Thursday, January 31, 2019

GOD'S goodness will last FOREVER

All you have to do is look around to see that there are lots of things going on in our world that are not good. Every day I hear of others that are really struggling with health issues, with finances, with marriages, with their spiritual well-being. This world is full of heartache and heartbreaks, challenges and troubles, turmoils and disappointments.

Just last night, at church, I heard of a fine Christian lady that is battling cancer - again. I heard about a family whose six-week-old child had died. I thought of all this frigid, brutal, deadly cold that is gripping our country, and all those that are in it, those that have nowhere to go. It can be really gloomy if all we focus on is what we see.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 4:18, NLT, which reads, "So we don't look at the troubles we can see now, rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."

If all we focus on is what we presently see, it can cause us to think that this is as good as it will ever be. The truth is, sometimes, life just sucks. There is no other way to put it. Loved ones get sick, they pass away. Relationships are damaged and, sometimes, broken. Just when we think everything is going our way and that we are on top of the waves, the sea comes roaring back and takes us under. And, IF, all we focus on is what we presently see, it will drive us crazy. BUT...

But, we can rest assured that GOD is on our side; He is walking with us and will see us through. And, no matter what, come what may, we are already victorious in Him because of the sacrifice He has made for us. We also know that what we may be going through here is NOTHING compared to what lies ahead in eternity.

Troubles and trials will come and go. GOD'S goodness will last FOREVER!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Seasons Change

The headline in yesterday's local paper read something to the affect of, "Area prepares for Winter". We were supposed to get some snow, which up to now has not materialized. I know the kids are going to be disappointed; they are out of school on a cold, wet, muddy day. But, again, up to this point, no snow.

Then, later in the week, we are supposed to experience temps in the upper 50s/low 60s. So, if we are preparing for winter, it is going to be short. This particular winter has been extremely rainy, with several giant deluges. We have had wet, muddy yards for the last couple of months. It can be really depressing, if you allow it. But, the good thing about seasons is they change.

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV, which reads, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."

There is a proper time and place for everything. You can't grow tomatoes outside during the winter, and it doesn't snow in June. On the flip side, you can grow tomatoes in June, but you will probably also experience 100 degree days.

Same holds true in our lives: there will be seasons of great growth and seasons of dormancy. Whatever season you find yourself in, just no that it won't be like this forever - seasons change.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 28, 2019

Alive and on my side

What keeps you going when you just don't feel like it? We discussed in small group yesterday tests of faith. What is the most difficult thing that you have gone through that really tested your faith? For some, it is the death of a child. For others, it is physical health. For someone else, it is the lose of income and resources. For others, it may be that you feel as if GOD has turned his back on you. If you've ever read the Book of Job, you know that he experienced all of these.

Job lost his children, his "riches", his health, even his wife asked, "Why don't you just curse GOD and die?"Job had "friends" come by and sit with him. They, eventually, told Job that he had this coming. What friends. So, if anyone ever had a reason to feel as if GOD had turned His back on him/her, I think we can all agree that Job was that one. So, what kept Job going?

Today's word is Job 19:25, NIV, which reads, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth."

What kept Job going? He knew that no matter what, GOD was alive. And, He would redeem him; He would buy him back. No matter what had happened, was happening, or was going to happen, Job knew that GOD had everything under control and He was going to make it right - maybe not here but eternally, where it counts.

I don't know what you may be going through today; no other person truly does. BUT, I do know that GOD knows. And, I know that I serve a GOD that is alive and on my side.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Exactly what you need

Have you ever wondered if GOD hears your prayer? Or, if He is ever going to answer? We have all heard, and it is true, that GOD has three (3) answers to prayers: "Yes," "No," and "Wait". The yes is what WE want. The NO is what we think we don't want. But, it is the wait that is the killer. We just want an answer, right?

Sometimes, though, it is necessary for us to wait. Maybe there is something else that GOD is waiting for someone else to do, and He knows they will, that will make it even better than we could ever imagine. Maybe, the fact is that we are just not in a mature enough place in our lives to truly receive, appreciate, and utilize what we are asking for.

Today's word is Matthew 6:8, NLT, which reads, "Don't be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!"

GOD knows what we need. He also knows what we don't need. I don't know about you, but, I am glad that GOD hasn't answered every prayer of mine the way I wanted. It may not be the case with you, but, I have had some very selfish prayers. If GOD had given me everything I asked, I would be in a bad way, probably not as close to Him as I am.

You see, sometimes, it's "NO", and it should be, just as we can't give our children everything they ask for. We see the big picture. We see how giving our children certain things wouldn't be good for them: it would be bad for his/her health, it would take away from their studies, they aren't ready for it.

Trust me, I am not good at the waiting either. But, I KNOW that GOD is working all things for my good. I KNOW that what He has planned is better than anything I could ever imagine. You can trust that GOD knows exactly what you need.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Whose they are

I was asked, hypothetically, yesterday, if I could have four persons for dinner who would they be? For me, they would be JESUS, Trish, and our two kids. I would love to sit with JESUS and just listen; there are lots of things I would like to ask Him, but, I would hope I would just listen. And, there are no others on this earth that I would rather spend time with than Trish and our two kids.

Then, we took it a step further by asking, "Okay, so your other three in a foursome of golf; your three baseball players, etc." It was an interesting exercise to see what sports figures we looked up to as kids. Now, I have mentioned before that I think I can talk to anyone (JESUS, GOD, would be the exception - I am not worthy). But, it did get me to thinking...

Today's word is Proverbs 28:21, NLT, which reads, "Showing partiality is never good, yet some will do wrong for a mere piece of bread."

This verse reminds me of why we shouldn't treat anyone any different from anyone else. Yes, I respect authority and give people in positions the respect they deserve. BUT, that doesn't make them any better than anyone else. I don't get caught up in all the hoopla and fantasy of celebrity. One day, we will ALL stand before a holy and just GOD, Who will judge us ALL, whether it be good or bad. Yet, there are those who get all gaga about someone and will do anything, and I mean anything for them.

Today's verse reminds us to not get caught up and lose our minds over others - show no partiality, no favoritism. We should treat everyone with the same respect and honor. We should see that everyone is important to GOD; not because of who they are but because of WHOSE they are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 18, 2019

Keep it

Have you ever had someone tell your secret? I mean, you told this person that you were really close to, that you thought was your true friend, one of your deepest, darkest secrets, which they promised that they would never tell anyone, only to hear your secret from someone else? Hurts, doesn't it?

On the other hand, have you ever been the "friend" that betrayed another's trust? Have you ever been asked to keep a secret, take it to you grave, pinkie-promised and everything, only to realize that it was just too good to keep to yourself? You asked the person you told not to tell anyone, but, they were not as trustworthy as you, and they told others.

Today's word is Proverbs 20:19, NIV, which reads, "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much."

We shouldn't keep secrets from our spouses. We also shouldn't keep someone's secret if they have committed crimes that should be told. But, the point is that we all have secrets, things that we did that we are not proud of, things that we wouldn't want anyone to know. Yet, one day, we just feel the urge to purge our soul, telling someone our secret, only to have them tell others.

I bet, if we would only think about it, the person we told had at some time or another told us someone else's secret. Some people just can't be trusted with your confidence. We have to be wise as to whom we share our secrets. We also have to be trustworthy enough to be someone else's confidant. We must avoid those who will tell ours; we must avoid being the one that tells others'.

Sometimes, our friends just need to share something, to get it off his/her chest. When they do that, we must be deliberate about keeping their confidence. If they ask you to keep their secret, keep it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Finding Mercy

We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, of His standards, His desires for us. There is not a soul alive that has not sinned; we all have. I am not proud of the fact that I sin; I am just admitting that I do. I am confessing that I fall short, way short, of what I could be. As a matter of fact, I fall way short of what I should be.

The problem with sinning, though, is compounded when we commit sin and try to conceal it. I believe it was Abraham Lincoln that said, "No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar." Now, there are those that try to disprove this but, eventually, their shortcomings will come to light. In the light, we finally see how far we have fallen.

Today's word is a reminder that when we sin, if we will confess, there is mercy. Proverbs 28:13, NLT, reads, "People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy."

It is embarrassing to sin. It is internally defeating and outwardly difficult to admit to others that we have failed. I don't have to have anyone point out my sin; the very moment I commit sin, I am convicted. I, like many others, have tried to cover it up, have tried to hide it, have tried to conceal it, but it eventually becomes known. AND,

When I finally confess my sin, to those I have wronged and to GOD, I find that they are definitely merciful. We all know that we all fail. We feel for those that have struggled because, we, too, have struggled. Don't be, as we all have been from time to time, weighed down by the burden of sin. There is nothing like confession for cleansing the soul and finding mercy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Problem Solving

We all have problems, right? I have shared before that everyone is either going through something, coming out of something, or about to go through something - we all have problems. No matter how long we live, no matter how hard we try, things just crop up from time to time. We live in a broken and sinful world, and problems are just a part of life.

Isn't it amazing, though, how some folks just seem to take his/her problem by the horns and wear it out, while others will immediately try to bury his/her head in the sand and hope it goes away? Here's the deal, we've already established that we are all going to have problems; ignoring a problem doesn't solve nor make a problem go away. We have to face the problem head on and work through it.

Today's word is just a simple saying I try to remind myself of when things crop up: "Your problem isn't usually the problem. Your reaction to the problem is most often the problem."

Look, there are times when things come up that I do not react well or appropriately. I get angry, I get frustrated, I get determined to sit and let things work themselves out, but I do very little to actually fix it. There are other times, however, when I face the problem square up, take it by the horns, and, through GOD'S strength and guidance, tackle it.

How do you react to problems? There really is no right or wrong. Well, actually, there are lots of wrong ways to react to problems. Here is the deal though: first, we have to retrain ourselves not to react but to respond. Our first response should be to pray about it. GOD will give us direction if we will ask. Next, we have to make a positive response; we have to choose to take action, positive action, towards finding a solution. I think if we will do that, we will find problem solving just a little easier.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 14, 2019

Throw it away

I love the book of Ecclesiastes, where there is so much wisdom and direction. I have read through Ecclesiastes several times, and each time that I do, I find something that I hadn't seen before. Trust me, I have some chronological age but I can be dumb as a bag of hammers.

According to the National Day Calendar, today is "National Clean off your desk day"; there is nothing like decluttering. Trish and I have moved four (4) times in our marriage, and have decluttered each time. For a couple who started out with almost nothing, it is amazing how much we have accumulated, and how much we can get rid of and accumulate again in just four (4) or five (5) years.

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 3:6, NLT, which reads, "A time to search and a time to quit searching, a time to keep and a time to throw away."

The first part of this verse tells us that there is a time to search and a time to quit searching. If a loved one is lost, without CHRIST, we continue to search for them, BUT, if they turn their lives over to GOD and accept CHRIST as their SAVIOR, praise the LORD, the search is over. Until they do, however, we will keep seeking the lost.

The second part reminds us that there is a time to keep and a time to throw away. We have a tendency in our lives to keep everything FOR EVER. But, that is not practical, with outward possessions or with inward emotions, desires, hurts. If we continue to carry all of our broken promises and all of our disappointments, all we will ever see and all we will ever present to others is our sorrows and disappointments. Grieve for them, hurt for them, work through them with the LORD, then, let them go. Now, don't let anyone else hurt you (time to keep - a memory). BUT, don't let the past destroy something new (throw it away).

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 11, 2019

Guard your heart

Yesterday, we discussed watching our lips; we have to be careful what we say and how we say it. Today, though, my thought is about our heart. We have to really watch our heart, it can lead us in all kinds of wrong directions, if we are not careful. It often appears to me that when we think with our heart, there isn't enough blood to allow us to think with our brains.

I have shared with others that I try not to let my heart dictate my actions. Now, yes, I love (Trish and the kids are loved more than imagined), but I don't often make decisions based on how I feel. I am much too analytical and skeptical to allow myself to let my emotions dictate things. Why? Because, my heart can get confused between what we want and what we need.

Today's word is Proverbs 4:23, NLT, which reads, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

Working with youth, we have often shared with them that GOD expects the very best from them. And, if they will love Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, He will direct their paths - paths of joy and prosperity. It is when we allow our hearts to love other things, to desire things that our mind KNOWS is not good but we chase it anyway, that we find ourselves in messes that we never thought possible.

We must guard our heart. It has no mind. It cannot think. It acts strictly from emotion. We must make sure that what enters our heart is life-giving, not life-taking. We must ensure that what we allow our hearts to feel is true and pure and holy. We must make sure that we allow GOD to dictate and direct. Just as we watch what goes into our bodies and minds, we should be mindful about what we allow ourselves to permeate and prick our hearts. Guard your heart!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Watch my lips

I've shared with others before that it isn't often what I say but how I say it that is the issue. Sometimes, the way I say things can come across as harsh or insensitive, and I don't mean it to at all; it's just the inflection and tone of my voice causes it to seem that way.

There are other times, however, that what I say really isn't a very nice thing to say. I am not saying that boastfully, just being completely transparent. There are times that I shouldn't say anything at all but I say the wrong thing anyway. There are those times when I should say anything at all, yet, I keep my mouth shut.

Today's word is Psalm 141:3, NIV, which reads, "Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips."

I want the LORD to guide and guard what I do. I want my words to be encouraging and uplifting, not discouraging and degrading. However, as I just mentioned, oftentimes, I allow me to control everything and I don't do a very good job. My prayer is much like the psalmist's; I want GOD to guard what I say. Why? Because what I say may be the only testimony I ever get to share.

Words are powerful - they can lift up; they can tear down. Words can encourage or discourage. Words can grow us or slow us. I want what I say to be beneficial and pleasing to my LORD. LORD, guard my mouth and watch my lips.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Today is "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day", and I greatly appreciate all the men and women who serve us all in the law enforcement field. It is a tireless, thankless, often unappreciated job that so many do without any thought for themselves. I am grateful for those in the law enforcement field and those that will become law enforcement. Thanks!

We need peacemakers, peacekeepers, people who serve others by making sure that peace is protected, and restored when broken. There are so many people in today's society that their number one goal is to cause strife and discord and disharmony and disunity. Thankfully, though, we have those who have the opposite goal, and work to restore broken peace.

Today's word is Matthew 5:9, NIV, which reads, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of GOD."

This verse tells us that there is a special blessing for those of GOD'S children that strive to establish, protect, and restore peace. When we work to bring peace, we are displaying one of the many traits of our Heavenly Father, we look like, we act like, we display one of His traits, one of His characteristics. Now, is everyone who is a peacemaker one of GOD'S children? Probably not. But, they are still displaying one of His traits.

On this day that is set aside for appreciating our Law Enforcement personnel, I just want to take the time to say, "Thanks." I truly appreciate your time and sacrifice. I can never tell you all enough how much I appreciate your willingness to protect and to serve. May GOD richly bless you for being a peacemaker.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

No matter the task

There is a small plaque that hangs in our house that reminds us about our attitude. It simply says, "Attitude is everything. Choose a good one." Now, of course attitude isn't everything but it does play a huge part in everything. Attitude, and especially a purposeful attitude, explains why some companies are so good at getting people to spend enormous amounts of money for a family vacation at a location that is hot, overcrowded, and, again, expensive. They purposefully take the attitude of making it the greatest vacation you will ever have.

Have you ever noticed that even on a bad day, when things aren't going exactly the way you thought they would when you got out of bed that morning, that if you have the right attitude that things are still not as bad as they could be? Yeah, they are still not ideal, still not exactly what you anticipated, but the events of the day are bearable because of your attitude.

Today's word is a quote that reminds us that our attitude is powerful: "Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you will do. Attitude determines how well you do it."

We all have certain capabilities. Some are great in the medical field. Others are great at cooking and baking. Then, there are those that are very mechanical and can fix everything. GOD has gifted us all with abilities and capabilities. We use our abilities and capabilities every day to serve GOD by serving others, or we should.

The "should" comes in because of our motivation. What motivates you to get up and do what you do every day? What motivates you to use you GOD-given abilities and capabilities? Maybe it is the desire to help others. Maybe it is the simple fact that you are providing for your family. Motivation is what drives us to utilize the abilities and capabilities that we have bee gifted with.

BUT, abilities and motivation will only take it so far. If we don't enjoy what we do, it is hard to do it. If we don't take the attitude that we are doing what we do for the glory of GOD and for His service, we will find it burdensome and unfulfilling. If we approach each day with the attitude that we will do all things for His glory and that we are working for Him, we will find that it is more rewarding and fulfilling no matter the task.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 4, 2019

Easy as Breathing

I was telling an acquaintance yesterday about Trish and me meeting at a wedding; she was maid of honor, I was best man. This acquaintance, who has had a couple of divorces, asked if I knew when I first saw Trish if I knew she was the one. I shared that on that first encounter, it was so busy that I got to talk to Trish very little. However, the night of our first date, several months later, I knew she was the girl I would marry. It took some convincing but Trish finally gave in.

My acquaintance said that it had restored her faith in humanity. I told this acquaintance that if your faith is in humanity, it is misplaced; we have to have our faith in JESUS. He will direct us and lead us to where we need to be and to what we need to do. He will direct us to whom we need to be with and to whom we don't. And, if we will allow Him to do that, we will find that we can experience a little of Heaven right here on earth through the relationship we have with our spouse and our children. GOD really wants us to love each other and to take care of our families.

Today's word is the last verse in the Old Testament. Malachi 4:6, NLT, reads, "His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse."

GOD cares so much about us loving our families. He wants us to show our spouse and our children His love through us. We can rest assured that if we truly love our families the way GOD desires us to that He will pour out blessing upon blessing. Besides, for me, loving Trish and the kids is as easy as breathing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Don't Tolerate It

Anyone who really knows me would probably tell you that I am a man of conviction. I am one that believes what he believes and, unless GOD changes my mind, will stick to my guns without begging or backing down. Now, I don't say this flippantly; it has gotten me into trouble from time to time. And, GOD has changed my mind from time to time and I have had to apologize for my stand on one thing or another. However, you have to stand for something.

I believe that part of the reason the world and society is in the mess that it is in is because we have been not been convicted and consistent with our beliefs. We have allowed other people's rants to convince us to remain quiet. There is a time to be quiet and there is a time to stand for what you believe in.

Today's word is a quote that I came across (I don't know to whom to attribute it): "You will never change what you tolerate."

We will never change ourselves our our society by accepting anything and everything. You will continue down the same path you are on if you don't take the initiative to change course. You will continue in a bad relationship, with a bad habit, as long as you tolerate and accept what you are doing. It is only when we decide that we will no longer accept something that we begin to change.

Look, there are lots of great things going on in our world - all you have to do is look around to see them. I am also not naive enough to think that everything is right when we compare some of the things going on to GOD'S standard. I am not judging, just saying that I try to make decisions based on GOD'S standard. If it is against GOD'S word, against your conviction, don't tolerate it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A consequence

I am going back to work today after taking the last eleven days off. It has been a fun time off with my wife and children. We have had some fun, completed a couple of projects, traveled a little, visited loved ones, and really just enjoyed our time together. However, it is time to get back to the job that allows us to take time off and enjoy each other's company.

I have been very blessed to have the job I have. I like what I do. I love the people I work with. It is a true saying, especially for me, that those you work with are like family. I see those good folks more of my awake hours than anyone else, and they have certainly become like family. Plus, I am to do my best to provide for my family; GOD has created me to do just that.

Today's word is Proverbs 14:23, NIV, which reads, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

Hard work has a lot of different meanings to a lot of different people. To me, it simply means doing what you have to do even when you don't necessarily want to do it. We have all seen the profits of working hard: making an "A" on a test we studied for, completing a long anticipated task, earning a particular piece of paper or position. We have all seen the fruits of our labors, and the rewards of hard work.

There is also an opposite reaction for those that talk about working but don't - it leads to poverty. Now, maybe you won't be "dirt poor", but, you won't have the fulfillment that you desire. It is only when we put our very best effort forward that we will receive the reward, the fulfillment of our toil. So, as we begin this new year, as I am headed back to work after some time off, I want to remember that there is a profit to working hard - and, a consequence for not.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T