Friday, December 20, 2013

GOD will help

It's hard not to talk about the hottest topic going today, Duck Dynasty and the controversy over Phil speaking the truth of the Bible. It absolutely amazes me that people can talk about anything vile and evil and it is freedom of speech. But, if a Christian says anything about sin, they are hatemongers. It is absurd.

Now, I will not condemn anyone. I do not have the right or the power; that is GOD'S and GOD'S ALONE. But, that doesn't change the fact that GOD'S Word clearly defines sin and sinful behavior. Yes, it speaks of my sins too. When I sin, I have choices - I can either continue to sin and be against GOD or I can choose to let GOD change me by asking forgiveness and turning from that sin. You can hate all you want but GOD has standards.

Anyway, I find it very difficult to understand why it is freedom of speech for everyone except the Christian. Why is everyone screaming discrimination and hate speech when it is the Christian that is discriminated against and hated? It seems that everyone has freedom except those who are truly free.

Today's word is from Isaiah 41:43 to encourage us that we are not alone. It reads, "For I am the LORD, your GOD, Who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'"

Look, for as long as this world has stood and for as long as GOD continues to allow it to stand, there will be those unfriendly towards Christians and the Christian faith. We need not be surprised because JESUS told us not to be. He reminded us to not be surprised when people hate us for our Christianity because they hated Him first. People will ALWAYS hate, which is NEVER right. Unless, it seems, that the hatred is aimed at Christians.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lacking nothing

Trish and I don't have a whole lot but we have absolutely everything you could ever want. I have mentioned before that we don't have a lot of money, we live in a very average house, we drive older vehicles, but we have so much more that no one can ever see. GOD is so good to us.

This time of year always causes me to think of those who may be out in the cold with nowhere to go and nothing to eat. I pray daily for each of them to find a warm place and food to eat. I am truly blessed.

Today's word is from Proverbs 28:27, NIV, which reads, "Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses."

I don't know how people can not be concerned for others. Don't get me wrong, I know some folks are where they are because of choices made. I know that some folks are living the way they live because they have exhausted everyone that ever cared about them. I know that some folks have burnt every bridge and robbed every coffer. But, for those who truly deserve some help, how do we not try?

I am not naive enough to think that I can help everyone, no one can. I know that not a one of them is outside of GOD'S sight. I know that He will supply all their needs. I also know that He expects me to do what He leads me to do. I have failed Him many times; I pray I do better.

No one can do it all but, if we all just do what we can, I think it would surprise us all. I believe the Methodist motto at one time was, "Make all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can." May we all be willing to listen to GOD'S voice when He speaks to our hearts to give.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 16, 2013

You can't buy it

As we approach Christmas Day, I can't help but think of all the folks stressing about all the things they couldn't buy or didn't get. I admit that I, too, have a lot left to do but I am really trying not to stress about it. If we don't get everything wrapped, that is one less thing for someone else to have to fool with. Right?

So many people get frustrated and ruin their own holiday because they couldn't buy everything on everyone's Christmas list. Others get really frustrated and hurt because they didn't get everything on theirs. I have no Christmas list. If you asked me what I really wanted, I would tell you that I want PEACE. Not just world peace. Not just familial peace. But, I would like for everyone to find that inner peace that so many seem to be short on.

One of my favorite Christmas movies is the adaptation of Dr. Seuss's "How the Grinch stole Christmas". Not the Jim Carrey version, good in its own right, but the animated version. So, today's word is a Christmas "quote" from Dr. Seuss, which says, "Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store." To which I add, "It isn't about stuff - it's about LOVE."

The feeling I have this Christmas has nothing to do with anything you can buy. As a matter of fact, if you asked me what you could buy me, I would tell you that I don't need a thing. I honestly do not need anything. You cannot buy the Christmas spirit. You cannot buy the Christmas joy. You cannot buy the Christmas love. GOD sent it when He gave us His Son. If everyone would concentrate on the Son, we would all have a bright Christmas.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Exalt Him

Here in Alabama, the speculation has been whether or not Nick Saban is going to leave the University of Alabama to become the head coach at the University of Texas. Now, whether Mr. Saban leaves or stays is entirely up to him. There are pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages either way. I don't have a dog in the fight, nor has Mr. Saban asked my advice in any way. If he did, I do have something I would like to point out...

I have often wondered about those who don't honor contracts. I mean, if I tell you I am going to do something, I try my hardest to do it. If I put my name on a contract stating that I will do something, I don't try any harder, my word is my contract. In the day in which we live, though, folks don't seem to honor what they say they will do. If more money comes calling, they chase the money. Where's the loyalty? Don't get me wrong, I like Nick Saban; I hope he stays at Alabama for the next fifty years. But, why all the hoopla? Why do we tend to exalt those who don't seem to be worthy of our exaltation?

Today's word is from Exodus 15, the second part of verse 2 (NIV), which reads, "...He is my GOD, and I will praise Him, my father's GOD, and I will exalt Him."

The definition for exalt is to raise someone or something to higher level, to hold this someone or something in a higher regard. We have a tendency to raise folks up and put them in a higher classification and hold them in higher esteem than we do GOD. GOD, Who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory. GOD who has been and forever will be. GOD who is forever faithful and loyal and will never go chasing the next dollar.

GOD is worth our exaltation! Yeah, it is a big deal if Nick Saban leaves Alabama for Texas. It is a bigger deal that GOD has been loyal and dedicated and faithful yesterday, today and forever! Let's exalt GOD, He is worthy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


A lot has passed through my mind lately about progress. I seem to have a lot to do but very little getting done. I know you have heard it, and I have said it before, but it seems that the harder I try, the less I complete. However, I have to keep pushing to get things done.

Our two-year-old, he's actually twenty-six months, hasn't taken to potty training as well as some have claimed that their little ones did. We try to get him to use the potty every chance we get but he isn't as interested in it as we are. However, last night, as I was changing his diaper, he said, "Dada, pee pee." I asked, "You gotta pee pee?" He replied, "Uh-huh." So, we head to the bathroom, where he stepped up on the stool and pee peed in the potty like a big boy. Progress.

Today's word is a saying that goes, "Some people quit due to slow progress, never realizing that slow progress is still...PROGRESS!"

There will be those times in our lives when it seems that we are accomplishing nothing. There will be those times when it seems that we take one step forward just to fall two steps back. Yet, if we continue to try to progress, even infinitesimally, it is still progress.

Progress can be measured in so many different ways. Maybe you didn't accomplish EVERYTHING you set out to do today but, if you made it through the day with everyone fed and clean and in bed, that is progress. Maybe you didn't get out of debt this year but, if you made it through the year owing less than you did at the beginning, even two dollars less, that is progress.

Don't give up just because it is slow. Slow progress is still PROGRESS!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 9, 2013

Put the blame where it belongs

I am as bad as anyone to look for someone to blame. I think it is human nature to find someone or something to blame other than ourselves. We don't like admitting that we are less than we think we are. Well, guess what? I am sure that I am far less than I think I am.

When we make the big mistakes, our need to find a "scapegoat" becomes even larger. The larger the mistake the larger the feeling of not wanting to accept responsibility. When it comes to sins, we are even more reluctant to own it.

Today's word is from Proverbs 19:3, NIV, which reads, "A person's own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the LORD."

We have seen people do it more often than we care to admit. They make a huge mistake and run afoul of the law, or with their spouse, or with their boss, etc., and they blame GOD for not getting them out of their predicament. Well, who got you into the predicament?

It is when we put the blame where it belongs, on ourselves, that we experience true freedom and forgiveness. Blaming someone else for my shortcomings is like taking the blame for someone else's. GOD didn't cause you to get into the mess you are in. However, He will help you through it, if only you will seek His will, ask His forgiveness, own up to your failures, and seek the forgiveness of those you hurt. It's not easy for me either but it is time to put the blame where it belongs.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today is all we have

In Luke chapter 12,  we read of the rich man who had so much wealth and had been blessed with such an abundance that he didn't know what he was going to do with it. He decided that he would tear down his old barns and build bigger ones. He decided that he would eat, drink, be merry and live the life of ease. But, he didn't know that he would never enjoy it.

Luke 12:20 tells us that GOD calls him a fool and tells him that that very night his soul would be required of him. The rich man didn't realize that all he had was today.

Today's word is a saying/quote that I remember from some time back, and that is not verbatim but is my paraphrase: "Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone.Take time to care. Let your words bring peace."

How often I have done things or said things not realizing that it could very well be the last thing I ever do or say. Or, it could be the last thing the person I did it to or said it to would ever see or hear. Sometimes, we lose sight of the fact that today is all we have. I, personally, seem to live like I know I will have time to make it right. I pray I always do.

I know the parable of the rich man that I mentioned is more about not giving GOD the credit due, but it also reminds us that today is all we have. Make the most of today!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Brighter Days

On March 16, 1985, Terry Anderson, American journalist, had just finished playing tennis and was taken hostage in Beirut, Lebanon. Mr. Anderson remained hostage until December 4, 1991 - almost seven years.

Can you imagine being held hostage, prisoner for seven years. I can think of the three young ladies in Ohio that lived a lifetime of bondage. I cannot imagine the terror and turmoil and abuse they survived. I do know that they had something that kept them going, something that made them want to see another day.

It's not always easy to see the light for all the darkness surrounding us. I can only imagine how gloomy things must have appeared to those that were being held captive. The lack of communication and the intensity of the situation had to make things appear completely hopeless.

Today's word is a quote/saying I came across some time ago that I try to keep in mind. It says, "Faith is seeing light with your heart, when all your eyes can see is darkness. Have faith - brighter days are coming."

Sometimes, it seems that all we can see is the darkness that surrounds us and permeates fiber of our being. However, if we will have faith and open our hearts to the brightness of tomorrow, we may just find that glimmer of hope that will keep us going.

Obviously, there will be days when the little light we see is so faint and so distant that it appears only as an illusion. But, if we are faithful to see that the brighter day is coming, we'll see that that little faint, distant light is enough to keep us going. Have faith - brighter days are coming.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Strength

I have often had the kids in the youth group want to know what we are going to look like in Heaven. I honestly don't know. The Bible tells us that we don't yet know what we shall be but we shall be as He (JESUS) is. Yet, that isn't really definitive, so, I don't know.

I do know that, especially as I get older, that this physical body doesn't perform now as it did years ago. So, I always tell them that I'd like to think that we are all going to be the equivalent of twenty-five-years-old. At twenty-five, I had live long enough to know that I didn't know everything but I did know a little about a few things. And, physically speaking, at twenty-five, I was as fit as I had or have ever been. I couldn't bench press a truck but I could lift the tire. You know what I mean?

Today's word is from Nehemiah 8:10, NIV, which reads, "Nehemiah said, 'Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our LORD. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

There are several things to really like about this verse, enjoying good food, sending some to those who have nothing, GOD'S holy day, no need to grieve...but, the thing I want to talk about is our strength. There are times when this old world can knock you down and kick the snot out of you. There are times when it seems that the only ways things could ever be worse is if something happened, and then, that something happened. It is during these times that we have to reflect on GOD and His goodness and strengthen ourselves by remembering that we have JESUS in our hearts and that He will see us through.

I can tell you that it is much easier to say it than to do it but if we would just reflect on the good things GOD has given us, especially the promise that eternity is going to be worth it all, it will strengthen us to go a little further.The joy of the LORD is our strength.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 2, 2013

Stand Firm

I think one of the hardest things to do is to stand still, especially very still. You see folks in the horror movies all the time that cannot stand/sit still. Five people have already met their demise and, yet, they hear a news and have to go see what it is. Or, they hear the noise and can't control themselves and run right into the chainsaw wielding villain.

Then, you have the fidgety ones (me especially). There was a time in my early years that if you had told me to stand still or ELSE that I would have had to find out what the ELSE was. It wasn't that I wanted to be disobedient, I just couldn't get myself to stand still. There was always something in me that had to move. Now, I have learned to stand still. I have learned to search the landscape before making my next move. I have learned to focus on moving in the right direction. I don't always do it right but I have learned.

Today's word is from 1 Corinthians 16:13, NIV, which reads, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

A lot of things in this world are vying for our attention, waiting for us to pick the wrong one. This is why we must be on our guard. Satan is going to present us with every opportunity to make the wrong choice; we have to be on our guard to ensure he doesn't fool us. Then, we need to stand still (stand firm).

We need to stand still and wait for GOD to direct our steps, our actions. We do that by holding on to the faith. We know that GOD has everything working for our good, and temporary satisfaction today can lead to permanent dissatisfaction tomorrow. So, before making any rash decisions and running into the chainsaw wielding villain, stand still, listen to GOD, and move accordingly.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Because of His righteousness

Aren't you glad that GOD is righteous? He is completely without sin or guilt. He is a truly just judge. He is completely and totally good in His actions. He is above all reproach and will ALWAYS do what is right. I am grateful that I serve the One True GOD Who is Holy righteous, and WHOLLY righteous.

There are things that we are each going to give an account for, whether they be good or bad. However, I know that I will stand before a just Judge, One who will not look for condemnation but will only look at the blood of His Son covering my sins. Because I made the decision to accept CHRIST as my Savior, JESUS'S blood makes me righteous in GOD'S eyes.

Today's word is from Psalm 7:17, NIV, which reads, "I will give thanks to the LORD for His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High."

I am thankful that GOD is righteous; that despite ALL my shortcomings and failures and sins, He will forgive me because He made a way for me - Salvation through His Son, JESUS CHRIST. GOD is no respecter of persons; He doesn't judge me because of what I look like or smell like or even act like. No, His only judgement is in whether I accept His gift of salvation, which HE gives to everyone equally. That is just judgement.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I am most thankful for a GOD who loves me. A GOD who made a way for me to live forever with Him. A GOD who is righteous. Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Love Folks

There are a few things that I have learned in my life that I try to explain to others but I seldom seem to get the full message across. It has often been said, and I have found it to be most true, that there are a lot of things that are better felt than talked about. Let me give you an example...

You know the feeling you get when you are in the presence of GOD? You can feel Him moving, you can feel that overflowing joy in your heart, you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise but to try to put that feeling into words is impossible. It is definitely better felt than talked about.

Today's word is a saying that I have found to be most true: "The people who need the most love often ask for it in the most unloving ways. Love them anyway."

It is hard to explain how difficult it is to love some folks, especially when they so seem to not deserve it. I say it is difficult until I realize that people love me even when I so don't deserve it. Why they do that is impossible to explain, other than to say it is love.

The folks that need the most love cry out for it in some of the most unloving ways. They will rebel and spit in your face and use you and test your patience and try your boundaries, yet they need your love more than anything. I love folks. It isn't always easy but it sure is fulfilling.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 25, 2013

Every Moment

It has been a few days since my last post and I would love to say that I will get more consistent but I have absolutely no idea. Life is what happens in between everything else, and life has been happening. Now, that is not a bad thing at all. It is just that sometimes other things take precedence.

With that being said, we are in Thanksgiving week. And, while we should be thankful and grateful everyday, there is no doubt that this time of year, we are more cognizant of our blessings. I have so much to be thankful for that I seem to take for granted. GOD has blessed me beyond my wildest and greatest dreams.

I have mentioned that I am thankful for the "little things" that are so often taken for granted. Things like being able to walk and talk and yell and scream and holler and understand and comprehend. I am thankful that GOD has given me so much. Of course, I am thankful for my wife, my family, my friends. I am especially thankful for salvation, for being able to spend eternity with JESUS. But, things aren't always good, right?

Today's word is a saying that I love, and this time of year really brings it to light. It says, "Happy Moments - Praise GOD; Difficult Moments - Seek GOD; Quiet Moments - Worship GOD; Painful Moments - Trust GOD; Every Moment - Thank GOD."

Even with all our blessings, there will be moments of difficulty and pain. We are approaching our first Thanksgiving with Pops being in Heaven. I surely do miss him. I know that Thanksgiving will never be the same without him. But, I am thankful for the years I had with him. I am thankful for the lessons he taught me, the love he showed me, the life he allowed me. I am thankful that he is in Heaven and I that I will see him again and spend eternity with him there.

Yes, there will be happy moments and difficult moments and quiet moments and painful moments. In every moment, though, I want to thank GOD. It is because of His great love and mercy and grace that I have another moment. And, for each of those moments, I am thankful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The right thing is the hardest thing

Sorry for gaps here and there but I have had some catching up to do. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do. Anyway, sorry for any gaps, I will post when I can.

Life has a tendency to give us choices that we don't necessarily want to have to make. I know of a man who had to turn his grandson in for murder. Now, he could have gotten his grandson out of the country, hidden him somewhere, but he stepped up and did the right thing. It is not always easy to do the right thing, especially when we know that doing so may cost us something very dear.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I think about those who were willing to lose everything for a new life here in America. They didn't really know what they were coming to; they did, however, know what they were leaving. They were willing to lose what was normal for a chance at something better.

Today's word is a quote I came across, which I added to. It says, "Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same thing. It may be hard but right is ALWAYS right."

The easy way may be easier but it may not be right. It is when we are faced with those difficult situations where we have to choose between right and easy that the burden seems heaviest. After making the right decision, we can suffer for years beating ourselves up for doing what we did. If we would only realize that doing the right thing is the right thing. Others may never understand. Others may betray us. Others may "disown" us. Others may refute us. But you can NEVER go wrong by doing right.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same thing. It may be hard but right is ALWAYS right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 15, 2013

Who you are

I remember as a young man that we had a pretty tight group of friends that hung out together, did things together, went places together, etc. While we were pretty tight, we also had room for others to join us. The truth, though, is they never seemed to stay. It wasn't that we excluded them but they always seemed to find some "cooler" group to hang with.

I have also been the "outsider". I didn't fit in with other peoples' groups. I wasn't cute enough (never will be), I wasn't smart enough (never will be), I wasn't rich enough (never will be), etc. It is amazing how people will judge what someone is before they ever take the time to learn who they really are.

Today's word is a saying/quote I heard that I really try to take to heart. It says, "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who YOU are."

We never purposely excluded anyone from our group because we didn't even know what excluding was. No, we never did because we felt that everyone could contribute something. You will never meet ANYONE that doesn't know something that you don't know. They may not look like you, they may not talk like you, they may not act like you, they may not dress like you but they are worth something.

Don't let what you think of others define who and what you really are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Barking Dogs

We have two labs that bark at everything: the sun, the moon, the wind, each other, the cat, the cat's shadow, you get the idea. Mostly, though, they bark at people they do not know. I mean, if you pull up in our yard and they aren't familiar with you, they will let us know that there is someone unfamiliar in our yard. It is good to have an early warning from our two dogs when someone unfamiliar comes to our house. You feel some security in the fact that they are looking out for you. However, not all barking is good.

There are those nights, around midnight or so, that they bark at everything and awaken everyone in the house. Now, for the adults in the house, it is a nuisance. For the children, however, it is a PROBLEM. They awaken and they don't like being awakened. It reminds me of today's word...

Today's word is a saying I came across that I really like. It says, "If someone says bad things about you or judges you like they KNOW you, remember that a dog barks at people it does not KNOW."

People are always wanting to talk an belittle and put down and run down people, and they have absolutely NO idea what they are talking about. It is amazing to me how much dirt people can spread without a single fact included. What we have to keep in mind, especially when we are the subject of discussion, is that people always bark about things they don't know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What you want most

Ever watch the show Deal or No Deal? I am absolutely amazed at the contestants on that show at times. They come on with simple dreams: paying off their house, buying a house, paying for college, paying for their children's college, etc. During the course of the game, they will get offers from the banker, and some of those offers are more than adequate to accomplish what they say they really want. Yet, greed will set in and they will press their luck and leave with less than they were offered.

We see this in other areas as well. Someone will sacrifice what they really want for the joy of the moment, for the excitement of the minute, for the flavor of the month. It seems that we lose sight of the big thing for the present thing.

Today's word is just a saying that I really like. It says, "NEVER give up what you want the most for what you think you want right now."

So often, it seems, that we will compromise our greatest desires for a fleeting moment. I know it is difficult waiting. Ask anyone that knows me; they will tell you that I am not a patient person. However, I try to always take a big picture approach. I try to remember that what I see today may be enticing but it isn't what I want the most. Let's keep our eyes on the things we want the most, and never lose sight of it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 8, 2013

Brave Men and Women

The Veterans Day holiday is upon us, and I can't think of Veterans Day without being humbled by the sacrifices made by so many. The sacrifices that continue to be made by so many. I am truly amazed and admire them all.

Brave men and women have been willingly putting aside personal safety and security for a higher cause for years. They have been willing to set aside comfort and protection to provide those things for folks they don't even know. I don't think you can think of veterans without thinking of bravery, commitment, determination and so many other adjectives.

Today's word isn't necessarily speaking of just veterans but it comes from a very brave man, Billy Graham. Mr. Graham's quote says, "Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened."

There have been countless numbers of courageous and brave people that have never served in our military. But, those in our military are certainly brave and courageous. That courage is often contagious. When we see someone stand up for what they believe, it is hard not to be encouraged by their bravery.

This veterans day, remember those who have sacrificed and those who continue to sacrifice. I believe we have the bravest men and women protecting our freedoms. I thank them for their sacrifice. I stand strong because of their courage. I feel secure because of their bravery. Veterans, I salute you! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The measure of success

There are a lot of ways to measure success. For me, a lot of times, success is getting up in the middle of the night and not stubbing my toe. Stubbing your toe really hurts. Another measure of success is getting everyone out of the house in the mornings and not forgetting anything vital, such as your keys that are sitting on the dining room table, behind the locked door.

People measure success in various ways. Some folks believe they are successful because they live in a huge house or because they drive a fancy car or because they are popular. Some folks believe they are successful because they have large sums of money or because they are executives or because they have risen to the next level. Others may determine success based on the fact that they ate today or because they didn't lose it today or because they made it through another day.

Today's word is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, which says, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

What a thought. To know that someone else's life has been made a little easier, a little better because I have lived - that is success. Success has nothing to do with status. Success has to do with loving one another and carrying one another's load(s).

With this definition in mind, I have known and do know a lot of successful people. I would never try to list them all because I don't have that kind of time but suffice it to say that others have made my life better and easier. I don't care if anyone ever knows who I am. I do pray that others will know I care.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You're full of it

Often I would hear my parents tell me I was full of it. As a youngster, I really didn't understand what they meant but as time went on I began to realize that they meant that I was full of bull. I was a mischievous child, that was full of it.

The truth of the matter, though, is that we are all full of something. So many folks are full of doubts and fears, what "ifs" and "I never will". Others are full of "I am the greatest," "Nothing can stop me," and "Girl, you sure hit the jackpot with me." Yeah, right.

Today's word is from Romans 15:13, which reads, "May the GOD of hope fill you with joy and peace."

We are all full of something. That which is in us will eventually make its way out. If we are full of negativity, negative things will spring forth. If we are full of ourselves, all that will be coming forth from us is us. If we allow GOD to fill us with His hope and His peace, we will be able to share that with others.

Yeah, we are all full of something, and that something changes regularly. I want to concentrate on being full of JESUS and sharing His hope and peace with others. Now, that would be something to be full of.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 1, 2013

He's good to me

If you ask my wife what she loves about me, she would probably need a couple of years to find an answer (I mean, to find a single answer). But, eventually, she would probably say that she loves me because I am good to her. Now, don't let her know this, but she is far better to me than I could ever be to her.

Anyway, we all want folks who are good to us. I don't know, nor will I ever know, why anyone would want to be with someone that wasn't good to them. Trish has my needs ahead of hers all the time, which is absolutely amazing.

Today's word is from Psalm 13:6, NIV, which reads, "I will sing the LORD'S praise, for He has been good to me."

Look, we all know that things aren't always going to go our way. There will be times that it will seem that things will NEVER go our way. Yet, I so want to be like Job, who in the midst of so much tragedy said, "The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away, blessed be the name of the LORD."

Sometimes, things just don't go our way. Sometimes, things seem really bad. Sometimes, things ARE really bad. Yet, if we would just concentrate on the goodness of GOD, how much He has done for us collectively and individually, we would see that He is worthy of our praise.

By the way, I have Trishia's needs ahead of mine, too. However, I didn't want everyone knowing that because some will think I am whipped. I am not whipped, I am loved.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Don't do too much

I have been known to try and tackle too much at one time. I have also been known to make a complete and total mess of whatever I was trying to tackle. Sometimes, it would probably be best for me to sit down and develop a plan, and a plan B.

We've mentioned before that we should learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. I do believe that we often get so caught up in our failures that we can't move on to our next success. We are all going to fail, which is really hard for me to admit, but it is absolutely true. Learn from them and move on - yesterday is gone, can't get it back, can't change it, let it go.

Today's word is just a saying that I really like that says, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, Trust GOD for tomorrow."

Let yesterday go. The more you continue to hold on to yesterday's failures and hurts and pains, the less you can enjoy today. Once again, yesterday is gone - LIVE FOR TODAY. Today is the only day we have. Today is the day that GOD has given us - make the most of it. Don't let yesterday kill today.

Then, we need to trust GOD for tomorrow. While we are not guaranteed tomorrow, IF GOD chooses to give us another day, we are going to need Him to see us through. You know why? Because, there will be challenges and problems and concerns and failures. And, we need to allow Him to help us see past those so that we can see the love and the beauty and the joys and the fun. We need Him to help us live TODAY.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Silence & Smile

Ever notice how a simple smile can defuse a situation? Now, not if it is one of those condescending/smirky smiles, but a true, sincere smile can really make a situation better. There is just something about a smile that can change opinions of what is happening.

It is amazing to me how quickly we can get ourselves into messes and how we try to fix things once we mess them up. When I say, "We," I really mean "ME". I seem to have an uncanny ability to get myself into way more hot water than folks need to be. This could explain my wrinkled skin, huh?

Today's word is a saying I came across that really sums things up. It says, "Silence & Smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems. Silence is the way to avoid many problems."

While a smile can often go a long ways in defusing a situation, silence could benefit us more by keeping us out of a lot of situations. I have no doubt that if I could just learn to keep my mouth shut, life would find a way to be a little more simpler. I shared with someone yesterday that my problem is that I have an opinion about everything, and I freely share it with everyone. Yeah, silence could really prove beneficial.

Smile and Silence - two very powerful tools. One can defuse a situation, the other can prevent a situation.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This is good

Maybe you don't have them but I know people that love DRAMA! I know tons of people that love to keep things going, that love to make things worse than they are, that love to make everything about them, that love to turn themselves into the victim no matter the circumstance. Sound familiar?

Surely you know the type. Someone can have a minor fender-bender but by the time the word gets spread via social media, they have broken their back, their neck, both ears, twelve toes, sixteen fingers, and three hairs. Come to find out, they didn't even get a scrape. The real problem with this is the discord it breeds...

Today's word comes from 1 Timothy 2:2b & 3, NIV, which reads, "...that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases GOD our SAVIOR."

What's wrong with trying to live peacefully, without DRAMA? I am anti-dramatic. I am a "just the facts" type of guy. Things are usually bad enough without trying to make them worse. If we would all try to follow Paul's advice in the above passage, we would find ourselves living peacefully and quietly and anti-dramatically.

Now, whether that will happen or not, I wouldn't put any money on it. There are some people who love controversy, and they create it by embellishing and exaggerating. Hey, you may not believe it but if you want to do something good, live peaceful and quiet in all godliness and holiness. THIS IS GOOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 28, 2013

He hears us

I have taken a couple of weeks off from posting. My Pops had gotten sick and was in the hospital. Pops never got well and GOD decided to take him home. It is still hard to believe.

There is so much to say about losing someone you love but nothing can explain it. NOTHING. I cannot put into words what I feel. I cannot verbalize how it hurts. I cannot describe it. BUT, GOD knows how I feel. He knows all the things I will never know. He knows how to comfort me even when I don't know how to receive the comfort.

Today's word is from Psalm 116:1 & 2, NIV, which reads, "I love the LORD, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live."

Look, I don't know why things happen the way they do; I just try to accept GOD'S will. I know that when I can't understand it all, He carries me until He can help me deal with it. I may never get it, but He will always help me deal with it.

My life is forever changed, it will never be the same. But, GOD is always constant - He will ALWAYS hear me and carry me through. Blessed be the name of the LORD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I am positive

There is a lot to be said for having a positive attitude. Studies have shown that people with positive attitudes usually have better recovery rates after medical procedures. And, it is obvious that we have more friends and more people that tolerate us when we have a positive attitude. No one likes being around constant negativity.

Positive dispositions can carry us through trying times, and we will all have trying times. When the difficult times come, we have to reach back for the things that brought us through, for the positive things that help us persevere.

Today's word is from Psalm 27:13, NIV, which reads, "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living."

Our world is in such turmoil. Our country is in turmoil. All we see on the news and hear through media reports is all the negative things going on. It seems that our government is way too interested in playing politics and not interested at all in being government.

But, regardless of what is going wrong in this world, I remain confident, I am POSITIVE, that GOD has it under control and that I will see His goodness despite what is visible through the media. Yes, things are bad. Yes, they only seem to get worse and worse. Yes, people seem bent on making them worse and worse. But, I am confident that GOD is on His throne and His goodness will see us through!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 11, 2013


I like my pinkie toe. I mean, I really like my pinkie toe; I don't want to have to live without it. Now, a lot of people probably don't think about the little things as much as others. I am grateful to have all my body parts, even the pinkie toe. I don't know if the pinkie toe is significantly important as far as walking and balance, etc., but it is rather important to me because it is there. I was born with it and would like to keep it my entire life.

Hey, and it's not just the pinkie toe. I am grateful for every fingernail. Fingernails come in pretty handy if you are trying to open something or scratch something. I have smashed a few fingers and lost fingernails, and I have always been grateful when they grow back.

So, what am I getting at? I am glad you asked...Today's word is a quote from Malcolm S. Forbes that says, "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are."

It seems that far too many people get hung up on what they are not and lose sight of what they truly are. I am not a rocket scientist. I am not a doctor. I am not a race car driver. I am not a professional athlete. However, I am grateful to be what I am: a child of GOD, a husband, a father, a son, a brother, etc. I may never be famous or rich but I a forever blessed and eternally wealthy.

Looking at all the things we aren't is a pretty easy thing to do. Remembering what we are, though, is far more important.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

That one thing

There was a movie years ago titled "City Slickers". The premise of the movie was that there was a group of people with various challenges/disappointments/problems in their lives that go to a cattle ranch and spend a week herding cattle. During the week, they find answers to their dilemmas and they come back resolved to make amends and the necessary changes to guarantee success.

The old hardened cowhand is named Curly, and he gives the main character, Billy Crystal, a line that explains things to him. He tells Billy's character that you have to find that one thing in your life worth going through life for. Crystal's character asks what that one thing is. Curly tells him that it is different for everyone (you have to find your one thing).

Today's word is just a saying that I really like, which says, "When GOD is your Reason to Live, you will never have a reason to quit."

The truth is, we all have to find that one thing that motivates us to keep on keeping on. And, while that one thing might be a spouse, a child, a whatever, the fact is, that it ALL comes from GOD. If we will make GOD our Reason, we will always have that one thing that keeps us moving.

While the movie was made for Hollywood and had some decent messages, the fact is that GOD is the Reason we are here. If we will continue to serve Him and do His good will, we will always have a reason to keep going. Yeah, GOD is that One thing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Atlanta Braves

Well, last night, the Atlanta Braves were eliminated from the MLB playoffs - again. It isn't anything unusual; I should be getting used to it. However, when it is your team, the team you root for, you always want them to win. If you are a Braves fan (or a Cowboys fan, which I am), you know that there will be disappointments.

The Braves finished with the second best record in baseball, and, again, they are eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. They seem to have a propensity for doing really well during the season and really struggling during the post season. I think we all have those same difficulties at times. We are doing well, going strong, but we relax a little thinking we have accomplished our goal. But, we haven't finished until the end - we have to keep going.

Now, some folks would give up on their team if they kept getting disappointed. I am not giving up on the Braves or the Cowboys or the Crimson Tide, they are my teams. They may disappoint me but they are my teams. There is no room for giving up on something when that something is yours.

Today's word is from Job 17:9, NIV, which reads, "The righteous will hold to their ways, and those with clean hands will grow stronger." To which I add, Stand strong, GOD is on your side.

When things are going bad is not the time to give up, it is the time to bow up. When things are headed south is not the time to jump off, it is the time to jump in. When things are going sour is not the time to split, it is the time to stay. If you truly believe in something, you will hold to it. The scripture above tells us that the righteous will hold to their ways. Followers of JESUS won't abandon ship just because the waters get a little rough, they batten down the hatches and hold on.

The scripture also tells us that if we will keep ourselves in GOD'S will, we will get stronger. Need some strength? Need some staying power? Need to dig your heels in? Stick with GOD - He will strengthen you. And, who knows, the Braves or the Cowboys may figure out how to win in the playoffs eventually. If they don't, though, I will stand strong. More importantly, I will stand strong with GOD Who gives me strength.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 7, 2013

Trust is a tough one

If you ask a few hundred people what it means to trust something, you would probably get a few hundred responses. Now, there would be similarities but trust is a tough one to put a finger on sometimes.

We trust that the floor will hold us up as we walk across it. We trust that the lights will come on when we flip the switch. We trust that the person driving in the opposite lane will remain there - in the opposite lane. We trust that everyone at the four-way stop knows how the four-way is designed to work. There are a lot of things we trust; there are far fewer people that I trust.

Trusting people has always proven quite difficult to me. So often people say one thing and do another. So often people will tell you what they think you want to hear, just to let you find out different later. Trusting others is indeed a difficult thing for me. However, there is One we can ALWAYS trust...

Our word for today is from Nahum 1:7, NIV, which reads, "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him."

For me, trust means that I can count on you being what you say you are, doing what you say you'll do, and being consistent time and time again. I may fail at that but GOD never will. I like the verse above, how it tells us that GOD is our refuge and that He cares for us. Mostly, though, it is the fact that I can TRUST Him. The Bible teaches us that GOD is the same yesterday, today, forever. HE DOES NOT CHANGE! We can trust GOD to be GOD ALWAYS! For a guy who has his trust issues, that is reassuring.

Trust is tough, but not when we put our trust in He who is trustworthy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 4, 2013

Simple Beginnings

Some of the biggest disasters in the world began quite simply. When a dam breaks, it isn't always the massive catastrophe that is the cause. It is often the little leak that began years ago that went unnoticed or un-remedied.

When things happen, I like to try to get to the bottom of them. If you have a flat tire, you can put more air in it but if you don't find the cause of the tire flattening, it will continue to flatten. Flat tires are often remedied with a simple fix. However, if you don't remedy the cause, it will only get worse.

The same things happen in our lives. We keep going back to the same things, we keep putting air back into a leaking tire, we keep trying to make things work without figuring out why they aren't working. Often, the simplest fix is to just realize that it isn't worth fixing.

Today's word is a quote from Dr. Steve Maraboli, which says, "The greatest step towards a life of simplicity is to learn to let go."

We like to hold onto things. So many of us are pack rats with everything. We will hold onto old hurts as easily as we hold onto old hats. We will hold onto old grudges as much as we hold onto old gadgets. How simple our lives would become if we would just learn to let it go. And, I am speaking to me...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Same Mistake?

Now, if you know me personally, you know that I am not the brightest bulb in the tool shed. However, I have a knack for learning from my mistakes early. I don't often repeat the same mistake. If I hit my thumb while swinging a hammer, I quit swinging.I try to learn from others' mistakes, and I try to never repeat mine.

Some folks seem to keep going back and doing the "same mistake" over and over. They will do something they know is wrong, feel bad about it, try to make amends, and, then, go right back and do the exact same thing again. Why?

Today's word is just a thought that says, "You never make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it is not a mistake, it is a choice."

We so often find ourselves doing the same things the same way and not understanding why things don't change. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. I like to say, "If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting." The first time might have been a mistake; the second time is a choice.

So, here's the deal...if you hit your thumb with a hammer - STOP SWINGING THE HAMMER. If you find yourself making the "same mistakes", make a different choice. You may just be surprised at how much that choice will change things, and that's no mistake.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Someone's listening

I have to admit that I am bad to overhear others' conversations. It is not that I am eavesdropping, I just have really good hearing. I promise you that I am not trying to hear their conversations, I just do.

Often, though, it seems as though no one hears us. It seems as though we are screaming at the top of our lungs, that we are hurting and yelling, and, yet, no one seems to hear us. There are few things more disappointing than needing to be heard and everything falling on deaf ears.

Today's word is Psalm 66:19 & 20, NIV, which reads, "but GOD has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to GOD, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!"

GOD ALWAYS LISTENS! Pay attention. I didn't say that GOD always hears. I said that GOD ALWAYS LISTENS! There is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing implies that you recognize there is a noise; listening implies that you distinguish what the noise is. GOD knows what we are saying - HE LISTENS!

Folks will hear us, and, often, not listen. GOD ALWAYS LISTENS! Tell Him your problems, your burdens, your concerns, your fears, your obsessions - He is listening.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 30, 2013


I have occasions where I look at something and have a difficult time getting that image out of my head. I mean, I can go for days, weeks, months with that image cropping up from time to time. This is not a bad thing when the image is good, it is when the image is not so good.

I have a memory of my Grandpa sitting me, a very young child, on his knee and feeding me onion and cornbread (don't knock it until you try it). I was hungry. It was still quite a while until dinner. He fixed my hunger. The image of my Grandpa taking the time, showing the compassion to feed a little fellow will stay with me until GOD calls me home.

I also have images that I will never forget that are very unpleasant. I won't go into details. I won't give specifics. But, suffice it to say that I have some really bad images that, too, will stay with me until GOD calls me home.

Today's word is from Luke 11:34, NIV, which reads, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness."

We all know that the eyes are the windows to the soul. The images we see, the things we watch, the things we look at are burrowing straight to our soul. We have to be cautious and watch what we watch. It's easy to look at an image and think that one little look won't hurt. One may not, but we so seldom give it just one look.

Look, I am talking to me. We really need to watch what we watch. When our eyes are healthy, when they are looking at good things, our body will be healthy and full of light. Be careful little eyes what you see...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 27, 2013


There is no other word like, "wait." I have never liked the word. I have never liked being told to wait. I have never liked having to wait. There is something just not right about having to wait. Not really...

Waiting on something, the anticipation of something coming, is so exciting. I remember as a child, before time moved so quickly, waiting on Christmas. It would seem that from Christmas to Christmas was like 1000 days. Just from the first of December to December 24th was like 500 days! But, then, Christmas day would arrive and it would be worth the wait. Some things are worth waiting for.

Today's word is, again, just a thought that I have come across, that I have kept with me for a while, that I have paraphrased and memorized. It says, "Someone who will lead you to GOD and to a stronger relationship with Him and not lead you to sin is always worth the wait."

Sometimes, it takes a while for things to come to fruition. It seems that the worse I want something, the longer it takes for that something to manifest. However, when it finally comes together, when things finally fall into place, when the something I have been waiting for finally comes to past, it is worth the wait.

It is never easy waiting on things, especially the one we love. So many people get antsy and want love immediately, yet, it doesn't always work that way. Most of the time, GOD is waiting for us to become the right person before we meet the right person. I promise you, though, if you will just trust Him, it'll be worth the wait.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You are beautiful!

"You are beautiful," is not a statement that has ever been said about me. I tell people all the time that Trish and I are pretty good - she is pretty and I am good. And, yes, everyone knows that I don't always hold up my end of the duet.

I think one of the worse things we can do, however, is constantly compare ourselves to others. Look, I am comfortable enough in my manhood to admit that there are some guys, okay, A LOT of guys, better looking than I. I am not going to name them, because, as I said, there is A LOT. However, Trish thinks I am a pretty good looking dude, or at least I think she does.

Today's word is just a saying that I came across that sums up what GOD thinks of us..."You are beautiful! And, I should know, because I made you." - GOD

Look, I am sure that some folks look at me and find that I am less attractive than most. I am sure there are others that find me less attractive than many. I am sure that there are even others that find me the least attractive of all. I mean, they think that if I was in a beauty contest with seven others, I would finish twelfth. But, what really matters is what GOD thinks, and He thinks I am beautiful.

GOD made us just as He desired. He has a special plan and purpose for you just the way you are. He thinks I am da bomb, and so are you. Don't worry so much about meeting others' standards. Concentrate on what GOD says. He says YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! And, He should know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How tall are you?

I can remember as a teenager and early twenty-something thinking that one day I would be able to slam a basketball. It was a dream, especially for a five foot, nine inch guy. But, my vertical limitations did not dampen my resolve to eventually slam. However, gravity did eventually prove too much to overcome.

The deal, though, is that I had set a goal that was way beyond my abilities. I had stretched my physical self to a limit yet unsurpassed. I had made it a goal to do something that, up until I was finally proven, I thought I would achieve. What's the point? I am glad you asked...

Today's word is just a thought, a phrase, a saying, a something that I heard some time back and I will miss quote it but I will quote it the way it registers with me. It goes, "If we never stretch our limits and occasionally get in over our heads, how will we ever know how tall we are?"

We will never reach our full potential, see our true selves, test our resolve until we strive to do something that stretches us to our limits. It is easy to take all the easy classes, to never set the bar especially high, to never push ourselves but, when we do that, when we settle for good enough, we never see how truly great things we can accomplish.

It is okay to push, to strive, to drive yourself to reach a goal. You may never get there but your efforts will be rewarded none the less. No, I never did manage to slam the basketball. But, those attempts, those jumps, that exercise benefited me in countless other ways. Stretch yourself - you may be surprised at how tall you really are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Keep it real

I know a guy that will tell everyone what they want to hear. I mean, if you want to hear that you are the greatest individual in the world, that's what he will tell you. If you want to hear that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, that is what he will tell you. Now, he doesn't truly mean any of it; he is just telling others what he thinks they want to hear in order to gain a foothold with them.

If you are like me, a little sunshine up the skirt, a little pat on the back, a little "atta boy" every now and them is nice. However, when it comes to true matters, the things that really count, especially matters of the heart, I want you to keep it real.

Today's word is from Romans 12:9 & 10, NIV, which reads, "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."

Now, this doesn't mean that we are to do without everything, that we are to give away everything, that we are to live in squalor. What it does mean is that we should truly be concerned about others. And, when I say TRULY, I mean TRULY. We aren't supposed to feign interest or care or concern or love, we are supposed to be sincere - we are supposed to keep it real.

Here's the real deal - I LOVE YOU! I am grateful that GOD has blessed me with so many good friends. And, that is real!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today's little things

Have you ever noticed how one little thing today can lead to a major issue somewhere in the future? You know what I mean, right? You have a little drip in the washing machine line. No big deal, you just put a pan or bucket under it. But, it doesn't get better; these things always get worse. Eventually, that little drip becomes a major leak, ruining your laundry room floor.

Another little thing that I am often guilty of is the "I don't have any time for exercise." It is difficult to find time to get a lot of exercise in, especially in big blocks. But, if I would only get up from the desk occasionally and walk to the end of the hall or upstairs to drop off paperwork or anything that resembles exercise, it would all add up cumulatively.

Today's word is just a simple saying that says, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

The old saying is, "If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." The truth is, we are all making decisions today to do, and not do, things that we will eventually feel the effects of. Hey, I am pointing the finger at me, not you.

I need to work on doing something today that will benefit me in the future. It may be a few extra steps, one less cookie, a little catnap, checking twice before entering traffic; it can be any little thing. But, I bet I'll be surprised at how doing some little beneficial thing today will really pay off down the road.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me

On the show HEE HAW, the fellows would always have a segment where they would sing the song, "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me" and lament all their troubles and trials. It could be anything from their truck breaking down to the cornbread burning. We all have troubles.

When we have troubles, we need to find a way to face those troubles, to free ourselves from the burden of those troubles, and to forge on to the good end that GOD intends for us. Now, I know that that is much easier said than done. As a matter of fact, I have probably shared that I have my occasional pity party; I just try not to lie in that pity bog for long. I eventually choose to move on and let it go.

Today's word is a quote, a saying, I came across that I really like. It says, "Being hurt is something that you can't stop from happening, but being miserable is ALWAYS your choice." To which I add, "Choose to be happy.

Once again, easier said than done, but doable. Folks are going to hurt us in ways we never thought possible. There are folks in this world who derive great pleasure and enjoyment from hurting others and seeing others hurt. And, there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop them. It is a definite fact that being hurt is going to happen, and there is NOTHING we can do to stop it from happening. BUT...

But, how we handle that hurt, that disappointment, that ridicule, that betrayal is up to us. Yeah, wallow in it for a while, we all do, we all will. Then, pray for GOD to give you the strength and the fortitude and the determination to move on. We can't stop the hurt but we can stop the misery. Choose to be happy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What comes out is what counts

Ever use a vending machine, especially a drink machine, and not get exactly what you thought your were going to get? You put your money in, more of it lately, and you press the button for a Dr. Pepper. Now, what you expect to drop down into the little trough is a Dr. Pepper. However, on occasions, what drops out is something completely different.

Now, you put the right thing in, money. You used the proper technique - insert money, make selection. You did everything you could do to make the machine work according to your wishes, yet, you still didn't get what you thought you would.

Today's word is from Matthew 15:11, NIV, where JESUS said, "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."

While the above example may not seem to be appropriate, just bear with me. You see, GOD gives us everything we need. He feeds us with His word, with songs, with the words of others, with our prayer time - He gives us everything we need to get out of us what we need. However, sometimes, what comes out is completely different than what is expected.

Now, it never surprises GOD; He knows everything. But, I wonder if He doesn't sometime sit there and say, "Now, that was not what I pressed." It's what comes out that counts.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Things change

Remember when you were younger and the things that really bothered you? Or, if you are younger, what are the things that bother you? I can tell you that what bothered you when you were 15 isn't what will bother you when you are 25. Several folks are thinking, "You're right. I really don't care that Penelope liked Ricardo more than me."

Things change as we get a little maturity, as we get a little older. That is not to say that certain things won't bother you forever, because some things will. I am just saying that the little things, the minutiae is just that little minutiae. Those things that we thought were life and death were actually just temporary things playing with our emotions.

With that thought in mind, today's word is, "Don't make permanent decisions based on your temporary emotion. Pray and allow GOD to give you the permanent solution to your temporary problem."

So many of us will make rash decisions that will follow us the rest of our lives based on a temporary emotion. DON'T DO IT! We need to sit back, pray about it, and allow GOD to direct us to the right action. We need to respond, not react.

There will be things that really get to you; there will ALWAYS be things that really get to you. However, don't let your temporary emotion, your temporary anger, your temporary infatuation, your temporary passion lead you to make a permanent decision that will cost you forever. Don't let temporary things cause you to make permanent mistakes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pay attention

Ever have your parents or a teacher or someone say, "You need to pay attention"? I have always been easily distracted, so I heard that statement many times. Sometimes, it was because I needed to hear what someone was trying to tell me. Sometimes, it was to get me to see something that I had been missing. Sometimes, it was to keep me from walking into some sort of danger that could have been avoided. Yeah, I got it a lot.

I am glad, though, that folks took the time to get me to pay attention. I don't know much, but I know tons more than I would have known if they had not gotten my attention. It may seem strange, but apparently there is a "pay attention" sensor attached to the seat, if you know what I mean.

Today's word comes from Psalm 46:10, NIV, which reads, "He says, 'Be still and know that I am GOD; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

With all the distractions and all that is going on in our worlds, it is easy to forget how to just be still and know. I will NEVER forget GOD but I do, sometimes, forget to give things to Him. I need to sit still and let Him take care of things. I need to trust that He has things under control. I need to rest in His promises that everything is working for my good.

GOD is AWESOME! He is going to be exalted, and deserves our admiration, adoration, and attention. He is GOD. He is going to take care of things. He has a plan. You may not need the reminder but I often do. So, here it is - listen up, be still, PAY ATTENTION - GOD is at work!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 16, 2013

Look where you've been

I've shared before that I have never been a long distance runner. Those who like to run for hours, more power to them. I like peace and solitude as much as anyone but there is little of that when all I can hear is my feet pounding on the pavement, my heart pounding in my head, and both of those are being drowned out by my lungs efforts to supply enough oxygen to keep me going. Yeah, I've never been a huge fan.

However, I have run great distances. Not because I wanted to, but because they made me. You can try to get out of it if you want, but you are not going to get out of it. When you have to do something that you really, really, really don't want to do, you have to find some little something to keep you going. That's what I have been thinking about. What keeps us going?

Today's word is a thought I came across some time ago that sort of gives insight into what keep us going. I don't know who said it originally but it is sound advice: "When you feel like giving up and that you can't go any further, just look at how far you have already come. That same strength that has brought you this far is enough to see you through. Keep going, you have the strength to make it."

You see, when you are going through things, it is really easy to only see the mountain standing in front or you. However, if we will just look back at the mountains we've already climbed, we will see that we have the strength to get over the next one; it won't be easy, but it is doable. You have the strength to press on, to accomplish the goal, to reach the end. How can you tell? Just look at where you've already been.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Hope

Good News! Apparently, I may have won $10,000,000 in the latest sweepstakes! We've all seen or heard that line before, haven't we? We begin to dream of what we would do with all that money. Yet, it seems that it never comes to fruition and we lose hope.

It is sort of the same thing that is going on in our current economy. I hear people all the time say, "Well, if there is any social security when I get there. You better hope there is." My reply is that my hope is not in the social security system, and certainly not in the federal government.

Today's word is from Psalm 71:14, NIV, which reads, "As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more."

When you are a child of GOD, there is always hope, a hope that is settled and stable and unchanging. The Bible tells us that GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We know that GOD will see us through, we don't hope he does, we KNOW He will.

Yeah, it might be nice to win the SUPER PRIZE but I would venture a guess that I never will. In the mean time, I will keep my hope and my faith in JESUS CHRIST - the only One worth hoping in.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just Listen

We all have those times, those moments, those needs to get something off our chests. Sometimes, it is a hurt that we just need to vent off. Sometimes, it is a frustration that needs to be released. Other times, it is a tense situation that needs a little massage. Whatever the case, there are times when we all need to get something said.

I don't know about you but I have been guilty, at times, of half listening to someone. I have been guilty of thinking to myself, "Oh boy, here we go again." It's not easy to admit, but it is true. Most of the time, folks just need someone to listen, they want to be heard. Why should that be so difficult?

Today's word is a thought I came across one day that has really stuck with me. It says, "Nothing ever got worse from talking about it. Just pick the right person to talk to."

Nothing gets worse by getting it off your chest. The only thing that could go wrong is someone violating your trust and telling your business; that's why you have to pick the right person to talk to. The point is, it is okay to talk about things, to vent, to get things off your chest, to release that hurt, that anger, that frustration. Most of the time all it takes is just to get it said. All I really need to do is listen; that really shouldn't be that tough.

If you ever feel the need to say something, you can trust me. I am the most confidential person you will ever meet. If you need someone to listen, I will try to be better at it. We all need someone to talk to, and it never hurts anything to get it said. Pick the right person and get it off your chest. You may just be surprised at how freeing it is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Got Strength?

Ever have those moments when you could use just a little extra oomph? Sometimes, we just need a little something to get us over the hump. There have been and are and will be many times when just a little extra strength could go a long ways.

I remember the first time I tried to run the 400 meters. I thought that I would hold back a little and blow them away at the end. Boy, was I wrong. By the time I got ready to give my final kick, the rest were so far ahead that I couldn't catch them. That's when my coach told me that the 400 meters is a sprint, start to finish. I started training for the 400 meters as a sprint. I found that if I gave everything I had from start to finish, I really didn't finish with what I started with. But, I kept working at it, kept trying to learn how to run correctly.

Today's word is from Isaiah 40:29, NIV, which reads, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

We all need someone to show us how to do things, to instruct us in our paths. Contrary to popular opinion, sometimes, we all need a little extra help. We may not have the energy or the strength to keep battling through the things that continue to come our way. BUT (don't you love the BUTS?), GOD will sustain us and give us what we need if we will only rely on Him.

Feeling a little tired? Draw from the well that is GOD'S. He will give you strength if you are tired and give you the power to carry on!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tail Wagging

When Trish and I first got married, we had an old 1974 Ford Mustang, with a four cylinder and no power. Well, we started looking for another vehicle and found ourselves at the auto auction. It was there that we purchased, for $400, a 1978 Chevrolet Impala that smoked like a tar kiln. The car wasn't much to look at but, boy, did we get some looks.

Everywhere we went, it looked like we were spraying for mosquitoes. Every time we started the Impala up, it looked like we were stoking a fire for smoke signals. However, we ended up putting 52,000 miles on that $400 car, and it was still running when we got rid of it.

Today's word is a quote from Richard Friedman, which says, "Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail."

That old Impala wasn't the best looking car. I am sure that most folks with any dignity probably looked down on Trish and me as we drove it around. But, for the money, there has never been a finer automobile. If we had had the money, we could have bought a much more expensive vehicle, but I don't think it would have given us any more satisfaction; that old dog really could wag its tail.

What am I trying to say? Well, I am glad you asked. You can have all the finest things in the world, you can buy all the nicest things in the world, you can live high on the hog, but without love, it is all useless. You gotta have love! With love, even a 1978 Chevrolet Impala that smoked like a tar kiln, is a prized possession.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 6, 2013

Inside Job

We often hear of people who use their knowledge of the business that they are employed with using that knowledge to steal, exploit, pilfer assets. It is a shame that people do these things but these inside jobs take place all the time.

There was a movie released in 2010 starring Matt Damon titled Inside Job. The movie takes a closer look at what brought about the financial meltdown in the early 2000s. It just validates what a lot of us already knew, people on the inside were doing some shenanigans, which cost this country dearly. Today, however, I want to talk about a different type of inside job...

Today's word is a quote from Mandy Hale, which says, "Happiness is an inside job. Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life."

Look, there is absolutely nothing nor no one that can make you happy. Happiness has to come from within. You have to be happy with what you have and whom you have. I don't mean you have to settle for less, settle for mediocre, settle for bad. I am saying that you would be surprised at how happy you would be if you would just stop trying to let others make you happy. You have to choose to be happy. It's an inside job!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 5, 2013

It may be legal, but it's not right

In case you haven't noticed, it seems that our government is trying to make more and more things legal. I am not going into the specifics but I think we have all seen laws passed making things legal that are morally wrong. Try as they may, they are still wrong.

Here is just one way to look at what I am trying to say. In certain parts of the world, even in certain parts of this country, hiring a prostitute is legal. So, you have a legal right to hire a prostitute. However, if you are married, it may be legal but it is definitely not right.

Today's word is from Proverbs 21:2, NIV, which reads, "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart."

This verse sums up what is going on in our country through our government. What they are legalizing seems right to them (in their eyes). But, one day, we will stand and give an account for what we have done in this life and we won't be judged by what we thought was right; we will be judged by what is in our heart. Now, if JESUS is in your heart, you have nothing to worry about, if He isn't, you have more troubles than you could ever imagine.

The government is going to keep passing laws legalizing things that shouldn't be legal to gain the support of a select few. They are going to be judged for that. The government can keep on trying to make sin legal. They will NEVER make sin right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Ordinary

I have often mentioned to folks that I do not watch reality television. Why? Because it is not reality. I remember watching the very first episode of the very first Survivor. When the episode went off, I looked at Trish and told her that I wouldn't be watching anymore of that because, it isn't reality, it isn't survival. If you want a true survivor show, drop twelve people off on a remote island, leave them with no provisions, no camera crew, no medics, and when you come back eight weeks later, the person that has lost the least weight is the winner - they have out survived the others; that, my friend would be reality.

I know why they make the "reality" shows so unrealistic. Because, most people would find true reality absolutely boring. You should follow me around for a day. Yeah, that would be a huge dose of reality. So many people lose sight of the fact that real joy lies in the reality that even on my worst day, things are pretty good.

Today's word is a quote from Bishop Gore, which says, "GOD does not want us to do extraordinary things; He wants us to do ordinary things extraordinarily well."

GOD doesn't want us to go out and conquer Mt. Everest, if you do, that is well and fine, but for the most of us, that is not His plan. He simply wants us to do what we do to the very best of our abilities. Some people think that they have to accomplish some great feat and make a "name" for themselves, when the reality of it all is that GOD simply wants you to do your best in each instance. Live the moment - it could be the most important of your life! That is REALITY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Nothing vs Everything

There will be moments in each of our lives when we have to make the choice to go with the crowd or to stand for what we really believe in. Now, it is easy to cave and give in - I know. It takes a lot to run the risk of looking like the "square", the "nerd", the "uncool" person. I would still rather look "uncool" than to look like a fool. You know what I mean.

Going with the flow is the obviously easy path; and, there is one great advantage - you get there faster. Where you're getting to should be of more concern than how fast you are arriving - the destination is much more important than the speed of travel.

Today's word is a quote from Hans F. Hansen, which says, "It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone."

It gets easier to stand alone the older you get, though there are still those times that others try to press you into something you shouldn't allow. However, we are called to stand up for what is right regardless of the numbers against you. As Mr. Hansen said, "It takes NOTHING to join the crowd." Be strong, don't give in.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A rough road

The road to and from work is having some repairs done. It is a much traveled road, with a lot of semi traffic, and it has taken a beating over the years. So, they are removing some of the roughest patches and resurfacing portions of the road.

While it will eventually be better, the parts that are ground up so new asphalt can be put down are pretty rough. So rough that you can't hear anything over the road noise it creates. So rough that you can almost spill your coffee as you traverse each patch. So rough that you can't imagine what was there could be any worse than what now exists. However, it is finished yet...

Today's word is just a thought I came across that I really like. It says, "The road of life will rough you up but it is just shaping you for your future."

No discomfort is easy - NONE. It would be nice to have nothing but sunny days and storm-less nights. But, we all know that that is not life. Life will hit you sometimes, it will kick you when you are down most times. It will knock you down, run over you, back up and run over you again. But, the roughing up is not the end.

The road I travel is roughed up where they have removed the old surface. It is roughed up in these areas in order for the new surface to adhere. You see, the good can't stick if there isn't a little roughness. Life is going to be a little rough but it is just preparing us for the good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day and Night

I am sure you have all heard the expression, "As different as day and night". We use that to describe things that are completely opposite. Let me give you an example. My wife is very pretty. As a matter of fact, I tell folks that, together, she and I are pretty good - she is pretty and I am good. So, as far as looks go, we are as different as day and night.

There are tons of things that are completely opposites; and some of those we should do, and some we should not. We know that they are different and that we shouldn't be doing them, yet, we do them anyway. That, my friend, is called sin.

Today's word is from 1 Thessalonians 5:5, NIV, which reads, "You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness."

As children of GOD, we are children of light, children of the day. We should be different from the rest of the world. We should be a beacon for the lost, helping to direct them to the safe harbor of JESUS CHRIST. Now, I fail at this as much as anyone. This verse, however, is a great reminder of what I should be.

There is a lot of darkness in this world. It seems that with each passing day, the world gets a little darker and a little darker. All it takes, though, is a little light - be the light! We are children of light, children of the day. We don't belong to the night or to the darkness. LORD, may our lights shine!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 26, 2013

Looking through

We seem to all have the desire to look through things. I know I like to look through the windshield, which really aids in driving. Could you imagine not having a windshield to look through? It is also nice to look through the storefronts and do some "window shopping". It is much more economical than real shopping.

We can look through old photos, which is always a source of pleasure and, sometimes, discomfort. It's hard to believe that I used to wear some of those clothes. Looking through old photos and videos allows us to spend a little time with our loved ones, and our bad style choices.

It is fun to look through things. We enjoy it so much that I believe we often get in the mindset of looking "through" others. Today's word is just a saying that I like that says, "We are not here on earth to see through one another but to help see one another through."

It seems that we can get so used to seeing through things that we fail to see what is right in front of us. We can't do and be all things for all people but we can certainly try to be what we can when we can. I admit that I am guilty of looking through others at times. It may be that I am distracted or weighed down or lost in my own thoughts. What I need to do is use the window to see what is going on and not just to look through.

Pray for me that I will be better at not just looking through but to see. And, I am glad folks have a windshield...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Day

I have shared this story with many folks but it makes it no less true...I was speaking to the Sunday school class one morning and told them that life is good. The alarm went off, my eyes opened up - life is good. Yet, to top it off, I look over and see that I am sleeping  next to the greatest woman GOD ever created - life is great!

So many people lose sight of the blessing that comes with another day. It is easy to get bogged down with all that is going on, with all that has to be done. I know that I have those days when there just is not enough time. However, I am so grateful for one more day.

Today's word is Psalm 3:5, NIV, which reads, "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me."

A lot of people went to bed last night with big plans for today and never awakened to see it. Now, if they are born again, they are in such a better place. I am looking forward to going to spend eternity in Heaven. However, I am really enjoying life here. I am thankful that GOD has given me another day.

Look, today could bring challenges we dare think about. Today may be worse than we ever imagined. Yet, today may be the greatest day of our lives. Each day, though, is a blessing from GOD, and we make it through each one because He sustains us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 22, 2013

An eraser

There are probably few young people that can imagine having a pencil with no eraser. I mean, there are probably few young people that use the standard #2 pencil anymore. Growing up, all we had was the number 2 pencil and, if you were like me, I would use the eraser up. I seemed to make a few more mistakes than others.

There were times that I would have to erase two or three sentences or half a page of calculations because it wasn't right. Eventually, I would use the eraser up. I tried to always keep one of those large erasers for those times when I made the big mistakes. I have learned something about erasers, though, since my early years of using them to erase my mistakes...

Today's word is a saying I came across a while back that sums things up for me. It says, "An eraser isn't for those who make mistakes. An eraser is for those willing to correct their mistakes."

Yeah, I made a lot of mistakes; I messed up probably more than most. I would have to erase things. I would have to do them over. Now, though, I realize that the eraser wasn't there because I made a mistake, it was there because I was willing to correct my mistake. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake; there is plenty wrong with making a mistake and refusing to correct it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Step on it

I remember my first year of farm team baseball as being a huge learning experience. Obviously, there was the learning of how to play baseball. I was six years old and this was my first experience with organized sports. I predated tee ball and coach pitch and machine pitch so, at six years old, I had nine, ten, eleven year olds throwing to/at me.

Now, some of these guys were pretty good pitchers, some not so much. In practice, I had several near misses and became a little afraid of being beaned by one of the less than accurate hurlers (okay, hurler is relative). My fear of being beaned by an errant toss really affected my hitting, you can't hit with your eyes closed.

Eventually, though, in a game, I took a fastball (once again, relativity) in the left back pocket. I was six. It stung. It hurt a little. I may have even teared up. However, because I got hit by the pitch, I got a free pass to first base. I was ON first base, which hadn't happened much to this point.

Today's word is a quote from Brendan Francis, which says, "Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them."

I really feared being hit by that ball until I was actually struck and realize that it did hurt a little but not as much as I had thought. But, more importantly, there was a reward for being plunked! The fact that there was a benefit from being beaned, allowed me to overcome my fears of being beaned. So much so, that I eventually started leaning into those inside pitches to get a free pass.

We are all going to have fears of some kind. Most of those fears, however, are thin and shouldn't have near the hold that we allow them. The next time fear arises, step on it, squash it, smash it, go through it. That'll take you much further than first base!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 19, 2013

Captain Murphy

Captain Edward A. Murphy is quoted as saying, "Anything that can go wrong, will." We call this statement Murphy's Law, which is a good one. I think the biggest thing about Murphy's Law is to make us aware of all the possible things that could go wrong so that we can try to prevent them. However, even when we do our best, things still go wrong.

I had one of those weeks last week that it seemed that I couldn't get out of my own way. Every time I turned around, I was in the midst of some other mess up and having to back up and regroup; it happened time and again last week. I am grateful that I didn't take anyone else down with me.

While all this was going on, it seemed that I was chasing my tail trying to catch up and fix things. I was running around like a lost mongoose and accomplishing NOTHING. Then, it occurred to me that what I really need to do was pray. So, I start praying about the situation...

Today's word is an old quote from Allen E. Vartlett, which says, "Seven days without prayer makes one weak."

The less time we spend in prayer, the more time we seem to spend trying to make things work. Look, I am a man in every sense of the word. When things aren't working the way I think they should, I am going to do everything I can to fix it. What I really need to do, however, is spend some time praying about it first. I bet if I follow my own advice and pray about things first, I will find that Captain Murphy may have been correct but GOD can make everything right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Holding On

Well, once again, it has been a few days. And, once again, I have been rather busy. I have noticed that the busier I get, the busier I get. However, I will eventually figure out the rhythm and get into the groove again. In the mean time, allow me to say that I am still working on being more usable to GOD.

I have had the opportunity lately to discuss how we hold onto things with a couple of folks. We seem to have the tendency to hold onto things that we cannot do anything about. I think we would all agree that we would all be better off and more fulfilled if we would just let go of those things that we can't change and are pulling us down.

Today's word is a quote from T. D. Jakes, which says, "We cannot embrace GOD'S forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges."

I realize that Mary Better-than-thou did something to you twenty-five years ago that you cannot get over. Ain't nobody blaming you for not forgiving Mary. BUT, you are never going to experience true forgiveness until you learn to forgive. Yes, it is easier said than done but it is still an absolute necessity.

Yes, Dean Did-it-again did you wrong, and you should never allow him to do you wrong again. But, don't allow Dean to continue stealing your joy and your sunshine. The only way you will ever get over past hurts is to forgive and move on; it is only then that we can experience true forgiveness and peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

That might be a slight exaggeration

I have been having a little trouble lately believing folks. Mainly because you can't believe what they say. We all have the folks that you know when they are lying - their lips are moving. Lately, though, it seems that I am surrounded by folks who will fabricate an exaggeration about most anything. I mean anything...

I often wonder if they are doing this to make themselves feel better or look better or seem better. It doesn't work that way but I wonder. For me, it just makes them look like someone that has a problem telling the truth. Now, we all like to embellish a little here and there. Most of my stories would be pretty bland if I didn't spice them up a little. But, some folks will take great liberties in the amount of exaggeration. It stops being embellishment and starts becoming embarrassment.

Today's word is a quote form Josh Billings, which says, "There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying."

Look, there is nothing wrong with making a story a little more exciting. But, when things are bad, you don't have to try to make them worse. When they are really bad, don't make them catastrophic. If you do, when they really are catastrophic, who is going to believe you? That's all I am trying to say...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 1, 2013

There's so much to worry about

All you have to do is turn on any news channel to find that there are plenty of things to worry about. Or, you can just watch any kind of daytime talk and see that there are plenty of things to worry about. Well, that's what folks want you to think.

We try not to watch too much news around the house because all they want to do is tell you the bad things. I am not naive enough to believe that everything is good, it most certainly is not, but, I also believe there are some good things in this world. As a matter of fact, I have seen folks doing really nice things for others just today. Yet, there seems to be such a drive to bring others down.

Today's word is Proverbs 12:25, NIV, which reads, "Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up."

There enough bad stuff going on in this world. And, there are folks that are going through things that we will never know about. Plus, we should be nicer to folks than we should have to be. It is amazing how much a kind word can ease a troubled mind and aching heart.

Next time you hear someone trying to bring everyone down, offer up a kind word. You might just be surprised how much your words can change someone's day. Oh, by the way, stay away from daytime talk - the only kind word on any of those shows is, "Goodbye".

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Be Wise

It has been a few days since posting. I would like to say that I have been very busy, which I have, but I have had a really hard time finding time to sit and type on the computer. Well, I am on the computer, just not updating this blog, which is one of my favorite things to do. With that being said, it has been a few days but we are updating today.

I have shared with you before that I try to remain silent a lot of times but I just have an uncanny ability to say whatever is on my mind. While this has played to my benefit at times, it has also been a detriment. I have said some things that I wish I had never said. However, once they are said, you can't take it back.

Today's word is a quote from Sam Levenson that says, "It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and, then, don't say it."

There is no doubt that I have a lot of stupid things to say. As a matter of fact, I say them. I am sure there are times that others have stood there and though, "That guy is stupid." Well, I have you know that my parents may have raised an ugly child, but I am not stupid. Although, I can really say some stupid things, which seems to contradict what I just said.

The point is that we can all do ourselves a world of good if we would work harder at not saying some of the stupid things we say. It might keep us out of trouble. It will definitely make us a little wiser - not saying everything that comes to mind. I am going to work on being wiser, which might just mean being quieter.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 25, 2013

That was Easy

Ever had difficulty making decisions? I have had times when I have prayed and prayed, discussed, questioned, reasoned, rolled the dice, used the eight ball and nothing seemed to give the answer. It seemed that this would go on for days, with no answer.

There have been other times that as soon as the situation presented itself, I knew the answer. I would pray and ask and question and the answer was the answer. It is during these times that I wonder what the difference is. Why are some answers plain as day and others as difficult as putting pants on an octopus?

Today's word is a quote from Albert Einstein, which says, "When the solution is simple, GOD is answering." To which I add, "Don't make it harder than it has to be."

I have racked my poor little pint-sized brain trying to find a solution to something, and the answer just wouldn't seem to come. Then, there have been other times when the solution seemed to me to come too easily. However, it is in those times that GOD is really trying to tell me and show me something. All I have to do is listen and do...

If you are having a hard time making a decision, join the club. If the solution comes quickly, give thanks - GOD is answering.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Judge Mike

Man, there are few things I like better than to sit and pass judgement on others. Oh, I am good at it! I can usually just look at someone and tell what they are, what they think, what they believe. Can't you?

You may not want to admit it but we are all so guilty of passing judgement. I mean, if GOD really wanted to fix things, all He would have to do is put a couple of us in charge. Now, I am going to say that sin is sin and we need to acknowledge and instruct others about sin and its punishment. But, we can't seem to stop there, we have to judge.

Today's word is a thought that says, "We are called to be witnesses, not lawyers and judges."

Our duty is to tell others about JESUS CHRIST. We are to share what He has done for us, what He means to us, what He is going to do for us, where He is going to take us. We aren't to condemn others and/or pass judgement on others. Yes, by all means, tell others that sin will lead them down roads they don't want to go, and, eventually to HELL. But, other than witnessing the events, we have not authority to condemn or pass judgement.

Yes, I do like to judge. Yes, I do like to point out everybody else's faults. But, I am going to work on witnessing and leaving the judgement to the One it belongs to.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T