Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Draw closer to GOD

Here on Halloween Eve, there is no shortage of scary movies available for your viewing pleasure. Almost every channel is advertising, every ad on your homepage is providing listings, everywhere there is opportunity to see a horror movie. I know some people really like horror movies, I am not particularly a fan, and not for the reason you are probably thinking.

Horror movies do not usually "scare" me. Most of the time, horror movies are boring. They are gory, poorly acted, and predictable. It is always the jock that will look around and see four (4) of the folks they came with missing and say, "I'll go look for them." But, for some folks, horror movies really scare them. I have a verse for you, if you have something scaring you today.

Today's word is Psalm 56:3, ESV, which reads, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."

We have talked before that FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real. Often, we fear things that aren't real because our minds start telling us that what we see is real. It is easy to allow this to happen because of all the evil things we see in our world every day. There is absolutely no doubt that there are evil people committing evil deeds in our world each and every day. And, you don't have to watch a horror movie to see it, just watch the news. BUT...

But, when I am afraid, I draw closer to GOD. If I will concentrate on Him and His goodness, He will comfort me, remind me of His goodness, and allay those fears. So, today, and every day, we have nothing to fear. However, if you start to feel those pangs of fear rising, draw closer to GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 28, 2019

He will Rescue us

Our local football team has had a rather disappointing year, which happens from time to time. They have played hard but the results, as for wins and loses, have been less than they would like. It is a challenge to keep fighting when it seems that no matter how hard you work it just doesn't seem to get you anywhere.The key though is to keep fighting.

This past week, apparently there was a scuffle that broke out during the game and one of the teams' managers got involved because they were trying to rough up his teammate and friend. Now, this manager wasn't very big but he wasn't going to stand there and watch them try to hurt his friend.

Today's word is Jeremiah 1:19, NIV, which reads, "They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, " declares the LORD.

It is great to have friends that will come to our rescue; I know we can all use more of them. What is even better, though, is that we have a GOD that will fight for us and rescue us. This world has a tendency to beat us down and to try and defeat us. However, as today's word tells us, it will not overcome us because we have GOD on our side.

Maybe things aren't going exactly like you thought they would. Maybe because of circumstances beyond your control, or maybe because of the evil efforts of others, you are feeling defeated and deflated. Rest assured, though, that the evil of this world will not overcome. We have a SAVIOR that has defeated death, hell, and the grave. He is with us, and He will rescue us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Harmony - worth the effort

Do you have people that get on your nerves? I mean, really get under your skin? I am sure we all do. I am sure I am one of those people for others. I am absolutely positive that there are people in my life that when I ask, "How ya doin'," they take it as a personal offense.

We all have people in our lives that are difficult to be around. I know there are some folks in this world that absolutely bring out the worse in me, and vice versa. There are a select few in this world that the second I see them my blood pressure begins to rise. However, I am trying to work on not being that person for others. The reason?

Today's word is Psalm 133:1, NLT, which reads, "How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!"

I know others are watching how I treat others and how I respond to others. As Christians, we know that others are watching us because we should be different than others in this world. Yet, we are humans. We have those who just grate us and can get to us like no one else. We have those that just seem to take pleasure in our displeasure. But, as I said, I know others are watching, and I want to be a good example. But, it doesn't just stop there...

As our verse tells us, it is wonderful and pleasant to get along with others. Yeah, I know, sometimes it isn't practical because the other person doesn't want it. However, as much as possible, I want to try to get along with others and to live in harmony with others. No, it's not easy. No, it won't be possible with some. But, to live in harmony, I think it is worth the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Blessed we truly are

Anyone who has children has heard the response, "Why?" when said child has been asked to do something. It doesn't matter what the something is: picking up clothes from floor, not talking about others, walking outside in twenty-degree weather with no shoes, when asked not to do something, the little one will ask, "Why?"

I think it is human nature not to be told/commanded to do things. We like to do things our own way, in our own time. But, just as our parents told us, we tell our children to help them avoid certain outcomes. We want to help them avoid certain outcomes, certain consequences, certain potential formed habits that will hinder his/her growth and health.

Today's word is Psalm 112:1, NIV, which reads, "Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in His commands.

We teach/instruct our children to pick his/her clothes up so that they aren't slobs when they get older. We teach them not to talk about others because we should try to be kind and respectful, just as we want others to be of us. We teach them not to go outside barefoot when it is twenty degrees because we love them and don't want them to suffer the possibility of being sick. We teach them because we love them.

GOD has given us commands and commandments to keep us from the pitfalls and the consequences of poor choices and to help us grow and mature into the creations He has meant us to be. He commands us because He loves us. And, just as we are trying to teach our children how to do things right and proper and appropriately, GOD, too, is trying to teach us to do things right and proper and appropriately. And if we will obey His commands, we will see how blessed we truly are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 21, 2019

Imitate Him

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, which is probably true. Thankfully, I don't have anyone trying to imitate me. Well, they don't mimic my good qualities anyway. I have seen times in my life when I have tried to imitate others. Whether it was a singer, an athlete, a movie star, a profession, I would try to act like, to imitate, those I "admired".

In today's society, we have a lot of people imitating a lot of bad examples. It was no different when I was younger, we just didn't take it as far. And, listen, I am not passing judgement in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Why? Because the truth is, I should be imitating some far less and I should be imitating the One A LOT more.

Today's word is Ephesians 5:1, NASB, which reads, "Therefore be imitators of GOD, as beloved children."

We all know that our children will imitate us; all the wrong habits and hang ups anyway. I have seen myself in our two children more times than I care to count, and SELDOM is it something that I think, "Wow, that is me." No, usually, it is , "Oh no, that is me." The point is, though, we imitate the ones that we admire or that we love, and who should we admire or love more than JESUS?

I want to work on my imitations. I want to be more like JESUS in everything that I do. I have a long ways to go but, if I truly work on it and really try, I know I can improve. Imitation is truly the sincerest form of flattery. I want to work on flattering my SAVIOR. I want to imitate Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Glorious Destiny

I am sure that we have all felt slighted and mistreated. I am sure we have all had times when we felt we went the extra mile, put forth the extra effort, did the extra work, only to receive no extra. Should we have expected extra? Probably not; there is no guarantee of any extra. But, we may have felt it was justified, it was warranted.

When these occasions happen, the occasions where we feel slighted, treated unfairly, we can do one of three (3) things: we can wait and let it seethe until we explode; we can voice our displeasure BUT recognize that there may be consequences for voicing such; or we can wait and rest in the fact that GOD sees what we are doing and He will make things right by and by.

Today's word is Psalm 73:24, NLT, which reads, "You guide me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny."

When things aren't going exactly the way we think they should, maybe we should be willing to ask ourselves, "Why do we feel that we deserve special treatment?" I know it is easy to get into the rut of feeling sorry for ourselves; I do it as well as anyone. However, we also should know and understand that we live in a broken and fallen and human guided world, where, sometimes, things just seem a little unfair. And, yes, it is easy to say, "Well, nobody ever said that life is fair." Right, it isn't, but, there are times when it seems more unfair than usual. However, it's not about where we are; it is about where GOD is taking us.

As our scripture reminds us today, "...leading me to a glorious destiny." We can be certain that JESUS has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven, and that He will one day come and get us to go live eternally with Him. We can also be certain that in this life, regardless of circumstance, regardless of fairness, His plan is to give us a glorious end, even here. Keep your head up. GOD is leading you to a glorious destiny.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rejoice in the LORD

We got away for a few days. I had a short conference down on the gulf and Trish and the kids got to go with me. It is always nice to spend time with those that you love, and the resort the conference was held at is one that really caters to getting away and spending time. I think our kids had a blast.

I have probably shared before that hearing waves crash on the shore is really relaxing to me. It can be from a boat going down the river to the the ocean on the beach; I just really enjoy hearing the waves crash. It doesn't hurt that, most of the time, wherever as wave can crash, it is usually really pretty scenery: open spaces, blues, scenic landscapes. I stand in awe at GOD'S creations.

Today's word is Psalm 104:34, NLT, which reads, "May all my thoughts be pleasing to Him, for I rejoice in the LORD."

After leaving such a beautiful, relaxing, serene venue, we have to drive back home. The drive in normally a little over five (5) hours. Yesterday, driving through some pretty heavy rain, some really crazy motorists, and a few crashes (no one appeared hurt, praise the LORD), the drive took almost six and one half hours. And, there were a few times that I probably didn't have the best thoughts of my fellow motorists, not at all. But, today's verse reminds me that GOD knows my every thought.

I do thank Him for allowing us the time together as a family to get out and see His great creation. I stand in awe of His goodness, mercy, and grace. I pray that all my thoughts will be pleasing to Him. I truly rejoice in the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Respond, not React

It is hard, sometimes, to not just allow emotions to take over and do or say what this fleshly body wants to do or say. I am just being honest; I am only human. There are those moments when we all feel the need to lay hand, and feet, on someone, then, pray for them later. Now, of course, we don't do it, but I am sure we all feel it.

There are those times when we feel as if we have been slighted, cheated, mistreated, and the immediate reaction is that we want to get even, settle the score, get them back. But, instead of reacting, what would be our response? Our reaction is usually a quick, thoughtless, aggression, where a response is a thought out, calm, non-threatening action. So, how do we respond?

Today's word is Titus 2:12, NIV, which reads, "It (GOD'S Grace) instructs us to say, "NO," to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age."

The difference between our reaction and our response is in Whom we allow to direct it. If we allow our own fleshly desire to take over, we are probably going to react. If we will give it a little thought, a little prayer, we may find that GOD'S Grace will allow us to, instead, respond. I agree, it is never easy to wait, but, sometimes, it is the best thing we can do.

It is possible to have better responses. And, in all honesty, I am REALLY talking to me today. There will always be those times when we feel cheated and mistreated, BUT, if we will allow GOD to direct us, He will give us the Grace to respond and not just react.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 7, 2019

Aren't you glad?

Isn't it amazing how things change? I don't know about you but things have certainly changed in my life, physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. I have less hair than I used to, and lots of it is gray. I don't remember things like I used to, but, some things are good to forget. Trish and I have a little more material stuff than we did when we first got married. And, while I still have a long ways to go, a lot of improvement to accomplish, I have grown significantly spiritually.

But, not just talking about me personally, other things have certainly changed and continue to do so. So called "smart devices" have gotten considerably smaller and far more powerful. Kids today have far more information at their fingertips than I could get by spending a week at the local library. Today's kids will never know what it is like to have to go outside and turn the TV antennae in order to receive additional "programming".

The more things change, though, the more we can rest assured that GOD does not change. Today's word is Psalm 102:27, NKJV, which reads, "But You are the same, And Your years will have no end."

The Psalmist, of course, is referring to GOD, WHO is always the same and will have no end. GOD never wakes up with a headache and takes the day off. He never has aches and pains from overdoing it in the yard. He never ages, never has the decline in physical or mental abilities that we so often experience. No, He is always the same. ALWAYS.

And, we know that, on top of never changing, He will always be. GOD has always been, He is right now, He forever will be. We don't have to worry about Him declining and retiring, or, worse, that He will pass away. No, GOD is not bound as we are. He is always the same, and He will always be here. Aren't you glad?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Just sing

Are you a singer? And, no, I don't mean a great singer that folks would pay money to hear. I am sure there are lots of people that would pay me money not to sing. But, I am asking if you sing. Do you find yourself going along through your day singing?

In our house, we are singers, non-judgmental singers and listeners. If you have a song on your heart, or mind, sing. There are times, while traveling in our car, the four (4) of us will sing a song. Maybe not always in harmony, but always harmonious. When we feel like praising GOD in song, let it rip. After all, He is the audience.

Today's word is part of Ezra 3:11a, NLT, which reads, "With praise and thanks, they sang this song to the LORD: 'He is so good! His faithful love...endures forever!'"

Singing is begins with the heart. The first part of today's passage reads, "With praise and thanks..." Don't you have things to be thankful for? Isn't GOD worthy of our praise every single day? So, a heart is full of song because it is full of praise and thanksgiving. GOD is worthy of praise, and I thank Him for being my LORD.

Then, look at the body of the Israelites song: "...He is so good! His faithful love...endures forever!" That should give you a song that you have to sing because your heart can't contain it! GOD is so good! He has bestowed upon me more blessings than I could ever count in a lifetime! Sing of His goodness. Sing of His love. Just sing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

GOD of Wonders

Have you ever had anything happen in your life that you just couldn't explain. I mean, there was no rational, human, everyday explanation? When these things occur, I know that GOD has given us a miracle.

I would dare say that we have all experienced more miracles than we could ever count, though, we probably don't recognize or acknowledge them all. GOD does things for us every day that I so often take for granted. The fact that my family and I can get from point A to point B safely is quite the miracle in and of itself.

It shouldn't surprise us that GOD bestows upon us countless miracles, large and small. The miracle of childbirth is one that will always blow my mind. The joys of raising a young life is something that I could never describe. Yes, there are also the difficulties, which I could never describe either, but, the fact that we are allowed to witness new life and to take part in those lives is truly a miracle.

Then, I have mentioned before that the miracles I see every day that I so often take for granted are the things like being able to walk and talk and run and walk and read and hear and comprehend. What miracles GOD has so graciously bestowed upon us all!

Today's word is Psalm 77:14, NASB, which reads, "You are the GOD Who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples."

We worship the GOD of Wonders!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Seasons of life

According to the calendar, we are in Autumn/Fall. However, here in the south, it is still very much summer. The weather forecast is for 97 degrees today and tomorrow, and 98 degrees on Thursday. I would say that that probably doesn't sound very fallish, does it.

With that being said, though, I know that winter is coming. It may be a really mild winter, much like the one we experienced last year. Or, it may be a winter such as we experienced a couple of years ago, in which we received five (5) appreciable snowfalls. That is really unexpected in the south. The point is that there is no need to worry about the changing of the seasons, GOD has already established all of that.

Today's word is Acts 1:7, ESV, which reads, "...It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority."

JESUS was telling his disciples, and us, that it is not for us to worry about the whens. It may seem like things are never going to change, never going to improve, never going to work itself out, BUT, JESUS reminds us that, just as seasons change throughout the year, without our help, GOD has everything else in order and things will work out the way they should on His schedule.

Yeah, I am ready for the heat to ease a little, especially for our footballers and cheerleaders, and I know that it will. We are all probably going through some seasons in our lives that we would like to change as well. Just as we can have faith that our seasons of the year will change, we can also be sure that GOD will change our seasons of life.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T