Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rose buds

We have some miniature teacup rose bushes in our carport flower box. (Please don't tell anyone that I know that they are "miniature teacup roses"; I have a reputation I am trying to keep) These roses are just starting to spring to life. While a couple of the roses have opened to full bloom, the majority are still in the "bud" stage.

We have just come out of the blossom stage for all the apple, plum and pear trees. It is truly a beautiful time of year, though the allergies can be an issue. When everything is in full bloom and the anticipation of new growth is upon us, I can't help but think of how wonderfully creative our Father is. He gives us all this beauty just because He can.

Today's word comes from Psalm 104:24, NIV, which reads, "How many are Your works, LORD! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures (creations)."

It is impossible for me to see how anyone can see the splendor of GOD'S great creation and think that it all just "happened". How GOD chose to bring it into existence we can debate forever and NEVER fully understand. The fact, though, is that GOD created it all, and He allows us the blessing of seeing it all! He loves us enough to enjoy the fullness of His creation.

Yes, we have miniature teacup roses, and, yes, I think they are pretty and smell nice and are wonderful to look at. I am grateful that GOD allows us the joy of living in and taking in His creation. I am a man, AND I can enjoy the works of His hands!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 29, 2013


We recently went to a prepaid cell phone plan. We had been "contract/post paid" customers for about thirteen years and felt that we weren't getting the same bang for the buck. For us to get the same package post paid as we did prepaid, it would have cost an extra $30 or $40 dollars per month.

So, what is the big difference between prepaid and post paid. Well, post paid means that I get to use the service and pay for it later; prepaid means I have to pay for the service before I use it. The first is where they trust me to pay for it later, the latter is where they figure I better pay for it first. Either way, it is the same money, whether it is before or after. However, not all prepaid is the same...

Our word for today comes from Ephesians 1:7, NIV, which reads, "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of GOD'S grace."

Look, we have all sinned, and I mean ALL. Those sins, however, have already been paid for. JESUS post paid for all the sins that were committed before Him; paid for all the sins committed while He was here; and, prepaid for all the sins that are to come. JESUS paid it ALL for them all.

Now, we have to ask GOD to forgive us of our sins. We have to truly repent for those sins. We have to turn from our sin and try to never do it again. But, once we do that, all the price for forgiveness has been FOREVER paid. Isn't that wonderful? We don't have to worry if we can be trusted to pay for it later or if we must pay for it first; JESUS has paid the price for all sin! All we have to do is accept His gift and receive His forgiveness.

Yes, there are advantages to post paid. But, when it comes to payment for sin, I am eternally grateful that it has been prepaid.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 25, 2013

When it rains, it pours

We have had some really steady (I refrained from using torrential) downpours, especially lately. I was talking with a friend of mine last night about the rain we were having. While it was not a downpour, it was a really cold rain. I can take the cold. I can take the rain. But, when the two combine, it makes it really miserable.

Most folks will carry an umbrella and take shelter beneath it when it rains; I am not one of those folks. I am the typical guy that figures I would rather get a little wet than to have to carry an umbrella. I mean, I will hold my wife's purse while she is trying on clothes but, and umbrella? Really?

Today's word comes from Deuteronomy 28:2, NIV, which reads, "All these blessings will come on you and accompany you IF you obey the LORD your GOD."

While torrential downpours can be miserable, GOD has tremendous blessings He desires to pour out on us but we have to do our part. There are always blessings and cursings; our obedience determines which of those we receive. If we are disobedient, it truly does feel as though it rains and pours. Now, bad things will happen to good people; we live in a broken and fallen world. However, GOD will bless those who are obedient to Him.

Yes, it is so often true that when it rains it most definitely pours. We can so often get caught in a torrential downpour that leaves us soaked to the core and shivering from the cold. Just as often, though, if we are obedient servants, we can be caught in a Heavenly downpour, where GOD is pouring out His blessings. For one of those we need an umbrella, for the other, let it pour.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

That's pretty simple

I have a tendency to make things way harder than they have to be. If you are not cursed with this malady, you should be grateful. It is a tough thing to live with but I have it and can't do anything about it. I truly try to use the KISS it principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) but I can really complicate the devil out of things from time to time.

I have had times when all I really needed to do was empty the trash can but I couldn't stop there. When I would go to empty the trash can, I would think that it would be more convenient to have a "self-emptying" trash can. Well, all you need for that is a hydraulic lift to lift the can, a conveyor system to convey the emptied contents to the larger can outside, some robotic arms to remove the old trash bag and install a new one, and then, the hydraulic lift would lower the trash can to the original spot. That's all you need...

Today's word is a quote from Alice Roosevelt Longworth, which sums up the idiocy of that thought. It says, "I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches."

If I would but practice that simple philosophy, it would probably ease some of that stress we talked about yesterday. The trash can is full, empty it. It really is that simple. We don't need more stuff. We don't need more complicated gadgets. We need to keep it simple and enjoy the day-to-day.

I never built the "self-emptying" trash can. Can you imagine the cost that would be associated with such an endeavor? It would probably cost $2000 to build something to do a job that takes me 30 seconds. And, I don't have to dodge conveyors in the living room. One way to ease the stress in our lives is to keep it simple; that, my friend, is a good philosophy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 22, 2013

Stress & Frustration

You probably don't have "those" days. You know the ones...everyone does something that just frustrates the living daylights out of you. It almost seems that they know how to get to you, and they can REALLY get to you. It also seems that on "those" days, anything that can go wrong usually does, which not only raises your frustration but causes the stress level to rise as well.

I've had days where it seemed that everyone's goal was to make my life miserable and more frustrating than necessary. While they may not have been doing this on purpose, they were doing really well none-the-less. There are "those" days when my frustration and irritation level is at a fever pitch.

Today's word is a quote from Hans Selye that deals with this subject and reads, "It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it." To which I add, "I really need to work on this one!"

Look, there are going to be "those" days when anything and everything and anyone and everyone is going to push your buttons and frustrate you and irritate you. There will be "those days when anything and everything that can go wrong will go wrong. There will be "those" days when the stress level and the frustration level is enough to cause you to do something you will later regret. Yet, the real frustration comes from how we handle "those" days.

Let me finish by saying that I don't like it either. While it is good advice, it frustrates me that my frustration is exactly that - MY FRUSTRATION. I just need to learn how to handle it a little better. I really need to work on this!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 19, 2013

Prove 'em wrong

I have been very blessed in my life to be surrounded by others that refuse to quit. There are folks in my life that have inspired me over and over because they refuse to give up and refuse to give in and refuse to sit down. I am truly blessed.

I can remember times in my life when people that "knew far more than I would ever know" told me that I could not do something. They had no idea that their statement lit something in me that could not be described. Nothing gets me going more than someone telling me I can't...

Today's word is something that came to me as I road to work this morning, which says, "There will ALWAYS be those who thrive on our failures; prove them wrong by NEVER quitting. And, love them anyway!"

Until this life is over, there will always be those who love to watch and love to gloat over others' failures. These people seem to thrive on others' failures like a vulture thrives to find fresh road kill. I don't know what motivates them, other than kicking folks when they are down, which I will never understand.

The next time someone stands on the sidelines and points out all your failures, pay them no mind. Prove them wrong by getting back up, wiping off, and going again. There is no shame in failure; the shame is in quitting. And, that shame is multiplied when you allow someone else to cause you to give up. Don't quit - prove 'em wrong! And, love them anyway!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What are you talking about

I have shared with you before that I talk - A LOT. I like to talk. I don't really need a subject, don't really need a listener, I just like to talk. I realize, however, that while I talk a lot, I often have very little to say. You know what I mean. There may be a lot of words but very little substance.

We have all been around those folks that seem to talk just to hear their own voice. I have heard folks rattle on for what seemed like hours but not say ten words worth listening to. There is a lot of music that way for me, too. Much of today's music is four minutes of noise without a lot to say. But, I digress...

Today's word is a quote from Plato, which says, "Wise men talk because they have something to say - fools because they have to say something."

Some people just can't help themselves. They just talk about anything and everything, and, very often, show how little they actually know. I readily admit that I don't know much about very many things but those things I know a little about, I will drone on and on about. Yet, I, too, have been guilty on numerous occasions of showing how foolish I can be because I had to say "something".

Today's quote really resonates with me; I really should be quite when I have nothing of substance to add to the conversation. Sometimes, I just talk to be talking. Sometimes, I talk because I have something to add. Sometimes, I talk because I need to be heard. Sometimes, I need to be quiet for those same reasons.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's important

Throughout the years, I have noticed that people put so much emphasis on the most mundane things. They seem to over exaggerate the importance of things that two weeks from now won't add up to a hill of beans. However, to them, at that particular moment, it is of the essence.

I have a friend that bought a really nice car and refused to drive it unless the weather was just right. You know, it couldn't rain, the roads couldn't be wet, the roads couldn't be dusty, the wind couldn't be blowing, etc. Then, he had some heart trouble, had some pretty serious surgery, thought he was going to die, and began to reassess the importance of things.

The car he had bought gave him a lot of joy WHEN he drove it. However, like I said, he didn't drive it much. After his health scare, he began to realize that he had a limited number of times to drive this car that gave him so much joy; he started driving it every day.

Today's word is a quote that I heard long ago but it really sums up what is important: "Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it."

We seem to hold on to things that we really need to let go. We, also, seem to let go of things we really need to hold on to. If you don't know how precious life is, talk to a parent that is going through a trial with their little one. LIVE LIFE! Don't wait until tomorrow to wear that new suit. Don't wait until the weather is perfect to drive the fancy car, DRIVE IT! Life is short; life is sweet; life is precious; life is a gift - LIVE IT!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sometimes, I don't like you

A really good friend of mine was sharing with me one day that she had told her husband that she loves him unconditionally, and that nothing would ever change that, but, there are times that she just doesn't like him. Have you ever felt that way? If you say you haven't, you may be lying.

There are times that the ones we love the most, the deepest, the fullest still get on our ever lasting nerve. We know they don't mean to, nor do we mean to get on theirs but it happens. It doesn't even take much, at times, to really try the patience of those that we love the most, and vice versa.

Today's word is just a thought that I had from that conversation and from the sermon Brother Danny preached Sunday night: We may not always LIKE each other but our LOVE for one another should be like GOD'S - unconditional and eternal.

Do you think you ever do anything that gets on GOD'S nerve? Do you think you ever do anything that He doesn't like? Do you ever think you do things that GOD finds completely and totally unacceptable? We all do. Do you think He ever stops loving us just because He doesn't like our attitude or what we do? He NEVER stops loving us.

We seem to attach conditions to our love. We want to love everyone but only if they can give something in return. (Now, pay attention, I love everyone but there are some that I am better off to not associate with or to be around). There will be those that are HARD to love; trust me, I am one. Yet, if GOD can love me despite my sorry self, why can I not love everyone else?

Yes, there will be times that you will not like me. There will be times that I may not like you. But, there will never be a time when I do not love you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 15, 2013

I'd be lost without GPS

Sometimes, I have found myself in an area that I am completely unfamiliar with, and so is my GPS. Ever been there? Yeah, that GPS will take you to an open field that is supposed to be the home of your high school friend. You later find out that your GPS needs a little updating.

There have been other times, however, that the GPS has not only taken me to my destination but has also saved me time, tolls, and turmoil. Plus, if I find myself in an unfamiliar place, the GPS is kind enough to let me know where lodging and food can be acquired. Though, sometimes, without updates, the GPS can lead me to where a restaurant used to be.

Today's word is just a little acronym I've seen and a thought that I have to go with it: GPS - GOD'S Plan of Salvation - we'd be lost without it!

If you think you would be lost without the GPS in your car or on your smart phone, just imagine how lost we would be without GOD'S GPS. Yeah, without our little GPS, we might get lost or not find lodging or food. Without GOD'S GPS, we would be eternally lost, destined to spend eternity separated from GOD. So, what is GOD'S GPS - GOD'S Plan of Salvation? I am glad you asked...

Romans 10:9, from the Holman Christian Standard Bible reads, "If you confess with your mouth, 'JESUS is LORD,' and believe in your heart that GOD raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Pretty simple, huh? If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you will be saved, that simple.

GOD'S Plan of Salvation is not overbearing or cumbersome or tedious. It is simply believing in His sacrifice and accepting His gift of eternal life. GPS - GOD'S Plan of Salvation - we'd be lost without it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 12, 2013

Do you have life?

What is life? We know that life is a cereal, which Mikey loves. We know that life is what happens while you are trying to make a living. We know that life is what you make of it. There are a lot of descriptions of life. I think it is more important to build a life than to spend your life trying to build a fortune. You know the question, "What does one leave behind when they die?" EVERYTHING!

So, there has to be more to life than just what we see and accumulate here. Today's word comes from 1 John 5:12, NIV, which reads, "Whoever has the SON has life; whoever does not have the SON of GOD does not have life.'

Do you have a life? Or, as I used to say and so many of our younger ones like to say, "I have no life." But, you do. If you have the SON of GOD, you have life. If you don't know JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR, you, indeed, have no life. And, no hope. The Bible tells us, once again, that JESUS came to give us life - abundant life.

Yeah, I may have, in my younger more naive, more selfish days, said that I had no life. The truth is, though, that I have ETERNAL life! I have abundantly wonderful life here and eternal life with JESUS to come. I pray you do to.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Amateurs and Professionals (Thursday)

I guess this is sort of a continuation from yesterday's post. I have had motivation and determination on my mind a lot lately and this is just evidence of it.

Most people seem to put extra emphasis on having people that have extensive training do things for them. Because of this, they often sit back and do nothing because, they feel inadequate. Hey, listen, there are times when we all have the tendency to feel a little less than adequate, a little less than qualified. However, don't let your limited qualifications keep you from trying.

Today's word (Thursday's) is just a quote or saying that I have heard most of my life that says, "Never be afraid to try. Remember, godly amateurs built the ark, while professionals built the Titanic."

I think we all know how these two endeavors turned out. The amateurs on the ark survived a flood, while the unfortunate travelers on the professionally built Titanic, perished. So, what am I saying? I am glad you asked.

Don't be afraid to try something just because you may not have proficiency. The only way you will ever get any better at anything is to give it a try. And, if you are doing what you do for GOD, then, you will be more proficient than you ever imagined.

Never be afraid to try; be afraid of being afraid.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Don't Start Stopping (Wednesday)

Alright, I admit it. I am getting old. I had every intention of posting the last couple of days and allowed it to slip my mind completely. So, I am posting Wednesday's post here, I will post Thursday's next, and, finally, I will try to post today's. Hopefully, my sometimers will get better...

I know I have mentioned it numerous times before but there are lots of folks in this world that will try to get you to give up and give in. You know the ones. They tell you things like, "It's not worth it," "Why would you want to do that anyway," and "Nobody really cares." Don't listen to them.

The word for today (Wednesday) is a quote from Ziz Ziglar that says, "Others can stop you temporarily - you are the only one that can do it permanently."

When you hear others telling you that you can't do it and it's not worth it, it may cause you to pause but don't let it cause you to stop. It's okay to take a break and to get a breath and to regroup and reorganize and reassess but it isn't alright to just quit.

I hope the next time you hear that you can't do it or that it isn't worth it that you will take a quick breath and push on! It is okay to pause but never stop.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wrong Overlook

Have you ever stopped at a "scenic overlook"? I have stopped at several, some scenic, others not so. However, from most overlooks, you get to see a broad, wide, panoramic view - the big picture.

When you are afforded a wide view of things and get more information to evaluate, you can, usually, make better decisions. Of course, you do have to use the information you acquire.

Today's word is a quote from William James, which says, "The art of being wise is knowing what to oveelook." To that, I add, "Pick your battles wisely."

Sometimes, we want to look at every single thing, which can cause us to make foolish decisions. If we will wisely focus on the important things, we will learn to overlook those things that aren't worth fighting about.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

My Prayer for You (Yesterday's Post)

I am at a conference on the coast, and time got away from me. I failed to post yesterday but am trying to correct that now. lol

I had a thought yesterday concerning my desire  for others Of course, my ultimate desire is for everyone to come to know JESUS CHRIST as SAVIOR. However, once you know JESUS, I have a life fulfilling desire...

The word comes from Psalm 20:4, which reads, "May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

I do pray that GOD gives you the desires of your heart and makes all your plans succeed, and all your dreams come true.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Great and Mighty Things

I have been blessed in my life to see some pretty amazing things. I have seen various places and various cultures and many different sunrises and sunsets.

On that note, I have awakened on vacations just to see the sunrise over the beach. While others may find that really strange, I love the many wonderful things that GOD shows me, sunrises and sunsets are some of the most beautiful things the human eye will ever see.

Maybe you are not like me but I have a really strong, and, somewhat strange, curiosity. I have shared before that I have caused my parents a lot of discomfort because of that curiosity, that need to figure out how things work. That curiosity also has a lot of wonder about how GOD works and how He does certain things. Ever been there?

Today's Word comes from Jeremiah 33:3, which reads, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

Sometimes, when you can't seem to find the answer to some of those difficult questions, all you need to do is ask GOD. You can ask me and I will give you my opinion, which I share freely; sometimes, too freely. However, if you truly want the answer to those wonderful questions, ask GOD. He will show you great and mighty things.

Yes, I have seen many great and mighty things, but I in no way am finished searching and seeking. When things crop up that I cannot seem to grasp, I turn to GOD, Who knows all things and will answer my requests. Call to Him, and He will answer. Not only will He answer, He will show you great and mighty things!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

It won't be like this for long (Yesterday's Post)

I got a little preoccupied yesterday and failed to post; I apologize. So, I will start today with yesterday's post and hope to get the time later to post today's.

Have you ever had something going on that felt like it would last forever? I am sure you know what I mean...the late night feedings, Murphy's Law working overtime at your house or in your family, rehabbing from an injury, a broken heart from a break up, etc.

While you are going through those things, it feels as though it will NEVER get better. If you are like me, you may have even thought, "It will ALWAYS be like this. ALWAYS." No matter what you do, no matter what anyone says, no matter what happens, you have the nagging feeling that it will ALWAYS be like it is.

Today's (Yesterday's) Word is a quote from William Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, that says, "Come what may, time and the hour run through the roughest day." Or, in my translation, "This, too, shall pass."

Look, yes, it is difficult. Yes, it does seem that it will last forever. But, even in our darkest times, time keeps moving. You cannot live four years in one day, it takes 1461 days to live four years (one extra day for a leap year). As I like to say, "These things take time. And, these things have a tendency to work themselves out."

Keep pushing on one day at a time. Time stands still for no one, it keeps on moving. So, while it really sucks that things are the way they are today, it won't always be like this. This, too shall pass...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What's he doing?

Have you ever caught yourself so wrapped up in what someone else is doing that you end up not doing what you should be doing? You know what I mean, you are concentrating too much on the guy ahead of you that you run the traffic light.

Another such incident comes to mind...you are too distracted watching someone else do something that you walk into the door or the street sign or the utility pole. Don't sit there acting as though you have never had the experience.

Today's word is a quote I came across that says, "The only way to succeed is to not worry about what anyone else is doing."

It is a fact that we often get so distracted by what everyone else is doing that we lose sight of what we are supposed to be doing. We get so caught up in all the things the other person is doing wrong that we make our own set of errors and mistakes. We get so engrossed in their undertakings that we fail to see the things that are taking us under.

Maybe what we should do is concentrate more on what we have been called to do. What we should do is do OUR thing and not worry about what everyone else is doing. Yes, there are times that we need to be concerned about what others are doing; we certainly should be concerned if their actions are going to cause us or our loved ones harm. But, we shouldn't be so distracted by the everyday doings of others that we fail to accomplish the task laid before us.

I admit that I have been distracted by the doings of others. I am going to try and concentrate more on accomplishing my thing, and maybe be successful at doing what I have been called to do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Empty Tomb

Yesterday, we celebrated Easter, the celebration of our risen SAVIOR. I heard something on the radio the other day that has brought about today's thought. So, without further ado, I will begin with Today's word...

Today's word is simply, "The empty tomb guarantees that we can be completely filled with the Holy Spirit. The tomb being empty means we can be full."

It is not always a good thing to be empty. I mean, an empty bank account is not a good thing; a pretty common thing, yes, a good thing, no. An empty stomach can certainly be a troublesome thing. An empty wallet isn't a good thing either. However, an empty tomb is a good thing.

Maybe you are walking around today feeling rather empty. Maybe you feel as though you have been spent trying to do the right thing and nothing has worked out. Maybe you feel you have completely exhausted all your resources just trying to get through another day. That emptiness, while not a good thing is the exact reason we can rejoice in the empty tomb.

The tomb being empty means that we can be full. We can rejoice that this is not all there is. The empty tomb means that the best is yet to come. For the Christian, this world is as bad as it is going to be! We can rejoice that the empty tomb fills us to overflowing!

Look, this world has a way of using us up. The everyday grind is enough to wear us down and wear us out. There is enough happening most days to use up the resources we have for a week. When we feel as though we have exhausted all we have and that we are running on empty, we can rejoice in the fulfilling of the Holy Spirit! Thank GOD for the empty tomb!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T