Monday, February 29, 2016

Patience and Offenses

I have a friend who was really taken financially by someone in their family. This person trusted their family member to do a construction project and paid this family member upfront for the purchase of needed materials. Then, the family member just took the money and used it for their own purposes and "stuck" this friend with nothing but a huge loss financially.

I don't know about you but I would be fuming mad, and I mean mad. Yes, I know that "anger" is an emotion and "mad" is a state of mind. But, I am pretty sure that I would be mad. However, this individual just said that maybe this family member needed the money more than him and that he would let GOD sort it out.

Today's word is Proverbs 19:11, NIV, which reads, "A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense."

This friend knew that it would do nothing but cause a huge rift in the family and it just wasn't worth the turmoil to fight it. He felt that family harmony was worth more than what he had lost - that is definitely wise. He also felt that in due time it would all work out - that is definitely patience.

We can't go around "blowing up" about every little thing. There are times that I really need to sit down, diligently pray, and weigh the consequences prior to committing to action; that would certainly be wise. I can't say that I would do what this friend has done but I do hope that I will remember his example when I am faced with similar circumstances. I know I could certainly be better at being patient when offended, and allowing GOD to do His thing in His time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 26, 2016

Who's your favorite?

Our kids, like many others, are really into Frozen. Not too long ago, while getting him ready for preschool, Blake, who is four, asked me who I like better, Anna or Elsa. I told him that I liked them both. To this, he replied, "No, you have to pick one." "Well," I said, "If I have to pick one, I'm gonna go with Anna." "Why," he asked? "Well, I said, while Elsa is pretty, if you make her angry, she can really mess you up." "I like them both," he concluded.

Favorites. We all seem to have them. We all seem to like some things better than others. You have the "beach" people, me, and you have the "mountain" people, them. You have those who like horror movies and those who like nothing but romantic comedies. You have those who like fish and those who prefer fowl. It seems that we all have favorites, and everyone expects us to pick one thing over another. However, GOD is not like that...

Today's word is Romans 2:11, KJV, which reads, "For their is no respect of persons with GOD."

GOD has no favorites. He loves all His children the same. Yes, some people have more than others. Some people seem to have it better than others. But, neither of those things are any indication of GOD'S love for each of us. Sometimes, live events and our own poor choices put us where we are. Sometimes, we struggle, not because GOD has caused it, but because we made a bad choice and that is the consequence of that choice.

While we have favorites, GOD does not. He loves each of us exactly the same, with the same desire, same want, same care. We can rest assured that GOD loves us exactly as much as He loves anyone else, even Elsa and Anna. And, to be completely honest, I like them both equally too but don't tell Blake.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Many Blessings

I had someone say to me recently, "You are a lucky man." While I am certainly "lucky", I had to correct the gentleman by saying, "I am not lucky. I am BLESSED."

You see, luck would imply that just by chance, just by happenstance, just by coincidence, I have the people and things in my life that I have. But, it's not by chance or happenstance or coincidence. I have the people in my life and the things in my life because of GOD'S Blessings. GOD has blessed me with so much.

Today's word is from Psalm 40:4a, The Living Bible (TLB), which reads, "Many blessings are given to those who trust the LORD."

I LOVE this verse. First I note that it reads, "Many". Not, just "blessings," not "some", not "a few", not "several" but MANY. "MANY blessings are given..." - you see, it's not luck; it's not just by chance. GOD takes action and GIVES me blessings. And, not just a few blessings - MANY.

The old hymn says, "Count your blessings, name them one by one..." If we would sit down and just start naming all the people and things that GOD has blessed us with, we would NEVER complete the list. GOD has given us many blessings because we trust Him. He gives us blessings because we trust Him to give us blessings? No, He gives us blessings because we trust Him with everything. And, because of our trust in Him, He GIVES us MANY BLESSINGS!

Look around today and see the many blessings GOD has bestowed upon you. It's not luck. It's not chance. It's not coincidence. It's GOD. And, GOD has given us many blessings.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Too much talk

Ever tell a lie? C'mon, you can admit it. The very best of us have, at times, been less than truthful. Why? Because we want to keep ourselves out of trouble, we want to make ourselves look "good", we think we can avoid conflict, or we are trying to pull the wool over someone's eyes. There are lots of reasons that we lie but none are really justified.

So, when do we lie? It is when we begin talking too much. We will begin with our story, which is simple and true but to make it a little more appealing, a little more interesting, we "embellish" just a little. Once we see interest, we "embellish" even more. So, the more we talk, the more we might find ourselves stretching the truth. Politicians come to mind for me.

Today's word is Proverbs 10:19, NLT, which reads, "Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

If I could stick to simple, short statements, I would probably find myself with less temptation to embellish. I pride myself in being a "just the facts" type of guy but I, like others, can find myself trying too hard to make things interesting. And, the more I talk, the greater the urge to do so.

The next time you find yourself in a place, a situation, where it seems that more talk is the answer, keep in mind today's verse, "Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 22, 2016

It takes work

Those who know me know how blessed I really am. I have a beautiful wife who thinks I am the greatest thing since sliced bread, two children who, for the moment, think I am a decent dad, a job I like, a house that is nice, a home that is wonderful, and Heaven to come. Yet, while I am truly blessed beyond measure, I have to do my part.

Yes, Trish is fantastic. But, I doubt she would be interested in me if I didn't treat her with love and respect. The kids love me partly because they know my sincere love for them. I like my job and I have been very blessed with it but I don't think they would continue paying me if I didn't do what was required. It takes work.

Today's word is a reminder that, if you'll pardon the paraphrase, you get out of something what you put into it. Today's scripture is Psalm 128:2, NIV, which reads, "You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours."

Now, the preceding verse tells us that these blessings will be for those "...who fear the LORD and walk in His ways." And, that is absolutely true. If we will fear the LORD and walk in His ways we will certainly eat the fruit of our labors and enjoy blessings and prosperity. But, note that it takes some effort, some commitment, some work on our part - we must fear (reverence) the LORD and we must WALK IN HIS WAYS.

Some people are wanting blessings and prosperity but aren't willing to put forth the effort. You cannot reap the fruit from a garden without putting in the effort to plant, sow, and hoe. You cannot reap the benefits of a loving relationship without putting forth the effort to become a lovable person. You cannot eat the fruit of hard work if you don't do some hard work.

Blessings and prosperity are available to all who are willing to expend the effort to attain them. Now, you cannot earn GOD'S favor. You cannot earn salvation. You cannot earn gifts. Yet, GOD will bless our efforts when we walk in His ways!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 19, 2016

Burdens and Shoulders

We all have burdens of one form or another. For some, the burden may be physical ailments or impairments. For some, the burden may be mental and cognitive challenges. For others, the burden may be caring for someone with challenges. We all have burdens.

Today is National Caregivers Day and I want to give a HUGE shout out to all those who take on the burden of caring for others. Every Mother, Father, Friend, Brother, Sister, Medical Professional, Thank You ALL so much for taking care of us. Live is difficult; it would be more difficult without those who care. Thank you for taking on the burden of caring.

Sometimes, we feel as if the burden we are bearing is just way too much. And, sometimes, we feel that we just simply cannot go one more step. It is at these times that we need to remember that GOD cares and He is with us. We also need to remember that GOD has surrounded us with people who care - CARE GIVERS - that will help us carry that load if only we will ask.

Today's word is a Yiddish Proverb, which says, "GOD gave burdens, He also gave shoulders."

We need to never forget that while things will come, while burdens will weigh heavy, GOD has given us folks that care, folks that will help carry our burden. JESUS instructs us to help carry each others' burden. It easier to carry a load when the weight is distributed across many shoulders.

Today is National Caregivers Day. If you are giving care to others, Thank You! Your shoulders may be just what someone needs.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sky Pictures

If you ever watched the "Bill Dance Fishing Show", you know that the theme song began with, "When the sun came up this morning, I took the time to watch it rise. And, its beauty struck the darkness from the skies."

I love sunrise and sunset. I take a lot of "sky pictures", which some people find interesting, some find beautiful, and others find fairly weird. I can't explain what I see in a beautiful sunrise or sunset; it truly is better felt than talked about. I can tell you that, for me, sunrises and sunsets are a tiny glimpse of the beauty of Heaven. GOD allows us just a glimpse of the spectacle that we will one day behold.

Today's word is Psalm 65:8, NIV, which reads, "The whole earth is filled with awe at Your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, You call forth songs of joy."

No doubt, when I see a beautiful sunrise or a really colorful sunset, I am filled with awe, which reminds me of the wonders of GOD. Now, He could have created the sunrise and sunset to work much like flipping a light switch, which is an awesome thing, yet, He chose to give us spectacular colors and designs and light refraction. It is spectacular.

Yeah, sunrises and sunsets cause me to stop a moment and just take in the beauty of it all. There's nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, it is something worth singing about. Next time you get a glimpse of the sunrise, take the time to watch it rise. You can't help but be filled with awe at GOD'S wonders.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Street Signs and GPS

If you've ever done any traveling, which we all have, you have a few options for acquiring directions to your desired destination. You can "Google" it and print out a map with directions. You can ask someone who has been there, and they will give you directions. You can program it into a GPS and allow it to direct you to your destination (most of the time, but we're not getting into that today).

If you use the oral directions of someone else, you have to take for granted that nothing has changed since the last time they went. If they tell you to turn left at the red barn with "See Rock City" painted on its roof, you better the barn is still standing and that they haven't painted the roof. If you use the printed map, you never know when there might be construction or a detour, and that printed map will not give you a corrected direction.

Today's word is a thought I had this morning that simply says, "We are not to be billboards, simply supplying information. We should be a GPS, providing others with direction."

You may read a billboard and find that a certain burger joint has some special. However, you probably won't find directions to the burger joint or their health rating or other things that may prove important. You may read a billboard that gives you particulars about a certain lodging, but, you probably aren't going to find directions to the lodging or reviews from customers who recently visited that particular lodge.

The gist of what I am saying is that folks need to see us, GOD'S children, not as someone who can spout information about JESUS, but as examples of how to walk the Christian walk. They don't need us giving them information; they need us giving them direction. They need to be informed - they need more to be saved. Tell others what they need to know, then, guide them to the SAVIOR.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Light in the Darkness

We have had some rain over the last day or so. I don't know the exact rainfall total but I can tell you it has been significant. When you have little ones, a day of rain can seem, to them, like an eternity. They wonder if the rain will ever end and if they will ever see the sun again. They wonder if there will ever be light after the darkness.

We get in our spiritual storms from time to time as well, and we have the same feelings, concerns, and wonders. Will things ever be right again? Will this ever pass? Will I make it through? Will there ever be light? How will I ever find my way? If you're a child of GOD, I have good news...

Today's word is Psalm 112:4, NIV, which reads, "Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous."

If you are GOD'S child, you can rest assured that not only will there be light at the end of the storm but GOD will be a beacon through the storm. Even when it seems the darkest, even when it seems the most hopeless, even when you feel the most helpless, you can take comfort in GOD'S all-penetrating light.

Storms will come. No matter who you are, what you own, where you live, storms will come. There will be minor "pop-up showers" and major earth-shaking thunderstorms but GOD will be in the midst holding, comforting, and enlightening His children.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 15, 2016

I will tell

When I am asked, "How are you doing," folks most often hear me answer, "I am blessed and highly favored." The reason I answer that way is because I am Blessed and Highly favored. GOD has been so good to me, has done so much for me, and has so much more planned for me that I want others to know that I know how much He has truly blessed me.

Others might say, "Well, you don't have to go around boasting. Good that everything is rosy for you but it isn't so with everyone." First, I will say that I am not boasting of anything I have done; I am boasting of the goodness of GOD. Second, everything is definitely not rosy. We have a lot of bad days, and a lot of bad stuff on most days, but that doesn't mean that GOD hasn't blessed us beyond our deserving. And, when He does that, which He does, you should tell others about it.

Today's word is Isaiah 63:7a, NLT, which reads, "I will tell of the LORD'S unfailing love. I will praise the LORD for all He has done..."

We should encourage others by sharing with them the goodness and the love of GOD. He has certainly blessed us with life, which is a blessing we so often take for granted. We are able to think and comprehend and walk and talk and eat and drink. So much to be thankful for that we should share with others.

Even if your day isn't going very well; even if today is a lot like yesterday, only worse; even it it seems there is no break on the horizon, surely we can praise GOD for all He has done. He has given us eternal life through JESUS CHRIST and has prepared us a home with Him for eternity. That is something worth telling about.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 8, 2016

Daily Renewal

Well, it was bound to happen eventually. It appears that I may have to have my gallbladder removed because it is behaving poorly and causing every other organ to have to make up for its inadequacies. And, it has caused me a little pain and some major discomfort. We await the surgeon's office's notification indicating when the eradication of this poorly performing organ will take place.

I have always "sort of" boasted that I have everything I came with, with the exception of less hair and more wrinkles. But, in the back of my mind, I knew the day would come when it would be time for the removal of some necessary but poor performer. It is just an indication that this body is human and it will wear out and break down, as we all know it will.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 4:16, NLT, which reads, "This is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day."

While it is a fact that no one gets out of this life alive, it is just as much a fact that when this life is over, I will be more alive than ever - eternally alive. This body was not designed to last forever; it is my spirit that will.

I try to take care of this body that GOD has given me. I should also true to take care of my spirit. Just as I try to exercise and eat right (most of the time), I should also do the things that nurture and grow and protect my spirit. This old body needs daily nurturing, and so does my spirit. We all need daily renewal.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 5, 2016

It's not all about the money

I have always had a philosophy that money is a short term motivator. Let's say that you're working, making eight dollars an hour. After a while, you begin to think that you deserve more and complain about your wages. Your boss decides that maybe you should be making a little more and gives you a dollar per hour raise. For a few weeks, maybe, you are happy. But, eventually, the new wears off and, once again, you begin to complain about the money, or lack thereof, that you make. Money is a short term motivator.

Some people, however, chase the dollar. They truly believe that if they had x-amount of money they could be eternally happy. I'll tell you that if you're not happy without money, you won't be happy with money. Yet, if you're happy without money, I bet you could be happy with money. They key is that money is not what brings happiness nor satisfaction.

Today's word is a quote from John Ruskin, which says, "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it."

The best compensation you can ever receive from your work is not the wages but the wisdom. It's not the cash received, it's the character it builds. It's not the pay earned but the pride felt in a job well done and in doing a job well.

We all have to make a certain amount of money to provide the necessities of life for our loved ones and ourselves. But, if you're only working for a paycheck, you'll soon find that the paycheck isn't enough. It's not about the money, it's about the person you are becoming and that everyone is witnessing. I pray I always remember that.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 4, 2016

You're full of it

Ever have anyone say to you, "You're so full of it?" Now, usually, when they say that it is not a compliment. Well, usually, when they say it to me it is not meant in a good way. Today, though, I am reminded of the fact that I am full of it in a good way.

I am blessed beyond anything I could have ever thought, dreamed, or imagined. I have blessings upon blessings upon blessings daily, hourly, by the minute. I am amazed at what I have been given by GOD just because He can. Now, I know I am to be a good steward with what He has given and I am not to use it flippantly or haphazardly. but the fact is that I am full of it - full of GOD'S amazing grace that is.

Today's word is a reminder that we are full of it and that we should use it for GOD'S purpose(s). Luke 6:45 reads, NIV, "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..."

It is hard to bring up bad things if you are full of good, and vice versa. It is hard to bring forth good things if all you have is a bad heart. Now, that is not to say that GOD can't touch our hearts and fill them with good, He can, but, we have to be willing to let go of the bad in order for the good to fill us.

We are all full of something. It comes down to what you are full of and what you allow to flow from you. Sometimes, I have to admit, that it isn't always good that comes from me, which is on me. But, I never forget that GOD has filled me with good and, if I will allow it, good will flow from me. Because, I am full of it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Behind the Smile

I have friends that seem to always be smiling. They are genuinely happy and encouraging, which is refreshing in this day and time. Oh, I have friends that are exactly the opposite but I suppose they balance me out. It can change your day to have someone smile at you.

Now, you may be sitting there thinking that you really have nothing to smile about. And, to that I would have to ask, "Nothing? Really?" I would be if we would just take the time to think a little or look around a little we would find some thing or someone to smile about. The fact that I am alive to see one more day is a pretty special blessing in and of itself.

Today's word is a quote that I came across that says, "When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about."

If you're waiting for things to be perfect before you can start smiling, you will never be smiling. If you're waiting to have things be ideal before you flash the choppers, you won't be smiling at anyone. But, if you will see that life is the blessing, that there are lots of good things around you, you will find something to smile about today.

Smile today - about someone, about something, about nothing. There's an old saying that I repeat often that says, "Keep smiling. People will wonder what you're up to." So, keep smiling. You may just find that when you smile about the life you're living, you truly are living a life worth smiling about.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 1, 2016

It's what's inside that counts

Ever heard the expression, "Never judge a book by its cover"? It is just a way of saying that even if it has a bad title, it may still be a great book. The only way to really know is to open the book and read it. I have been surprised on many occasions to find a really good story in a book with a bad "cover". It's what's inside that counts.

Same goes for homes. You may see immaculate, palatial, ornate mansions but if the people inside are just going through the motions, hating life and each other, what good is it? The structure makes a house, it doesn't make a home. It is what's inside that counts.

Today's word is 1 John 4:4, NIV, which reads, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One Who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

It can seem that satan is wearing us out. I know he has been on a tear with me lately. When he brings his attack, it can be frustrating and devastating. He will stop at nothing to break us down and to try and defeat us. BUT (don't you love the buts), GOD lives inside me and satan has no chance against Him; GOD has defeated satan eternally.

When satan brings his attack against you, and he will, just stand strong and say, "Greater is He that is in me. You may wear me down but you will never defeat me. You may tire me out but you will never break me. You may test my strength but you will never defeat me. It's what's inside that counts!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T