Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Where He wants us

Years ago, in a moment of weakness or poor judgement or complete unintelligence, I ran for a seat on the city council. I was a first time candidate, with no name recognition, with no prior experience of any kind. I had a lot of help getting flyers out and we canvassed the entire district; we worked really hard. And, on election night, in a five-person race, we found ourselves in a runoff against a former council member.

So, we campaigned for another three (3) or four (4) weeks. I made it a goal to personally knock on every single door in the district, which we did. Then, on the night of the runoff election, we lost. In hindsight, it was the biggest blessing I could have received, though I didn't know it or understand it at the time. 

Today's word is Lamentations 3:25, ESV, which reads, "The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him."

While I didn't understand the blessing of losing nor the blessing that not being on the city council was at that moment, I have since come to realize that GOD was protecting me and keeping me in ways that I could have never imagined. He knew that I wasn't ready for something like that. He knew the plans He had for me, and that was not part of it. I am grateful that He led me to do it, and more grateful that His plan was executed.

Sometimes, we have difficulty trying to figure out why things are happening the way they are. But, if we are faithful and wait for GOD to reveal His plan, in His time, we may just find out that we are exactly where He wants us to be. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Friday, November 12, 2021


I have been a really poor example of so many things so many times before. I have failed at more things than I care to remember or talk about. I have let people down more times than I could ever possibly count. Yet, GOD still finds a way to make use of me and has allowed me opportunity upon opportunity to serve Him.

Years ago, seems like a lifetime ago now, I was privileged to serve GOD by serving my country. Again, I wasn't the best at it, yet, He allowed me that blessing. I look back at it now and am humbly honored to have been allowed to serve this great country. I am more humbled that there are still others that are making those sacrifices every day.

We have the great freedoms that we enjoy because men and women volunteer to step up and stand up for those freedoms. The sacrifice is great. My appreciation for that sacrifice grows deeper each and every day. I will forever be grateful and indebted to those that have been so willing to make those sacrifices to allow ME the freedoms that I have. THANK YOU!

The ultimate sacrifice that has been made for me, and ALL of US, is JESUS CHRIST dying for our sins and making a way for us to be a part of His family. And, we are allowed to learn about Him and to serve Him and to live for Him because others sacrifice to preserve that freedom of worship. Thank You, JESUS, for Your unspeakable gift!

John 15:13, NKJV, reads, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

What is right and true

I am not a good liar. I did not say that I am not a liar; I have lied many times, I am just not good at it. Before you get the wrong impression, I am not proud or boastful about lying.  I am just admitting that I am not good at it. As a matter of fact most of us aren't.

Once you start telling a lie, it is hard to keep up with what lie you have told to what person. Sooner or later you are going to get the lies mixed up, then, you have to tell another lie to try and make the first lie seem plausible. When this begins, it is just one lie after another, after another. So, it is simpler to just tell the truth, which is what I am working on, no lie.

Today's word is Psalm 34:13, NIV, which reads, "Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies."

Today's verse reminds us of what we are talking about - don't lie. We are instructed to keep our tongue from evil: causing discord, being mean, saying ungodly things. And, to keep our lips from telling lies, which can be hurtful and harmful and more destructive than we often admit or can fathom while we are telling them.

I am going to work on being more truthful all the time. Pray for me that I will do exactly that. Then, pray about joining me, as we seek to stop lying and to start standing for what is right and true.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

That doesn't make it true

My kids, like everyone else's, and like we were when we were children, will allow other's words to affect them. It is difficult when people say things that hurt our feelings, or they say things that are completely untrue just to make others think differently about us. This tactic has been utilized for centuries and is still a very common weapon of haters today.

We have mentioned it before that some folks just love to hate, and there is very little you can do about it. People are going to hate us for everything we do, and for everything we don't do. People are going to hate us for everything we say, and for everything we don't say. Then, when they hate us, they are going to go and tell others things that aren't true just to try and bring us down.

However, there's an old saying that goes those who really matter don't care; and, those who don't care, don't really matter. Another thing I tell the kids all the time, and I have shared it here, is that just because someone says it, doesn't make it true. Don't let their hate, their jealousy, their envy bother you. Don't allow someone else's opinion to occupy any space in you.

Today's word is simply this: "Don't let someone's biased opinion define you."

There will always be those that look to spread venom and hatred. Don't let them bother you. You are a child of GOD, valued so dearly that JESUS died for you! That fact alone should tell you your true value. People can say what they want, but, that doesn't make it true.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Submit to His calling

I have always had a bit of a rebellious streak. I don't know why, it has just always been there. I haven't done anything drastic and life changing. However, there have been many occasions when I have done things just to be doing them, just to let others know that I am a man and I make my own decisions.

Sometimes, I have been rebellious towards GOD and what He would have me to do. I would love to deny that, too, but, the facts are facts. He has led me to divine appointments, to opportunities to be used by Him, and I have refused to do it. Maybe it was out of fear, maybe it was out of insecurity, maybe it was out of stubbornness, maybe it was a combination of it all, but the end result was rebellion.

I have prayed hard that GOD would be able to use me and that I would do as He led. I want so much to be useful to Him, and used by Him. First, though, I have to get rid of that rebellious nature that will arise from time to time. How about you? Do you have a rebellious nature?

Today's word is Psalm 39:8, NLT, which reads, "Rescue me from my rebellion. Do not let fools mock me."

Our rebellion isn't only not doing what GOD wants us to do, not only steals our joy and opportunities to be used by GOD, but, also, opens us up for ridicule from those that we need to reach the most. BUT, GOD can remove the rebellion and make us useful for His purposes. Let's pray for GOD to help us submit to His calling.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 25, 2021

Keep me focused

It is the time of year when football, especially college, is in full swing and we are starting to see who has a legitimate shot at a championship. We also have the MLB season wrapping up, with the Braves and Astros playing in the World Series for a chance at the championship. And, if you are a NBA and/or NHL fan, those seasons have kicked off, too. Lots of sports going on.

But, it is not just the sports world. It is the time of year for fall festivals, when everyone gets to enjoy some outdoors time in a milder climate (we hope). Halloween is coming up, and regardless of your take on it, Halloween is a pretty exciting time (we have kids). Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas are just around the corner, and we need to start making some plans. 

With all these things going on, coupled with everyday life - work, school, obligations, etc. - it can seem a little overwhelming at times. It is easy to allow ourselves to get distracted and lose sight of what really matters. As we all know about CHRISTmas, it isn't about the presents - it is about the Gift, the Gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST.

Today's word is a quote that I came across. I don't know to whom to attribute it, but it says, "Don't let the noise of the world keep you from hearing the voice of GOD."

With all the distractions that this world can bring, even good ones, it is easy to lose sight of the things that really matter. Even in the midst of all the busyness, GOD still has something for us to do and things that He is telling us. However, if our focus isn't on Him, and listening to Him, we will miss what He is saying. So, my prayer is, "Dear LORD, please keep me focused."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Turn to Him, Do good, Seek peace

This morning, as I sat, turned on the computer, and prepared to write this short blog, I see all the headlines. It is hard to see any headline that is encouraging, ANY. We have people saying things that are bringing reproach. We see horrific personal attacks on people. We see stories of tragedies all over the world. We see where the politicians are fighting against each other instead of trying to make things better for us all.

There is so much evil in this world, which should not surprise us, but, man, there is a lot of it. I don't know how people can be so evil, except they allow satan, the prince of evil to direct them. And, we all know that, if we allow him, he will take us down paths we don't want to go and ultimately destroy us and those around us.

Today's word is Psalm 34:14, NIV, which reads, "Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."

This verse seems to have some pretty simple advice that we should all try to heed: "Turn away from evil and do good." I could be completely wrong but that doesn't seem overly difficult - stop doing bad things and work on making things better for everyone. Again, we don't have to condone wrong doing but we can love each other despite our failures and differences.

There is a lot of people in today's society doing anything but turning from evil and doing good. There are many more that refuse to seek peace. BUT, our GOD is abundantly able to bring peace in the worst circumstances. Let's pray to Him, the One and Only, True and Living GOD, to help us turn to Him, do good, and seek peace.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Please GOD

If you have ever coached a youth sport of any kind, you will understand what I am about to say. Coaching a youth sport is a lot of fun, trying to teach the young ones about a sport: how to play, the proper techniques, the game management, the ins and outs, etc. While dealing with the kids is a joy and a blessing, dealing with the parents can be a nightmare.

There are very few weeks that go by that some parent isn't upset about one thing or another. Either his/her child isn't learning enough; in his/her opinion, their child isn't getting as much one on one as they expect; his/her child isn't on the field enough; you are being too rough or too easy on his/her child; the list goes on and on. Teaching the children are a blessing; dealing with the parents can be a burden.

Today's word is a quote by Timi Nadela that says, "Let pleasing GOD become bigger than pleasing people."

We have to keep in mind that whatever we are doing is to bring glory to GOD. If we are trying to do everything for our own glory, that is all that we will ever have. If we are truly trying to everything for GOD and for His glory, we will find ever challenge worthwhile. It can be extremely exhausting to try to please everyone, but, with GOD, we will reap if we faint not.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pleasing others. As a matter of fact, it is something that we should all strive to do. However, if we keep in mind that our ultimate goal is to please GOD, we will find more joy in everything that we do. Please GOD.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Love someone

I often tell our daughter that she is my favorite daughter. And, I often tell our son that he is my favorite son. When one of them asks me, "But, who is your favorite child?", I always tell them that I don't have a favorite child, I love them both equally.

Our D-Life studied in Genesis 25 last night about Isaac and Rebekah having Esau and Jacob, and how Isaac loved Esau but Rebekah's favorite was Jacob. Now, of course, I am sure that both parents loved both sons, but, they obviously had a favorite, which probably caused friction and trouble between the two. As parents, we should try to love our children equally, with no favoritism.

Today's word is John 13:34, NIV, which reads, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

GOD shows no favoritism; He loves us all equally the same. The Bible tells us that He sent His Son to die for whosoever believes. He didn't come and pay the price for sin for just a select few, He came for us all. I wasn't worth it; I could never measure up to be worth it, but, He loves me anyway. And, He loves you, too. 

I love my wife and children more than words could ever express. I am so blessed to have the blessing of living this life with them. I am more blessed that we will all live eternally together because GOD loves us all enough to make a way for us to be with Him. Go out today and love someone.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Keep Moving

We have known several families that have experienced the loss of loved ones recently, which has caused our two (2) children to ask why so many people are dying. It is easy to say that it is something that we will all face, that every family will experience it, that we are just in a really trying season. The truth is, though, it is difficult to explain.

There are lots of things in life that are difficult to explain. I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I don't know how people can go out and intentionally hurt others. I don't know why, even when you are trying your best and working hard to do the right things, that something unexpected happens that knocks the wind out of your sails. Oh, it is because we live in a broken and fallen and sinful world, and we are all going to face adversity and challenges.

Today's word is a quote from Lisa Lieberman-Wang that says, "When life puts you in a tough situation, don't say, 'Why Me?', say 'Try Me!'"

Nothing about this world exempts any of us from experiencing pain and suffering. NOTHING. JESUS told us that in this world we will have tribulations, we will have hard and difficult times. We can wonder why it happened or we can put our heads down and keep moving toward the goal, the calling that GOD has given us. We can faithfully finish the race.

Times of trouble and trying will come. It is okay to get mad and angry and sad. Then, focus on GOD, take the next step and keep moving.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

You are worth it!

We played a youth football game last night that didn't go the way we would have liked. While we lost, the boys played about as hard and about as determined as I have ever seen them play. However, the final score indicated that they hadn't done enough. Now, there were some other happenings that contributed but, we will stick to the narrative.

It is tough to take when you do all you can and realize that it may not be enough. Not because of effort. Not because of determination. Not because of not giving it your all. You do all you can and you still come up short. It is a tough pill to swallow.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 3:5, NIV, which reads, "Not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from GOD."

In life there will be times when we do all we can and it just won't be enough. However, if we have done our best, we are still winners. When it comes to salvation, though, there is never anything that we can do ourselves that makes us good enough. The only thing that makes us good enough for Heaven is accepting JESUS as our SAVIOR.

LORD JESUS, thank You for making a way for me. In ALL my incompetence, You still find me worth it.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Use your head

So, we have a couple of great kids, the best kids in the world! They are kind and honest and loyal and loving (sometimes) and generous and just great kids. However, they aren't always that into school work and learning. As a matter of fact, they will tell you that they have learned all they need to learn, in third and fourth grade, respectively.

I try to remind them and encourage them that I learn something new every day. Sometimes, it may some little something, and some days it may be something pretty big to be learning. GOD has given us brains and we should use them to their fullest capacities for His honor and glory and in order to do His good and perfect will.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:16, NIV, which reads, "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver."

Gold and silver are nice to have: you can buy things with them; they can give you a certain amount of comfort. But, they are easily lost, and the little joy that they bring us are temporary. But, having the ability to comprehend and learn is something that not everyone has, and certainly not everyone uses. When you learn something, that is a deposit into a reserve that no one can ever take.

And, when we use our brains, our intellect to learn more about JESUS, we truly do acquire knowledge like nothing else. So, use that space between your ears that GOD has given you. 

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Sing Praise

Last night, after rehearsal, our music leader told us the story of how when he rides his bike, which he does often, he has a worship song playlist just for bike riding that he listens to. He went on to say that even if he is not in the best of moods, listening to music that is praising GOD eventually lifts his spirit. And, when he completes his bike ride, he is in a much better mood.

I love to sing. I have mentioned before that I am not a great singer but I will, and do, sing almost constantly. There is nothing that moves my soul quite like music. The old saying is that "music soothes the savage beast". The truth is, though, that music soothes us all, especially when it is the right type of music.

Today's word is Psalm 9:2, NKJV, which reads, "I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."

What or Whom do you rejoice in? The old song reminds us that the "Only real peace that I have, dear LORD, is in You..." We can rejoice in what GOD has done for us, in what He has given us, in what He has prepared for us!" There is so much to rejoice in GOD about. If I were to sit down and start writing out all the blessings He has bestowed upon me, I would be writing from now until He calls me home. Rejoice!

And, sing! Sing praise to the One that has been, is, and will be. Sing praise to the One that did, does, and will do. Sing praise to the One that has provided everything and continues to meet our needs each and every day! You may just find that your song of praise will lift your spirits, and maybe those around you.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Learn Something

I love to learn. As I get older, the learning doesn't come as easy or as quickly but I still love to learn. I am a firm believer in trying to learn something everyday. Learning new things keep us young and interested and involved and focused. Even when I was in school, learning was not the problem - retaining it was, but, learning was fun.

Some folks don't seem to like learning. Everyone has probably heard his/her child say that they couldn't learn or that they didn't want to learn it or that they had learned enough. We have experienced times when our children absolutely refused to learn. When these times arise, it is frustrating and tiring. Unfortunately it seems that you can't make people learn.

Today's word is a quote from Zig Ziglar that reminds of the importance of our attitude towards learning. Mr. Ziglar said, "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

When people are unwilling to try to learn there is absolutely nothing you can do. It it was possible to sleep on the math book and absorb its contents, people would do it. But, you can't force the information into someone's mind who refuses to accept it. The same holds true about the truth of salvation through our SAVIOR JESUS.

On the other hand, if someone is determined to learn something, there is nothing that can stop them from doing what is necessary to learn it. Like so many other things in life, learning is all about attitude - if you don't want it, you won't get it, and if you do want it, no one can stop it. Go out today and learn something.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 13, 2021


I love to sing. I am not saying that others like hearing me sing; I am just saying that I LOVE to sing. I have been singing my whole life. My family was a singing family, not officially or professionally, but, folks around my house were always singing. Music and singing have been a part of my life from my earliest remembrances.

There is just something about singing, about music, that moves me. How about you? I can hear a song and it reminds me of where I have been or where I am or where I am headed. I can hear a song and it jogs a memory of someone I love. Usually, if you hear me singing, I am happy. It is hard to sing if you are not happy. I am sure people do it all the time, but, for me, if I am singing, I am usually happy.

Today's word is James 5:13, NLT, which reads, "Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises."

We have discussed before that we will all suffer hardships. We live in a broken, fallen, desperate, spiritually-desolate world. Sin came into the world in the garden of Eden and it is still alive and well today. When the hardships come, we pray to the One that can sustain us and see us through.

We also have a lot of happiness come our way. Spending time with my family makes me happier than I could ever express in words. When we are happy, we should sing GOD's praises. My family hears me sing A LOT. Fortunately, they are nice enough to not complain. Why? Because, they know that if I am singing, I am happy. And, if you are happy, sing!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Friday, September 10, 2021

GOD'S Strength

Well, it has been a week or so since my last post. It has been really busy, and I have been really tired. I call it life. Sometimes, we have seasons that are really busy and that really wear us out, and all we can do is trust GOD and keep moving forward. If we will do that, He will give us the strength to make it through each day.

I would venture to say that we have all had those days, weeks, months that have really taken a toll on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It seems that we can't block all the fiery darts that are coming our way. It is in those moments that we remember that LORD is our strength and our shield. 

Today's word is Psalm 28:7, NKJV, which reads, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped."

We will all experience times that will test our mettle and that require more strength than we have. It is in those times that we realize that it isn't our strength that will see us through; it is GOD'S strength that will sustain us and preserve us. It is in our lowest moments that we realize just how much we need GOD, and just how much He loves us and strengthens us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

He Loves Us

The older I get, the more I wonder how my parents put up with me. I was not the best of children. I probably wasn't the worst either, but, I certainly was not the best. I had my moments that I am sure that had my parents not loved me, they would have beaten me to within an inch of my life. However, they never did.

I can say the same for GOD. I am sure there are times that He would like to really get a hold of me and correct me, times that I needed that. There have probably been times when He probably wanted to take me out of this world because I was certainly messing things up, yet He didn't.  Why?

Today's word is Lamentations 3:22, NIV, which reads, "Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail."

We are not consumed because of our sin or disobedience because GOD loves us. Just as our parents didn't take us out because they love us. Just as we love our children and show them mercy and compassion because we love them. Only more. GOD'S love for us is deeper and more pure and perfect. He LOVES US!

And, His love for us, His mercy for us, His compassion for us NEVER fails. He always loves us even on our worst day. Now, that is something to consider. We will all mess it up from time to time but we can be assured that GOD still loves us, and He wants us to come to Him with our burdens and problems. When we do that, we will find our Heavenly Father wrapping His arms around us and loving us.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Life is filled with uncertainty, and the last year and a half has brought even more. We don't have to look too far back to realize how quickly and uncertainly life can move and change. I don't know how much longer the pandemic and the concerns that have come from it will continue. I do know that there is still a lot of uncertainty concerning it.

As I mentioned a while back, I had a bad fall and had to have some repairs to my legs. Now, I have my surgically repaired knee giving me some trouble. I don't think for a moment that the surgery went awry or that something went wrong. I may have tweaked it and caused what is going on. It has left me a little uncertain about my knee though.

Of course, there are countless uncertainties when it comes to providing for and taking care of your family. The economy can change quickly and without notice. Things can be going seemingly well and then, it is not. Even when things are going pretty well, there are the uncertainties of college and vehicles and so many more things.

Our health is another that we try to take care of, that we try to ensure that we are trying to remove all uncertainties. But, we are in the midst of a lasting and unrelenting pandemic. While I look reasonably healthy, and while I believe I am, all I can do is keep trying to take care of myself and to do what I can.

In these times of uncertainty, my mind goes to how good GOD is, and how He has NEVER failed me, He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. I find great comfort in the fact that He is for me and He is working all things for my good. Today's word is Psalm 29:11, NKJV, which reads, "The LORD will give strength to His people; the LORD will bless His people with peace." GOD strengthens us and gives us peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 30, 2021

You are gifted

There is something for everyone to do in GOD'S family. I know that there are many, probably most, folks that have way more talent and ability than I will ever have. Yet, there is still something that GOD has given me to do. And, I need to do it.

GOD has equipped each of His children with gifts that, when used together with everyone else's, will bring glory to Him and others to salvation. I may be just the little toe, or the least member in the body but, with the giftedness that GOD has given, I, and you, are important to GOD'S plan.

Today's word is Romans 12:4, NLT, which reads, "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function."

There are people that have more giftedness than me but GOD has still equipped me with certain gifts that they may not have. And, when I use the giftedness He has given me for Him, He will multiply and combine my limited giftedness with His unlimited resources, and the results are amazing!

You have been given some special giftedness from GOD, and you need to use it for Him. You may wonder what it is, but it is there. Read, study, take a spiritual gifts inventory, find out what GOD has gifted us to do. Then, do it. 

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Just Show Up

So, the other night, we had called off football practice because it had rained a fair amount during the day and we try to let parents know as early as possible if practice is a go or not. Then, our head coach went by the field and decided that it wasn't too wet or messy to practice and called and asked me what I thought about sending out another message that we were going to practice. I told him that we needed the practice and if he wanted to practice, we should practice, which we did.

When the kids got there, the most of them were just going through the motions. They were doing what was asked, they were completing the drills, doing their assignments, but there wasn't a lot of enthusiasm about any of it. I understood. Just a couple of hours ago, their parents had gotten a message that there would be no practice, which is rare during a football season, then, they had to show up anyway.

At the end of practice, when we huddle up and break down our day and pray, I told these young men that it was apparent that they didn't really want to be there, and it was obvious that they were just going through the motions. And, then I told them that that was alright. I, then, thanked them for showing up. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is simply to show up, and they did that.

We will all experience times when GOD is moving us toward something, leading us to something, asking us to do something that we absolutely don't want to do. I have had moments in my life when folks just showed up. I don't remember what they did or what they said but, at that moment, when I needed it most, they showed up! So, today's word is a quote by Mother Teresa that says, "Just show up, and things will happen."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 23, 2021

Man, this world needs a lot of things. The pandemic is still raging, with the delta variant making even more people sick. There are breakthrough cases, cases of vaccinated individuals contracting the disease. And, while symptoms may be milder for vaccinated people, they become carriers and transmitters of the disease. 

There is unrest in Afghanistan. Regardless of your political leaning, we can all agree that the Taliban uprising and resurgence in Afghanistan is very troubling. All the efforts, all the sacrifice made by so many seems to have been for naught. 

We have huge storms during this time of year. There have been torrential rains, leading to massive flooding in several areas. People have lost everything they had, everything they had worked lifetimes to accumulate. More than things, though, people have lost lives because of the extensive floods.

Of course, how can we forget about the massive fires that have raged? It seems that there isn't a day that goes by that the fires aren't larger and that there aren't more of them. The fires remind us of how quickly everything we have, everything we know, everything we hold dear can be taken away. 

These and many other things can cause us to wonder what is going on. Is GOD still listening? Is He still working things for my good? We can know GOD is with us. We can know He is working all things out. We can know that He is in control. Today's Word, Psalm 125:2, NIV, reads, "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people both now and forevermore."

Even in the midst of all the turmoil, strife, and sadness, we know that GOD is still with us, surrounding us with His strength.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 16, 2021

Never Alone

It often feels as if we are all alone in this world. There are times when things are going all whacky and nothing we do, nothing we say, nothing we pray seems to make it any better. We seem to be on a spiraling roller coaster with absolutely no end in sight. 

I don't know about you, but, I have had times when it seemed that I was all alone, with no one to help or with no one that even cared. I seemed to truly be going it alone. It didn't seem to be anything I could do, and talking about it to anyone didn't seem to change the circumstances either. What I have learned, though, and what I must remember to hold on to is that I am never alone.

Today's word is just a short sentence from 2 Timothy 4:17a, to remind us that we are never alone: "But the LORD stood with me and strengthened me..."

We are never alone, for GOD is always with us. I like the way that the scripture reminds us that the LORD isn't just sitting idly by, watching what is happening. It reads, "But the LORD stood with me..." The LORD is standing by our side, going through it with us.

The scripture also tells us that the LORD "...strengthened me..." He isn't just standing there; He is standing there giving us what we need to make it through what we are facing. The next time you find yourself like me, thinking you are all alone, remember today's reminder: "The LORD stood with me and strengthened me."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 12, 2021

There are so many things that are out of our control. Now, we like to think that we control everything but we all know that that is not the case. So many things influence everything around us and everything we do: the weather, the economy, others, etc.

There are a couple of things that we completely control, though, and I want to work as hard as I can to ensure that I control mine well. The first thing we control is our attitude. I hear so many people say, "Oh, he makes me so angry." When the fact is, that we choose to be angry. No one can make us angry or upset or anything else unless we allow them to. Yes, there are circumstances, but, we still get to choose our attitude. 

Another is our effort. We can choose to put forth our best effort and strive for whatever we are trying to achieve. However, I cannot do it for you, and vice versa. We all control our own efforts. If we are willing to put forth some effort, we usually can accomplish what we are trying to do. But, again, our effort is something that we control.

And, finally, we have complete control over what we choose to do with JESUS. So many people refuse to listen to GOD and to accept the absolutely undeserved gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST. I can't choose it for you, and vice versa. But, we each have complete control of our eternity - the choice is ours.

Today's word is Romans 6:23, NKJV, which reads, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life in CHRIST JESUS our LORD."

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Happy Birthday Babe

So, yesterday was a very special day. It was my wife's birthday, which is a special day because she is so special to me. Unfortunately, however, we didn't really get to celebrate Trish yesterday because we are in the midst of football season and school starting back and so much more. I wanted to take the time, though, to tell her, "Happy Birthday".

I always tell people that the best advice I can give about birthdays is to keep having them. Life truly is short, and the more years I live the shorter it seems to be. So, what are you doing with your life? What are you hoping to accomplish. I know that some days it is as simple as making it through the day, and that is all we can do. But, what are your dreams and plans and hopes and desires?

Without having something to propel us forward, we will find ourselves floundering and accomplishing little. It is important to me to wake each day with a plan. Not necessarily a plan for every second of every day, but a plan for what I want to get done. Now, I SELDOM ever accomplish the majority of what is on the list but I have something to go on, something to strive for. But, we must remember WHO directs us...

Today's word is Proverbs 16:9, NKJV, which reads, "A man's heart plans his ways, But the LORD directs his steps."

It is good to make plans; it is good to set goals. But, all of our plans and goals should begin by seeking what GOD would have us to do. We should strive to glorify and honor GOD in everything that we do, just as my wonderful wife does. Happy Birthday Babe!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Encourage Someone

 I've been gone to a conference all week, which has had its challenges but it, also, had its blessings. We are definitely in a season of concern with the pandemic raging on and seemingly getting worse each day. So, there were the concerns that go along with that, and rightfully so. But, it was so nice to see people and to interact with people and to feel "normal" for just a few days.

I have shared with others that for me, a social person that needs interaction, the pandemic has been hard for me. I LOVE my wife and family. There are no others in this world that I would rather be with than them. But, I love seeing people and communicating and fellowshipping with others, too. 

Our word for today is 1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV, which reads, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

It is nice to get with others and feel the encouragement and edification that you can give one another. It is great to get with others and get lifted up just by being together. The old saying that has proven itself true time and again is, "There is strength in numbers," which is true if you are trying to accomplish something, but, it is equally true in encouraging one another.

I don't know where we are headed, pandemic-wise in the days and weeks to come; I am not sure that anyone is. What I do know is that I need a little encouraging from time to time, and I bet others do, too. So, when you get the chance, take the opportunity to encourage someone. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Friday, July 30, 2021

Look to Him

As we continue through the pandemic, I am often reminded of the struggles and loses so many have suffered. It has been unprecedented and unnerving. It has been so challenging financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually. And, it seems to rage on and on.

We have been so blessed through it all. We have continued to work and remain healthy. We have been able to worship with our church family and fellowship with others. We have been blessed with support and encouragement and have felt the outpouring of love from our friends and families. I know that may not be the case with all, and we pray for them daily. 

In the midst of this seemingly unrelenting, never ending pandemic, it is easy to become concerned with all that is going on in this world. It is easy to become overwhelmed with all that we see and hear and think. As Christians, we know that GOD has it all under control and He is working things out for us. But, it is still worrisome and greatly concerning. 

It is when things are chaotic and confusing that we must focus on what really matters. We must concentrate on taking care of our families and ourselves. We must focus on the important things and let those less important things be less important. We must focus on the fact that GOD is on our side and that He will see us through. It may be dark at the present moment but He will see us through. 

Today's word is Colossians 3:2, NKJV, which reads, "Set your minds on things above, not on things on the earth." We must look to JESUS and remember that this world isn't all there is. We have a SAVIOR and an ADVOCATE in Heaven, look to Him.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Bear One Another's Burdens

Yesterday afternoon, we had a deluge. If you had heard the word but had no idea what it really meant, yesterday would have given you the visual to verify what a deluge was. It rained so hard and fell so fast that there were inches of standing water on most roadways. Creeks were quickly overwhelmed and flowed out of their banks. Basements were flooded.

One of the flooded basements belonged to one (1) of my nieces. Their house sits near a little creek that usually conveys water away from their house but, yesterday, it couldn't keep up and water entered the basement. It was probably a good inch and a half or better throughout the bottom floor. It was a mess.

She had called to ask if I had a shop vac to help them in the clean up effort. When we finally arrived, her sister, another niece, was there helping. The other niece's boyfriend was there helping. It was pretty humbling, encouraging, and impressive to see the others come to help someone else. We need more of that in this world.

Today's word is a reminder that we are here to help one another: Galatians 6:2, NKJV, reads, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of CHRIST."

JESUS tells us to love GOD with all we have, and to love our neighbor as ourself. Showing up and bearing a burden for someone is certainly a tangible way to do exactly that. Hopefully, the example set yesterday will be a reminder to us all that we are here to bear one another's burdens.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Be Glad

If you have ever asked me, "How are you doing," you have probably heard me reply, "Blessed and Highly Favored." I know how blessed I am and how much undeserved favor the LORD gives me each and every day. I know that everyone else experiences His blessings and favor, too, but, they don't also acknowledge it.

I know this world can beat us down and wear away at our joy and excitement. But, the truth is, I was able to get up this morning and type out this blog. I was able to fix my own coffee, give myself a shower, dress myself, walk to the vehicle. On top of that, I have my wonderful wife and kids, a place to go to work, and I will return this evening, Good LORD willing, to our home. Lots of blessings, and I am just skimming the surface.

Today's word is Psalm 126:3, NKJV, which reads, "The LORD has done great things for us, And we are glad."

If you are wondering what GOD has done for you, just look around. If you are living in a free country; if you are walking and talking and seeing and hearing; if you are able to feed yourself and have something to eat, you have more than many folks in this world. But, it is even more than that..

If you have accepted CHRIST as your SAVIOR, you have so much to be thankful for. One (1) day, you will spend eternity in Heaven with JESUS, which is a blessing that I cannot put into words. So, as you go throughout your day today, look around and see the great things that GOD has done for you, and be glad.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Love them anyway

Years ago, I knew someone that just loved to hate. We were having a discussion about this one afternoon and I mentioned that the Bible tells us that if we say we hate someone that is like murdering them in GOD'S eye. And, how can we say we love GOD but hate our brother? To this, he replied, "Well, there are some people that I just hate, and GOD will just have to understand that."

There are people that think it is okay to hate. I can honestly say that I don't know of anyone that I hate. Do I dislike some of the things that certain people do? Yes. Do I dislike some of the ways people act? Yes. Do I know people that it is best that I am not around because, we just don't see eye to eye and we don't gee and haw? Yes. But, there is not a soul that I hate.

Today's word is 1 John 4:8, NKJV, which reads, "He who does not love does not know GOD, for GOD is love."

This scripture tells us that if we hate someone, then, we don't really know GOD. I wonder how I can not love someone, especially given the fact that GOD loves me. I don't deserve His love. I don't merit His kindness and goodness. Yet, He gives it to me because He loves me. And, if He can love me, with all my faults and failures, why can I not love everyone else?

Look there will always be those that are not good matches for us. There will be those that just get on our last nerve and it is best that we are not together. There will always be those who do things that we do not like. But, GOD loves us, so, love them anyway.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 19, 2021

Do not Give Up

Obviously, it has been a while since the last post. It has to do with VBS and being tired and a thousand different things going on. While I say tired, anyone that has ever played a part in VBS knows that there is no tired live VBS tired. However, there is also nothing more exhilarating than watching kids at VBS. Nothing.

And, during our week of VBS, we had 7 make decisions to follow CHRIST, which is what VBS is all about. And, when GOD shows up and shows out like that, no matter how tired you are, you realize that it is worth every second of it. We are called to share the Gospel and to tell others about JESUS, then, we let GOD do the rest.

Today's word is a simple one that we have used before but it is fitting for what we have seen GOD do. Galatians 6:9, NIV, reads, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Sometimes, it may seem as if our efforts are futile and that we aren't doing any good. However, we are called to sow the seeds, then, let GOD do His work. Don't quit going and sowing. Don't quit telling others about the saving power that is only by Grace through Faith in JESUS CHRIST. Do not give up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 12, 2021


We are having VBS this week, which is always a special week. There is nothing like having the humbling opportunity to share JESUS with anyone, especially children. Yes, it will be a very tiring and trying week, but, it will also be filled with joy and laughter and seed planting.

As you probably know, there is nothing like having children. Yes, they can be challenging, and ours have certainly had their days. But, to see life through the lives our your children is a blessing and privilege that cannot be overstated. Seeing my children happy and having fun and interacting with others is a joy that I cannot explain.

Today's word is Psalm 127:3, NLT, which reads, "Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."

The birth of a child is a miracle that GOD allows us to be a part of. Some never get the opportunity to experience the miracle of childbirth, which emphasizes even more what a miracle it is. And, when GOD allows us the blessing of trying to raise children, we further know what a blessing it is. 

Pray for Trish and me that we are the blessing to our children that they are to us. Pray that children all over the world will know the love of family and, more especially, the love of GOD. And, pray for us this week during VBS that we will share the love of GOD and the Gospel of CHRIST with these children. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

True Freedom

We just celebrated Independence Day. Over 245 years ago, the Second Continental Congress adopted The Declaration of Independence, the document declaring that we, the United States of America, would no longer be under England's rule. 

The Declaration of Independence granted some inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People think that it grants happiness; it grants the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is something that you have to find for yourself but you can't infringe on others' rights to fulfill your happiness. In short, the Declaration of Independence granted some freedoms.

So, what is "freedom"? For some, it may mean being free to do as you want to when you want to. However, we are still, thankfully, governed by laws. And, we should be glad that we have laws, for in this world, you cannot have true freedom without laws. There are too many evil and deceitful and thoughtless people in this world that, without laws, they would destroy all the good in this world. 

We also can't be completely free because of the other laws we have. The law of nature, if you want to call it that, dictates that we are only going to live so long and we are going to lose things as we age. Trust me, we do. The law of gravity keeps me from flying, which I think would be really cool. We will never be truly free in this world. But...

Today's word is John 8:36, NKJV, which reads, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

We know true freedom through salvation in JESUS CHRIST. One day, we will be free from pain, sorrow, worries, aches, evil, sin - we will be free. If you don't know Him, you will NEVER be truly free. True freedom only comes through JESUS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Kind Words

So, I am a fairly realistic person. Some would say that I am an optimist because, I always see things as figureoutable. I don't know that that makes me an optimist though. I am a realist that things are what they are. We are going to have the days when things don't go our way - A LOT of them. But, if we really try, we can find something good even on those days.

The other part of being a realist is that I try to remind myself to be nicer to people than you have to be because you never know what they may be going through. I know that I can put on a happy face and have a stiff upper lip, and hide behind the mask of everything is okay, even when everything is not okay. I also know that others do. So, be nice.

Today's word is just a simple thought: "One kind word can change someone's entire day."

We don't know what someone is going through, and we may have the one (1) word that changes his/her outlook for the entire day. And, we know that our words are powerful and effective. Why not choose kind ones? Why not use our words to say nice things and to build people up? Why not use our words to let others know that things are figureoutable?

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Sing It Joyfully

 So, I sing - A LOT. And, no, I am not a good singer. There are some who say they like to hear me sing, there are others that tolerate my singing, and, then, there are others that will tell you that it isn't worth listening to. But, there is ONE Who loves to hear me sing.

Singing, more than anything else, is a matter of the heart. Yeah, it is definitely better if you can carry a tune and have a nice voice. But, when we sing praise to GOD, truly singing His praise from our heart, He loves it. 

Today's word is Psalm 100:1, KJV, which reads, "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands."

GOD doesn't ask us all to sing like the angelic choir. He has gifted us all differently. I know some folks that can absolutely make a set of drums sound out of this world. I know some folks that can make a guitar do things that I can only dream about. I know some folks that, when they sing, it truly sounds like the heavens have opened up and angels are singing. Then, there are those like me that just love to sing. And, GOD loves it when I do.

We all have a song in our hearts, a song that GOD has placed there. And, when we sing our song to the One that has put the song in our heart, there is no sweeter sound under Heaven. You don't have to sing it perfectly. You just have to sing it joyfully.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, June 24, 2021

My Good Thang

I have mentioned before that I call Trish, "My Thang", which some people would find offensive but it is in no way derogatory. I call her that because she is mine, and she is everything that I desire, want, crave, etc. She is my thang. But, it is far deeper and more meaningful than mere physical or emotional attachment. I call her that because it is spiritual. 

Today's word is Proverbs 18:22, NKJV, which reads, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD."

So, as you can see, Trish isn't just "My Thang", she is "My Good Thang". She is the helpmate that GOD meant for me, and I have certainly obtained favor from him through her. She is my biggest supporter and fiercest defender, even when I don't deserve either. She is my biggest encourager and everything I ever imagined a wife would be, and more. 

Tomorrow, I will celebrate the day that I married the greatest wife any man could ever want. I don't take that lightly and I don't take it for granted. I know how truly blessed I am and what a blessing it is to spend my life with her. Happy Anniversary Babe! You are My Good Thang!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Bringing Peace

We had some storms pass through our area last night. I expected to hear our children get up and run into our room but they never did; they were sleeping pretty soundly, even if I wasn't. The storms were pretty loud, lots of rain, and some thunder, which can get and keep your attention.

We have storms in our lives, the weather events and the life events. There is little we can do to prevent either, they just happen. The storms that come weather wise, we watch forecasts and try to prepare but there is nothing we can do to stop them. Same with the storms of life, we try to prepare for anything that may happen but, there is little we can do to stop or prevent the storms of life. However, JESUS has control of it all...

Today's word is Mark 4:39, NKJV, which reads, "Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace be still!' And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."

The disciples were in the middle of a storm. There was thunder and lightning and lots of wind. They were on a boat being tossed back and forth. Things had become more than a little uncomfortable and concerning. They looked out and JESUS was walking towards them on the stormy sea. He, eventually, calmed the storm by simply saying, "Peace be still!" And, the storm obeyed.

We are going to have storms in our lives, literal and emotional. There seems to be very little we can do to stop them. What we can do, though, is know that JESUS calms the storms, and He is in the storm with us. He is holding us through the tumult and He will calm us during the storm and He will calm the storm. The next time you find yourself in a storm, look up, JESUS is coming, and He is bringing peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Fighting amongst ourselves

If you haven't noticed, we are in a battle. If you watch the media and the things going on around us, it would appear that we are in a battle against each other, which is unfortunate and the wrong fight. We, Christians, are in a battle against a common enemy - satan.

Christians seem to fight each other over everything. I have seen churches have major rifts and eventual splits over things such as carpet color. It ought not to be. We all know that satan seeks to destroy and devour and we are seemingly giving in to his schemes each and every day in each and every way. We have got to notice that he is trying to destroy, deter, and defeat GOD'S people from doing His work.

Today's word is Romans 12:18, NKJV, which reads, "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."

Now, we are not talking about compromise and accepting sin. No, we are to tell others what the Bible says about sin and the fact that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, and that sin separates us from GOD. So, no, we aren't compromising. BUT, we are talking about agreeing on the core issues and stop fighting over all the things that seem to be common sense and common courtesy and decency.

Let us all come together and do the work that GOD has called us to do. And, that is not to promote ourselves or our cause or our mission. We are called to work together to spread and share the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST to the world. And, we can't do that if we are fighting amongst ourselves.  

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, June 14, 2021

Unexplainable Peace

Have you ever felt that you were being called to do something but you don't know what? I have had this feeling for a while that I am supposed to be doing something but I haven't had a peace about what it is. Of course, I have been praying about it and seeking GOD'S will, but, again, there hasn't been a peace about anything yet.

I think we all have those moments when we feel as if GOD is telling us to move but we can't figure out what or where it is He is trying to move us to. All we can do is seek His will. And, for me, I need a sign, something that assures me that I have heard correctly and understand completely. 

Today's word is Philippians 4:7, NKJV, which reads, "and the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS."

The peace of GOD is what we are really seeking, right? We want to know that we are doing what GOD wants us to do and that we are responding in the way(s) He wants us to respond, and the way we know that we are there is to completely be at peace; that is what we seek when we are faced with decisions.

We will all have moments and periods in our lives when it truly feels as though we are being moved and we aren't sure where or why. What we can know, though, is, if GOD is leading us to something new, He has already prepared the way and will continue to be with us throughout the journey. And, when we are doing GOD'S will, we will find a peace that is unexplainable. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Where are you rooted?

Well, it has been another lapse in posting. We have been really busy with some things around our house, on top of finishing the school year, working, etc. One of the things we have been working on is trying to grow some grass in our front yard. We had a project done late last summer, which included moving some dirt around, and we have been trying to get grass established in those areas ever since.

Apparently, getting grass established is a little more difficult than I ever expected it to be. While it may not have been the best dirt that was moved, I have seen grass grow in the cracks of the driveway, in between the steps leading up to the porch, just about anywhere and everywhere that you wouldn't want it but getting it to grow in the yard has proven a little more difficult.

Today's word is Colossians 2:7a, NLT, which reads, "Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong..."

The main part of growing anything is establishing where the roots grow. If there is good soil, and the right balance of nutrients, and the proper amount of water, things will grow. The roots provide the things necessary for growth and life to the plant. Whatever the root is growing in, whatever source of nutrients and water it is growing in will determine the health of the plant.

The same holds true in our Christian life. Whatever we are growing our roots in, whatever we are allowing to be taken into our minds and our hearts and our eyes and our ears will determine what kind of growth we have. We have to let our roots grow down into GOD, Who will provide what we need for proper and good growth. Where are you rooted?

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Get Some Rest

I have missed a couple of days because I have slept until the alarm sounded, which doesn't leave me enough time in the morning to get a post completed. Normally, I awake and arise way before the alarm sounds, but, sometimes, I am tired and what my body apparently needs is the few extra minutes of sleep.

I think we all probably push ourselves way too hard and are way busier than we truly need to be. I can only speak for myself but there is always something going on, something to do, something to get done, somewhere to go, etc. And, if we allow it, it can overtake us and overwhelm us. Sometimes, we have to stop.

Today's word is John 11:12, NKJV, which reads, "Then His disciples said, 'LORD, if he sleeps he will get well."

In the passage today, Lazarus dies, and JESUS tells His disciples that "Our friend, Lazarus, sleeps but I am going there to awake him" (my paraphrase). To which the disciples replied what is said in our word for the day. Of course, JESUS was telling His disciples that Lazarus was dead and He was going to raise him from the dead, but, we also know that when we sleep in the LORD, we are more alive than ever.

However, while the disciples thought that Lazarus was truly just asleep, their statement is absolutely true. We need rest and relaxation in order for our bodies to restore and get well. It is absolutely a sin to be a sluggard and slothful. It is also bad to not stop every now and again and get some rest.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Be determined to learn

I have a theory that between the ages of 14 and 25 you know everything. We have all seen it in our kids or other kids; we have all been there when we were that age. Now, it is quite possible that it will happen earlier, as I am seeing in our two (2), but, for the most part, somewhere during this time in everyone's life, we sense that we know everything.

During this all knowing stretch in our lives, we feel as though our parents are extremely challenged and we wonder how they make it through life with as little knowledge as they have. But, somewhere along the way, sometime around the age of 25, we begin to realize that they are pretty wise and it is we that are lacking knowledge and wisdom.

Today's word is a quote from Zig Ziglar that says, "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

We do experience this time of all-knowing in our lives but most of us grow through it and come out on the other side wiser and smarter. If we approach things in life as opportunities to learn and grow and develop, we might be surprised at how much we learn and grow and develop. I try to remind folks all the time that I don't know much but I am trying to learn every day. 

Be willing to listen and learn. Be determined to gather all you can from anyone you can. If we aren't willing to learn, if we aren't willing to listen, we are destined to stop growing and to stay where we are. If on the other hand, though, we are determined to learn everything we can, especially from those that love us and want the best for us, we will grow and become wise enough to pass it along. Be determined to learn.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The prize is within reach

The school where Trish works won the state baseball championship for their classification last night. Congratulations Warriors! It is a HUGE accomplishment to win any kind of championship. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance and determination and some luck. Now they have a state championship for all their efforts.

I also have a couple of friends who have daughters that are competing over the next couple of days for state championships in their respective classifications for softball. They will face adversity. They will have struggles and challenges. They will have to overcome some difficulty and doubt. But, I know that they can. Good luck Lions and Blue Devils!

Today's word is Joel 2:7, NIV, which reads, "They charge like warriors, they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course."

I think this verse sums up the focus and determination it takes to win a championship. In order to accomplish a feat of that magnitude, everyone on the team has to continue pushing forward, especially when thing are hard, in order to reach the goal. We must walk our Christian walk and live our Christian faith with the same fortitude.

In life, there will be challenges and chaos, there will be difficulty and doubt, there will be trials and troubles, but, we must keep pushing forward to the prize. We have to keep scaling the walls, never deviating from the course that GOD has for us. Keep pushing forward! The prize is within reach!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, May 17, 2021

I Glorify Him

There has been a lot of struggle bus riding this week. It has been one (1) thing after another, after another, after another. I have seemingly only gotten up just to be knocked back down, and even then, it felt as if I was troubling those knocking me down. It has been one (1) of those weeks.

But, guess what, GOD's grace was sufficient, and He saw us through. I am absolutely amazed that He loves me enough and cares enough to give me the strength to take one (1) day at a time and to push through each as they come. When it seems that I am at my lowest, He comes to me to lift me up and to carry me on.

Today's word is Psalm 50:15. NKJV, which reads, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

So, when I am having one (1) of those days, weeks, months, and it seems as if I am on the bottom, and it seems there is nothing I can do, all I have to do is call on the LORD (and, I should do that way before I do most times). He tells us that if we will just humble ourselves and call upon Him, He will deliver us. He has NEVER failed to show up and to show out and to deliver me completely and entirely.

Next time you find yourself making laps around Trouble City on the struggle bus, and you will, because, we all do, call on the LORD. When we humbly call on our LORD, He comes. And, not just comes; He comes to deliver us. I glorify Him.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Receive Relief

I battled a migraine this past weekend - all weekend. It started Friday evening, intensified all day Saturday, and by Saturday afternoon was full blown. For those of you who experience migraines (I am sorry), you know how debilitating one (1) can be. For those of you who are blessed enough to have never experienced a migraine, I can never describe it.

Anyway, there is few things more frustrating than hurting and being unable to stop the pain. I tried most things: OTC pain relievers, dark room, cool rag on forehead, etc. Eventually, though, all I could do was give in and go to bed in a dark, quiet room, and hope I could get some rest and relief. 

Today's word is Psalm 30:2, NKJV, which reads, "O LORD my GOD, I cried out to You, And You healed me."

During the migraine fight, as I laid there with seemingly no relief, I prayed. I prayed that GOD would, of course, relieve the pain so that I could presume my husbandly and fatherly roles, but, also, because pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. I wanted relief so that I could focus on the important things, and, because, pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. And, GOD heard my prayer!

We will all face pain in our lives. Sometimes, the pain is just because we live in a broken and fallen world and we will all suffer pain from time to time. But, how do we know relief, if we never experience pain? Yes, pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. However, GOD is listening. Call out to Him, and receive relief.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My thoughts and my words

I don't know about you but my mind is a powerful thing. I have had two (2) nights in a row when my mind would not shut down. I have tossed and turned and thought of every situation and solved every problem. Unfortunately, I eventually go to sleep and forget all the solutions. But, I have to be really careful to guard my thoughts.

I have also had moments when I allowed my mouth, my words, to be way more powerful than they should ever be. I have allowed myself to say things in the wrong setting or to the wrong people more times than I care to admit. Words are incredibly powerful; they can either build people up or tear people down.

Today's word is a saying that I came across that I try to remember about my thoughts and my words. It simply says, "Take care of your thoughts when you're alone, and take care of your words when you're with others."

Our thoughts can be very positive, which is a good thing. However, I only speak for myself, I have also had many thoughts that are not so positive. We have to be diligent to guard our minds, our thoughts. We have to be intentional about what we think.

We, too, must be intentional with our words. Not only can our words build and tear down, we never know how someone else may receive and repeat our words. We have to be sure that what we say is something that we wouldn't mind repeated, because, it probably will be. I want to be more mindful of my thoughts and my words.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T  

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom

It is my Mom's birthday! I am grateful for my Mom. She has had her hands full with seven (7) kids, one (1) of which is me. Like most mothers, she has had to sacrifice a lot and live without a lot to ensure that her children had things and could do things. She is a wonderful mom.

Moms are special in so many ways. Unfortunately, there are so many children that don't have a good motherly example in their life, which is vitally important. I know that through the example my Mom has shown, especially through her determination and drive, I have learned a lot of perseverance and making it one (1) more step.

Our Word for today is 1 Peter 3:4, NLT, which reads, "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to GOD." 

Mothers have an inner beauty that is hard to describe but that we have all seen and know. Godly mothers are full of love for their children and family and will do what they must, sacrificing what they have to, to see that their family is cared for and that their needs are met. If you have a godly mother, thank her. If you are a godly mother, thank you.

Today is my Mom's birthday, and I just wanted to take a moment and recognize her for all that she does and for being such a great mom! Happy Birthday Mom! I love you.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

And be thankful

There has been a lot of turmoil and unrest in our world lately. I am sure there have been multiple times throughout history that this has been the case. There seems to always be unrest and strife, and no one trying to pull things together. And, look, I understand, the reason for strife and unrest and turmoil is a difference of opinion, which some of us will go to extremes for ours.

I do often wonder, though, how things would look, how things would work, how things might work out if we all tried to see things the way JESUS wants us to see them. You know what I mean? If we ever try to look at things through the eyes of JESUS, would we fight so vehemently for some of the things we so vehemently fight for? 

Today's word is Colossians 3:15, NIV, which reads, "Let the peace of CHRIST rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Some things are worth fighting for, and, as Christians, we should fight for those things every day. But, Christians should not be fighting amongst themselves over things that aren't scriptural and eternal. We seem to involve ourselves in things that at least reduce our chances to talk to others about salvation through JESUS CHRIST. It is a shame to see churches, bodies of believers, fighting amongst themselves.

I love the way this verse ends, "...And be thankful." A thankful heart is usually so full of humility and thankfulness that arguing over carpet color or sanctuary temperature is never a thought. When we are thankful, we find ourselves grateful for the blessing to live in a free country where we can worship GOD freely. It is a reminder for me that I am going to try to apply daily - And be thankful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

He will make a way

Have you ever had one (1) of those moments that just seemed there was no hope? None? You didn't know what to do, how to do it, when or why to get it done? You didn't know what to pray, and even if you could, you didn't know how to pray? You felt downtrodden and completely and totally defeated?

Yeah, we have all experienced those times of defeat when it seemed that we were down and we could not see up, much less figure out how to get up. We have all had those times when it felt as if we couldn't take another step, and we really didn't know why we would even want to. Thankfully, we don't have to rely on our own strength to defeat this defeat.

Today's word is Psalm 124:8, KJV, which reads, "Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth."

We have the LORD of lords on our side, the One Who spoke all that we know and see and feel into existence. There is nothing too hard for Him, and He is working all things for the good of His children. We have our SAVIOR, JESUS, sitting on the Father's right hand, making intercession, pleading our case. We have the Holy Spirit, the Comforter with us that is strengthening us and praying for us even when we can't find the words.

We will all experience the times of uncertainty and complete defeat. BUT, we serve the LORD, our help. He made heaven and earth, and He will make a way for us.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Could change it all

 I have shared before that Trish and I don't always see things the same way; we don't always agree on the same things. She is a female and I am a male, and we see things from different perspectives. She may want to paint a particular room or wall a vibrant red, whereas I am a very basic, very neutral wall shade guy. She may think we need some something on every square inch of that particular wall that we just pained, and I am a minimalist.

However, when it comes to the important things, the things that truly matter, we are always in agreement. We want to serve the LORD and seek and do His will. We want to raise our children in a Christian home and let them know that they are loved by us, and GOD loves them even more. We have a certain way to live, and we try to instill that in our kids, and we agree on these things.

Today's word is a simple word, but one that has proven true time and again. Mark 3:25, NKJV, reads, "And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand."

We see the message of this verse displayed and played out extensively in the world that we live in. There are few days go by that we don't see how the division in families, in communities, in society, in our government isn't working towards failure. We see the direct correlation of divided beliefs and constant disgrace and defeat.

While there will always be differences of opinions and extenuating circumstances in every situation, we have to find common ground on which to stand. We may not agree on most things but we can all agree to love GOD and to love one another; that simple decision could change it all.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, April 19, 2021

All He does for me

We stay really busy most all the time, like most people, especially parents of active children. I am grateful that our children are healthy and active and friendly. Having children that are healthy enough to participate in things, and determined enough to do them is a blessing that is beyond measure, and I never want to lose sight of what a true blessing it is.

I mentioned in a prayer group last night that I am humbled because GOD has given me all this and Heaven, too. I am reasonably healthy. I don't take for granted that I can walk and talk and yell and scream and holler and think and comprehend. These are things that others would love to be able to do but, for one reason or another, they can't. But, I can, and I am grateful.

Do you find yourself to be thankful? I think that someone who is thankful will be more likely to give praise and encouragement and time and resources (not talking about me). I have seen folks who were grateful for what GOD had done for them that were free in using what He had blessed them with to help others experience the goodness and the blessings of GOD. 

Today's word is Psalm  103:2, NLT, which reads, "Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me."

Do you have things to be thankful for? I would venture to say that we all do. Even on those days when it seems like everything is out of order and everything is coming down on me, and there are those days, I know that I have people who love me and a GOD Who sees me and loves me and cares about me. I am grateful for His many blessings; may I never forget all He does for me!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Living Hope

I awoke this morning with a song going through my head. Sometimes, I have no doubt that the songs stuck in my head come because we have sung them recently or because I have heard it recently, and both of those are true with this one. However, I also think the songs are often a reminder of how good and gracious and merciful GOD is, and I think that is the case for this song.

The song this morning is Living Hope by Phil Wickham. The last line of the chorus is "JESUS CHRIST my Living Hope", which reminds me this morning that this world is not our final destination. But, it also reminds me that I serve a risen SAVIOR; He is alive and well and sitting on the right hand of GOD making intercession for me. Those facts give me great peace and comfort and encouragement.

Today's word is 1 Peter 1:3, NIV, which reads, "Praise be to the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead."

Our faith is not dead. As Christians we are not looking for an answer to what happens when I die. We know that we will live forever with our LORD and SAVIOR because He lives. We can rest assured and know, without a doubt, that this life is only a vapor and eternity will be spent worshipping and praising the One Who paid our debt. We know that there is more to come. AND...

And, we can also rest assured that we are not walking alone in this life. Our SAVIOR is ALIVE. Yes, He gave His life for us, He died upon the cross, BUT, He is not dead! We aren't going to a grave to pray to Him. We aren't going to a tomb to seek Him. We aren't "hoping" to do enough to get to meet Him. We know that He is alive, that He hears our prayers, that He is working all things for our good, and that our prayers are to a living and holy GOD. We have Living Hope.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

He is my strength

We have had a few days between posts again, and I would love to apologize but, I have been fighting allergy season, and it is winning. Seasonal allergies may not be a problem for some folks but it has become more and more of a malady for me, especially as I have aged. I take an allergy pill, which probably helps but I really stay tired.

Like most things, though, I am blessed that all I have is allergies; it could be so much worse. At least I can still get outside and do things. At least I can still see the beautiful colors and everything coming back to life. Our daughter doesn't suffer from allergies very much, and she reminds me of how beautiful the season is. I guess it truly is a matter of perspective.

Today's word is Psalm 73:26, NKJV, which reads, "My flesh and my heart fail; But GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

This old body isn't made to last forever, and it isn't going to. It was designed to have a lifespan, and it is gradually and continually breaking down. Things that used to not hurt, now hurt. Things that used to not bother us, not bother us. Things that used to work really well, now, not so much. But, even with the earthly and physical maladies that we may suffer, we still know that GOD loves us, cares for us and will see us through. He is my strength!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Nothing to Fear

There are lots of things going on in our world that cause us to stop and really pay attention to what is going on. I think it is important to stay alert and to be prepared for whatever may come, especially after seeing some of the things that have transpired. 

Obviously, the pandemic comes to mind. In our history, nothing like this has ever occurred, and it has been somewhat unsettling. We have also had tornadoes rip through the area, and several severe storms have caused schools to delay or close for a day or two (2). There have been financial concerns with all the things going on. Some have experienced major health problems and set backs. There have been lots of things happening that can cause us great concern.

Today's word is a familiar passage that reminds us that we have nothing to fear. 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV, reads, "For GOD has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

I have repeated this little saying hundreds of times: "There is a lot to be concerned about but nothing to worry about." GOD hasn't given us a spirit of fear - with GOD, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. He will provide our needs, He will protect us, and He is working all things for our good. He loved us enough to die for us; He will certainly provide for us.

What he did give us is a spirit of power; there aren't too many things that defeat fear quicker than knowing you have the power to overcome whatever may come. And, that power that we possess is the power of the Holy Spirit. He also gave us the power of love, which is powerful enough to overcome all those fears we may have of not measuring up or not being good enough. GOD loves us and accepts us exactly as we are. Finally, He gave us a sound mind, which will help us to see things for what they really are, and compared to the power of GOD, they are nothing. Nothing to fear!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 5, 2021

Doing Right

I have a tendency to say, "And, you can judge me if you want," whenever I am about to share something that may seem controversial to others. The fact is, though, that others don't need permission to judge me, they just do. As a matter of fact, people judge each other all the time. I probably do it as much, or more, than anyone.

 I will say that I used to judge people for all the wrong reasons. I would judge because of their actions or because of their inactions. I would judge because of their words or their lack of words. I would judge because of where they went or where they didn't go. I would judge because of what they wore or didn't wear. You get the idea.

Today's word is Romans 2:15, NLT, which reads, "The demonstrate that GOD'S law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right."

I have come to realize that I don't have the right to judge. The Bible tells us to "judge not", and, so, I have gotten better at not judging folks. Because, here's the deal, if they are right with GOD, they know what they are doing is not right because His Spirit will be all over them. I don't have the power to convict; that belongs to GOD. I don't have the right to condemn; that, too, belongs to GOD.

With all that being said, as Christians, we know how Christians should behave and dress and treat others. If we aren't doing those things correctly, others will judge us. BUT, we should also be feeling the Spirit telling us, convicting us, convincing us that we need to change. I just want to do His will - I want to do right.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

I have it all

We are so very blessed in so many ways. I tell our kids that they get to experience a lot of things that others don't get to. They have a lot of really cool things. We have been blessed to take some really nice vacations. We have never experienced hunger the way many others have. We have always been blessed with enough.

Even with all that they have been blessed with, though, they seem, sometimes, to want more. A better this or a better that. A faster this, a nicer that, the latest thing that "everyone else has". Part of that can be contributed to their ages, 8 & 9; part of it, though, is a good reminder for us all that we can all suffer from the fear of missing out (fomo).

When I start to get in the mully grubs because someone else has something that I feel that I "deserve", I have to remind myself that I have far more than I deserve and I live a life that countless others would love to live. I am blessed with the greatest wife any man has ever had, two (2) healthy, active, adorable, kids, good health, a job, a home, and when this is all over, I will spend eternity in Heaven!

Today's word is a good reminder for us all: Luke :15, NLT, reads, "...Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own."

Today's word reminds me that when my life on earth is over, all this earthly stuff will remain just that - earthly stuff. What will matter, first of all, is that I have accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. Then, what did I do with the life that GOD allowed me to live? Not, that it is bad to have stuff; it is bad to love stuff more than we love GOD. With GOD, there is no need to suffer from FOMO. For, with GOD, I have it all.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, March 29, 2021

No Limits

We are entering Easter Week, some call it Holy Week, some call it the Great Week, for GOD did great things during His final week. The events that occurred during the week between Palm Sunday and Easter are astounding and very humbling.

As JESUS entered Jerusalem, the people laid palm branched for Him and they shouted Hosanna, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD." They proclaimed to love Him and proceeded to honor Him. Yet, just five days later, they crucified Him. Now, it was GOD'S plan to buy us back, but, isn't it amazing how quickly folks can turn on us? It shouldn't surprise us, though; they turned on GOD, Himself.

Today's word is a reminder that while we may have betrayed GOD at one time or another, He never leaves us. Psalm 27:10, NLT, reads, "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close."

We will experience betrayal in our lives from time to time. We will have those that claim to be friends that will prove otherwise. We will have those that will betray our trust and do something that violates what relationships are built upon. We will have those that will betray our confidence and tell something that they had sworn to secrecy that they would never tell. But, the LORD will NEVER betray us.

When I think of how much I fail, I am amazed that GOD doesn't give up on me. I am amazed that GOD would come in human form and die a horrible death, suffer persecution and betrayal like no other, just so He could save me. I am not worth it, yet He felt I was. This week is a reminder of GOD'S love for us and the fact that He proves that His love for us has no limits.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Let Others Know

 So, our son gave me a pretty good compliment, I guess, last night. He was asking me all kinds of questions about the military, which he often does. He loves the military and all things military, and the fact that dad was in the military is something that he is always interested in. Anyway, he said, "You were in the military but you don't yell at everyone like others do."

What he meant by that is that he has seen others that were former servicemembers that seem to always be yelling and screaming. What he doesn't know, though, is that there are just as many folks that were never military that yell and scream all the time. But, a rather nice compliment coming from a son to a father, that I don't yell at everyone.

Today's word is Philippians 4:5, NASB, which reads, "Let your gentle spirit be known to all people. The LORD is near."

There is an old saying that goes, "People don't care what you know until they know that you care." I readily admit that I am a complete and total failure on my very best day, but, I want people to know that I care. I want others to know that GOD loves them and cares for them, and how will they know that if they don't see His children expressing and modeling that same care and concern?

We get a chance to display the character of our SAVIOR every day to someone, and, a lot of times, our true character is displayed the most to those that live in our house. I want my wife and children to know that I love them and that I care about them. I want others to know that GOD loves them and cares about them. Let others know.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, March 22, 2021


We have a finished basement, which is nice, that we have been updating since we moved into our home almost five (5) years ago. When I say finished, it was finished but it was pretty basic. We have painted, added window blinds, updated a few things, and three (3) years ago installed some lvp flooring.

If you don't know, lvp flooring is 100% waterproof, which I thought meant that water wouldn't affect it. So, I installed the lvp directly on top of the concrete floor. Over time, though, minute amounts of moisture seeps up through the concrete slab. And, over the three (3) years, caused some of the flooring to "cup" or "bow". Apparently, you need to use a vapor barrier, a thin sheet of plastic, between the bare concrete slab and the flooring.

Today's word is Proverbs 19:2, NKJV, which reads, "Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, And he sins who hastens with his feet."

It is not good to be without knowledge. If I had done a little research and asked a round, I bet I would have found out that I needed to put a vapor barrier over the concrete slab prior to installing any flooring. But, that is minor when considering the lack of knowledge that those who live without JESUS have. Not knowing about vapor barriers might cost you some time and money. Not knowing about salvation through JESUS CHRIST will cost you an eternity in hell separated from Him.

If you don't know JESUS, please ask someone! There are lots of decisions that one will make in this life that affect a lot of things. The decision to accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR affects eternity. Knowledge is a valuable thing.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Allow Him to direct

There is no doubt some things going on in our world and societies that is really troubling. You don't have to look too hard or listen too well to know that we are a nation that seems to be pulling further and further away from GOD. I am not judging anyone, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD.

I admit that I have had times in my life that I have chosen to "take my own path", which was filled with potholes and troubles and problems, but, it seemed to be the right thing to do. I have taken those paths without praying about it, without seeking GOD'S will, without asking GOD what He would have me to do. Been there?

Today's word is Proverbs 14:12, NIV, which reads, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."

I have chosen my own path countless times because it appeared the right thing to do. I have chosen to use my own opinion, my own wisdom, my own evaluation rather than seek wise counsel, especially the wisdom and counsel of GOD. While the decision I made seemed right to me at the time, it ended up being an absolute and total failure.

We will all find ourselves in the midst of decisions on a daily basis. We can rely on our own personal, limited wisdom and knowledge and take paths that will end in trouble. Or, we can seek GOD and allow Him to direct us. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

GOD will see us through

We have experienced a fairly significant storm overnight, and, if you don't really know me, I will share that I am not a fan of rain events, especially at night. As a child, I was terrified of thunderstorms. When a thunderstorm arose, I would go and hide in a closet or under the bed, wherever I could find my "safe place".

As a father, I have two younger ones that don't like thunderstorms. They are not to the extreme that I was but they are definitely not fans. And, I don't really like them, now, either, but, I have come to realize that they are a natural part of the weather cycle that we experience on this earth. And, while I don't really like them, I know that GOD will see us through them.

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV, which reads, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."

As much as I like bright, sunny, calm, mild days, there have to be thunderstorms occasionally. How would I ever know how nice the good days are, if I never had to experience days that weren't so nice? While I don't like the stormy days at all, they remind me that the nice, calm, sunny, mild days are also ahead, just as they are in life.

In our lives, we will experience the nice, calm, sunny days. We will also experience those days that just seem to never end and try us from daybreak to sunset. On those stormy days, we can know that there are better days ahead, the sun will shine again, GOD will see us through.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Worker or Whiner

 As those who really know me will tell you, I am full of theories and useless quotes. I have quotes and rules and theories about most everything. Now, many have proven themselves to be less than correct but they are mine, and like the blue jeans I still wear from high school, I don't let go of things that I truly believe.

Also, as I have mentioned before, we have family laws - fifteen (15) laws that we try not to break and to liver our lives by. And, number 11 simply states, "Whining will NOT be tolerated." Whining for whining's sake has never accomplished anything other than to gratingly get under other people's skin.

Today's word is a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that says, "Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining."

We have discussed before that, sometimes, life just sucks. We can be doing all we can, trying the best we can, behaving in our best way, and things will still go wrong. Why? Because, we live in a broken and fallen world, and, sometimes, good things happen to not so good people, and, unfortunately, just as often, bad things happen to really good people. However, wallowing in it and whining about it accomplishes nothing.

So, I want to work harder at finding the solution(s). I want to be someone that is trying to make things better and not just complaining about how things are. I want to be someone that understands that life just sucks sometimes. I want to be a worker, not a whiner. Pray for me that I can be.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, March 8, 2021

Lead us Home

It isn't always easy to just keep on keeping on. This world has a way of wearing you out, wearing you down, and kicking you at your lowest. It seems, sometimes, that the only reason to get back up is just to be knocked down again.

But, we all know the saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." And, there is certainly some validity to that. It is certainly true that each trial we overcome, each challenge we pass through makes us more ready to face the next. But, I also think there is more...

Today's word is Hebrews 10:36, NIV, which reads, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of GOD, you will receive what He has promised."

We will face those times of struggles and constant challenges in our lives, and we will need perseverance to make it through. And, the only way to have the strength, stamina, and perseverance to make it through the challenges of tomorrow is to get through the ones today. It is just like building physical muscle, you have to push through today and build it up for tomorrow.

I feel as though I have really rambled today, and I apologize. I simply want to say that trials will come. We need perseverance to get through them all. We know GOD is with us each step of the way, which gives us strength. And, each time we push through, with GOD's strength, we are more prepared for the next trial. And, one day, that perseverance will lead us home.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Go ahead, make someone's day!

According to the National Day Calendar, today is National "I want you to be Happy Day". Today is a day that we should try to do something nice for someone else that will make them happy, which I hope that I try to do every day. I like doing things for those that I love, and, not only might it make them happy, it makes me happy. 

Have you ever noticed that one (1) of the best ways to get yourself out of the doldrums is to do something for someone else, especially someone that cannot return the favor and do something for you? Being able to help someone else reminds me how blessed I am. GOD has been and is so good to me. He has showered me with blessings that I do not deserve, and I bet you can say the same.

Today's word is Philippians 2:3, NIV, which reads, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourself."

I think it is easy, at times, to allow ourselves to feel like the victims. It is easy to allow ourselves to think that we are always doing for others and that no one is doing for us. And, trust me, we can all feel that way from time to time. But, I have to try to remind myself that, if I am able to be a help to someone, GOD has provided me the resources, which means He has done for me.

And, when I consider ALL that GOD has done for me, none of which I deserve, I am incredibly humbled and amazed. The reminder is an acronym for JOY - JESUS, Others, You. If we do things in that order, we will find we are happy, no, joyous. Go ahead, makes someone's day!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T