Friday, June 28, 2019

Right is right and wrong is wrong

We have two (2) amazingly, wonderful kids. They are typical kids that do things that irritate you one minute and make you roll in the floor laughing the next. We are so blessed to be allowed to be their parents. And, I hope one day they, too, will think that they are blessed as well.

Being typical kids, they will use the old phrase, "Well, everyone else has one." Or, "Well, everyone else is doing it." I have to explain to them that neither of those statements are true. Not every single person has one, nor is every single other person doing whatever. How do I know? Because, we don't have one, or we aren't doing it. So, not everyone...

Today's word is a phrase I give them to remind them that we are always to do the right thing: "Right is right even if no one is doing it, and wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it."

I think we can all get caught up in the moment and allow ourselves to do things that we wouldn't typically do just because those we are with are doing it. Yet, we shouldn't allow ourselves to be caught up in the fray, and allow peer pressure to cause us to do something that we know is wrong. Period.

We have great kids that need reminders from time to time, as we all do. I want to do the right thing every time. Do I? No. But, I want to. I also don't want others to influence anything that I do. I want to be lead by the Holy Spirit and to do His will. So, I am pretty steady in my reminder to myself that right is right and wrong is wrong.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 27, 2019

My word is good

According to the national day calendar, today is "National Handshake Day". I don't know about you but I remember my parents talking about doing deals over a handshake, where a man's word was all that was needed. Of course, you can't do that now; we have to have everything in official documents and contracts.

I do think it is sad that we have gotten to the point in our society that a man's word isn't any good any more; that a handshake doesn't mean what it is supposed to. I don't know where things wen't wrong but I do believe that we should keep our word. Yes, I have failed at times, and I am sure I probably will again, but I try to keep my word. Because, as my Pops taught me, "A man is only as good as his word."

Today's word is Proverbs 25:14, NLT, which reads, "A person who promises a gift but doesn't give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain."

It is extremely disappointing to have people promise things, then, don't follow through. We have all experienced it in our lives. We all will again. But, that shouldn't be the case. We should strive to keep our word, to be people that don't make promises that we can't keep and people that keep the promises that we make.

My prayer is that one day, we as a society, can get back to being a trustworthy people; that a handshake means something again. I pray that I keep the promises that I make. I pray that people know that my word is good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ask, seek, and knock

The Christian life is the best life you will ever live; it is not only great now, it is essential to eternity. I know that Christianity is not a popular subject in our day and time, especially with certain folks, but I know that JESUS CHRIST is LORD and SAVIOR, and I am grateful that He that I was worth saving.

Again, the benefits of Christianity are not just for this life but for eternal life. Without JESUS, there is no way to spend eternity in Heaven. I know others may disagree and tell me I am crazy, which is fine, but I believe it with everything that I am. And, I have no doubt that if others would give their hearts and lives to JESUS their lives and this world would be tremendously better. You may even be asking, how? I am glad you asked.

Today's word is Luke 11:9, NASB, which reads, "So I say to you, ask, and it will be give to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

If you want to have a relationship with JESUS, all you have to do is ask. In VBS, we are taught that it is as simple as ABC. A - admit to GOD that you are a sinner. (We have ALL sinned and fallen short of GOD'S plans and desires). B - believe that JESUS is GOD'S Son, Who came in human form, lived a perfect life, died for our sins, and rose again. C - Confess to others that you have accepted GOD'S plan of salvation, by grace through faith in JESUS CHRIST. If you will do these things, you will be saved.

JESUS has such great plans for us all. I often wonder what blessings I may have or am missing just because I don't ask. As today's verse reminds us, if we want to be close to JESUS and do His will, all we have to do is ask, seek, and knock.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Such a wonderful person

It is Trish and my anniversary! I cannot believe that GOD gave me such a sweet, wonderful, loving, caring, godly woman. She has been more than my wildest dreams. I know some may not believe this but I have enjoyed every single day of our marriage.

I started praying that GOD would send me the woman He had created for me when I was twelve years old. He knew it was going to take a very special lady to put up with me, and He created Trish just for me. I will NEVER be able to thank Him enough.

Today's word is Proverbs 18:22, NASB, a passage I have used before, which reads, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD."

GOD has blessed me with a good thing and much favor. I can't tell you that I know the secret to marriage or that I know how to find the perfect wife. What I can tell you is that if you will trust GOD and allow Him to direct your path, including your marriage, and put Him first in everything, including your marriage, it will be a blessing beyond comprehension.

Anyway, I know I have a mushy side, and I apologize. I just wanted to honor my wife and say, "Happy Anniversary Baby!" I know how blessed I am to share my life with such a wonderful person!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 24, 2019

Such wonderful things

We took last week off and went on vacation. It is good to take a break and to spend quality time with those you love, and we did exactly that. Where we went isn't important. The day to day activities are not that important. However, the fact that we got to see some of GOD'S creation and to share the time together was.

Now, do I believe that the place we were was completely godly. Goodness no. But, GOD did allow others to put together a place of entertainment and amusement for others to enjoy, which we did. He allowed others to plan things, and to design things, and to build things. He allowed others to have a vision and a plan, and we got to experience the joys of those.

Today's word is Isaiah 25:1a, NLT, which reads, "O LORD, I will honor and praise Your name, for You are my GOD. You do such wonderful things!"

Not just on vacations, but every day, I see the work of GOD. All you have to do is look at your children, your family, and see that GOD had a hand in putting all that together. The miracle of birth is still humbling and amazing to me. If folks can't see GOD in that, I don't know what they are missing. But, I digress.

GOD has created and designed such wonderful things. He has allowed those visions, those designs, those creations to become those of humans, who have brought them to life for others to enjoy. He has also created things that we, humans, can't describe or understand but we can certainly enjoy! GOD does such wonderful things!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The best is yet to come

We are going on vacation next week, and will be traveling by car for probably about 9 or 10 hours, which is a fairly arduous task for the adults but almost unbearable for the children. The only thing I can do is remind them that we are getting closer to our destination. Just knowing that there is a "reward" at the end of the long trek makes the travel a little more bearable.

It is kind of like eating broccoli for some people. It is difficult to bring yourself to eat the green, bushy vegetable but, if you know there is a piece of cheese cake or a slice of chocolate cake waiting for all those who eat their broccoli, it makes it a little more doable.

Today's word is 1 Peter 5:4, NIV, which reads, "And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away."

I think we can all agree that this life can take a toll; it has its ups and downs and its difficult moments. There are very few weeks go by that something doesn't go the way we thought they should or that something happens that we never thought would. We live in a broken and fallen world, and things are going to happen. The Bible tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust. It also tells us that we are going to have troubles. BUT...

But, we can rest assured that as children of GOD, this is not the end of the story. I don't know about you but I have received a lot of rewards here: my wife, my kids, my family, etc. And, because JESUS is my SAVIOR and LORD, I will be rewarded by being allowed to share eternity in Heaven with Him one day.. I try to remember that even on my worst day, the best is yet to come!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Praise Him

Have you ever seen a miracle? I know some would say, "What is a miracle?" To me, in layman's terms, a miracle is a blessed occurrence that we can't just explain as coincidence. I have seen more than a few in my life, and I hope you have experienced them, too.

One miracle that I share with others is that at one point in our marriage, I was laid off and Trish was the only one working. She was make $4.00 per hour, bringing home less than $120/week, and we had a house payment, utilities, groceries, etc. But, we never missed a payment, never went without food, kept every utility on. How? GOD'S miracle.

Today's word is Psalm 106:2, NLT, which reads, "Who can list the glorious miracles of the LORD? Who can ever praise Him enough?"

Every time we had a big payment coming up, such as our house payment, someone would call me up and I would do some odd job that paid just enough to make our house payment. It never failed. GOD always made a way for us to make it. GOD always put it on someone's heart that they needed me to do some odd job for them at just the moment that we needed to make our mortgage payment.

After a few months, GOD opened a door and I was, again, gainfully, employed, which made our lives a little easier. But, I will never forget the miracles that GOD put in our lives during that time. And, there have been SO MANY others, so many more. The LORD just keeps pouring them out. And I will never be able to praise Him enough.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How wonderful my LORD is

We have talked about the "Attitude of Gratitude" before but I want to sort of touch on it again. There is something to being grateful for everything we have. There is something more to being thankful and grateful to the One Who gives us all we have.

I think we can all have a tendency to forget that every good and perfect gift comes from GOD. I think, especially for me, that I can get so wrapped up in all that is going on that I fail to give GOD the praise and the honor and the thanks that He deserves. I don't do it on purpose; I just don't do it as often or as much as I should.

Today's word is Psalm 44:8, ESV, which reads, "O GOD, we give glory to You all day long and constantly praise Your name."

Not that we should be "so Heavenly minded that we are no earthly good," but, we can certainly be more intentional with our praise and thanksgiving, or at least I can. GOD is so good and does so much for me every day of my life; I want others to know the goodness of my LORD. More important, though, is I want others to know Him in a real and personal way so that they can experience His goodness, too.

Not that I could ever give GOD the glory and praise He deserves, but I certainly want to try. I want others to know how wonderful my LORD is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 10, 2019

When life is unfair, GOD is good

We began attending another Vacation Bible School (VBS) last night. Last night's lesson was about how life is often unfair. Some of the kids shared about a time in his/her life when things didn't seem fair: when a sibling got a toy and they didn't. When someone was chosen for something and they weren't. When someone got to do something and they didn't. Life isn't always fair.

Then, we heard a story about a young boy from Zambia, Africa, who has to walk to get clean water, who lives with four others in a tiny, little hut, who has to walk a mile and a half to go to a community school. He certainly has his challenges, and, when compared to what we have been blessed with here in America, it certainly seemed unfair.

Today's word is the theme from last night's VBS, which simply said, "Even when life seems unfair, GOD is good."

GOD is Good all the time. And, all the time, GOD is Good. We may not think that things are just or fair or equal but that doesn't change the fact that GOD is working all thing for our good, or that He has a plan for us, or that He died for us to give us a future. I deserved to die for my sins, yet, JESUS sacrificed Himself for me. I didn't deserve that either but He gave it to me anyway.

We will all have those moments in our lives when things are just flat out unfair. There will be those moments when it seems that everyone else is getting ahead while we are being left behind. But, the truth is, when we think about all we have, especially all we have to come, we can truly say, "Even when life seems unfair, GOD is good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 7, 2019

Grow a backbone

I recently read the story where a pastor of a mega church in Virginia prayed for the President of the United States before his congregation, which should have been a good thing. It is mentioned in the Bible that we should pray for our leaders. However, apparently, his praying for the President of the United States offended some of his congregants. These congregants felt that this pastor had made a political stance by praying for the President of the United States because the President of the United States represents a certain political party.

What has this nation come to? I put emphasis on the President of the United States because this pastor wasn't praying for a particular person or a particular political party; he was offering a prayer for the person holding the position of oversight for OUR country, which, again, is mentioned/recommended/required/commanded IN THE BIBLE.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:14, NASB, which reads, "Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory."

The President of the United States, regardless of political party affiliation, needs our prayers. The person that holds this position needs godly people praying for him/her and providing guidance, especially biblical. And, if you take offense to that, you really need to talk to GOD about it.

Let me finish by saying the saddest part of this whole story is that the pastor felt compelled to apologize to his congregation, and DID. Now, he has probably prayed for folks going through health crises, marital problems, employment issues, but he isn't supposed to pray for the President of the United States? Not only does that congregation need prayer, this pastor needs prayer to grow a backbone.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 6, 2019

We have hope

Have you ever hoped for something? Maybe a certain toy when you were younger? Maybe an "A" on a certain test? Maybe for someone special to ask you out? I think we have all hoped for things at one time or another. We all have things that we would like to have or that we think we would like to see come to fruition.

Have you ever hoped in anyone? Maybe you were waiting for someone to come and "rescue" you. Maybe you were hoping that someone you love would change something in his/her life. Maybe you were hoping that someone would come along and change your circumstances so dramatically that your life would be forever different.

Today's word is Psalm 31:24, NIV, which reads, "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD."

With GOD on our side, we can be strong and courageous, knowing that He is working all things for our good. We can gain strength from just knowing that He has in the palm of His hand even in the midst of the raging storms. He is own our side - be strong and courageous!

And, if our hope is in the LORD, He will certainly come to our rescue. And, it is not that we need to change something in His life; we need Him to change something in ours. Finally, He can change your circumstances so dramatically that it won't only change your life forever, you will live with Him in Heaven forever, if you will put your faith and trust in Him. Be strong and take heart, for with the LORD, we have hope.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

What is ahead

We like to watch AFV. I don't know what it is about watching others' failures that is so amusing but we like to watch it, and AFV has been a fixture for over twenty-five years. A lot of times, people end up falling or tripping because they are focused on what is behind them instead of seeing the obstacle in front of them (e.g., the sign, the post, the tree, etc.). And, that doesn't just happen on AFV.

There have been times that I have walked into some obstacle because I was focused on what was behind instead of what was in front. I was so distracted by what I had already passed, that I missed the danger ahead. Luckily for me, though, no one was around with a video recorder to show my miscue to everyone else.

Today's word is Proverbs 4:25, NLT, which reads, "Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you."

We have all had those times that we have been so focused on what was behind us that we missed or almost missed what was ahead. We have used the analogy before of the rear view mirror. The rear view mirror is so small when compared to a windshield because we should glance behind us but we need to focus on what is ahead.

Not much we can do about the past. We can learn from it, grow from it, try not to repeat it, but we can't change it, can't fix it, can't undo it. We must fix our eyes on what is ahead.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

I want to be flexible

Physically speaking, I am not very flexible. I am usually stiff as a board. There is really no need to ask me to do a back handstand. None. Our little girl can do them with EASE. She is very flexible. I really have to stretch and stretch to become flexible enough to touch my toes. I guess you could say that I am not very flexible.

However, when it comes to attitude, I try to be flexible, to overcome and adapt. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not always; there are times when I will dig my heels in and make a mess of things. But, for the most part I try to be flexible. I try to do the will of GOD. I try to do what He wants me to do. I want to find more ways to accomplish His will and less excuses not to.

Today's word is Psalm 40:8, NASB, which reads, "I delight to do Your will, O my GOD; Your Law is within my heart."

Being flexible means that you are willing to be challenged and changed, including submitting to the plans of others, when they are part of GOD'S will. It isn't always easy to give up control or to give in to others' plans. But, if we are committed to GOD and to doing His good will, we usually find peace in serving others and helping others complete what GOD has given them.

Look, you may be really physically flexible. And, if you are, it must be nice. While I would like to be more physically flexible, my true desire is to be found flexible to GOD. I truly want to do His will and to be found useful and usable. I want to try to complete the tasks, the calling that He has on my life. And, when things aren't necessarily going the way I "think" they should, I want to be flexible.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 3, 2019

Even if you're in a tree

In Luke 19, we can read the story of Zacchaeus, a wealthy and seemingly unscrupulous tax collector. JESUS was passing through and Zacchaeus, who was short in stature wanted to see him, so, Zacchaeus climbed a tree, a sycamore tree.As JESUS passed by, He looked up in the tree and told Zacchaeus to come down because He was going to dine with him that day. Zacchaeus came down quickly and took JESUS to his house.

Those who witnessed this event began to murmur and bad-mouth JESUS'S decision to dine with Zacchaeus because Zacchaeus was not a good man. However, JESUS came to seek out those who need a SAVIOR. Zacchaeus knew something was missing; he climbed a tree to see the SAVIOR. JESUS knew Zacchaeus was searching, He came to where he was.

Today's word is Luke 19:10, NIV, which reads, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

If anyone ever wonders why JESUS came to earth in human form, lived a perfect life, and died a horrendous death, this verse sums it up - He came to save us. JESUS took on a human body, lived on this earth, and died a death in order to pay a price that we couldn't. He did it for us. And, if we, like Zacchaeus will earnestly seek Him, He is there.

The story of Zacchaeus is a powerful reminder that JESUS is seeking those who need a SAVIOR, those who need to be saved. If you don't know Him as your personal SAVIOR, if you have not committed your life and your soul, your heart, to Him, may today be the day. Call upon His name and be saved. He is waiting on you, even if you're in a tree.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T