Friday, June 7, 2019

Grow a backbone

I recently read the story where a pastor of a mega church in Virginia prayed for the President of the United States before his congregation, which should have been a good thing. It is mentioned in the Bible that we should pray for our leaders. However, apparently, his praying for the President of the United States offended some of his congregants. These congregants felt that this pastor had made a political stance by praying for the President of the United States because the President of the United States represents a certain political party.

What has this nation come to? I put emphasis on the President of the United States because this pastor wasn't praying for a particular person or a particular political party; he was offering a prayer for the person holding the position of oversight for OUR country, which, again, is mentioned/recommended/required/commanded IN THE BIBLE.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:14, NASB, which reads, "Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory."

The President of the United States, regardless of political party affiliation, needs our prayers. The person that holds this position needs godly people praying for him/her and providing guidance, especially biblical. And, if you take offense to that, you really need to talk to GOD about it.

Let me finish by saying the saddest part of this whole story is that the pastor felt compelled to apologize to his congregation, and DID. Now, he has probably prayed for folks going through health crises, marital problems, employment issues, but he isn't supposed to pray for the President of the United States? Not only does that congregation need prayer, this pastor needs prayer to grow a backbone.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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