Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Praise Him

 I am pretty sure that we all have our moments when we think that we are all that. Maybe it is during an athletic event, or a dance recital, or a musical, or an artistic challenge, but, I bet we have all had those moments when we felt as if we deserved to have praise and glory heaped upon us. While I have done very little spectacularly in my life, I, too, have had my moments.

Yes, I have had a few moments when I received praise for something, and felt as if I had really deserved it. I even felt that, maybe, I really was that good, or that intelligent, or that funny, or that talented. The truth is, as we all know, that anything I am able to do is because of GOD.

Today's word is Psalm 115:1, NKJV, which reads, "Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, But to Your name give glory, Because of Your mercy, Because of Your truth."

While it is nice for people to praise me, and believe me, we all need that from time to time, the truth is that the only One worthy of praise is GOD. He has made us. He has equipped us. He has prepared us. He has been merciful to us. He alone deserves our praise, and to be praised.

Look, we all need a little praise and encouragement from time to time, we ALL do. But, let's remember that GOD is worthy of all praise because, of His mercy and truth. Praise Him!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, January 25, 2021

He has a plan

There is absolutely no doubt that things are confusing and challenging. We have been in the midst of a pandemic that has shaken our world. We have seen turmoil and confusion and fear and misunderstanding at the highest level in our government. We have seen people act out in ways we would never have expected. It has been a stranger than normal world lately.

I have shared before that GOD loves us enough that He has given us free will. He allows us to choose whom we will serve, and how we will behave. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. And, though I fail way more than I am successful, I will live my life according to His word, His plan, and His purpose, even when I don't understand what is going on.

Today's word is simply this, "GOD doesn't ask you to be perfect. He asks you to trust Him, and His ways." 

I know things are strange but I also know that GOD has a plan. Now, don't confuse that statement that I believe that GOD caused all that is going on - He didn't; remember, He gives us free will. But, I do know that He can use whatever is going on for His glory. And, I know that He has a plan for each and every one of His children. I may not know what His plant is but I trust Him.

The Bible tells us that GOD has plans to prosper us, and not to hurt us; plans to bring us to a good end. I don't like what is going on in our world. I do disagree with things that are being done. Things are far from perfect. But, I trust GOD and His ways, and I know that He has a plan.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Choose Happy

 There seem to be those days when it seems that others woke up with one common goal - to make my life difficult. Am I right? There will always be those days when the fly in the ointment is noticeably bigger, the folks cutting us off in traffic are numerous, the ones with a bad attitude all cross our paths. So, what do we do?

I mentioned before that I choose to be happy. Does that mean it is easy? No. But, happiness, like so many other things in our lives, is a choice. And, we can either choose to be happy or we can choose the debbie-downer club. Either way, though, I believe the choice is ours.

Today's word is just a thought: "I am in charge of how I feel, and I choose to be happy."

Now, don't get me wrong, there will always be things that make us unhappy; happiness is truly fleeting. There is nothing about a loved one being sick or suffering that makes us happy. There is nothing about burdens making us happy. There is nothing about folks being ugly to us and taking advantage or our good nature that makes us happy. I am simply saying that we can allow those things to continually keep us down, or, we can choose to find happiness in our lives. 

Look, I am not a pie in the sky, sunshine and rainbows type of guy. I am a realist that sees the problems and challenges, which are very real and very many. However, there are things in my life, especially people that make me extremely happy. And, I have GOD on my side, working all things for my good; that alone should make you smile. We choose a lot of things every day, including our attitude - choose happy.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Pray for government

One (1) of the great things about America is the fact that we get to elect our President. And, even when the person I want to be elected President loses, it is still a wonderful blessing to be a part of a free country, where we can take part in electing our country's leader. And, trust me, this is not going to be a political post.

I cannot imagine the pressure and the burden it is to be the President of the United States; that is a weight that only those that have filled that office can relate to. It has to be tremendously weighty to be the leader of the greatest, most powerful country in the world. And, whether we like the person holding that office of not, it is of the utmost importance for us to pray for our President.

Today's word is Proverbs 28:2, NLT, which reads, "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability."

I think we can all agree that America is the greatest country in the world. But, we need to get on our knees and repent and get back to doing what GOD'S people should do. We also need to pray for those leading our nation, whether we agree with his/her politics or not. If we pray and the person in that position gets saved, it'll change his/her eternity and our country.

We need godly leaders. While the person I would like to hold the office doesn't always win, I want to pray for whomever does. Join me in praying for our government leaders to find JESUS as SAVIOR and LORD!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Consumer or Producer

The Bible tells us that as Christians our hearts should bear witness with one another. In other words, as Christians, we should be able to know that others are Christians by they fruit that they bear and what they inject into our lives. We either put good things into others or we take good from others - we are either consumers or producers.

Consumers are those who are using things that others produce; producers are those that produce things for the good of others. We get to choose which of those two (2) we are going to be in this world. Unfortunately, we seem to see far more consumers than producers lately, and I am sure that previous generations said the same thing. But, we need to be doing GOD'S work...

Today's word is Hebrews 13:16, NKJV, which reads, "But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices GOD is well pleased."

We can't always give large sums of money; we just don't have it. But, we can give of our time and talents, along with our treasure to promote GOD'S mission - getting folks saved. The example we set tells volumes about where our treasure truly lies. And, I am talking to me this morning as much as anyone. I want to be diligent to use what GOD has given us the way He desires.

I want to remember to do good and to share. I don't want others knowing I am doing it; I just want to be conscious of using what GOD has given me for His work. I want to remember that my heart is bearing witness to others, and that we are all either consumers or producers.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Inner Beauty

I am married to a very pretty lady. However, as pretty as she is on the outside, she is more beautiful on the inside, where it really matters. We all know of some really beautiful people, physically, that are not so beautiful morally. 

There is an old saying that beauty is only skin deep, which is absolutely true with physical beauty. Again, physical beauty is nothing compared to moral and spiritual beauty. And, we all know that physical beauty is fleeting. I have never been a good looking guy but I certainly don't look like I did when I was twenty. Physical beauty is fleeting, but, true inward beauty is eternal.

Today's word is Proverbs 31:30, NIV, which reads, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

We all know that the physical body breaks down over time. We can do things, such as exercise and eat a good balanced diet, to try to preserve it a little, but it is going to break down. After a while, the joints don't work like they used to; the tendons and ligaments and muscles aren't as strong as they used to be; the skin isn't as soft and smooth as it once was. The physical body and physical appearance is ever changing. 

On the flip side, the inner soul is forever growing stronger and getting more and more beautiful, if we are strengthening it and feeding it properly. Thank You, LORD, for my wife, whose inner beauty I fail miserably to describe. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T  

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Let's Be Kind

I tell our kids each day before getting out of our vehicle to go into the school to be kind. It doesn't cost us anything to be kind, and the rewards of that are priceless. Being kind to others may not always be my first response but it should be. The Bible tells us to treat others as we would like to be treated, and I like when people are kind. 

You've heard me say before that we should be nicer to people than we have to be because we never know what they may be going through. The person that is giving us a hard time might just be someone that has received devastating news and they are still just trying to process it. A kind word could be the salve they need to get through the next few minutes.

Today's word is Proverbs 26:24, NLT, which reads, "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

Again, while it hasn't always been my immediate norm, being ready with a kind word is something that I am going to try to work on. I know I could use a little kindness from time to time and I am sure that others could as well. Today's word tells us that kind words are like honey; let's spread some.

And, today's word tells us that kind words are sweet to the soul, the person's receiving them and the person giving them. I told you the dividends are remarkable. Plus, kind words are healthy for the body. Saying and receiving kind words could be just what a downtrodden person needs. Let's be kind!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Monday, January 11, 2021

Sing It

I will be the first to admit that I am not much of a singer or guitar player, though I do them both to the best of my ability. I grew up in a singing family, as I have probably mentioned before. No, we weren't professional singers, we didn't put on concerts, but everyone in my family sung. 

We would sing the old county songs from Jim Reeves, Marty Robins, Charlie Pride, Tennessee Ernie Ford, and others. As we got older, we sang the rock songs that were popular at the time, and still are today. And, of course, we sang gospel songs constantly. 

Today's word is Psalm 145:3, NLT, which reads, "Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure His greatness."

I love to sing praises to GOD! Again, I am not very good at it, and I seldom get requests, but, my heart loves to sing His praises. There is something about music that lifts the spirit; it is even more powerful when you are singing the praises of the One Who is most worthy of our praise.

Maybe you are a professional singer, maybe you are not much of a singer like me, or maybe you are somewhere between. Regardless of your ability, GOD is worthy of our praise. Sing it!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

What Others Think

I am sure that we have all experienced those times when others have said thing about us that are not true. Unfortunately, it is a part of life, and we seem to always be in the midst of something where someone has a very unfavorable opinion of us. We can allow it to bring us down or we can realize that people are going to talk negative about us. They just do.

I have shared before that there are those in this world that think that I am the greatest thing since sliced bread. And, there are those in this world that wouldn't throw water on me if I were on fire. The truth is that I am neither perfect nor worthless. It is all a matter of who you ask.

Today's word is simply, "What GOD knows about me is far more important than what others think about me."

I have a saying that goes, "Think what you want to think, believe what you want to believe, but I know the truth." More importantly, GOD knows the truth and is the Truth. I am so much more comforted by GOD knowing me than by others disliking me. 

We will all experience times in our lives when others will take every opportunity to tear us down and beat us up. But, GOD know us. We are His children. And, what He knows about us is far more important than what others think about us.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Don't be a fool

You can probably tell by the last few posts that I read Proverbs a lot, which I do. I find myself reading Proverbs over and over throughout the year, because, it is filled with so much wisdom. I don't know about you but making wise decisions and being discerning and disciplined are traits that I want. 

Growing up in a large family, working with youth for years, working with others, just every day life has taught me that folks will argue about anything. I have heard so many pointless and useless arguments in my life that I could write a book. I have watched and heard people argue about things that I would imagine most people couldn't or wouldn't care less about. I try to keep myself from being drawn into useless arguments.

Today's word is Proverbs 26:4, NLT, which reads, "Don't answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are."

I've asked others many times, "Do you know what a fool is doing when you are arguing with him?" He is doing the same thing - arguing with a fool. Don't argue with fools; it is a waste of time and breath, and you will never win. Some folks just love to argue about anything, and there is no reason to get drawn into that trap and waste energy trying to convince a person that is incapable of rational thought.

There will be things in life that are absolutely worth arguing about, and we should debate them and argue them fervently. But, most arguments are foolish and should not be taken up, especially if they are with folks who just love to argue. Fools love to argue - don't be a fool.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T  

Monday, January 4, 2021

Promises Fulfilled

Have you ever been promised something only to have the promiser not deliver? I am sure we all have. Politicians do it all the time. But, not just politicians, I am sure we have all experienced those times when someone has gotten our hopes up but not followed through. It is disappointing and frustrating.

Have you ever promised something to someone and not delivered? It sounds a little different when we become the ones that fail, huh? I am equally sure that there have been times when I have said something that made someone else believe one thing only to do something contrary to what they thought. I don't think I have ever purposely deceived someone, but, I am sure they have felt that way. You know the feeling...

Today's word is Proverbs 25:14, ESV, which reads, "Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts of a gift he does not give."

There is disappointment in the promise of a rain after a long, dry season. The rain is needed to bring life to our crops, to renew our hopes, to wash away some anxiety, yet, it doesn't come. The clouds looked like rain. The wind promised rain. But, the rain did not come. So, too, is the feeling of a broken promise.

I want to be a man of my word. I want to be the one (1) that follows through with what I say I will do. I want others to never experience the disappointment of unfulfilled promises from me. I want my "yeas" to be "yeas" and my "nays" to be "nays". This world is filled with false hope and shattered dreams. I want to be one that keeps his promise. Don't you?

Be Blessed,

Mickey T