Tuesday, February 28, 2017


I am blessed with a godly wife. She is willing to do so much for our family. She is definitely a mother any child would want; I am truly blessed. She doesn't just talk about sacrificial love, as a matter of fact, she doesn't talk about it at all. What she does is exemplifies sacrifice.

Another example of this type of sacrifice that I have seen lately is my brother-in-law. My sister broke her ankle, a really bad break, with pins and screws. She will be unable to put any weight on it for a while. I was talking to her last night, asking how things were going and how her husband was doing. She said that he is good, just working, and he has even more to do when he gets home with me unable to do much. You know what he said when she told me this? "Each day is a blessing."

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 13:3, ESV, which reads, "If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing."

It's not about the sacrifice; it's about why the sacrifice. It doesn't matter how much you give; it matters how you give. It doesn't matter how much you say you are willing to do; it matters how much you actually do. It's not a matter of the doing; it's a matter of the heart.

I am grateful for the blessings that GOD has bestowed upon me. May I always be willing to LOVINGLY sacrifice.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 27, 2017

In my OWN eyes

I have probably shared before that I used to be a quasi-athlete. I tried really hard and did the best I could but I was mediocre at best. However, the older I get the better I was.

It's strange how perception plays such a vital role in what we think, what we believe, what we do, how we act. It seems, especially in today's society, that if some celebrity says you should be eating this or not eating that, or you should be doing this and not doing that, that everyone thinks that is the way we should think. But, if it's not in GOD'S will, it doesn't matter who says it - it's still wrong.

Today's word is Judges 21:25, KJV, which reminds us about the children of Israel and how they were behaving: "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

The children of Israel had no king. The prophets had yet to come on the scene. They had no moral or spiritual leader to tell them, to show them, to explain to them what was right and wrong. So, everyone was doing his or her own thing; everyone was doing and behaving however they wanted. Yet, they had been instructed in The Ten Commandments what was right and wrong.

No matter our perception. No matter what someone else, even celebrities, may tell us. No matter what "everyone else" may be doing, we have GOD'S instructions, The Holy Bible, to direct us and to tell us how to behave. I don't care what everyone else does; I want to do what GOD wants me to do. I want to be found right in His eyes, not in my own eyes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 24, 2017

It's Huge

Have you ever had to overcome a really tough situation? I think we all have. One of the things that make difficult situations even more difficult are the doubts and fears that accompany the struggle. As we are going through things, fighting with every last bit of strength we can muster, we begin to wonder how long it is going to last. We begin to doubt that it will ever be over.

I haven't had to face the struggles and trials that others have, but I have had those moments when doubt crept in and I began to wonder how long the trial would last. It is absolutely true that all we can do is take each day one at a time and continue to persevere until the end. I came across something, though, that encourages me to remember that it will all be good in the end...

Today's word is: "If you saw the size of the Blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting."

While we are in the midst of the battle, we can't seem to focus on anything but the battle. We can't seem to draw our attention to anything other than the constant fight before us. Today's word is a reminder to step back, take a breath, and remember what GOD has done previously, how He entered a situation and how it turned out for the better. If we will just take time to remember what GOD has done before, it will strengthen and encourage us to push through what lies ahead.

If you find yourself in the midst of a monumental struggle, don't lose hope. Keep pushing forward. Keep fighting the fight. Keep pressing towards the mark. There is a blessing coming, and it is HUGE!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 23, 2017

My Tongue

The tongue is an interesting muscle that we all have trouble controlling from time to time. It isn't the biggest muscle or the strongest muscle but it can create some of the biggest messes. Now, the tongue is a wonderful thing: we taste things via the taste buds on our tongue. Contrary to popular myth, we don't taste different tastes on different parts of our tongue; we can sense any taste at any taste bud.

A significant other part that our tongue plays is communication. We use our tongue to form words and sounds. We often use them to form words and sounds that others wish they wouldn't make. We also, from time to time, use our tongue to say words we wish we had never said.

Today's word is a reminder for us all about the extreme power of our tongue: "Beware, sometimes the tongue is quicker than the heart, and words hurt others."

We can find ourselves saying something that the second it comes out we wish we could draw it back. Unfortunately, though, once it is out there - it is out there. We know in our hearts that we shouldn't have said it. We feel in our heart the pain that we know we caused someone else. We want to apologize with heartfelt remorse for our words, but, again, the tongue is powerful and is often deployed without fully considering the repercussions.

I am really working on controlling my tongue and controlling what comes off my tongue. I want to encourage folks. I want folks to know that GOD loves them and has a great plan for them. I want them to know that what others think of you, what others may say about you doesn't make it true. I'm praying that GOD will help me to find a better use of my tongue.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Don't Stress

"Don't Stress," easily said, harder to do. We all have moments and challenges in our lives that it seems the only appropriate response is to stress over it. I try not to worry about too many things and I really try not to stress too much over anything but, the gray in my hair and the wrinkles on my face would tell you that I have my stressful moments.

There are those times when we seem perplexed and troubled on every side and there seems no way out of any of it. It is these times that causes the stress. If we just knew the when it would end, or the how it was going to work out, or the effort to put forth to make it happen in our time we would be alright. Yet, it doesn't work that way. We, Christians, are to live by faith, not by sight. We are to believe that GOD is working it for our good, even when it doesn't necessarily feel that way.

Today's word is something I came across that reminds us to be faithful: "Stress make you believe that everything has to happen right now. Faith reassures you that everything will happen in GOD'S time."

It is those things that we cannot control that we often stress the most over. It is those things that we cannot control the timing of that we often stress the most over. It is those things that we cannot foresee the outcome of that we often stress the most over. I know - I DO TOO.

But, it is the fact that we want to know the outcome, and we want to know it NOW, that causes us so much stress. I pray that GOD will help me to remember that it is in His timing that all things will work together for my good. I pray that you will feel His presence through your stressful times as well. I pray that we will all faithfully remember that GOD is reminding us - DON'T STRESS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 20, 2017

President's Day

Today is President's Day 2017. President's Day became an official holiday in 1971. While it was originally instituted to celebrate Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays, which are just a few days apart, it has become a day we honor all those that have served this great country in such a great capacity.

With this thought in mind, I want to thank all those who have sacrificed and served our country as President. It is a thankless job, with a never-ending innumerable supply of critics. It seems that no matter what you do in that particular office, you will always make over half the population displeased. I think many people put way too much adoration into who is President and don't remember that GOD is still in control.

Today's word is Psalm 188:8, ESV, which reads, "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man."

Man will let you down, always have, always will. Most don't do it on purpose but we are all human and human tendency is to take on too much and often accomplish too little. We have a propensity to rely on others to do things that they never do. But, we can rest assured that GOD will ALWAYS do exactly what He says.

Thanks Mr. Presidents for taking the time to help our country and to serve in such a great capacity. We pray for you daily, and our prayer is that you will rely on GOD to direct your path and your decisions. Happy President's Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 17, 2017


We like pancakes around our house. It's not that we have them that often, but when we do, we really enjoy them. Whether you use the pancake batter mix or you make the mix from scratch, pancakes are good. However, they can be messy.

The last time we had pancakes, I made them from scratch, and it was messy. First, I had to sift the flour, which made a mess. Then, I had to add other ingredients, including eggs, which made a mess. Then, you had to mix it all together, which, if you mix too aggressively, can make a mess. But, once they come out of the pan, golden brown and ready for butter and syrup, it is worth the effort.

Today's word is 1 Peter 4:8, NIV, which reads, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins."

If you get all hung up on the effort of making pancakes from scratch, you will probably not make them very often. As a matter of fact, you'll probably just buy the prepackaged ones that you microwave, which are decent when you're in a hurry but aren't like the real thing coming out of the pan. Yet, even the prepackaged ones are palatable with enough syrup. It seems that pancake syrup, like love, can cover most anything.

If we will love each other deeply, the way GOD intends us to, the way that He loves each of us, we will find that folks make mistakes but we still love them. Much like pancake syrup, once you pour love all over, you can't help but see the goodness in others. Love each other deeply, and go eat some pancakes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 16, 2017

You're not Alone

There is no feeling like the feeling of loneliness. We have probably all experienced loneliness from time to time, whether we were in a big crowd or all by ourselves. We all want to be included, to feel like we are a part of something, to feel like someone loves us enough to spend some time with us. Loneliness and the need for inclusion is a primary reason cults are successful.

My family and I were watching the movie Heaven is for Real and in one of the final scenes, the father tells the congregation that he has learned that "...the one thing His love requires is that I let others know that they're not alone." Folks need to know that they are not in this world alone, that someone cares, that together we stand strong and can make it through.

Today's word is John 14:18, NLT, which reads, "No, I will not abandon you as orphans--I will come to you."

GOD loves us; we are His children. He will not allow us to go through this world alone. Now, we often allow ourselves to put distance between GOD and us, but He is still right where we left Him. He will be as close to us as we allow Him to be, and I am really talking to myself. GOD will be as close to us as we allow but, sometimes, we let everything in the world come between GOD and us. We need to remove those obstacles, those stumbling blocks, those things that so easily beset us. If we will do that, we will see how close GOD truly is.

We also need to let others know that they are not alone. GOD loves them; He wants a personal, intimate relationship with each of us. He has also put us here to help one another, to help shoulder each others' burdens. We are here to show others and to tell others, "You're not alone."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today is Valentine's Day 2017. The theory is that we celebrate Valentine's Day because of Saint Valentine, a Roman Priest during the reign of Emperor Claudias Gothicus. Claudias had passed an edict that prohibited the marrying of young people because, in his opinion, unmarried soldiers fought better.

Valentine performed marriage ceremonies for the Christian couples and even aided them in their persecution from the Romans. For his dedication to Christians and to Christian marriage, in 269 AD, Valentine was sentenced to a three part execution of beating, stoning, and decapitation. He paid to fulfill the law of love.

Today's word is Romans 13:8, ESV, which reads, "Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law."

We all have debts; we seem to have more than most. We all owe for things: houses, cars, educations, stuff, and we are all working towards eliminating that debt. It is important to meet our obligations and to fulfill those debts, it is imperative. Yet, there is nothing more freeing than paying something off and no longer owing someone. Further, though, there is one debt that we can never retire - LOVE.

We owe it to one another to love each other. No, we don't have to love the actions of others, we don't have to accept the attitudes and sin of others, but, we are to love others. Why? Because, even while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us - He loved us enough to pay our debt. Don't we owe each other love? Loving one another is the only way our debt(s) will be fulfilled.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Getting older

A friend of mine is having a significant birthday today. Yes, they are all significant but, you know, it's one of those that ends in a zero. We are all aging, which, in my opinion, isn't a bad thing. Some people find it to be more of an issue than others but the fact is that age is just a number. Yeah, some people's numbers are larger than others...

Anywho, thinking about aging today. Aging has its challenges. Once we reach a certain "era" in our life, things hurt that didn't used to hurt. We don't have the endurance we used to have. People start writing things in smaller fonts. And, today's generation doesn't speak as loud as we did. There are lots of physiological changes that we go through as we age. But, it shouldn't just be physical changes...

Today's word is Job 12:12, NLT, which reads, "Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old."

We should get wiser as we get older. Why? Because we have lived and seen and should know a little more when we are fifty than when we were twenty. If you don't, you may have wasted some years and some chances. No doubt, my parents got a lot smarter as they aged. When I was a teenager, they were about as dumb as people could get. But, by the time I reached twenty-five or so, they had become significantly more intelligent and wise.

We should listen to those that have lived it. We should seek advice and counsel from those that have been there and done that. And, as we age, we should become that someone that others would want to seek advice from. As we age, we gain wisdom and understanding that we can pass along to others. If we consider aging in that light, I think we can agree that there is something really special about getting older.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Be Prepared

In honor of an event that occurred on February 8, 1910, we dedicate this post. It was on this date 107 years ago that Chicago publisher William Dickson Boyce filed incorporation papers to create the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts motto is "Be Prepared".

It's important to be prepared; you never know what's going to happen. Trish will tell you that I always have a Plan A, and Plan B, and Plan C, and Plan D, etc. It's important that with preparation comes flexibility and adaptability. Without preparation, things can catch you by surprise and leave you wondering what to do next. However, if you are always prepared, others will think you are using some kind of snake oil or lucky charm. The fact is, though, that with preparation we can help create our successes.

Today's word is a simple quote that says, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity".

While today's post isn't about spiritual things, I think there is a lot of spiritual lessons that can be learned through preparation. We need to be prepared to meet our SAVIOR (get saved). We need to be prepared to share with others the message of CHRIST JESUS. We must be prepared to go and serve and to do what GOD calls us to do. There are lots of spiritual things that we need to prepare ourselves for.

However, today we are talking about being prepared when the opportunity arises. When successes come, some may say that you are really lucky. I will say again, I'm not lucky; I'm blesses. But, looking at it from secular eyes, when your successes come, some may say how lucky you are. The truth of the matter is that you put in the effort, you did the work, you prepared, and when the opportunity presented itself your preparation put you in a position to be successful. Yes, GOD gave us the opportunity to be successful but we can only be if we are prepared. GOD is going to send opportunities, be prepared.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What does it profit

We had a friend and church member pass away recently that thousands of people had been praying for, literally thousands. He had been raised in church but had never gotten saved. He had lived his life on his terms and didn't want any part of a close relationship with JESUS. It was killing his parents, who are salt of the earth, godly people. So, we prayed that GOD will get his attention. And, He did.

This gentleman was diagnosed with cancer several years ago and underwent years of treatment, yet, he still gave his parents any indication of submitting to CHRIST. Then, recently, he took a turn for the worse and ended up in the hospital again. This time, though, there was little they could do for him; they sent him home with hospice.

Today's word is Mark 8:36, KJV, which reads, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

This gentleman wasn't a bad person. As a matter of fact he was a really good person: lovable, jolly, full of life, generous, friendly. He had a lot of earthly possessions: a nice home, a good job (prior to becoming ill), lots of "toys". As a matter of fact, at the funeral home, the line was long and continued that way for the entire visitation. He was a really good person, with lots of things, but you take none of this with you into eternity.

However, the week before he passed, he told the pastor that he had found JESUS! He had committed and submitted; he was saved. He, too, came to the realization that it doesn't profit us to have everything here; it is most profitable to make our calling and election sure and lay up our treasures in Heaven. Praise the LORD, before it was everlastingly too late, he too realized the most important thing! Don't lose your soul. What does ti profit?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 6, 2017

That is no secret

I believe that I am pretty good at keeping a secret; I have been trained to. There are things that will go to my grave with me because I was sworn to keep them secret, which is what I intend to do. Now, as I get older, it's not as much that I keep things secret as I just can't seem to remember anymore.

The other part of secrecy is that we try to keep things secret. We do everything in our power to keep our sins hidden from everyone else. Trust me, I do to. We don't like our secrecy but we know we must continue in it because we have no desire for others to find us out. We also know we are doing things we ought not to do because we try so hard to keep it hidden from everyone else. But, there is one more secret place I want to mention...

Today's word is Matthew 6:6, ESV, which reads, "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

If you feel the need to tell that juicy secret, tell it to JESUS. He knows everything anyway; it's not like you are keeping anything hidden from Him. And, even though He knows all about our sin, He loves us anyway! So, confess those secret things to the One who is with you, even in your secrecy.

Then, pray for others that GOD will guide and direct them to find the peace and understanding and love that can only be found in Him. We all need each other. We need others to encourage us and lift us up and to pray for us, even pray for those things we ought not be doing. If we will earnestly pray one for another, GOD will reward us all, and that is no secret.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 3, 2017


What is humility? A simple definition is, "not thinking too much of yourself; not placing undue importance upon yourself." We don't see a lot of humility in today's society. It seems that the only way to advance is to sell yourself as being the best at whatever is going on. I'd love to say that I am good for something but I am really not very good at many things.

Some people tend to see humility or humbleness as a weakness. I find it quite refreshing and a great character strength. Yes, you have an important position or a big title but the fact is that the place ran before you got there and it will run after you leave. It is when we recognize that we have important jobs, but that doesn't make us important, that we truly begin to be able to fulfill the roles that have been bestowed upon us.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:2, NIV, which reads, "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

This verse reminds us that when we start to think too highly of ourselves, of our positions, we are only one step away from becoming a failure. Not that I am proud of it but I have been there. It is when I start thinking that I am all that, that I start believing all the hype, when I start feeling like I am worthy and deserving of all the accolades, that I am about to fall. The truth of the matter is that I am what I am, where I am, because of GOD'S goodness and mercy.

I like the second half of the verse, "...but with humility comes wisdom." Some of the wisest folks I know would never let you think that they are. The depth and breadth of knowledge is astounding but they know that they still no so little in the overall scheme of things. It is true that the longer I live, the more I realize how little I know. And, it is truly the wise man that realizes how little he knows.

My prayer is that if I am ever in a position to dispense what little knowledge I have that I can do so with humility. My prayer is that if anyone ever thinks that I deserve some accolade that I can remind them that every good and perfect gift comes from above. My prayer is that I can become wiser by showing true humility.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Those who trust

I had a friend challenge me the other day about some things that I had allowed to continue bothering me, things that I have no control over, things that I can influence very little. Yet, I was still allowing them to occupy way too much of my time, energy, and outlook.

So, anyway, this friend began to tell me the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was to take Isaac and sacrifice him. Isaac was the chosen son, he was to be the father of many, Abraham and Sarah had waited one hundred years and ninety years, respectively, for this promised child. If Abraham was to sacrifice him, how were all these promises going to be fulfilled?

Today's word is Psalm 125:1, NLT, which reads, "...Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever."

Abraham didn't know how GOD was going to work it all out but he had faith that GOD was going to work it all out. If he followed GOD'S directive, did as he was asked to do, he knew GOD was going to work it all out. He may not have known HOW GOD was going to work it out but he had faith that GOD WOULD. I find myself too often on the HOW, and not often enough on the fact that HE WILL.

Whatever you may be going through right now, just know that GOD has a plan, and His plan is perfect. Don't be like me and get hung up on the HOW. Be like Abraham and faithfully trust that HE WILL. GOD has us securely in His hand and we will not be defeated. This is what GOD does for those who trust.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T