't make sense, and where we feel that we are being treated unfairly and unjustly. When these things happen, and they will, we have a tendency to ask, "Why?"

"Why did GOD allow this?" "Why am I having to go through this?" "Why did GOD do this to me when I am being faithful and dedicated and trying to serve Him?" Really good questions, and tough ones to answer.

Today's word is Deuteronomy 32:4, which reads, "He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful GOD Who does no wrong, upright and just is He."

When bad things happen, it's not GOD who is doing it. Bad things happen because we live in a world full of evil. The devil is the prince of this world and he is hard at work trying to destroy individuals, families, churches, GOD'S people. Sometimes, bad things happen just because bad things happen. But, when bad things happen, we can rest in the fact that GOD is steady, never changing. And, that He is perfect and just. He doesn't cause bad things to happen; He gives us the strength to get through them if we will just rely on Him.

The next time something happens, it's okay to ask, "Why GOD is this happening?" It's okay to sit in the misery for a few minutes and think that we are receiving unfair and unjust treatment. Then, remember what JESUS went through, and know that, while He isn't the cause, He will see us through. His works are perfect, His ways are just, He is faithful, and He does no wrong.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 23, 2016

GOD is not human

Many folks seem to think that we are "like" GOD. Now, we are certainly to try to become more CHRIST-like; that is certainly our goal, and should be our desire. However, while we are made in His image, we are not GOD, though some seem to think they are.

GOD is GOD. I know that is redundant but I want to get it across that GOD made us, not vice versa. He gave us minds and bodies and thoughts and comprehension but He is GOD. While we may be pretty smart and have loads of intelligence, we will NEVER think like GOD. NEVER.

Today's word is Numbers 23:19, NIV, which reads, "GOD is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?"

The very first part of the verse tells us how unlike us GOD is - He does not lie. We tend to lie pretty much all the time, to keep ourselves out of trouble, to make ourselves appear better than we are, to make others believe something that isn't true. GOD doesn't do that.

Then, He doesn't change His mind. When GOD formulated the plan of salvation, He didn't tweak it and change it and redo it; He followed through. He doesn't decide to love us today and not love us tomorrow. He doesn't decide that we are worth saving today and not worth it tomorrow. He doesn't change His mind. He has always loved us; He always will.

Finally, we note that what He says He will do He does. And, what He promises, He fulfills. I don't know about you but I am full of good intentions. I plan to do things. I even commit to doing things but, every now and again, I can't fulfill those promises. Yet, GOD says it and does it; He promises it and fulfills it.

Don't let others act as if they are GOD. Yes, we are striving to more like Him every day but I know that it is only because of His loving Grace that I am worthy enough to be His child. And, I praise Him for that.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Would you do it?

Ever play the game, "If you knew there was absolutely no way you would ever get caught, would you...?" A lot of people play that game every day without realizing how dangerous it is and that it's not a game.

I overheard a discussion not long ago where two people were talking about money, and one asked the other if there was absolutely no way he would ever get caught would he steal a million dollars. The person that had been asked replied that they would probably do it. The person who asked said, "Even if you don't get caught, you still took something that belongs to someone else."

Today's word is Leviticus 25:17, ESV, which reads, "You shall not wrong one another, but you shall fear your GOD, for I am the LORD your GOD."

It seems that in this world, especially lately, everyone wants to "wrong" someone. It seems that everyone feels that if "everyone else is doing it", then, they want to get their part and participate too. Well, first, as you have heard me say before, not everyone is doing it (I'm not, and I know several who aren't). Secondly, if there is a majority of people seemingly doing it, it makes it no less wrong. You absolutely cannot do wrong and be right.

I pray that I will go through my life one day at a time purposely looking to not wrong anyone. I will try to right the wrongs I commit and try to prevent the ones that I control. Whether anyone will ever know or not is irrelevant; GOD knows. And, whether anyone is watching or not doesn't matter; you cannot do wrong and be right. So, would you do it?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 16, 2016

Get out from under the Covers

As a child, I would hide my head under the covers when something startled me or scared me or if I awoke from a bad dream. It still makes me smile to think that I thought hiding under the covers was the answer; that the thin sheet was a force shield against the perceived evil.

Eventually, you outgrow those infantile fears and begin to realize that there truly are things in this world to fear. I am amazed at how evil some people can be. I am amazed at how often truly unimaginable things happen. I am utterly amazed at how diabolical some folks are. And, if we allow these things to possess us, we will never have any peace. Moses found this outlook in the children of Israel...

Today's word is Exodus 14:13, NLT, which reads, "But Moses told the people, 'Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.'"

GOD fights for us. We really have nothing to fear. In the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." It is that fear that freezes us from moving closer to GOD. It is that fear that keeps us in a bad situation. It is that fear that puts us into worse situations. It is that fear that causes us to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and bang into everything and never accomplish anything. Isn't it time we face the facts? The fact is that GOD is on our side, that He is fighting for us, that all we have to do is trust in Him.

Look back at what Moses told the Israelites. He first said, "Don't be afraid." Again, it is that fear that paralyzes us and keeps us from moving forward. Then, Moses said, "Just stand still and watch..." Instead of running around like chickens with their heads cut off, stand still and watch. It is when we see GOD working that we are bolstered up and strengthened and encouraged and we begin to realize that all we have to do is follow Him!

Then, look at the last part, "...The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again." Whatever demon you are fighting, whatever is keeping you from moving forward, whatever is stopping you in your tracks and causing you to bury your head in the sand, is NOTHING compared to my LORD. And, when we allow Him to defeat our enemies, our fears, they are defeated FOREVER - they will NEVER be seen again.

Get out from under the covers and watch GOD defeat your fears!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 13, 2016

I cannot hide

I like to dispense advice probably more than most folks. Now, my advice is about as worthless as it comes but I dispense it freely anyway. When I run into young folks that are just starting out, I like to tell them two things: "You don't have to know everything; you just need to know where to find the answers. And, always have someone to blame."

Of course, I am kidding about the second one. The first one is absolutely true, you don't have to know everything; you just need to know where to find the answers. I am blessed to work with and know some very intelligent and knowledgeable people that I can go to when I need an answer. While the first piece of advice is valuable, the second piece is the one that most people adhere to.

Today's word is Proverbs 28:13, NLT, which reads, "People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they will confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy."

While we often look for someone to blame or a way to hide what we have done, the fact is that we cannot hide. We may hide it from others but we never escape the watchful eye of GOD. We may try to blame others for our mistakes and failures and sins but the truth is that we are to blame. And, we will never have peace until we acknowledge our sins and turn from them.

Look, I have admitted before that I am a complete failure on my best day. I make enough mistakes for most everyone combined. I pray that I always admit my sins instead of trying to blame someone else. I pray that I will confess and turn, for that is the only way to receive forgiveness and mercy. I pray that I always realize that I cannot hide.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

It is very good

Sometimes, I, like everyone else, can allow the daily grind and difficulties of this world to wear me down and give me a less than positive attitude. I mean, the world is tough, and no doubt some days are tougher than others.

Yet, if I will just take the time to look around and see all the great things that GOD has given us, I will be ashamed of my gloomy attitude. The wonders of nature are truly - wonderful. It's hard not to notice the intricacies and delicacies of the simplest flowers. That didn't just happen; GOD made it!

Today's word is from Genesis 1:31, KJV, which reads, "And GOD saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good."

No doubt, GOD making us in His image is the highest. The details in each individual is amazing. We each have individual finger prints and foot prints and tongue prints. Even the most identical of twins are uniquely designed. I am amazed at the uniqueness of us all, and that alone is enough to bring a huge smile to my face.

Then, all you have to do is look around at all the splendor of GOD'S creation. The array of color and shapes and designs in the finest details of GOD'S wondrous work. If we will take the time to look around and just soak it in for a moment, we will see that it truly is very good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 9, 2016


You can pretty much ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am not a very patient person. I have said many times that if patience is truly a virtue, I am apparently not a very virtuous person. I have patience with some things but I would not classify myself as patient.

I look back at my life, however, and I see how GOD has used those impatient times in my life to grow me. I am the guy who wants to make things happen - NOW. Yet, many things take time and time to see results. I am not an instant gratification sort, but I am a guy that when you say something needs to be done I figure you mean right now. Waiting, though, is what is asked of us from time to time.

Today's word is Lamentations 3:25, KJV, which reads, "The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him."

This verse reminds us that GOD has a plan and His plan, His timing is perfect. All we have to do is wait. Now, once again, I am a hypocrite to say that we have to be patient. However, read what the verse tells us, "The LORD is GOOD unto THEM that WAIT for HIM..." Whatever you are waiting on is going to be worth the wait!

I am going to work on resting in the LORD and His timing. I know that He is working it all for my good and that when it all comes together, it will be mind-boggling and better than I could have ever planned it myself. "LORD, help me as I sit waiting to know that you have a plan, and it is worth the wait."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 6, 2016

Not very wise

I have a philosophy that has developed from working with youth for years, as well as the fact that I lived this exact same philosophy. My philosophy is that between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five, you KNOW EVERYTHING. I mean, there is NOTHING that anyone can tell you, NOTHING that anyone can show you, NOTHING that any adult can teach you. You know everything.

Yet, something happens around twenty-five and you wake up one morning and realize that your parents have certainly gotten a lot smarter in the last eight or nine years. No, you begin to realize that you are not as smart as you thought; you are not as wise as you gave yourself credit for.

Today's word is Isaiah 5:21, NIV, which reads, "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight."

It is those who think they KNOW everything that truly bothers those of us who really do. Just kidding of course. It is those who think they KNOW everything who truly know NOTHING. I know and have known some really intelligent people, people who are twenty times more intelligent than I could ever be. However, they are wise in their own eyes. If you don't know JESUS, you truly do know NOTHING.

May GOD help us all to seek His wisdom and discernment; He knows I need it. For it is when I decide that I am smart enough to determine these things myself that I find out just how little I truly know, and that is not very wise.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Today is the National Day of Prayer, celebrated the first Thursday in May each year, reminding us to turn our hearts to GOD. While we should pray every day, it is good to have a reminder. And, it would be great if we, as a nation, could unite in prayer to the One, True GOD and ask Him to forgive our sins and to cleanse us, make us whole, and to guide is in this world. Not going to happen but it would be wonderful.

We, as GOD'S children, though, should pray and pray specifically and continually. Not that we should be on our knees praying continually, we have to work and take care of our families, but we should have a mindset of prayer all the time. We should know that we have an open line of communication with the Father, and we should USE it.

Today's word is Colossians 4:2, NLT, which reads, "Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart."

We should devote ourselves to prayer. We should make it a conscious part of our everyday life. We should pray and be aware that we can pray at any time, any where. I like that the verse says that we should pray with an alert mind. So many people want to recite a written prayer. And, I guess that's alright. But, GOD wants to hear from YOU. He wants to know what's on your heart. So, don't just go through the motions; pray with an alert mind.

Then, pray with a thankful heart. The mere fact that I can approach the throne of GOD with my prayers is humbling and staggering and mind-boggling to me. I am thankful that He chose to make a way for that to be possible. I am thankful for all the things He has blessed me with. I am thankful that the best is yet to come!

It is the National Day of Prayer. Pray!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What is Love?

Many years ago, I presented a youth lesson titled, "What is Love?" There are as many definitions of love as there are people that describe it. We even have the different types of love - Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape.

Eros is sensual love, the human passion love. Storge love is family love; that bond between parent and child, brothers and sisters, and vice versa. Philia is brotherly love; love for neighbors and people in general. Then, there is Agape, the highest strongest love. Agape love is selfless, sacrificial unconditional love. But, what is love?

Today's word is a quote I came across that sort of sums up what love for one another should mean. It says, "Love is constant devotion, not passing emotion."

Love is about giving; giving of ourselves to each other. I explained it to the youth that if they were in a relationship where the other party was always wanting something from them, then, it isn't true love. Love is when the other person wants to give something to you, not take something from you. True love is about giving, not getting.

GOD demonstrated His love to us by becoming the propitiation for our sins, by fulfilling the sin debt that we could never pay, by giving all He had for us. Yet, our devotion to him, much like our devotion to those we love, tends to be more of a passing emotion at times. I am glad that it isn't that way on His part - He loves me no matter what. Love is constant devotion, not passing emotion - love is about giving, not getting.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 2, 2016

Tell GOD what you need

Do you think GOD needs to know what we need? Of course He doesn't. The Bible tells us that GOD knows what we need before we even ask. It goes even further than that. GOD knows our thoughts, our desires, our silent prayers. We don't have to verbalize or vocalize anything - He already knows.

So, why do we pray? Because GOD wants to hear from His children and He wants us to express our dependence on Him. Not that He is an egotist and needs to know how great He is. He just wants us to be humble children. He wants us to acknowledge the fact that every good thing comes from Him. He just wants to have a conversation with His children. Don't you like talking to your children?

Today's verse is one I have used before but is on my mind today. It is Philippians 4:6, NLT, which reads, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell GOD what you need, and thank Him for all He has done."

It is when we turn things over to GOD, when we pray and let Him know what we need, that we can begin to experience that peace that passes all understanding. Once again, not that He doesn't already know our needs. We need to pray so that WE acknowledge our needs. If we will turn our needs over to GOD and trust in Him to provide all our needs, which He will, we can stop worrying about things. I know, much easier said than done.

Then, after you make your requests to GOD, take the time to thank Him for what He has done. It is when we draw on GOD'S bountiful goodness of the past that we can find peace in the present. He has done it before and He will do it again.

Pray for me that I will leave my needs to GOD and that I will enjoy His peace. I pray you will too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T