Friday, September 29, 2017

Give Him the glory

If you've ever asked me how I am doing, you have probably heard me reply, "Blessed and Highly Favored." And, as I have shared before, that is not something that I just say, it is not some flippant comment, it is not just something that sounds good, I truly am Blessed and Highly Favored, and I just want to share that with others.

GOD is so good to us if we will just recognize all the blessings around us. I truly believe that if you have someone to love and someone who loves you, you are far wealthier, far more blessed than you could ever imagine. If you have family and friends that you can talk to and fellowship with, that is a blessing many others don't have. If you have the ability to get up and go do, you are truly blessed. And, all these blessings come from our Father, Who loves to bless His children and Who deserves our praise.

Today's word is Psalm 29:2, KJV, which reads, "Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness."

We need to give the LORD His deserved glory. He has given us everything, including the gift of eternal life with Him, if we will only accept it. Yes, He deserves our highest praise and honor for the gift of eternal life, and for all the little things that we enjoy in our day to day lives.

I think about this time of year as we are entering into the autumn/fall season. We will see the leaves change into indescribable colors. We will see many beautiful displays, natural and man-made, as we move through the holiday seasons ahead. I pray that I remember that the LORD allows me the blessing to see it all and to experience it all. I want to give Him the glory!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Do what is right

If you look up the word "right", you will find that it means, "morally good, justified, acceptable, correct, true, etc." We don't usually have to ask anyone how to do the right thing. We do often struggle, though, with doing it.

I have mentioned before that oftentimes the right thing is the hardest thing. However, it is still the right thing. And, there is no feeling like doing the right thing. Yeah, it is often difficult to feel as if we have done the right thing. It seems that if we do the right thing we should feel better about it, though, we often feel as if we have been through a great struggle. I think not wanting to feel the struggle, not wanting to feel the pain associated with the right thing, we find ourselves from time to time not doing the right thing, but doing the easy thing.

Today's word is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that says, "Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what is right."

We can know what is right. We can tell others what is right. We can quote every law, every scripture, every creed and schism, but none of that means anything if we don't practice what we preach. It's easy to tell others what they need to do, or it is for me. It's easy to point out where other people fail and falter. But, are we diligently seeking to do what is right?

I know today's post sort of goes with yesterday's, and I apologize. I really want to be GOD'S servant. I want to do what He wants me to do. I want to be useful to Him. I want others to see that I don't just say it, I walk it. I want to be found faithful. I want to be an example to others, especially my wife and children. I want them to know that I am going to do the right thing, ALWAYS. I want them to see me doing the right thing, ALWAYS. Because, "knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what is right."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The life that I live

Ever have someone say, "Hey, you need to go look in the mirror"? Well, you go, and sure enough, your hair is a mess, or you've got chocolate all over your mouth, or you've got spinach between your teeth. The gist is, you can't see your true self unless you look into something that reflects your image.

I'm not a huge mirror fan. Yes, we have them in our house for the reasons I just stated, along with being able to straighten ties and gig lines. The downside to mirrors, though, is that reflect my true image. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not image-conscious or image-focused, but, I can see that the image reflected back today is a little older, a little grayer, a little more wrinkled than the image from previous reflections. The image I see is the true me.

Today's word is Proverbs 27:19, NIV, which reads, "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."

Much as we see our true outward appearance, our true reflection, by looking in the mirror or by looking into water, our life shows our true inward appearance. We may think we are projecting a perfect image but our heart shows our true self. We may try to mask our lives by saying the right things, by going to some of the right places, by putting on an act. However, our heart reflects who we really are, and we all know our own hearts.

I am much more concerned with my spiritual image than the physical one I see in the mirror. I can dye my hair, I can put in colored contacts, I can buy really nice clothes, I can change my physical appearance but my true self, the person I truly am, will always be reflected by the life that I live.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 25, 2017

To Whom we are attached

I have probably shared before that Trish and I have a flower cemetery; we plant it, it dies. I hate to say that we have a proverbial "black thumb" but we have little success when it comes to flowers and plants. We have managed to allow a cactus and an aloe vera meet their respective demise while in our care. I know, hard to do, but, we did it.

My Mom, on the other hand, can pretty much cast seeds on the pavement of the busiest highway and grow some of the most spectacular flowers in the world. How she does it, I do not know. She just has a gift for cultivating and for horticulture. We had a second aloe vera plant that I was sure had expired that my Mom brought back and it is still living and thriving.

Today's word is Colossians 2:7, NLT, which reads, "Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

Without a good foundation, a good root system, plants will not make it. I'm sure you have probably seen large trees fallen in the wind because, while they were massive in size, their roots didn't grow deep enough to withstand the storm's onslaught. When the storm blew the strongest, the tree's lack of deep roots allowed it to be toppled. The same can happen in our spiritual life.

We have to allow our roots to be grounded DEEP into JESUS. We have to allow Him and His Word to penetrate and permeate everything we are. If we will do that, when the storm comes, and it will, we will have roots established so deeply that we may lose a few leaves, we may be "pruned" but we will not be moved.

My Mom is a really good horticulturist. She knows how to cultivate and nurture and promote the growth of plants. She knows that the secret to success is establishing a good root system. Our spiritual lives are only going to be as strong as the depth of our root system, and to WHOM we are attached.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 22, 2017

Are you listening?

There is a church billboard that I pass on my way to work that currently reads, "When GOD calls you, does He get a busy signal?" It's a great question. And, I know the implication is, "Are you too busy to hear GOD'S call?" Or, "Are you so busy and distracted with other things that you can't hear when GOD is calling you?" With all that we each have going on in our day to day, it is easy to get that way.

I have been gone most of this week to a training conference. As with most conferences, we sat through presentations for seven or eight hours each day. And, as is normally the case, some of the presentations were really good and informative, while others didn't seem as such. Or, so I say...

Today's word is Proverbs 18:15, NLT, which reads, "Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge."

So, I was asking myself this morning if those presentations that I didn't really get that much out of were really not that interesting or was I just not listening? I would venture to guess that if I were to pay more attention and really listen, I would learn far more than I think I would. Which leads me back to that church sign.

When GOD calls, are you sitting there thinking about all the other things that are going on? Are you tuning out because you think your way is better? Are you thinking your way is better because you feel you need to prove a point? Exact some revenge?

I may never attain it, but, I want to be intelligent. I want to be what I need to be. What I can be. What I should be. GOD will show us what to do and when to do it. He will tell us things that will make our lives go smoother. He will tell us things that will guide our paths and lead us to blessings unimaginable. Are you listening?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 18, 2017

Be about it

This may seem as a continuation of the last post but it is not intended to be. I have just had hard work and working hard on my mind lately. It may be because of all the projects we have had going that keeps this on the forefront, but there is just something about working  hard and earning it.

Don't judge me when I tell this story. Many years ago, when I was much younger and had a nephew that was then about 10 or 11, this nephew and I were playing video games, which have never really interested me very much but I have been known to play a few. Anyway, we were playing games that my nephew was very familiar with and very good at and he was beating me pretty soundly every time. Eventually, though, I noticed a football game and asked if we could try that. My nephew said something to the effect of, "Oh yeah, I'm good at that."

Well, we played football and I began to get the controls down and I began to win. The better I got and the more he couldn't stop me, the angrier he got. Finally, he blurted out, "My Dad lets me win!" To which I replied, "And, that is your problem. You know how to win but you've got to learn how to lose. I don't let anyone win. If you want to beat me, you have to earn it."

Today's word is Proverbs 14:23, NIV, which reads, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

There's just something about earning it. There is nothing sweeter than setting a goal, putting in the work, and accomplishing that goal. During the course of obtaining that goal, the profits are innumerable: effort, experience, perseverance, determination, etc. There is a lot of good things that come from hard work, and they are all profitable.

The flip side, of course, is talking it but not walking it. I think we have this problem in our spiritual lives from time to time as well. We want to talk it when everything is going good but we often lose that talk when it begins to not be as good, when it is time to work. GOD is on our side. He has everything in control. Everything is working for our good. Let's not just talk about it; let's be about it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 15, 2017

Keep working hard

So, I am trying to be a U6 soccer coach. What is U6 soccer, you ask? Well, for our organization, it is for any child that is under six years of age on July 31st of the current soccer year. However, to sum it up more precisely, it is like herding cats, only with less success.

If our team doesn't have a competitive season, it will have more to do with their inept coach than the members of the team. I know about as much about soccer as those I am trying to coach, except for the fact that I can read others' recommendations and can understand youtube videos. I truly am working hard to try to educate myself on how to best instruct them.

Today's word is a quote from Colin Powell, which says, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work."

There are lots of people who say they want a particular thing, who claim to have a particular dream but are unwilling to put forth the effort to bring it to fruition. Even at the U6 soccer level, we will try our best to instruct and teach the basic fundamentals. BUT, these young soccer players will never reach their full potential with the couple of hours each week that we have. If they truly want to get better, they will have to work hard at home to hone their skills. Same holds true for us adults.

We all have dreams of one sort or another. However, those dreams will never come to fruition as long as we sit on our duffs and wait for it to happen. GOD does perform miracles - every day - but, He expects us to do our part. And, our part is working hard and depending on Him for the rest. We are going to keep working hard.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The entire ensemble

I've worn some uniforms in my life. I played a lot of sports throughout my life. I didn't play any of them particularly well but I tried to play most all of them. There is just something about putting on the uniform. It designates that you are a part of a team. It distinctly ties you to a particular school, organization, church, etc.

The uniform I am most humbled and most proud to have worn is for the United States Navy. Again, I didn't particularly excel as a member of that team either but I am proud that I was allowed the privilege to serve.

Today's word is Colossians 3:12, ESV, which reads, "Put on then, as GOD'S chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience."

Much like uniforms distinguish something about with whom we are teammates, the characteristics we display tells others a lot about us. As GOD'S children, we should have certain traits, certain characteristics that causes others to see that we are apart of GOD'S "team", a child, a part of His Royal Priesthood. There are certain characteristics that we should display because we are His.

Whether we realize it or not, as children of the Most High GOD, we represent Him daily; we wear the uniform. Just like any uniform, it consists of various parts. In the case of our spiritual uniform, we should display compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. And, much like all the earthly uniforms I have worn, I haven't always been the best example wearing my spiritual one either. I pray I can better better at displaying the entire ensemble.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

An encouraging word

The song "Home on the Range" has a line that goes, "And, seldom is heard, a discouraging word..." There is something about an encouraging word. We all need a little encouragement from time to time. We all need a little exhortation and uplifting. We all like to hear that we are loved and cared for. An encouraging word can do all those things and more.

I always try to remember that there is always time to say something nice. I may not always want to, I may not always try to, but there is always time to say something that will brighten someone's day. It doesn't take much either. Just a simple, "I like that shirt," or, "I like what you've done with your hair," or, "that was really kind of you to do that".

Today's word is an attempt to remind me of how blessed I am and how I need to share an encouraging word with others: "Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you human. Failures keep you humble. GOD keeps you going."

Today is National Day of Encouragement. It is celebrated every September 12th, and it is supposed to be dedicated to lifting others up and to making a positive impact on those we come in contact with. I know that I can certainly be more encouraging,  and I am going to try to be.

Look around today and see if you can find a way to express an encouraging word.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 11, 2017

Not what you see

I had an experience in a restaurant once that will forever remind me that things aren't always what they seem.

We were eating at a buffet and I saw on the sneeze guard "Cheese Sticks", and I like cheese sticks. A LOT. So, I picked up a "cheese stick", took a bite, and instantly realized that it wasn't cheese at all - it was fish. Now, if you like fish, this would have been a surprise, BUT, I don't like fish. At all.

Today's word is 2 Corinthins 5:7, ESV, which reads, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Sometimes, things aren't what they appear. It's easy to look at things and sit and think,  "This is horrible, and will always be horrible." But, that's not true.

GOD has great plans. What is happening today is preparing us for things tomorrow. Don't let what things appear to be dampen your spirit. Walk by faith; things are not always what they seem.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 7, 2017

When doubts fill my mind

There are probably those who know me that would say that I am a confident individual, and I am for the most part. I have shared this before, I am not arrogant, but I am confident. The way I explain this is by saying that I am confident; there are things that I know, that I am confident that I can do. However, the flip side is also true: there are those things that I am absolutely confident that I cannot do.

But, even with being confident and trying to instill confidence in others, I have my occasional doubt. Sometimes, when one bad thing seems to lead to another, it is easy to become doubtful. During those times when I am trying my very best and still not getting what someone is trying to show me, what someone else makes look so easy, I can become doubtful. When it seems that there are still two many bills for the amount of month left, it is easy to have doubts.

Today's word is Psalm 94:19, NLT, which reads, "When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."

It is during those times of doubt that I can feel GOD'S presence the most, if I will only take the time to sense it. I have seen GOD move time and time again at just the right moment and in just the right way. I have seen Him produce great victories from what should have been a sure and resounding defeat.

When I have those moments of doubt, when I have those moments of wonder, when I have those moments of uncertainty, all I have to do is take a second and remember all the things that GOD has done before. I try to focus on how GOD has previously made a way and how He has prove time and time again that He is working everything for my good. That's what I try to do when doubts fill my mind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Always Loyal

What do you think of when you hear the word "loyal"? Some words that come to mind are faithful, true, devoted, consistent, constant, steadfast, dependable, etc. There is such power in loyalty, such a humbling power when you find someone that is truly loyal. Loyalty seems to be a dying trait these days.

I am not talking about anyone in particular or any specific population but all you have to do is look around at all the divorce in our culture and all the backstabbing and dissension to see that loyalty is certainly falling by the wayside. I was told at a very young age, and have found it to prove true most of the time, that you can count your TRUE FRIENDS on one hand. How sad.

Today's word is Proverbs 17:17, NLT, which reads, "A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need."

I think the reason so many relationships fall apart, so many disagreements severe long friendships, so many trivial things destroy closeness is because we become disloyal. We begin to become obsessed with self-promotion and the old, "What's in it for me?" We forget what drew us to the person to begin with. We consciously choose to pursue our own will rather than the will of the one we love. We aren't to be used by anyone. Period. Yet, I think we so often forget what love is truly all about - true love is about giving, not getting. We lose loyalty because we start focusing on the getting.

I pray daily that GOD finds me faithful and that I will strive to do His will. I want to be faithful to Him and to His calling. And, that means that I want to be loyal to those He places in my life. Pray for me that I can be a true friend, always loyal.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T