Thursday, January 31, 2013


Have you ever had a migraine? Do you suffer from them now? I have had one for about a day and a half now. No fun. I have been blessed in the migraine department in that I don't usually have them during the week. The normal sequence for my migraines are Friday afternoon, I start to feel it coming. Friday night, the headache has begun. Saturday it is a migraine. I suffer through the weekend, and on Monday, I can function again. So, having one during the week has been a little strange.

I don't take Imitrex for migraines, though a couple in my family do. I have a prescription for butyl apap, which is a sedative in the barbiturate family. I really try not to take them unless I HAVE to. I have been able to function using over the counter Excedrin migraine, which takes just enough off to make it tolerable.

Well, having this headache has lead me on a search for a scripture about healing. Today's word is found in 3 John, verse 2, NIV, which reads, "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."

My prayer for everyone is for good health and for things to go well. What strikes me in this verse, however, is the second part, "...even as your soul is getting along well." While good health and "prosperity" is something we all hope for and pray for and strive for, it is not as important as making sure our spiritual health is in order.

A friend of mine sums it up like this, "If you are not saved, this world is as good as it is going to get. If you are saved, this world is as bad as it is going to get." There are folks who may never have a headache in this world but if they aren't saved, that's the biggest and best thing that they will ever have. On the other hand, I may have a migraine but this is as bad as it is going to get. One day, I will spend eternity in Heaven, where there will be no pain, no sorrow, no hurt, no anger, no migraines.

I pray you have good health and that things go good for you. I pray more that your spiritual health is where it needs to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy Meals

In our area, the restaurant with the large "golden arches" has had a January special where "Happy Meals" are only $1.99. In the current economy, if you are going to eat out at all, that is a pretty good way to make someone happy - a meal for $1.99.

I like the term "Happy Meal". I remember growing up and having family meals around the table. While I don't remember specifics about any certain meal, I do remember us all, as a family, having meals together. I also remember that they probably weren't all happy, especially if we were having fish, which I do not like.

Those times around the table, enjoying one another's company and family fellowship, will always be a dear memory. We try to have meals around the table now. We want to instill in our little one the importance of getting together as a family and giving thanks and enjoying GOD'S blessings together.

Today's word comes from Psalm 111:5, NIV, which reads, "He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever."

We can rest assured that GOD is going to provide what we need: all the food, all the clothing, all the fellowship, everything. He promises to provide for those who serve Him, and He will do that forever!

Then, one day, He will call us home and we will feast at His table for eternity. We will enjoy the largest family meal, so large our feeble minds can't comprehend. What a day that will be! Maybe we won't have fish but even if we do, it will certainly be a HAPPY MEAL!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thorns & Roses

When we moved into our current house, we were blessed to move into a lovely spread, which included fruit trees, pecan trees, muscadines, figs, and roses. We have miniature roses in a planter box along one side of our carport, which is really pretty during the growing season.

The roses in the planter box are red and pink and yellow and white and striped. I can just stand there and enjoy the beauty of these flowers. Often, I like to pick one for Trish. You have to be careful when you pick roses, they have thorns. And, those thorns can really prick the snot (or blood) out of you. It's amazing that something so pretty can also be so hurtful.

Today's word is a saying I heard somewhere and really like. The saying is, "Some people complain that the roses have thorns, while others see the beauty of the roses among the thorns."

Where are you today? Are you getting stuck by the thorns, or are you enjoying the beauty of the roses among those nasty little stickers? I have to admit that I often get caught up with all the prickly things that are going on and miss the wondrous beauty that GOD sends along with those thorns. There have been countless times that I miss the blessing because I am all wrapped up in the pain.

We have a choice. We can either see the thorns, or we can focus on the roses among those thorns. I am going to try to focus more on the roses, they are prettier. Plus, they sure do make Trish happy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 28, 2013

Do you understand?

Ever have your parent(s) tell you, "Because I said so." Or, have you ever found yourself telling your child, "Because I said so"? Sometimes, it is hard to come up with a logical reason for something. Sometimes, it is even more difficult to come up with a rational reason.

I don't know about you but I have found myself doing things that are really difficult to explain. When someone asks me why I did whatever idiotic thing I did, I often just have to reply, "I dunno." Ever been there?

There are times that we just can't explain why things happen. There are other times when we can't explain why we do some of the things we do. There are still other times that we know the underlying truth but we just don't want to explain it to everyone. There are even times that we know the underlying truth but we can't seem to be able to formulate the reason in a coherent explanation.

One of my favorite quotes, which is today's word, comes from Albert Einstein. Albert said, "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself."

Yep, been there. It is an absolute certainty that you don't know everything. I find it difficult to believe that I don't know everything but, apparently, I don't (just kidding, of course). The really funny thing is that we often are asked to explain things, even to our children, that we don't understand ourselves. If you find yourself in that situation, it is okay to say, "I really don't know. Why don't we find out together?" You get the chance to share the experience of learning with your child and show them that it is okay not to know everything.

Yeah, if you can't explain it to a child, you really don't understand it yourself. When you find yourself in a difficult position needing to explain something that you don't understand, take the time to find out for yourself and, then, share that knowledge. None of us know everything but we can all help each other to understand more.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 25, 2013

Measuring Up

There are tons of things in life that we will need to measure up to (bad grammar). When I joined the military, I had to weigh 117 lbs.; I weighed 119. I made the military by two pounds; I just barely measured up. Now, over the 9-1/2 weeks of boot camp, I measured up to a lot more things, including putting on an additional 40 pounds.

When you start applying to colleges, you have to measure up. On the applications, the prospective college(s) want to know your GPA, your ACT score, and maybe even your SAT score. The colleges are using that data to determine if you measure up.

In our places of employment, there are often projects that are required to be done. Our performance in completing those projects timely and correctly is a measure of our job performance. The measuring up at work can have a direct influence on your pay.

Even when we go apply for loans for vehicles or houses or whatever, we have to measure up. The financial institutions use our credit scores and our FICO scores to determine if we measure up to their standards. That determination will allow us to either get the loan we desire, or not.

There are countless other things that we will have to measure up to in life. However, I want to talk about measuring up when it comes to what GOD expects. Today's word is an anonymous quote, which I have paraphrased, and it says, "When GOD measures us, He puts the tape around our hearts, not our wallets or our heads."

The world judges us, measures us by how much stuff we have - how much money and material possessions we have. Often, in this world, we are judged by how much knowledge we have. When GOD measures us, though, we will be judged by what's in our hearts. There's only one thing required to measure up to GOD'S standard and that is accepting JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR.

I fall short of a lot of expectations. I barely make others (by two pounds). I fail in so many areas and in so many opportunities daily. In the end, however, measuring up to GOD'S standard is all that matters. I have JESUS in my heart, do you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Excelling and hammers

While this may come as quite a surprise for many of you (it still amazes me), I did very well in school. I have shared with folks before that GOD gave me a brain because He knew I was going to be too lazy to study (or too distracted). I believe He knew He had to do something in order for me not to be a thirty-five year old high school freshman (not that there is anything wrong with that).

I took all advanced courses in high school and was blessed to be inducted into the National Honors Society. I bet they wish they had that to do over. I bring this up because one of my nieces was inducted into the NHS two years ago, and another one yesterday. They are truly amazing young ladies.

While I did really well in school, I find that the older I get, the less intelligent I become. I mean, I am truly as dumb as a bag of hammers, which is insulting and disrespecting hammers. I can do some of the dumbest things and actually believe it was a good decision. I should have applied myself more. I should still be applying myself.

Today's word comes from 1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV, which reads, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of GOD."

What little bit of knowledge and common sense I do have, I pray I use for GOD'S glory. I know without a doubt, I am living proof, that GOD doesn't need the equipped; He equips those whom He calls. It is when I rely on my own limited hammer-headed knowledge that I get myself in trouble. If we will only apply ourselves to doing all for the glory of GOD, He will use us - even the dumb hammers.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You've been taught better

Growing up, my parents had their challenges with me. Not that I was a really bad child (remember, I was the perfect child, right), I just had a curiosity strong enough for three, and enough stupidity to follow through with those curious thoughts.

Anyway, the number of times I heard, "You've been taught better," is innumerable. I can't say I heard it everyday or even once a week but I heard it often enough to know that I had been taught better. My parents instilled in me the way I should act and respond and respect others. However, it took a while for those teachings to take root. I still have to do some hoeing to clean up my act.

Today's word comes from Ephesians 4:22, NIV, which reads, "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires."

There are things in this world that vie for our attention, which are not bad at all. Then, we have the things that tug at us constantly, which come from "deceitful desires". While we are saved and try everyday to put off the old man, those old desires find a way to creep back in. However, we have been taught better.

GOD knows our frame, which is dust; He created us. He knows what we can handle and what we can't. We may try not to acknowledge it but He knows even the thoughts and desires we secretly keep hidden. Paul writes, that we have been taught to put those away; we've been taught better about those former things.

Here's the deal...we can't do it in our earthly strength. We are not strong enough to fight off everything that tries to pull us away from the joy of our salvation. But GOD is! We must listen to His teaching. We must rely on His strength. We must commit to His direction. Then, we can truly put off that old self and live the life GOD intends. We've been taught better!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nightmare on Elm Street

Do you like scary movies? You know the ones: Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Jeepers Creepers, etc. I am not a scary movie fan. It's not that they scare me, they really bore me. There isn't a lot of suspense for me; you always know who is going to get it next. The "jock", who knows that seven people are already missing, will stand up and say, "I heard a noise. I'll go see what it was." Well, he's next.

I believe there are enough things in real life to scare us that I don't need someone's wild imagination helping. I have never been scared by horror movies. Well, there was that one time. I was watching the original Nightmare on Elm Street in a theater in Great Lakes, Illinois. The scene where Freddy Kruger cuts the mattress and pops up through the opening caused the lady sitting in front of me to stand up, let out a blood-curdling scream, and pass out cold as ice. I thought she was dead.

I was a trained military man. I jumped up, checked her pulse, asked for help. The movie was momentarily halted, EMT(s) were called to evaluate, everything was alright; she had just received a fright and passed out.
When the movie was over, I walked out of the theater looking around every corner, tiptoeing up to every stairwell, quietly moving down every hallway. The only time I have ever been frightened by a horror movie, and it wasn't the movie but the reaction of someone else.

Today's word comes from Psalm 16:8, NIV, which reads, "I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."

GOD is with me wherever I go, even at the theater in Great Lakes, Illinois. However, I had allowed what I could see to take my eyes off the fact that He was beside me. I have learned, though, that GOD is with me no matter where I am, no matter what is going on, no matter what may come. And, with Him at my side, there is nothing to fear. Yeah, in the movies, those creatures can be really terrifying but they don't scare me - GOD is standing right beside me. You do have to watch out for the ones that scream and pass out though, they can scare the bejeebies out of you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 18, 2013

Are you just getting wet

It seems that I have been on a particular subject this week, and I apologize for that. However, I have been praying and seeking and working through some things. GOD has been good, and I realize that there are many things that I need to work on.

I am going to give today's word early in this post and, then, try to give you what's on my mind today. Today's word is a quote from Roger Miller, which says, "Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet."

Some people, when things are not going their way, still continue walking the path and smiling all the way. Others will just continue to bog down with it all. I admit that I try to be the former but, often lately, I find myself the latter; I am just getting wet.

There are times when the rain is pouring and beating down on us that GOD is trying to show us something, trying to move us from where we are to where He wants us to be, trying to get us to give up what we have for what He has for us. Yes, sometimes, the rain is there for cleansing and renewing. Nothing washes away all the litter and trash like a good rainstorm.

Yet, there are times when the rain comes that all I can do is complain and trudge through. I don't get what GOD is trying to show me because all I am doing is getting wet. There is a huge difference from getting clean and just getting wet. I pray I get better at walking in the rain.

I am going to work on trying to just enjoy the day. It won't all happen today. It won't all happen at once. But, if I diligently try to walk when it is raining, GOD will take me higher than I've ever been. Enjoy the day! It may not all be good but it is all from GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Have you cried lately

I wrote yesterday about my struggles with keeping my mouth shut lately. You know the old saying, "Lately, the only time I open my mouth is to change feet."

I have a lot going on in my life at the moment, and when that happens, we can often cry and lament our problems and fruatrations to everyone except the One Who can help. I have ceetainly been there.

Today's word comes from Psalm 86:3, KJV, which reads, "Be merciful unto me, O LORD: for I cry unto Thee daily."

When's the last time you cried to GOD? I mean, really cried out to GOD? As I mentioned, I have been moaning to everyone else but I need to cry to my Father! It's okay. Go ahead and cry. GOD is merciful, He is listening, and He cares!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Can't control it

I have found myself lately with the inability to keep my mouth shut. Ever been there? I admit that I am a talker, always have been. I admit that I have an opinion about most everything. And, I admit that most of the time, you don't even have to ask my opinion, I will freely give it.

Lately, however, I have found myself running off at the mouth way too much and wishing I could keep quiet. I truly wish you would pray for me concerning this. I don't go telling secrets. I don't go telling others things about someone else. I just can't seem to not say what I shouldn't say. Man, what is wrong with me?

I have offended more people in the last month by my, what I think are innocent opinions and queries, than I have in years. As soon as it happens, I realize that I shouldn't have said that or asked that but it is too late. It would be nice to have an undo button but life is without that option.

Today's word comes from James 3:8, NIV, which reads, "But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison."

Man cannot tame the tongue; we have to rely on GOD to do that. Obviously, lately, I have failed miserably at that. The tongue is such a little thing, such a small part in the human body, but it can do so much damage and cause so much hurt. I cannot control it.

The tongue, what a burdensome thing it can be. Pray that I will allow GOD to use mine for good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What's so funny

We have an about to be sixteen-month-old that is absolutely amazing! He does things that makes me laugh like I haven't in years. It doesn't take much either. He finds the joy and the laughter in the things we so often take for granted.

Just this morning, we put on jackets and hoods and went out and fed the pets (two dogs and two cats). He loves those animals, and they love him. The tow dogs always come up to him and just shake with excitement. They will stand in front of him, tails wagging, tongues hanging out, just waiting for him to do something. And, he does...

He will reach out and rub them on the head and laugh like it is the funniest thing in the world! He will laugh and laugh and laugh. We are going to have to video tape it just so we can let others hear the pure joy in his laughter. When he laughs, I can't help but laugh really hard myself. What a blessing.

Today's word comes from Psalm 126:2, NIV, which reads, "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them."

When's the last time you really laughed? I don't mean a little polite giggle at someone's funny story. I don't mean a little hee hee at someone's joke. I mean, when is the last time you just really laughed; laughed so hard you had tears flowing and it hurt?

I get involved in all the "things" going on in my life and, sometimes, forget about all the great joys in my life. It is sad to admit but it is true. The LORD has done great things for me! I should be full of joy and laughter. I am going to try to concentrate on the good things more and the not so good things less.

Yes, I am going to remember to laugh more. Just thinking about the little one's laughter this morning, and every morning, makes me laugh.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 14, 2013

Prepare for attack

When I started trying to blog, I mentioned that this would be a way for me to "journal, maybe even vent." Sometimes, it is really nice to just get some things off your chest, to say, "Look, this is really starting to irritate me." Well, I've had a couple of weeks of that...

I am not going to go into specifics or details; that would be far too wrong and far too open. While I love to share what GOD has shown me or what GOD has done for me, I am really private. I do not like to talk about my life, and, especially, what is going on in my life. But, I would like to talk about the fact that it has been a REALLY trying last couple of weeks.

It never seems to fail that when you are trying to do your best and trying to do what needs to be done that something is going to come along and mess things up; that something is satan. He walks around just trying to tear people down and destroy joy and testimonies. He is very good at this. We must prepare for attack!

Today's word comes from Isaiah 40:29,NIV, which reads, "He (the LORD) gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

Now, listen, satan loves to attack when we are at our weakest - physically, emotionally, spiritually. He looks for that opportunity to kick us when we are down. The old saying is, "When it rains it pours." satan's motto is, "When it hurts, make it hurt more." He is on the attack!

But, the Bible tells us that GOD will give us strength when we are weary and power when we are weak. When the attacks come, and they will, we can trust that GOD will give us the strength and power to persevere. I will say that it has been difficult to see that recently but I know that I know that I know that GOD has this all under control! satan will attack! GOD will knock him back!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 11, 2013

Get Comfortable

There are times that you just don't know what to say. When I dropped the little one off this morning at daycare, I was told of a little child, six-years-old, that has had a stroke. My heart just sank.

Please pray for this little child and his family. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and hurt and discomfort they must be feeling. There is just something that seems so wrong when little ones have life threatening, life changing, life altering health issues.

Today's word comes from Matthew 5:4, NIV, which reads, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

While it is easy to sit here and say that everything is alright and that GOD will see you through, it is an entirely different view when you are the one hearing those words. I know GOD has it all under control. I know that GOD is going to take care of everything. But, sometimes, it is still difficult trudging the path. We can take heart that GOD is going to send His comfort.

I like the fact that JESUS said, "...they will be comforted." This isn't a may be thing. This isn't a could be thing. This isn't a probably will be thing. JESUS said that those who mourn WILL BE comforted. Comfort may not come today but the Comforter is on His way.

Please pray for all those who are hurting and needing comfort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 10, 2013

No one will ever know!

I amaze my self at how I "think" no one knows my personal life. I mean, no one knows what I am going through, no one knows my struggles, no one knows what I do when I am home alone. It amazes me how foolish I can be. I don't think I am alone in my thinking either.

I would venture to say that most of us think we have things hidden that no one will EVER know about. We think we can do certain things and never have to give an answer or reason for. However, I think in our hearts of hearts, we know that is not true.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 5:21, NIV, which reads, "For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and He examines all your paths."

GOD sees what we do even when "no one else" is around. We can try to fool ourselves into believing that we have our secrets and that we are hiding things. But, we don't hide anything from GOD.

We may lie to someone and have them believe it. We may find the urge to cheat on our taxes and get away with it. We may do things that we would never do in front of others and think that since no one saw it, it was alright. Well, my friend, that just is not so.

There is nowhere we can go out of GOD'S sight. We can try to lie and act like we aren't all sinners, falling short of the glory of GOD but GOD knows who we are in our most private times. I really try to keep this thought foremost whatever I am doing. I try to remember that GOD is watching everything I do, and everything I do is in full view.

Next time you think that as long as "no one else" sees it or as long as "no one else" knows it or as long as "no one else" is affected by it, remember that GOD sees it all. I am going to diligently try to remember that everything I do is in full view of the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gotta loosen up

I have probably already shared that I am a might stubborn. Some call me hardheaded, others stubborn, my pastor calls me steadfast, which I prefer. I am one that will stand my ground without begging or backing down. I am not saying that to boast. I am saying that to say that maybe I shouldn't always be so rigid.

There are absolutely times that we should stand our ground no matter what. There are things that we need to settle, things of the LORD, and decide that we will not compromise or back down when it comes to defending and protecting those things. However, there are other things that just aren't worth the fight.

What I am trying to get at is, I wonder how much I have missed, how much I have refused to see because of my stubbornness. I wonder if there have been things that I should have done, paths that I should have taken, people I would have met if only I would have eased up in my resiliency and listened.

Today's word comes from Psalm 25:9, NIV, which reads, "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way."

GOD is going to show us what He wants us to do. He is going to lead us to where He wants us to be. He is going to take us to where we need to go. But, He will not force His will upon us; we must humble ourselves before Him and allow Him to lead.

So many times we confuse humbleness with weakness, which is not the case. Being humble before GOD just means that we know He is GOD and that He has everything under control. I really need to work on loosening up and allowing GOD to direct me and guide me and teach me. Let's loosen up and allow GOD to use us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Everybody's got something

It is amazing to me how much we all try to cover up. I admit that I try not to let too many people too close to me. I really try to keep my personal life out of everyone's earshot and eyes. I keep a lot of stuff bottled up, which everyone knows is bad but we all do it anyway.

I do not know why we keep so much bottled up, why we refuse to let it out and feel the pain ease. I know why I am reluctant, I am not very trusting. I can name the people I truly trust on less than one hand. I realize that is not a very good thing but, if I am anything, I am honest.

So, what am I trying to say? I am glad you asked. I would venture to guess that I am not the only person that   keeps things to myself. I would dare say that everyone keeps things to themselves. I would dare say that we all keep more to ourselves than we should.

Today's word is a quote from Philo, which reads, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

To that, I would add, we never know what others are going through - be kind. I really need to practice this more. I cannot imagine the pain and heartache so many of my friends are enduring. I cannot imagine the heartbreak and trouble so many of my loved ones are suffering. Man, we really need to be kind.

Let's work on this together. I will pray for you and you all pray for me to be more kind to each other. I don't mean that we have to be run over or pushed around but we can take the time to offer some encouragement and, maybe, a kind word.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 7, 2013

Boy, was I wrong

Most folks who know me will probably say that I am a confident person. I am not arrogant or cocky as some have described me but I am certainly confident. The way I like to describe my confidence is that I am confident in the things that I can do. But, I am also confident in the things I cannot do, which are many. However, that has never stopped me from trying.

My wife has stood there several times and said, "I cannot believe all the things that you can do." My reply is that we grew up doing a lot of things on our own - electrical, plumbing, building, mechanic work, etc. And, I always like to ask, "Do you know what makes me different from most folks?" She knows the answer to this but I will share it with you -  I am not afraid to fail. I have failed so many times that I guess I have sort of gotten used to it. And, I think the fact that I am not afraid to fail gives me confidence.

Today's word is an attributed quote, which goes, "Confidence doesn't come from always being right. Confidence stems from not fearing to be wrong."

There is no reason to fear being wrong; just admit when you are and move on. There is nothing wrong with looking at a big project and thinking, "Yeah, I can do that." Just to find out later that, "No, I can't do that." The fact that you tried to begin with will give you confidence to pursue other daunting tasks.

Here's the deal...get some confidence that you are going to fail because YOU ARE. Then, go out and try to accomplish all that GOD intends you to accomplish. Now, if you will concentrate on what GOD wants you to do, you will absolutely accomplish His will. On the other hand, along the way, you are going to try some things on your own - and, you are going to fail. Don't let that failure stop you from trying. Failure breeds confidence. I am confident that there are things that I will NEVER try again.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 3, 2013

GOD wants You!

Last night with the youth, we talked about how GOD wants you to know Him. Now, that may not be a big deal for some of you but it is HUGE to me. GOD, the LORD, the all powerful, majestic, all knowing FATHER wants me to know Him!

Think about the most popular person you know; I mean, the person that you know that has the most popularity. It could be the president, the Pope, some musician, whoever. Do you really think they care if they know you? Do you really think they care if you know them? I would venture to say that they couldn't care less about me.

However, GOD wants you/us to KNOW HIM! He wants us to have a genuine personal one-on-one relationship with HIM! WOW!

Today's word comes from Jeremiah 9:24, NIV, which reads, "But let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know ME, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth..."

Yes, GOD wants us to know Him; that is awesome! The only way you can get to know someone, though, is to spend time with them, talk to them, listen to them. The only way to get to know more about GOD is to read His word, speak to Him through prayer, and listen when He replies.

Take the time to get to know the LORD! He knows all about me and, yet, He wants me to know more about Him!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sometimes life sucks

It is the evening of New Years. We have had a pretty good day. Our little one has the flu, which is really bad for him. You wouldn't know he was sick unless you had heard the doctor say it; he shows very little sign of not feeling well. However, he is sick and we are treating him per doctor's orders, which is what is needed. We want him to be well.

He and I will spend a few extra days together this week. I had hoped to take a few days off before long and try to get a few things done; there is nothing needing done more than to spend some extra time with him. It is unfortunate that he is sick. It is unfortunate for him that he will have me to take care of him. It is a blessing for me to get to spend some extra time with him. Enough of all that...

Today is New Years, and it has rained all day. I mean, ALL DAY! Yes, it could be worse - much worse. But, I like the sunshine. When it rains, especially all day, it can have a tendency to get me in a bad mood. How about you?

Well, I was reflecting on things today and reminded myself of one of my sayings/my "laws" - "Sometimes life sucks! Deal with it!"

Yeah, sometimes I have to keep in mind that life may be sucking but GOD still has a plan. I don't know the whole plan; He knows it would blow my mind and kill me. I do know that GOD has a plan, though. Now, he never intended the little one to get the flu, these things just happen. However, He does allow me the blessing of being Dad and of taking care of him. Yeah, the flu sucks for him but I get to spend a little extra time with him, which is a blessing.

Sometimes, life sucks but GOD still has a plan. He knows that in order for me to grow, I need some sunshine - and, a little rain.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T