Monday, April 30, 2018

GOD can use it for good

Have you ever been wronged? I mean, really wronged? Where you are accused of something that you didn't do, or that you were mistreated just because someone didn't like you? I think we have all suffered some mistreatment in our lives to one extent or another. But, when I think about someone being wronged, I often think about Joseph.

Joseph was one of the sons of Jacob. He was born of Rachel, whom Jacob REALLY LOVED. Maybe Jacob doted on Joseph a little too much. Maybe the other brothers, born of Leah and others, were just jealous of Joseph because he wasn't their "full" brother. Whatever the reason, the other brothers really mistreated Joseph.

The other brothers were going to kill Joseph but decided it would just be too much on their father. So, they ended up selling him into slavery. Joseph was bought and served a powerful ruler, as we mentioned in a previous post. Even there, he was wrongfully accused and ended up in prison. It seemed that no matter what Joseph did, things turned out bad. BUT...

But, Joseph was faithful; he knew GOD had a plan. He knew, that while he couldn't understand why all this was happening, that GOD was going to bring something good from it all. We know the rest of the story - Joseph becomes second in command in all of Egypt, established a plan to preserve everyone through the coming famine, and was in a position to save the children of Israel, GOD'S chosen people.

Today's word is Genesis 50:20, ESV, which reads, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but GOD meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Did GOD intend for Joseph to be tested by Potiphar's wife and get thrown into prison. I mean, did he "make" Potphar's wife tempt and test Joseph? NO. However, GOD took that mistreatment and, because of Joseph's faithfulness, used it to put Joseph in a place that he could interpret a dream for someone who would eventually share that information with the Egyptian pharaoh, who would, eventually, put Joseph in a position to save His people. GOD used the bad to bring about good.

We are all going to go through things. We are all going to suffer mistreatment and wrongs at the hands of others. Let's remain faithful, though, and see how GOD can use it. They may mean it for evil but GOD can use it for good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Keep Surfing

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking about all the things going on in our world, in our lives, in our day-to-day. And, I truly mean "our". We've had so many things going on lately that it would be hard to list them all or count them all or describe them all. What I do know, though, is that we are not the exception.

We will all have those seasons of life when everything and anything is going wrong and nothing seems to be able to fix it. There will be times that when everything is going wrong that someone else will call and place more on you. There will be times when in the midst of the darkest storm you've ever been in, someone else will bring another tornado. It just keeps coming and coming and coming.

Today's word is Matthew 14:25, KJV, which reads, "And in the fourth watch of the night JESUS went unto them, walking on the sea."

I think about my LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, Who walked upon the stormy sea. The tumultuous sea that was crashing over everyone else's heads were underneath His feet. These storms that were raging so violently were calmed when He gently spoke, "Peace be still". When I feel like things are crashing all around me, all I have to do is remember Whose I am, and how He has it all in control. 

A simple quote I came across that sort of sums up what we have to do when things are coming at us faster than we can think is, "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." JESUS has full authority to calm the worst storms. And, He loves us. And, just as He reached down to lift Peter from the angry waves, He will lift us from our stormy trials, too. In the meantime, keep surfing!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 23, 2018

Give up or Get up

Alright, so I have shared before that I am steadfast; my Mom calls me bullheaded, my wife calls me stubborn, I am steadfast. There isn't a lot of quit in me. Yeah, there have been times that I wanted to take a break, get away from it all, get time to relax and think, BUT, seldom has it ever been to where I was ready to quit.

Don't you want to see things to the end? Don't you want to see where this blessing of life is going to take you? Yes, there are bad things in this world. Yes, there are bad people in this world. Yes, even good people will let us down from time to time. Yes, even those we love the most and are closest to will disappoint us. I know, for I have.

Today's word is an anonymous quote that reminds me not to give up: "The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you're about to give up hope."

While some will find the quote a little sappy, it is absolutely try. We get two choices most of the time - we can either get up or give up. There isn't much in between. There isn't much other that you can choose. You can either give up or you can get up. Being a winner doesn't mean you're the best; it just means you didn't give up. Overcoming great obstacles, defeating great challenges, facing our fears all strengthen us for the next leg of this amazing life.

Giving up only accomplishes one thing - defeat. On the other hand, getting up and getting back to it will accomplish more than you could ever imagine. Think back in your life at how difficult things have been but how GOD has helped you to accomplish great things. Those accomplishments came through a lot of hard work and even more perseverance. Those accomplishments came from getting up one more time than you were knocked down. Those accomplishments came from getting up and not giving up. The choice is ours - give up or get up.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, April 20, 2018

GOD will judge us all

We don't collect much of anything at the house, other than dust and bills. We are really good at collecting both. Dusting is one of those chores that it is hard to make yourself do even on your best of days. It's not the dusting of big objects (e.g., tables, shelves, headboards, dressers, etc.), it's the dusting of all the little knick knacks, and having to move everything off the big things to dust the big things, and having to dust all the little things before putting them back on the big things. You get the idea...

Bills on the other hand, easy to amass a pile in a hurry. Bills are a constant reminder that we owe someone or some organization something, and we apparently owe A LOT of people A LOT of stuff. Anyway, bills, as we just said, are a reminder - a reminder that we have to pay for the things we have done.

Today's word is Romans 2:6, NLT, which reads, "He (GOD) will judge everyone according to what they have done."

We all owe something to the One that owns it all. If we have accepted His gift of eternal life, by grace, through faith in JESUS CHRIST, we will receive an eternal reward, an inheritance, in Heaven, for JESUS'S sacrifice has paid our debt. IF you have not accepted JESUS as your SAVIOR, you will receive eternal separation from GOD, a price no one wants to pay.

I am forever indebted for the sins I have chosen. I owe a price I cannot and could not ever pay. Yet, I have a SAVIOR Who has paid my debts. Do you? We will go through this life owing enough people for enough things. Why not accept the gift of GOD? Why not accept CHRIST, the redeemer of our souls? Why pay for eternity? GOD will judge us all.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Look Up

So, it has been a few days since posting. I have had some scheduling challenges and have been extremely busy. We have also had some family health issues, which GOD is working through and we are fully trusting Him to restore the health of those affected. It has been busy.

I have noticed, though, that even in the busyness, if we will just try to reflect on the positive, if we will try to concentrate on the good, we can find moments of peace and solitude. Yes, this world can be quite difficult. It can knock you down time and time and time again. However, we will never lose if we just choose to get up one more time than we get knocked down.

Today's word is Psalm 5:3, KJV, which reads, "My voice shalt Thou here in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up."

I like this verse for several reasons. The first being that the first thing in the morning, before we try to get anything else going, before we try to tackle anything and everything, we need to pray. David writes here that "in the morning" he will pray. Nothing will start our day better than taking a few minutes to commune with the FATHER and to allow Him to speak to us and to comfort us.

The second thing is the very last statement, "...and will look up." If we continually walk around with our heads down, we are going to run into something or fall off of something. It is important for us to lift our eyes and to see that GOD has things under control and that He holds us in His hands. We need to look up and see the splendor of all His creation and to see that He has laid our path before us. We will never accomplish what we need to do if we continue to fall into the potholes. We will never get ourselves where we need to be if we continual run into obstacles. We will continue to stumble if we keep looking at all the bad distractions. Don't let this world cause you to drop your head - look up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Do some work

I haven't posted in a few days because we have had a lot going on and I have been out of town at a conference for the last few days. Conferences can be fun. You get a break from the normal routine. You get to see colleagues in your field. You get to hear informative and challenging presentations. BUT, there is a lot of work too.

If you are involved with the conference (e.g., presenting, planning, moderating, troubleshooting, etc.), it can be very tiring. Rewarding, but tiring. However, I am one that I want to be involved. I don't want to just go to church; I want to be a part of the church - I want to work in the church. I want to be a part of trade organizations. I want to be productive and working wherever I am.

Today's word is a reminder for us all about the first human worker GOD created: Genesis 2:15, NIV, reads, "The LORD GOD took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."

From the very beginning of time, GOD has prepared for us something to do. And, He has prepared us to do it. I don't care how old you are; GOD has work for you to do. I don't care how young you are; GOD has work for you to do. I don't care how rich, how poor, how intelligent, how tall, how short, how whatever you are - GOD has work for you to do.

Yes, work can be challenging and trying and tiring. But, work is also fulfilling and satisfying and rewarding. Why? Because GOD has made us to work and has made work for us to do. We haven't all been created to perform the same work, but we have each been created to do some work.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Beneficial and productive

What is wisdom? Wisdom is more than intelligence, knowledge, or even understanding. Wisdom is knowing how to take intelligence, knowledge and understanding and use them to make common sense choices that are beneficial and productive. There are a lot of people with a lot of knowledge but they don't have a lot of wisdom.

What is integrity? Well, again, in my own way of defining, integrity goes deeper than just doing the right thing, which is EXTREMELY important, but integrity is when what you are on the inside is the same as you display on the outside. And, the way I truly sum up integrity is that you do the right thing EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING.

Today's word is Proverbs 2:7, ESV, which reads, "He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity."

So, how do we obtain wisdom? First, we have to learn and grow in knowledge and understanding. Then, we have to take what we have learned and apply it to our everyday lives. Most important, though, is just seek GOD and His righteousness, His will, and He will give us wisdom. Today's verse tells us that He stores it up for those who are upright. Upright? Yes...

The second part of the verse tells us that it starts with integrity. We have to be true to the One Who provides all the wisdom and knowledge that we possess. Yes, you have to do your part: study, read, listen, STUDY. And, if you'll do that GOD will give you wisdom: He will show you how to use what you've learned, what you know, to be beneficial and productive.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

They are out there

I have a saying that I will share with you that may help you avoid some troubling times: "Be leery of the man that everyone speaks well of. Because, he is lying to someone."

You can't be honest with folks and everyone like you. If everyone likes you, you are probably having to lie to some folks just to keep them "liking" you. Hey, we all like to be liked; we all want others to find us likable. However, more than being liked, I want people to be able to find me honest. I want others to find me truthful. There are a lot of folks out there trying to sell the world a bill of goods. Be careful.

Today's word is 1 John 4:1, ESV, which reads, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from GOD, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

There are people in this world that are trying to tell everyone that it is okay to do certain sins and still be right with GOD, which is an absolute lie. There are others that will tell you that GOD has changed, which is another absolute lie. The fact of the matter is that JESUS died for all our sins but that does not give us a "get out of jail free card". No, we still have to repent and turn from our sins to be right with GOD. And, the Bible is very clear that GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And, it tells us that GOD does not change.

So, how do you know how to determine if someone is telling a lie or not? You have to compare it to what is true. For me, the Holy Bible is Truth. If it doesn't line up with what the Bible teaches, it is not truthful. The easiest way to avoid the snares that others are setting is to compare what they are hawking with what GOD says in His Holy Word. We have to be careful what we listen to, and more, what we believe, because, they are out there.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T