Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Struggles

One of my favorite songs (I have a BUNCH of favorite songs) is Big Daddy Weave's "Redeemed". The first line of the song says, "Seems like all I could see was the struggle." I think we have all had that feeling; the feeling that it is just one struggle after another. It is when we find ourselves there that we must remember that it is temporary; it will get better.

When we are struggling, no matter the struggle, it seems that things will continue to get progressively worse and worse until - until what? The thought that I try to keep in mind is that it will continue to be a struggle until GOD makes the way out by either me becoming stronger and stronger or by allowing things to get better. The key is to not focus so much on the struggle but to focus on the changes the struggle is making in you.

Today's word is a quote from Louie Giglio, which says, "GOD'S plans for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day."

What is going on today will not be going on forever, though it may feel as if it will. Eventually, though, things will ease, seasons will change, the weather will break, things will change. If all we focus on is how bad things are at this very moment, we lose sight of the fact that GOD has BIG plans for our lives - plans to prosper us and not hurt us; plans to bring us to a good end.

Look, everyone is going through something this very day; some obviously worse than others. What I want us to remember is that today's struggles will bring tomorrow's growth. What we are going through today will pay dividends in stronger faith and more effective witnessing somewhere down the road. While it may not be GOD'S plan to see us struggle, He can use what we go through to strengthen us and to make us into what we ought to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

He calls the stars by name

Throughout our lives, Trish and I have experienced those times when we had a GOD-sized problem. There was no other solution, no other remedy, no other way for things to work except for GOD to step in and intervene. And, He always has.

There will be those times when it seems that we can't get a handle on things, that just about the time we think it's as bad as it can get, it gets worse. Where do you turn when those times come? If you don't know JESUS, I don't know what you do. "But," you may ask, "Does GOD really care about me and my little problems? Doesn't He have better things to do, such as war and famine and terrorism, etc.?" He can handle it all.

Today's word is Psalm 147:4, NLT, which reads, "He counts the stars and calls them all by name."

GOD is so big, so Almighty that He not only "flung" the stars where they are, He knows how many there are and has given them each a name, and He KNOWS every star's name. If our GOD, my GOD, is that big, that powerful, that omniscient, don't you think He's got things figured out? Don't you know that He has the perfect plan and that it is all working for your good?

We will all face our times of doubt and worry and trouble, when it seems that it gets worse by the moment and there is no end in sight. We can rest in the fact that we serve the One, True, Living, All powerful, Omniscient GOD that knows every star by name. He is able to take care of us, to handle our situations. Turn to Him; He knows what is needed and He can help.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 28, 2016

When you see it

Yesterday was Easter, and after church we hid some Easter eggs for the little ones to find, even in the rain. The rain didn't seem to bother the little ones near as much as it did us older ones; but, that's another story. So, we hid some eggs for the younger ones to find, and find them they did.

What I noticed, though, was that one of the older ones out there yesterday wasn't just finding eggs for himself, he was picking up eggs and putting them in his one-year-old little cousin's basket. I was amazed and humbled at the gesture. It wasn't about who got the most eggs for this young one; it was about everyone having a good time and finding some eggs. It's a pretty powerful lesson for someone so young to teach some of us older ones.

Today's word is a verse I have used before but I just have it on my mind this morning. It is Colossians 3:23, NKJV, which reads, "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the LORD and not to men."

Whatever we do should not be to try to bring glory to ourselves, but to our LORD. The little guy yesterday wasn't doing it for show, for he didn't know that others were watching his actions. No, he was doing it because he felt it was the right thing to do. He is only four but he apparently already knows, or feels, that helping others and being unselfish in our actions is the proper way to do things.

I want others to see JESUS through me. They will never do that, though, if I am selfish and live only for myself. I pray I can be like the four-year-old yesterday and serve JESUS through helping others. I can tell you that it is absolutely amazing when you see it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 24, 2016

I am Healed

As we approach Easter in just a few days, my thoughts are on the sacrifice JESUS made in order to heal us. I am utterly amazed that GOD would come in human form and suffer the horrific and painful death He endured for my sake. It is humbling and overwhelming that He loved me that much.

The really amazing part is that He did it just for me. If there had been no other sinner in this world besides me, He still would have endured the cross - for me. Why? Am I worth it? Do I deserve it? I would say, "No," but JESUS said, "Yes."

Today's word is Isaiah 53:5b, NIV, which reads, "...the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed."

GOD knew that I was going to do some really bad things and that the only sacrifice ever fitting to forgive me of all those things was His Son, JESUS CHRIST. So, in order to cleanse me from ALL those unrighteous things, in order to fix all my brokenness, in order to heal me, JESUS chose to take my punishment! Don't miss the part that tells us that in order for us to have peace, He had to take the punishment. Because of JESUS'S sacrifice, because He took my punishment, because of my acceptance of the gift of salvation, I can have peace with GOD; that's AMAZING!

As we celebrate the resurrection of our SAVIOR this Sunday, I want to remember that He died for me but that He is no longer dead. His death and resurrection gives me proof that I will one day live forever with my SAVIOR. I also want to remember that because of His sacrifice, because He accepted my punishment, I have peace with GOD and I am healed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Diligent Decision Making

I like to make quick decisions. I am not saying that I am good at it but I like to make them. The decisions that have to be made on the spur of the moment, without hesitation, are decisions I like to make. Why? Because there is not a lot of dwelling on it - you just make it.

However, when it comes to things such as long term debt, retirement, big purchases, etc., I am usually very slow about those decisions. I vet it from one end of the spectrum to the other. I try to be sure that I have evaluated it from every possible angle. I try to be sure that I have prayed over it and clearly hear GOD'S direction. Some may even think that I am slow about these things, which may be true, but I do my due diligence and exhaustive research before making those types of decisions.

Today's word is a reminder about decision making. It is Proverbs 19:2, NIV, which reads, "Desire without knowledge is not good - how much more will hasty feet miss the way!"

It is often good, and necessary, to make split-second decisions. But, when it comes to life-changing, life-altering, life-effecting decisions, it is wise to gather all the information, to do the research, to diligently seek GOD. As our verse reads, "Desire without knowledge is not good." It is when we base our decisions on some physical desire - that new car will really make me happy; that new boat is just what I need - that we end up making poor decisions. We need to find out all we can and evaluate the potential outcomes (KNOWLEDGE).

And, it should go without saying but I will say it any way, making quick decisions isn't always the best decision. Our hasty decisions often lead us off the mark and we miss the appropriate path. How many times have you thought, "If I could relive those five minutes? OR, those five seconds?"

When it is necessary to make a hasty decision don't hesitate. On those decisions that require diligent evaluation, don't let someone else pressure you into making a poor decision.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

GOD is still there

Ever have a moment in your life when you wondered if GOD was still there? I mean, things are going wrong, and going wrong in a hurry, in every way imaginable, and it seems to be getting worse. Yeah, I think we have all been there. I think we have all had those moments when we wondered if GOD had forgotten or forsaken us. BUT, He hasn't and He doesn't.

We may feel as if we are all alone. We may feel as if we have been left to fend for ourselves. We may feel as if we have been hung out to dry. But, what we are actually doing is growing. There will be times that we find ourselves in a pickle of our own making. There will be other times that we find ourselves in a mess because of a broken world. In either case, though, GOD has not forsaken us - He's still there.

Today's word is a quote from Billy Graham that says, "When hard times come we easily get discouraged. But behind the clouds GOD is still present, and can even use them to water our souls with unexpected blessings."

We need not think that GOD has left us to fend for ourselves. Yes, we may have made our own bed, and now we must sleep in it, but GOD is still there waiting for us to turn to Him. It is necessary at times for us to go through things to grow us; you can't get new growth until you prune the dead away. But, even when we are going through the trials of our own making, GOD will not leave us there one second longer than necessary to get rid of the impurities hindering us.

If you look around and feel that you are all alone in this world, stop looking around and start looking up. We will not find GOD in the hog pen but He is still there waiting for us to return to Him. Like the father of the prodigal son, GOD awaits our return, ready to fall on our necks and give us a holy kiss. Don't feel as if He has left you - GOD is still there.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 21, 2016

Let no man

The movie Fireproof is one of my favorites. It is a story about a fire Captain Caleb Holt and his journey to find how to save his marriage. Caleb instills in his recruits that you NEVER leave your partner, especially in a fire (when things get really dangerous and trying). Yet, Caleb and and his wife, Catherine, are in the heat of temptation and frustration and are considering leaving their respective partners.

Caleb begins trying to put as much attention and effort into his marriage as his desires to be somewhere else, with someone else, doing something else (you know, the grass is always greener), while Catherine is being wooed by a married doctor at the hospital where she works. Allow me to digress and say that if a married person is trying to woo you, it won't be long before they are trying to woo someone else. The old saying is, "If you'll cheat with me, you'll cheat on me."

Today's word is Mark 10:9, NIV, which reads, "Therefore what GOD has joined together, let no one separate."

Lots of folks seem to forget that they made a vow, a solemn promise, to be faithful to his/her spouse until death do they part in front of witnesses and GOD. However, things start to get a little testy, a little trying at the house and they start looking for a way to abandon their partner in the heat of the fire. What they should do is sit down and really concentrate on what brought them together to begin with, pray for GOD to direct them to rekindle that flame, and then put forth their absolute best effort to fireproof their marriage - let NO ONE separate what GOD has joined together.

In the end, Caleb and Catherine found GOD and each other. While the critics didn't rate Fireproof very highly, the message is a strong and powerful reminder that you never leave your partner, especially when things get hard. It is when things are the most difficult that we must ask GOD to give us the strength to continue to assist one another. It is when temptation arises that we must remember that the fire is hot but we never leave our partner. We must remember that what GOD has joined together, He expects us to fight for and preserve. Caleb was right. In a fire, in the heat of temptation, in the heat of frustration, you never leave your partner.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Intersection

An intersection is where two or more things meet one another. I have heard and I often share with people that you have to be careful at the intersection of temptation and opportunity. We are all tempted from time to time (anyone who says that they are not is a liar) but, often, the opportunity isn't there. There are other times when the opportunity may present itself but we are strong in our faith and in our walk and we are not tempted to succumb to the temptation. HOWEVER, you must be careful if you find yourself approaching the intersection, the crossroad, the meeting of temptation and opportunity.

I am a man, a HU-MAN, with carnal temptations. However, what I must guard against is finding opportunity. So, as I travel, I must make sure that I don't allow myself to approach the intersection. I may need to turn around, or take another route. We must not allow ourselves to approach the intersection of temptation and opportunity.

Today's word is Hebrews 11:25, NIV, which reads, "He (Moses) chose to be mistreated along with the people of GOD rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin."

If you're looking for an "out", you may read the first part of this verse and say, "Well, I don't want to be mistreated," and go out and sin. But, don't stop there. It reads that Moses chose to be mistreated with the people of GOD. If you are in the center of GOD'S will, if you are living for GOD, if you are doing what GOD wants you to do, you will find that it is a small sacrifice to endure this world's nasty glares, stares, and snares compared to the sacrifice made for us. The important part of today's word is that last part..."rather than to enjoy the FLEETING pleasures of sin."

The pleasures of sin are FLEETING. You may enjoy the five minutes of physical sin but you will endure countless years of emotional and spiritual pain. If you ever violate the trust that someone has in you, you will NEVER get it back. EVER! Now, is five minutes of sinful pleasure worth a lifetime of distrust? Is five minutes of sinful pleasure worth a lifetime of trying to rebuild what has been destroyed? I dare say, "Nay. Nay."

We are humans, saved by grace, walking in a cruel and sinful world. As we walk, don't lose focus, don't detour, don't approach the intersection of temptation and opportunity.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated annually on March 17th, the traditional date of St. Patrick's death. The day also commemorates the arrival of Christianity to Ireland. We have Irish heritage, and we wear the traditional green, but we don't partake of the "festivities" associated with many of the day's celebrations. However, celebrating the arrival of Christianity to a country is a great thing to celebrate.

Whether people believe it or not, a good dose of Christianity and folks getting saved would turn this world upside down and spin it on its heels. Yet, I digress. So, it is St. Patrick's Day and I am in an "Irish" mood. With that frame of reference, let's get to today's word.

Today's word is an Irish Blessing that says, "May your troubles be less and your blessing be more. And, may nothing but happiness come through your door."

I pray that for everyone; that you will find more blessings than troubles and far more happiness than sorrow. And, not just on St. Patrick's Day, but every day. As a child of GOD, I can tell you that He daily loads me with blessings innumerable and joys that I couldn't tell in a million years. He loves me when I am happy. He loves me when I am sad. He loves me when I am good. He loves me when I am bad. He blesses me because He loves me.

I hope you have a great St. Patrick's Day. I pray that GOD blesses you with more than you could ever think or comprehend. I hope you thank Him for it all.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

That's not very wise

Ever see or hear of someone doing something and all you can think is, "Wow! That wasn't very smart." I have a number of those experiences in my own life. I am sure Trish would tell you that there have been times that she wanted to ask, "Don't you remember what happened last time," but figured I'm stupid enough to try it anyway.

Let's take the example of the young man that decided to use himself as the fixed retrieval pole for the shopping cart game. The shopping cart game is where you tie the shopping cart to a pole or a tree, someone climbs into the shopping cart, the cart is pushed off a pier or bank, the rider gets wet, the cart is retrieved, the game continues.

Well, this young man, after some apparent imbibing, decided that he would be the pole/tree and tie the shopping cart to himself. Someone climbed into the cart, the cart was pushed off the pier, the young man tied to the cart followed the cart into the lake, where he drowned in about thirty feet of water. Sad and tragic. Makes you wonder if they still teach physics (really, basics such as gravity) and biology (humans can't breath under water) in high school. Or, maybe this young man just wasn't thinking.

Today's word is Proverbs 3:7, NIV, which reads, "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD an shun evil."

It is when we begin to think that we have it figured out that we begin to find ourselves in deep trouble. I'm not saying the young man mentioned earlier wasn't smart but I am saying he wasn't very wise, and no doubt the alcohol contributed to his un-wiseness. We will never be very wise in our own smartness.

The next time you start out to do something that doesn't seem like a good idea, listen to yourself - it probably isn't. And, when you start to think you have it ALL figured out, remember today's verse because you don't have it all figured out. Rely on GOD'S wisdom to lead you to good decisions. You'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Got a question? Ask.

According to a wall posting at the preschool, yesterday was National "Ask a Question Day". What a great day. When I was younger, my Mom would always say that I was going to be her "attorney" because I was constantly asking questions. I guess I may have really disappointed her in my career choices, but I am still asking questions.

The only way you're ever going to find out anything is to ask. You may say, "Well, that's not true. Sometimes, I just read it in a book or an encyclopedia." That may be where you found the information, but the reason you found the information is because, maybe subconsciously, you had a question. Asking questions is good.

Today's word is a very familiar, oft used verse. It is Matthew 7:7, NIV, which reads, "Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

This is a good reminder that if we have a question, we need to ask. Now, I know it reads that if we ask it will be given to us. And, that surely means that GOD will supply our needs and give us what we require, and even gives us what we want at times. I also thinks it means that if we ask, He will give us the answers we seek. It all starts with asking.

If you have a question of me, ask. There is no other way you're ever going to find out what I am really thinking or why I am thinking that way. Now, you may get the reply that I don't know, which is true more often than not. But, that is never the reply you will receive from GOD; He knows what we need and the answers we seek even before we ask. Got Questions: GOD has the answer.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 14, 2016

GOD wants you

You are wanted. Now, if you have run afoul of the law, that is probably not what you want to hear. But, I mean this in a good way. GOD wants you. There are lots of things in this world vying for our time and attention but none that really want us as GOD does.

It's nice to be wanted, isn't it? It's nice to know that someone wants us, that they find us worthy of being wanted, that they desire a relationship with us. Well, GOD wants you. He wants a relationship with you so much that He sent His Son to bridge the chasm that separated us. He truly wants you.

Today's word is Romans 15:7, KJV, which reads, "Wherefore receive ye one another, as CHRIST also received us to the glory of GOD."

CHRIST received us. We weren't forced upon Him; we weren't a booby prize that He had to take after giving up something better; we weren't a requirement in order to receive something better; we weren't the lesser of something bigger. No, He received us; He accepted us. Why? Because He wants us!

No matter what this life may throw at you, and it will, remember that you are wanted. When satan is telling you that you aren't worth it, remember the sacrifice JESUS made just to accept you! GOD WANTS YOU!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 11, 2016

Johnny Appleseed

Today is National Johnny Appleseed Day. The day that is set aside to honor John Chapman who introduced apple trees to large parts of, we'll say, the mid-Atlantic. I like apples. I can think of a lot of things made with and from apples that I really like: apple sauce, apple butter, apple jelly, apple slices, apple juice, apple pie, etc. Thanks Johnny for helping others find the goodness in apples.

When I think about apples, the first thing I think about is their crispness and shininess. When you walk the produce aisle at the market, the apples are always abundant and always shiny. Yet, they aren't that way in the field. We have some apple trees at the house and seldom does an apple come from one of those trees all shiny and glowing. No, in order to get it shiny, you have to apply some pressure and clean it up.

Today's word is Psalm 17:8, NIV, which reads, "Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings."

We, as His children, are the apple(s) of GOD'S eye. He loves us. He dotes on us. He loves to give us good things and to give them abundantly. Yet, sometimes, we get ourselves into a mess and end up "dirty". Just like apples in the wild, in order to clean us up, GOD has to apply some pressure and wipe us clean. It is uncomfortable, but it is absolutely necessary from time to time to bring back our shine.

In honor of Johnny Appleseed Day, go out and eat something apple-y. Then, remember that we are the apples of GOD'S eyes, and He wants us to shine.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pack a lunch

For the most part, I pack a lunch most days. It's nice to eat out occasionally but I don't want to eat out every day, plus it gets rather expensive. Some days, my lunch consists of leftovers from the night before. Some days, lunch is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which is still my second favorite sandwich (peanut butter and banana). It's important to partake of lunch.

We need consistent nourishment. If I was to eat only breakfast, I am afraid that by mid-day I would be a terrible person to be around. If I ate only dinner, I'd imagine that "not being a morning person" would take on a whole new meaning. People who try to do such things as these are the ones that usually end up giving up on their crash diets. We have to have consistent nourishment.

Today's word comes from the thought of consistent nourishment. We will use the scripture Hebrews 11:1, KJV, which reads, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." But, the word is this thought/quote that says, "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death."

Just as our bodies need consistent nourishment, so too does our faith. If we only feed our faith once a week, or less, we will become weak and everything, including our fears, will knock us for a loop. However, if we nourish our faith, as we do our physical self, we will find that we are strong enough to rely on GOD when things start going wrong.

There will be things that will crop up almost every day that will test our faith. If we haven't prepared for the fight by feeding our faith, we will find ourselves too weak to battle. Things are going to happen. Be prepared - PACK A LUNCH!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

It's Okay

Anyone who knows me will probably tell you that I am a fairly positive person most of the time. I try to be positive and project a positive attitude. I try to be encouraging and lift others up. BUT, there are those times when things just suck. And, it's okay.

It took me a while to come to grips with the fact that it is okay to not be okay. I mean, I am saved, eternity with JESUS in HEAVEN awaits, and I have such a wonderful life here. But, occasionally, life gets in the way and things go bad and struggles arise and I am not always happy.

Today's word is just a quote that reminds me that sometimes things just suck (I know, not a nice word but very descriptive of situations), and that it is okay to not be okay. It says, "It's okay not to be okay as long as you're not giving up."

It's okay to not be happy about unhappy circumstances. It's okay to not be happy about bad situations. It's okay to not be okay when things aren't going well. Anyone that tries to tell you that you are wrong for feeling sadness and frustration and irritation and hurt and pain is more wrong than I could ever express. As a matter of fact, JESUS told us that "in this world you shall have tribulations." Bad things are going to happen, and it's okay not to be okay with it.

HOWEVER, just because today is bad is no reason to give up or give in. Yes, today is bad but better days are coming. Storms don't last forever, seasons change, the sun still rises in the morning, things will get better. When bad things happen, and they will, just remember that it is okay not to be okay - AS LONG AS YOU'RE NOT GIVING UP!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Working Women

Today is "National Working Women" Day. This country, and the world, would be in dire straits if not for the hardworking women. Most do double duty; they work a full time out of the house job and work a full time job at home. I am amazed at their strength, stamina, and resolve.

I have been blessed to know good women, godly women, women who work hard to make a living and harder at taking care of their families. I have been blessed to see the examples of godly women who put GOD first and strive to serve Him by serving their families and others. If you know a godly woman, you should thank her for her example.

Today's word is in honor of godly, working women. Proverbs 31:31, NLT, reads, "Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise."

I am married to the hardest working, godliest woman I know. She works hard outside the home and equally as hard at home. She is a great employee and a better partner. She is a great example and a wonderful mother. She keeps us moving and motivated and grounded and settled all at the same time.

To all the hardworking women out there, THANK YOU! You should be praised for your work and rewarded for your diligence. If you don't see it happening here, trust me, GOD sees it and your reward is coming!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 7, 2016

Charting my path

Ever walk wilderness trails or hike the paths at state parks and such? I like to get out in nature and explore this wondrous creation GOD has allowed us to enjoy. There is nothing like seeing the hand of GOD in all of its raw splendor.

When you head out on a trek, you usually have a map or a compass or some kind of plan to get from point A to point B and back to point A (that is where the car is parked). Most times, there is a map at the trail head indicating where rests are, where the end is, how far the trail roams; there seems to be information that, if you stay on the path, will lead you to your desired destination.

Today's word is Psalm 139:3, and I am using The Living Bible (not often referenced) today: "You chart the path ahead of me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am."

GOD has charted a path for each of His children. He knows where we need to be and how we need to get there. He knows when we need to keep moving and He knows when and where we need to stop and rest. He knows the best way to get us from where we are to where we need to be. There will be those times when it seems that we should sit for a while and catch a breath but He knows the dangers in the area and He keeps us moving. There will be other times that He will lead us to take a break and to rest and recoup.

I'm glad that not only does GOD have my path charted but He knows where I am at all times. Even when it seems I am surrounded in the densest jungle, I am not lost to GOD - He knows where I am. Even when it seems that this world is piling on and I will never again see the light of day, GOD knows where I am under that load. He still has the path charted and He still knows where I am.

As a child of GOD, we can rest assured that GOD has our path charted and that He knows where we are every moment. Your path is charted; follow the map.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 3, 2016


It is tough to be around negativity. I mean, if you're around someone that is always down in the mouth, always pessimistic, always negative, it wears on you. It usually doesn't take long before you find yourself being negative too.

I love everybody - I really do. But, as I have mentioned before, there are some folks that it is better that I not be around them, and "Debbie Downers" are some of those folks. If I find myself around a ball of negativity, I try to find a way to get out of the situation. If not, I'll eventually join in and start downing everything and everyone too. And, that ought not to be...

Today's word is a quote that I keep in mind when I am having "one of those days". It says, "You can't ALWAYS be Happy, but you can ALWAYS be Positive."

Yes, sometimes life sucks. There will be days when everything that could goes wrong seems to. There will be days when you think it cannot get any worse, just to see that it does. On those days, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being unhappy. Yet, even in the midst of unhappiness, if we really try, we can be positive. And, I don't mean positive that things are going to get worse.

I admit that this is not my specialty. It is something that I need to diligently work on. It's tough to be positive when things are going down the drain. Yet, I also know that I have so much to be grateful for and thankful for. So many blessings that I could NEVER name them all. If I keep those things in mind, I would venture to say that even when I may be unhappy, I could still be positive. I pray I will remember that.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Our two little ones have been going a bit stir crazy with all the rain we have been blessed with recently. Who am I kidding? So have I. We have had a really rainy stretch where getting outside for anything is almost impossible. We try to play under the carport and do get out when we can but it has been difficult because we like playing outside.

It's hard to understand the importance of rain when you are younger. Especially, when all you see the rain doing is keeping you from enjoying the things you really desire. Yet, we know rain must fall. It is a blessing to receive it and there are many places that would pay most anything to have some of what we have had.

Today's verse is Leviticus 26:4, NIV, which reads, "I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit."

It is necessary for the rain to fall in order for us to have the opportunity to grow the crops and the produce that we need. Without rain, without water, there is no growth. Whenever they search another planet, the first thing they look for is water. Why? Because you cannot have life without water, it is essential to life.

Yes, we have had an abundance of rain lately, which has caused the little ones (and me) to wonder if we will ever get the chance to play outside. What I need to do, though, is see the rain for what it really is. The rain is GOD pouring His blessings upon us in order to produce a good harvest.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T