Friday, January 30, 2015

You'll find out

Have you ever had one of those moments that the weight of the world seemed to be pressing you down and you just couldn't figure out what you had done to bring such a heavy load upon yourself? You start trying to figure out if you had been mean to someone or if you had stiffed someone or if you had something inappropriate and you just had it coming.

On the other hand, have you ever had one of those epiphanies when something just comes to you out of the blue and you figure out a mystery that had been driving you crazy? Or, have you ever found a job that ended up being a career because it fit like a glove?

Today's word is a quote from Mark Twain that says, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."

GOD has us all here for a reason. And, yeah, life certainly has its ups and downs. As the old saying goes, "Sometimes you're the windshield sometimes you're the bug." We often go through life trying to find the "meaning", trying to figure out why we are here. There is nothing like that moment that you realize why you are here. Nothing.

You're going to have some important days. One of the most important is when you figure out why you are here. GOD has a purpose for everything and everyone. Find that purpose and you'll find one of the most important days in your life.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Getting stronger

There are a lot of areas in my life that I need to be stronger: spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, maybe even emotionally. There are ways to accomplish some of these. If you want to become mentally stronger, you can test yourself with quizzes and difficult problems. If you want to become stronger financially, you can seek counsel of financial planners and brokers. If you want to become stronger physically, you can exercise, lift weights, etc. But, what about spiritually?

The only way you will ever get to know how to become more like GOD is to spend more time with GOD. We can do that by reading His word, by attending church, by listening to godly people and music, through our prayer life. Just as you can't grow physically without doing some physical exercise, you will not grow spiritually without doing something spiritual. And, the payoff is tremendous.

Today's word is Proverbs 24:5, NLT, which reads, "The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger."

Of all the exercising we can do, it is the exercise of gaining spiritual wisdom that will pay the most dividends. The wiser we become in GOD, the mightier we become in this world. The Bible teaches us that GOD uses the simple things to confound the wise, which tells me that GOD can use me, a simple guy. However, if I don't put in the time to gain His wisdom, I will never be as strong as He wants me to be and that I could be.

Get out there and get some exercise. Grow stronger and stronger each day. And, take time to grow in the LORD, which will do more for us than any physical exercise could ever do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's not fatal

Have you ever had that moment in the spotlight that you shined so bright you just wish you could freeze time? On the other hand, have you ever had one of those moments when you just wish you could crawl in a hole somewhere and stay until whatever you did was forgotten by everyone who knew you did it?

I think that in our lives we have those peaks and valleys, those ups and downs, those successes and failures on a fairly consistent basis. I am so blessed even on my worst day. But, I can do some of the dumbest things. GOD has allowed me to experience some pretty sweet successes in life too. And, I am sure that there have been times during those moments of undeserved success that I have allowed my ego to get the best of me and the better of others.

Today's word reminds me to keep things in perspective. It is a quote from Winston Churchill that says, "Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."

Those moments of success do seem to pass quickly. And, those moments of complete and total failure have not killed my desire to do better. As embarrassing as failure is, it motivates me to do better to be better to behave better. So, too, should success; there's no need to think I have "arrived" because I have proven that I can certainly mess things up.

It truly isn't success of failure that defines us. It is the way we handle each of those. We just have to remember that success is fleeting and that failure is not fatal. Then, we need to summon up the courage to take the next step.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

That's not what he looks like

Have you ever tried to picture someone you have never met? Maybe you hear someone on the radio or talk to someone on the phone and you get a visual image of the person. Later, though, you finally meet the person and they don't look anything like you had envisioned.

You ever think about what satan looks like? Of course, we know the images displayed of him being a red creature with a pitch fork and bifurcated tail. He has horns on his head, an evil voice, and just has this sinister aura all around him. Is that he image you get?

Today's word is just a reminder about sin and the father of all sin. It says, "The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointed horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for..."

There's an old song by Terri Gibbs that says, "Somebody's knocking. Should I let him in? LORD, it's the devil. Would you look at him? I've heard about him but I never dreamed, he'd have blue eyes and blue jeans." If satan approached us looking like the image we have of him, no one would give him a chance. However, he approaches us looking exactly like the very thing we have wished for all our lives.

Be careful when evaluating what is presented you. Be sure you pray about it and seek GOD'S guidance and approval. Make sure what you see is what is actually what you see. Satan walks about disguising himself as the very desire of our sinful, natural heart. He can't tempt us if we allow JESUS to fill that void. Don't be deceived, thinking satan is easily distinguishable - that's not what he looks like.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 26, 2015

This hurts me more than you

Growing up, I got my share of discipline. I have mentioned before that some people got paddled, some whipped, we got whooped. If you have ever had a whooping, you know the difference. I will admit, though, I deserved every single whooping I got; and, I probably didn't get a few that I deserved.

I kid that prior to the meting out of punishment, Pops would say, "Trust me, this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me." But, the truth of the matter was that hurt Pops and Momma to whoop us. Having kids of your own really brings clarity to this. It is absolutely heart-wrenching to have to discipline those you love.

Today's word is Lamentations 3:33, NIV, which reads, "For He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone."

GOD, our Heavenly Father, does not enjoy disciplining His children either. This verse tells us that He never willingly causes pain to anyone. He wants everyone to love Him and serve Him and obey Him. But, He never wants to have to "get our attention". However, just like our parents, and we as parents, have to get our children's attention so does GOD with His children. He has to correct us and reprimand us from time to time.

It's never easy to discipline and correct those that we love but it is an absolute necessity. We have to correct inappropriate behavior and foster appropriate. Yet, it kills us. It hurts to have to correct the children; it is heart-wrenching. It is for GOD too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 23, 2015

Highway 16

I read an article recently about a stretch of Highway 16 in Canada named for the "Highway of Tears Murders", which occurred between 1969 and 2011. On this stretch of highway, over those years, some estimate that over FORTY young women have been murdered or just disappeared. The highway is a main artery between Prince George and Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada.

It is shocking that this has been going on so long and no one has been able to figure it out. However, the stretch of highway in question is 500 miles long, which adds to the difficulty. It is sort of scary to think about. I would try to find any alternate route available if I could.

Today's word is Proverbs 23:19, NIV, which reads, "Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path."

In no way making light of the serious occurrences on Highway 16, today's verse is a good reminder about the paths we choose to follow. In our lives, we will come to forks in our paths where decisions have to be made. One side of the fork before us will offer something we "think" really looks fun, the other something that we really NEED. We must choose wisely and follow the right path. While the "really fun" path looks appealing, the other path is the one that is fulfilling.

I pray that I will listen, be wise, and set my heart on GOD'S path. I pray, also, that they find the culprits responsible for the devastation on Highway 16.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Push it real good

Our little girl loves the Geico commercial with Salt & Pepa telling people to "Push it real good". She will dance and mumble but when it comes to the chorus she belts it out, "PUSH IT REAL GOOD!" It is a lot of fun to watch and a good reminder to us to keep pushing forward.

I find that it is fairly easy for me to get in a rut and allow myself to get frustrated and "burn out" for a while. I usually get it back together and move forward but, I have those moments when I need to be reminded to keep pushing.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 16:13, NIV, which reads, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

If we aren't careful, satan will throw things at us, and he will get us if our guard is down. We have to be ever watchful of his attempts to derail and defeat us. We can accomplish this by being firm in our faith - that GOD has it under control, that everything is working for our good, that the end will be better than we could have ever imagined.

When we allow ourselves to remember this, it will bolster us and strengthen us and give us the courage to continue on. I need this reminder from time to time, and especially lately. It is just a reminder to keep pushing - PUSH IT REAL GOOD! It may never be easy but it will be worth it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

It's all in my head

I've heard the old saying, "The idle mind is the devil's workshop" or, "The idle mind is the devil's playground." When we are not using our minds, our thoughts in a positive way, the devil will certainly take advantage of the situation and cause us to use it in the most negative ways.

Ever sit there, not really thinking about anything? And suddenly, you begin to think about the kitchen stove. What if I accidentally left the gas on just a little? The house is filling with dangerous vapors as I sit here; I need to check on it; but, if I get up, I may cause static electricity, which could ignite the house and burn down the entire neighborhood; if I just sit here, I will be overcome with the fumes and die of inhalation. What to do? Then, you realize that you have an electric stove...

Today's word is a thought I came across some time ago and I have paraphrased it and reused it; "Don't dwell on things too much. You will create a problem that never even existed."

It is amazing to me how powerful the images are that can come from my thoughts. GOD gave us a powerful mind that can imagine things that we would never otherwise imagine. And, when we allow ourselves to dwell on the negative too much, too much negative is what we will have.

I believe the opposite is equally true. When we dwell on positive things, we will imagine more positive things, things we never would have imagined otherwise. Don't create problems that never existed by imagining things that never existed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

High Praise

All of us like a little praise from time to time. I know I do. Now, I don't need you blowing sunshine up my skirt or giving me false compliments to try and get me to do something for you. No, I mean true and honest "atta boys". We all need a few pats on the back and a few "atta boys" from time to time to keep us encouraged and motivated. I received some of the highest praise recently.

I had been gone most of the day assisting someone with a project and finally got home in time to give our little guy a bath (he's three). As I got him out of the tub to dry him off, he looked at me and said, "You help somebody." I replied, "Yes. I'm sorry I was gone all day." He, then, gave me the highest praise. Our little three-year-old looked at me and said, "You a good man."

Today's word is Proverbs 12:2, NIV, which reads, "Good people obtain favor from the LORD, but He condemns those who devise wicked schemes."

GOD has certainly granted me many favors. I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination. He has given me so much, with Heaven to come. And, just because He can, He allows my little boy to tell me that I am a good man. Now, the truth of the matter is that he has heard his Mom say something to that effect. The further truth is that I am not as good as she makes me out to be or that he thinks I am. Yet, what a wonderful blessing!

You want GOD'S blessings? Sure, we all do. Be a good person. It won't always be rosy. It won't always be smooth. It won't always be easy. But, it will always be worth it because, "Good people obtain favor from the LORD!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Brighter Day

We have been mired in the usual southern winter: dark, gloomy, rainy, cold... It's not unexpected but it still can get to me from time to time. I love the sunshine. I love being able to get outside and enjoy GOD'S creation. We have a three-year-old and a two-year-old who love to be outside. Yet, this time of year, the outside days are few and far between.

Yes, I know it could be worse. We could live where it snows twenty-six feet deep or where it rains constantly or where the temperature is cold enough to freeze your eyes open. Yes, it could be worse. But, don't you love the sunshine? Don't you love when the clouds break and the sun shines through. People can be like those dark clouds too.

Today's word is just a thought I came across that really sums up some of the people that you will encounter from time to time. It says, "Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day!"

The saying is similar to another that I try to keep in mind that says, "Everyone here brings happiness. Some by entering in; others by leaving." There are some people that will suck the energy and life right out of you or an organization or a congregation, and they live for that. What we need is more people that part the clouds and bring a brighter day and enlighten everyone.

Look, in life there will be those that seem to bring a dark cloud wherever they go. All we can do is hold on and wait for the clouds to disappear. When they do, we get a spring in our step and a smile on our face. Brighter days are ahead.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 12, 2015

Rejection or Redirection

I have had my share of rejection. There have been moments in my life when I thought I really wanted something only to be rejected again and again. If you've never faced rejection, it is coming. If you have faced rejection, you know that it isn't about how many times you are rejected, it's about how many times you try and try again.

Often, though, the toughest rejections are the ones from GOD. It seems that I have it all figured out; I know what needs to happen. Then, what I "KNOW" should happen doesn't. Ever happen to you? You get frustrated? Feel like GOD has rejected your plan?

Today's word is a simple quote that I came across that clarifies this exact scenario: "GOD'S "No" is not a rejection. It's a redirection."

When GOD doesn't give us what we KNOW is best, it's because He KNOWS He has something better in store. It is hard to accept. It is difficult to deal with. It is painful to go through. It is heartbreaking. In the end, though, we will find that it is absolutely for the best.

There will be times when we find ourselves wanting something so bad, that is so "good" for us, that there is no way GOD will turn us down, just to see it not happen. It is in these moments that we have to see GOD working. We have to realize that His "NO" is not a rejection. It's a redirection.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 9, 2015

How to prosper

Watching an episode of Super Why with the kids this morning based on the book The Foolish Wishes got me to thinking. In the episode, the subject of the story had three wishes granted him but he made foolish choices, until the "Super Readers" encouraged him to really consider his last wish - to choose carefully. Anyway, it got me to thinking...

If I were granted three wishes, what would they be? Surely one would be about money, but how much money? If you were granted a wish to have money, how much would you wish for? A million dollars? A billion dollars? A bazillion dollars? How much? That was my thought this morning as I prepared this entry.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:25, NIV, which reads, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

We all know that it is more blessed to give than to receive and that we cannot out give GOD. Yet, I find myself from time to time trying to hold on to what I've got (like it's mine). I know that everything I have is a gift from GOD, and today's word tells me that if I am generous with it I will prosper. Instead of trying to hold on, I need to let go.

So, the rest of the story. This is what I have surmised, knowing that I am never going to have three wishes granted. If I were ever asked how much money, I would say enough to do what I needed when I needed. I wouldn't need a bunch in the bank, collecting dust, making my statement look good. I would need just enough that whenever I needed to use it, it would be there.

Be generous - you'll prosper.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 8, 2015

GOD is the reason

I have been complimented from time to time for having such a positive attitude. I have my moments of disappointment and frustration and being betrayed but I try to not dwell on them, though I have had a tough one lately. But, anyway, for the most part, I am a rather positive person. I have reason to be.

I think of those I have been blessed to meet in this life that seem to be able to overcome and persevere anything. I've seen ladies, tough as nails, overcome one obstacle after another raising children, working two or three jobs, losing a spouse. I have witnessed those that have overcome disabilities and proved that they are not disabilities but different abilities. I have seen the best of the worst. What gives them the drive, the resolve, the resiliency?

Today's word is an unattributed quote that sums it up: "GOD is the reason why even in pain, I smile: in confusion, I understand: in betrayal, I trust; and in fear, I continue to fight."

The only way we will ever overcome and persevere and push on and forgive is through the power and love of GOD. He alone is powerful enough to defeat the negativity that so vastly surrounds us. We will all find ourselves from time to time wondering, "Why," and, "How do I go on?" It is then that we'll discover that the only way, the only reason, we can continue is GOD! GOD is the reason!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

True Leadership

We need some true leadership in this country, in our communities, in our families. There are so many things going on, so many negative things happening, that stems from poor leadership. Our national debt is over 18 trillion dollars. You cannot get that far in debt with good leadership.

We have things going on in our communities, looting, shooting, killing, stealing, etc., that is promoted by people with poor leadership qualities. What we need in our communities is leadership that promotes calm, rational, peaceful solutions to volatile situations. True leadership will find a way to bridge differences, not divide and destroy. Now, I am not saying that there is never a time for war - there is. I am saying that there is a time and place for everything but there is seldom a time for everything to happen in one place.

Anyway, today's word is an anonymous quote that says, "No leadership is greater than the example found in a man who leads with GOD'S direction and love."

When leaders lead GOD'S way, it is going to be right for those being lead. Unfortunately, we have seen the effects of ungodly leadership: Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu. We have also seen the effects of godly leadership: Abraham, King David, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, Jr., the founding fathers. When leaders allow GOD to direct the path, the journey may not be painless but the destination will be glorious.

Let's pray that GOD will raise up His leaders. We need godly leaders, following GOD'S direction, to blaze the paths we need to follow.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 5, 2015

Lasting Fruit

We love fruit at our house: bananas, strawberries, grapes, apples, cuties, melons, etc. You could look in our fridge at pretty much any time and find some kind of fruit. Fruit is a healthy snack, provides nutrients and vitamins, and is just generally good for you.

The one problem with fruit, fresh fruit, is that it spoils quickly. We can buy white grapes (they're green but everyone calls them white) and within a week, they are bad. With bananas, just a few days is all it can take for them to go bad. So, when we buy fresh fruit, which is regularly, we eat it fairly quickly.

Today, though, I want to talk about lasting fruit. Today's word is John 15:16, NIV, which reads, "...I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last..."

Of course, the fruit JESUS is referring to is the souls of others. WE can't preserve their souls; only GOD can do that. But, we can go out and tell others the good news that they don't have to spoil and rot and decay for eternity. We know the PRESERVER of all life and if they will give their life to Him, He will keep them fresh for eternity.

We all love fruit. Let's work to try and produce lasting fruit.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T