Monday, October 28, 2019

He will Rescue us

Our local football team has had a rather disappointing year, which happens from time to time. They have played hard but the results, as for wins and loses, have been less than they would like. It is a challenge to keep fighting when it seems that no matter how hard you work it just doesn't seem to get you anywhere.The key though is to keep fighting.

This past week, apparently there was a scuffle that broke out during the game and one of the teams' managers got involved because they were trying to rough up his teammate and friend. Now, this manager wasn't very big but he wasn't going to stand there and watch them try to hurt his friend.

Today's word is Jeremiah 1:19, NIV, which reads, "They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, " declares the LORD.

It is great to have friends that will come to our rescue; I know we can all use more of them. What is even better, though, is that we have a GOD that will fight for us and rescue us. This world has a tendency to beat us down and to try and defeat us. However, as today's word tells us, it will not overcome us because we have GOD on our side.

Maybe things aren't going exactly like you thought they would. Maybe because of circumstances beyond your control, or maybe because of the evil efforts of others, you are feeling defeated and deflated. Rest assured, though, that the evil of this world will not overcome. We have a SAVIOR that has defeated death, hell, and the grave. He is with us, and He will rescue us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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