Thursday, March 30, 2017


There is a lot of negativity in our world today. It seems you can hardly turn on the television without seeing all the negative things taking place in our society. It would be nice to hear that people are doing good things, in a good way, for the good of mankind but that is seldom, if ever, reported.

If you surround yourself with negativity and negative people, it won't be long before you become quite negative. There's an old saying that goes something like, "You can't have a bad day with a good attitude and you can't have a good day with a bad attitude." Some folks just seem to love bad days, and they want you to share in it with them.

Today's word is just something I came across a little while back and it reinforces what I am trying to say today: "The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."

I try to avoid being around negative folks as much as possible. Negativity is a disease that eats away on the inside, manifests in outward actions, and is highly contagious. If you find yourself around a bunch of negativity, it is best to remove yourself quickly before it infects you, if you can. You can't always avoid negativity, but you don't always have to consume it.

You want more peace in your life? Don't we all? Then, we must pursue things that are peaceful. There is nothing about negativity that is peaceful. Things can be bad, and we will all go through them; some people have gone through far more than I could ever imagine. But, try not to let those things cloud your faith that GOD has a plan, and it is all working for my good. And, if you want to have more peace in your life, avoid negativity.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

He still makes time stand still

We have all probably experienced moments where it seemed time stood still. It is with these moments that you hear the expression, "It felt like hours but it was only three minutes." While it may have felt like it lasted forever, it was just a brief amount of time.

There are those happier moments, too, where it feels as if everything is moving in slow motion. We sense everything and everyone around us. We feel as if we are watching a dream. Even though we feel as if time has stood still, it really didn't. While it felt like an eternity, and it was only a small amount of time, the fact is that time still progressed, it did not stop. Do you think time ever stops? It did...

Today's word is Joshua 10:13b, NIV, which reads, "...The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day."

Joshua and the Israelites were in the midst of a battle and daylight was running out. Joshua called unto the LORD and asked Him to make time stand still; they needed to complete the task at hand, they needed to finish the job, they needed to complete the calling that GOD had given them. When Joshua asked the LORD to stop the sun from setting, the sun stayed in the sky and the Israelites completed the job.

The next verse in this passage tells us that there was never a day like this before and there hasn't been one since. Does that mean that GOD has changed? Absolutely not. It just means there hasn't been a need for a repeat of that day. Our GOD is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is in those precious moments that we cherish forever that we realize that He still makes time stand still.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My decisions

Have you ever made a bad decision? If you haven't, trust me, you've either been really smart or you are a liar. I've made some really bad decisions in life. I assure you that I am not going to sit here and list them but suffice it to say that I have made some big ones.

Some people try to explain away their bad decisions by saying, "You would just have to know the circumstances." I can tell you that circumstances can be tough and challenging and cause us to have to make tough decisions, but, circumstances are just circumstances. How we handle those circumstances is our decision, and sometimes those decisions are not good.

Today's word is a quote from Stephen Covey, which says, "I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions."

We so often want to lay blame for our poor decisions on the things that were going on. However, again, while the circumstances may be bad, we are the ones who make the decisions based on those circumstances. While we may want to blame the circumstances, the truth is, we often create those circumstances based on the decisions we made leading up to those circumstances.

It's not easy to admit that we make our own beds, that we make poor decisions, that we suffer from our own poor judgement. But, the simple truth is that no matter your circumstances, you still have the power to make good decisions. Making bad decisions just make the circumstances worse. As I said, it's not easy to admit because I have made my own bad circumstances because of my decisions.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 27, 2017

Something new is coming

Have you ever birthed a child? Obviously, I haven't. But, I have often thought, after seeing a loved one near labor, that the pain has got to be immense. And, if it is so painful, why do it? Yet, I remember John 16:21 that tells us that a woman giving birth is in pain but the pain is forgotten once she sees her newborn (my paraphrasing, of course).

Some of the most joyous times we will ever experience come after some of the most painful times we will ever experience. It is a great feeling to accomplish something that you have worked and toiled and suffered for. But, sometimes, it is hard to see how it is all going to turn out while you are in the midst of the pain.

Today's word is going to come from a version I have not previously quoted but I like the translation of this verse. Today's word is Isaiah 66:9, New Century Version (NCV), which reads, "In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born..."

GOD reminds us in this verse that, though we may have to go through some pain, He has a plan and the pain is going to bring forth something new. Wouldn't it be nice if we could see the end result of all that is going on? Wouldn't it be easier to tolerate if we knew when it would end? Wouldn't it be easier to bear if we knew what the pain was going to produce? It would, but, we must walk in faith and trust that GOD has a plan, which He does.

The next time you are going through something really difficult, which you will, try to remember that GOD is working all things for your good. And, don't forget that you may be going through some pain but GOD has promised to that something new is coming.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 24, 2017

All GOD'S Mercies

Have you ever thought about what mercy really is? You have probably heard it before but I want to say it again: Grace is receiving what we don't deserve (i.e. Salvation, good health, abundant life, etc.); mercy is NOT receiving what we do deserve (i.e. eternal hell, a knock across the head, a poke in the eye, etc.). GOD has been truly merciful to us, His children.

I don't know about you but there have been numerous times that GOD should have given me a good rap on the head, yet, He chose to be merciful. Don't get me wrong, GOD chastens those that are His, and He has given me many whoopings, but He is merciful to me because I am His child.

Today's word is Jonah 2:8, NLT, which reads, "Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all GOD'S mercies."

Those out there pursuing everything except for what GOD would have them, have turned their backs on all the mercies GOD gives to His children. Again, He is going to chasten His children; you need not think that salvation grants us the freedom to sin. I just mean that GOD shows mercy to His children, and for those who are not His, there is no mercy.

How do you treat your children? Do you give them every punishment that they deserve? Probably not. I would venture to say that, at least occasionally, you just love them too much and show them mercy. Turn away from your false gods, those idols, those things that get between you and GOD and receive all GOD'S mercies.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I Am Blessed

I have probably shared before, and if you have been around me very much you have heard, that when someone asks me how I am doing, my reply is usually, "Blessed, and highly favored." And, trust me, I don't say that flippantly, I don't say it unthinkingly, I don't say it boastfully; I am Blessed and Highly favored. Period.

Now, that doesn't mean that things don't happen in my life; they do. It doesn't mean that everything in my life is nothing but sunshine and roses; it's not. It doesn't mean that we have a lot of money; we don't. It doesn't mean that everything goes our way; it doesn't. It simply means that I know that GOD has been gracious and merciful to me here, and Heaven is next. That is a blessing.

Today's word is just something to remind us that we are blessed: "I am blessed. No matter how much drama is in my life or how much pain my body may be in, I know GOD is watching over me."

Yeah, there will be bad days, and bad things that happen in some days. There will be days that it seems that everything is going bad and everything I do makes it worse. In this world in which we live, there will always be struggles and challenges and things go wrong. But, we can rest assured that GOD is with His children and He will see us through.

If you awoke this morning and was able to get yourself out of bed and dress yourself, you are blessed far more than you realize. If you could do that, and had food to eat and something to do, you are truly blessed. And, whether you realize it or not, there is someone in this world that loves you and is waiting to see you today. There is someone out there that you can make a huge impact on today, if you will just be available. And, then, to top all that, if you are a child of GOD, this is only the beginning. I pray that you can look around and say, "I am blessed."

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


If you're like us, and most of you are, there is a lot going on. It seems there is little down time, if any, and what little there is, my mind is racing about all the things I should be doing. We seem to go from one activity to another, from one crisis to another, from one fire to another, and it doesn't take long before you are exhausted.

We have people that depend on us, that rely on us, and some that will continually badger and prey on us. It will often seem that at our lowest, tiredest moment, someone will contact us with an urgent need that needs to be met NOW! What do you do when it seems that everything is overwhelming?

Today's word is Mark 6:31, NLT, which reads, "Then JESUS said, 'Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest a while.' He said this because there were so many people coming and going that JESUS and His apostles didn't even have time to eat."

JESUS and His apostles were being inundated with request after request after request, and there is nothing wrong with that. But, it had gotten to a point that everyone was wanting something and JESUS and His disciples couldn't even get free long enough to eat.

There's nothing wrong with doing a lot of things, good things. But, we can't continue to push and push without giving our bodies what it needs. What good will it do if we work ourselves and neglect ourselves to the point that we can't go anymore? Every now and then, we need to take heed of JESUS'S word and follow His example - rest.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 20, 2017

Make the days count

I have a friend that is about to retire. We started working together, at our current employer, six months apart, and he is now retiring. I told him that I have but one emotion - jealousy. I'm grateful for the time we have worked together, and I am certainly excited for the next chapter in his life, but I, sometimes, think about retirement too.

I know, I am way too young. My kids are too young. There is still too much to do. There is still so much ahead that you don't need to retire. I guess it is just the allure of not having a schedule, of not having to be at a particular place every Monday through Friday. Yet, I really like what I do, where I work, and the folks with whom I am blessed to work. But, if I allow myself to ponder retirement, I tend to forget all of that.

Today's word is a reminder to not get so caught up in future things: "Don't count the days. Make the days count."

I have shared before, I think that I, like so many others, get so focused on the things we want to do ten, twenty, forty years from now that we forget to enjoy today. What we need to remember, what we need to realize, what we need to be mindful of is that today is the only day we have promised. Something so big that it can affect the next ten, twenty, forty years could be on the brink of happening today. But, if we are only focused on the future, we could miss one of the greatest things TODAY.

There's lots to be concerned about. We need to make plans for our retirement years. We certainly want to try to assist our children's college plans. We want to spend more time with one another and not be in any hurry to get to the next thing. And, we can do all that each day, as we make the days count.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 17, 2017

What to remember and what to forget

There are things in our lives worth remembering. I could sit and list a billion but will only mention a couple. Trish and my first date is a memory that I pray I never forget. I remember seeing her that first date and knowing that she was the one that I would marry. It took a while to convince her but I eventually convinced her that I was as good as it gets (don't tell her any different). I quite the wooer.

I also pray that I never forget some of the blessings of everyday life with our kids. They are wickedly funny, sometimes trying, but always a blessing. They have provided many laughs thus far and I expect many more to come. Family is huge too. I know how we can all fuss and argue, we are family, but I also know what family is all about.

In honor of St. Patrick's day, today's word is an Irish saying: "May you never forget what is worth remembering nor ever remember what is best forgotten."

Of course, I always want to remember my salvation, the day I asked GOD for forgiveness and committed my life to Him. The gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST is the greatest gift of all. I always want to remember that I am His, a child of the King. I want to remember that I represent my LORD wherever I go and whatever I do.

Then, there are those things that are not worth remembering, yet, we seem to never forget them or let them go. The old hurts, the jealousies, the grudges, the misunderstandings. These are all things that have happened, we felt them, they affected us, they helped make us resilient and strong. But, if we allow them to fester and continue to affect us they will fester and steal from the joys we have been blessed with. So, today and every day, let's focus on what to remember and what to forget.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Children's worship

If you've never noticed, children worship different than adults. They will put their arms up, they will shout, they will dance, they will allow the Spirit to move them. It is refreshing, humbling, and convicting to see the way children really worship.

So, why do children worship so freely? I think it is because as we age, we become more aware of what others say about us, think about us, and the way the treat us. We hold back from truly worshiping because we don't want anyone talking about us; we don't want anyone going around telling others that we are weird. I think, and I am guilty too, that we often allow our physical to steal from our spiritual.

Today's word is Matthew 22:16b, NIV, which reads, ..."Yes," replied JESUS, "Have you never read, 'From the lips of children and infants You, LORD, have called forth Your praise.'"

The children were worshiping and singing praises unto JESUS for what they had heard and seen Him do. Well, the chief priests and scribes did not like JESUS, and they certainly didn't like the little children giving Him praise. They were stoic and legalistic and didn't like the way the children were praising our SAVIOR. Like so many of us, the chief priests and scribes were missing a great blessing.

I want to not worry so much about what others think and just worship GOD. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a very reserved guy; it's not in my nature to be very demonstrative. But, I also know that I am a child of the most high King, Who deserves my true praise. I am His child, and He loves His children's worship.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


It is International "Ask a Question Day". If you don't know How?, What?, When? Why? Who?, you have to ask. If you don't ask, you will never know How?, What?, When?, Why? nor Who? I never had a problem asking a question. As a matter of fact, as I have shared before, my Mom thought I was going to be an attorney because of my incessant questioning. She was wrong but I still ask a lot of questions.

The key to asking a question is asking the right person for the answer. It takes just as much intelligence to ask an intelligent question as it does to give an intelligent answer. And, the old saying is, "There's no such thing as a stupid question. Stupid people don't ask questions." A lot of validity in that; you gotta ask, and you gotta ask the right person.

Today's word is a quote from Abraham Joshua Heschel, which says, "We are closer to GOD when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers."

We all have questions. Whom better to ask than GOD, Who knows all the answers, Who knows all things. We will ask our friends for advice, which is a great place to start. We will ask our clergy for advice, which is another invaluable resource for answers. We will ask counselors for advice, which is also a great place to get answers. Yet, we seem reluctant to ask GOD, Who knows everything about every situation, including the outcome, what we ought to do. Know why?

I think we often don't ask GOD because we already know the answer, and we don't want that answer. We ask so many people because we are looking for the one person to tell us what we want to hear. I try to be a person that tells people the truth PERIOD. However, I know I have missed the mark many times. But, GOD will never be wrong. If you have a difficult question, GOD has the answer and the plan of action. All you have to do is ask.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 13, 2017

Things Change

On our way to preschool and work this morning, our little guy asked, "Why is it so dark?" "Well," I told him, "It's because we changed times." To which he asked, "Why do we change time?" So, I told him that we change time so that we have more daylight throughout the work day. Of course, his next question was, "Why?" To which I replied, "It was important years ago for the farmers to have more working time during the farming season so, we go to daylight savings time during this time of year so that the farmers can work longer days." Then, again, "Why?"

Things change. Time changes. Seasons change. We each change as time moves on. For a guy like me, who likes his ruts, change can often prove to be a challenge. Now, I am also very adept at overcoming and adapting, but change can be difficult.

Today's word is Psalm 103.17, NLT, which reads, "But the love of the LORD remains forever with those who fear Him. His salvation extends to the children's children."

One thing that does not change is love, most especially GOD'S love. We all love our children dearly. I don't know about you but I would bet that nothing can ever stop you loving your child. Nothing will ever stop GOD'S love for us, His children. NOTHING. He loves us FOREVER.

In our lives there will be many changes. Just about the time you think things are stabilizing, watch out for the change. Change is a natural part of the earthly life. Yes, times and seasons and health and body are going to change. I am so grateful that GOD is eternally the same no matter what things change.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 10, 2017

GOD'S Still Working on Me

There's a song we used to sing called, "He's still working on me" that goes, "He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the Earth, Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be, 'Cause He's still working on me."

We all have some growing to do. Now, there are lots of folks far, far ahead of where I am, and where I certainly should be, but He is still working. Aren't you glad that our Father is GOD Almighty, Who loves us so much that He cannot love us more and that we can't do anything to make Him love us less? He knows us. He knows our flaws, our failures, our warts, our shortcomings, and yet He LOVES us.

Today's word is a quote from Rick Warren that says, "GOD changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls, and coal into diamonds using time and pressure. He's working on you too."

I still have so far to go that I am ashamed. But, when I look back, I know that I am not what I used to be. GOD has made me a completely different person from the person I was. Perfect? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am as far from perfect as any person can be. However, I am a child of the King, a joint heir with CHRIST, the problem child that needs extra attention, the child whom GOD adores and is willing to invest His efforts in to form into something useful. I pray every day that I can be exactly that - useful for His service.

Been feeling pressure? Been feeling as if what you are going through will never end? It takes 28 - 38 days for a caterpillar to become a butterfly, including egg and larvae stages. It may take twenty years or more for a pearl to be made. And, who knows how long and how much pressure it takes to form a diamond? Just know that GOD is at work. He is doing something in your life that will make you more of what you need to be. I know because GOD'S still working on me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Ever been rebellious? Another way to ask, "Have you ever been disobedient"? I have been MANY times. I am not proud of that fact, but I always try to be honest about things. We are rebellious because we don't want to submit to others, we don't want others "making our decisions". So, we rebel and do things our own way, which usually turns out not exactly as we had hoped but, more than likely, exactly as the one telling us not to do it knew.

Now, rebellion seems to be a natural part of human nature. From the earliest stages of childhood we see rebellion. When we tell our children, our toddlers, not to touch something or not to do something, yet they do it anyway. Then, when you catch them, they always say they didn't do it. Why? Because, we are ashamed of our actions.

Today's word is Psalm 39:8, NLT, which reads, "Rescue me from my rebellion. Do not let fools mock me."

The worst rebellion is that against our Heavenly Father. He wants what is best for us, yet, we rebel against His will, His way, His law, and we suffer the consequences. Often, those consequences are the scorn and ridicule of others. I don't want to let anyone down, especially GOD. I certainly don't want to let Him down by my rebellion, then, bring reproach upon Him and my Christian brothers and sisters. This is what David was praying for.

We have all been rebellious. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD. There is no one alive that is perfect. There is no one alive that does not make mistakes and rebels. I want to be found faithful, and part of being faithful is being obedient. GOD has nothing but my good in mind. He has nothing but your good in mind. Stop the rebellion.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Working Women

Today is "International Women's Day", which used to be "International Working Women's Day". It's a day that is to commemorate several things but I want to acknowledge all the women that work so hard every day to keep things moving, which is most of them.

GOD certainly knew what He was doing when He made a helpmeet (helpmate) for Adam. He knew that we would need assistance with the most mundane things. He knew that we would need someone soft enough to care and strong enough to keep us straight. So many women not only keep the household running but hold full-time jobs too. And, LORD knows I have the utmost respect for stay at home Moms, which may be the toughest, most challenging job of all.

Today's word is Proverbs 31:10, KJV, a testament to good women: "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

So, what is virtuous? I'm glad you asked...virtuous means, "righteous, pure, good, saintly, moral, ethical, upright, upstanding, etc." A virtuous woman is a woman that puts GOD first. And, because of her relationship with Him, has the strongest and purest relationship with her husband. It's important for us men to treat our good women as they deserve - precious.

I read somewhere once that "A pretty face will get old with age. A nice body will change...But a good woman will always be a good woman." To all the good women out there, "Thanks for being the woman, wife, mother, friend that GOD has called you to be." You will never know how much we appreciate all the hard working women!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I appreciate it

I have often shared how blessed I am, because I am. I have been granted so many things by so many wonderful people. Now, it all comes from GOD, and I am more grateful to Him than everyone else combined. But, I know that He has put certain people certain circumstances in my life to grow me, to prune me, to chasten me, to better me.

Now, I am not going to name names. If I try to do that I will leave too many very dear acts out, which I don't ever want to do. But, do allow me to say that I so appreciate all that anyone has ever done for me. Each act has helped to make me who I am. While that may not be considered a very good thing, the fact is that I would have been so much worse without others' investment in me.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me to thank those that do so much for me: "If you don't show appreciation to those that deserve it, they'll learn to stop doing the things you appreciate."

First and foremost, I want to thank my LORD for all His many Blessings. I want to thank my SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, for making a way for me to be part of His family. I will NEVER be able to thank my LORD and SAVIOR enough for ALL He had done. I am humbled by Your goodness, grace, and mercy LORD! THANK YOU!

For my wife that so selflessly gives to our kids and me. Thank you Babe for all you do! Life gets hectic and chaotic and busy and noisy, but always know that I appreciate ALL you do! For my kids that make me laugh and fill our home with such joy, I appreciate you! For all my friends and family that have offered encouragement and correction - Thank You! I just want everyone to know I Appreciate It!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 6, 2017

One of my goals

I hope everyone has goals. We need something to motivate us to reach a certain benchmark. What happens often, though, is that we set a goal that is completely unattainable, completely outside of the realm of possibility. When we set goals that are not feasible, we try for a little while, then, decide that it just isn't going to happen. When this occurs, we often decide that all goals are unattainable, which is not true.

Having a goal of saving one million dollars is completely unrealistic for someone earning the salary that I earn. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful every day to have the job that I have and to earn what I earn. However, we will never save one million dollars. Yet, we can save what we can, where we can, so that we can have a little emergency fund. So, we don't set our goal at one million dollars; we set our goal for doing what we can.

Today's word is 1 Thessalonians 4:11, NLT, which reads, "Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands..."

I think this is a goal that we can all achieve, though most of us (me included) have a hard time accomplishing. It is my goal to live a quiet life, to get along with others, to not do anything to raise a ruckus or a fuss. It is my goal to live in such a way that most folks will say that I got along well with others that I didn't cause a scene; that part is reasonably simple. How about the second part?

It is much more difficult to mind our own business, isn't it? We want to know what's going on with anybody and everybody all the time. We know that we can "fix" them. We know that we have the best advice for them. However, we often don't share advice; we just share the dirt. Minding my own business is not impossible. I am going to make it one of my goals.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 3, 2017


What does it mean to endure? In my simple terms it means to go through something painful and/or difficult. Notice I didn't say, "to suffer something painful and/or difficult"; to endure means that not only have you suffered something - you've gone through it. You didn't give up. You didn't lay down. You didn't quit. You kept on keeping on and went THROUGH IT.

Some things in life aren't fair; that's just a fact. If you go through life trying to make sense of why some things seem to always work out for some and not for others you will drive yourself crazy. The Bible teaches us that it rains on the just and the unjust. We are all going to have to suffer some things. Will you endure?

Today's word is James 1:12, NLT, which reads, "GOD blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that GOD has promised to those who love Him."

While it is difficult to do, sometimes, we just have to push through. We may not know why something is happening. We may not know how long it is going to continue. We may not feel it is fair that we have to go through it. But, we can rest assured that GOD will see us through and that He has a plan for it.

Not only does GOD has a plan. Not only will He give us the strength and grace to see us through our difficulties. Not only will He use what we are going through for His glory, if we will allow Him. He has a reward for those who see it through - "...the crown of life that GOD has PROMISED..." Today may seem difficult and dark. But, rest assured, GOD blesses those who endure.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Who Stays

When I think about all the people I have been blessed to meet in my life, I am amazed at the sheer numbers. From elementary school, through high school, the military, college, of course church, work, and social interactions, have all brought a countless number of people into my life. It is equally amazing at how few we remain truly close to.

We all have our own lives, our own families, our own priorities that dictate how much time we can spend with others. Yet, I would bet that we all have a handful of friends that we have been friends with for a long time and will continue to be friends with until...

Today's word is a thought about all those we will run into throughout our lives: "We don't decide who we will meet in life. We do decide who we want in our lives. Our behavior often determines who stays."

We will meet people anywhere and everywhere. While we may have decided to go to a particular place or a particular event, we don't decide those who will be there and those that we may potentially come in contact with. However, once we meet people, we decide which of them we want to spend time with, to become friends with.

However, more important, our behavior often dictates those that remain friends, and vice versa. I don't know about you but I don't really want to be around folks that are negative and try to break everyone down. I want to be with folks who want to encourage and build others up, positive people. I bet they want to be with the same type of folks too. We may not decide whom we will meet, but we can definitely influence who stays.