Thursday, April 28, 2016

Here and There

As some have probably guessed, we are in the process of evaluating whether to move or not. It has been a tough evaluation. I REALLY like where we are, but, I also understand that once the children start to school, we need to be closer to where everything will take place. We need to be closer to where every school even in their lives isn't followed by a thirty minute drive home.

So, we have looked at several houses, put our house on the market, and have left the rest to GOD. He knows what we need. He has it all planned out. He will decide if and when we move; we would really prefer our current home sell before we take on the next. Yet, I find myself really trying to influence the entire process. And, it can be stressful.

Today's word is a simple quote from Eckhart Tolle, which says, "Stress is caused by being 'Here' but wanting to be 'There'".

Isn't it true that we seldom stress because of what we do have or because of where we currently are or because of what is presently happening. We usually find ourselves stressing about things we don't have or because of where we want to be or because of some future event that may or may not happen. We are here but we want to be there.

I am truly trying to let GOD direct this decision and trying to allow Him to do it in His time. Of course, He will do both of those without my release or blessing. It is He who directs things and not I. For, it is when I try to take over that the stress occurs. I pray that I can just let GOD handle things; I pray you can too. Right here is a great place to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fruit bearing

Olivia, our three-year-old, is impatiently waiting for the pear trees to produce ripened pears. Each day, out in the yard, she will say, "Are the pears ready yet?" And, Trish or I will have to reply, "No, baby. They have just started producing the fruit. It'll be a couple of months."

There are few things that compare with watching the trees go from dormancy, to full of blooms, to putting on the first stages of fruit, to producing ripe, delicious fruit. It's a lot of fun to gather the fruit with the kids. The fruit-producing cycle is also very spiritual.

Today's word is John 15:5, NIV, which reads, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."

The more we abide in JESUS, the more we rely on Him to provide what we need when we need it, the more we will grow and ripen and produce. Being attached to JESUS, abiding in Him, drawing closer to Him will provide us with the spiritual nourishment we need to become the product that He has planned us to be.

Then, comes the last part of the verse, "...apart from Me you can do nothing." Fruit cannot grow, limbs cannot grow, if they aren't attached to the tree. Once a limb falls off a tree, it dies. Once a piece of fruit falls from the tree, it begins to die - growth stops. If you want to grow and become more like CHRIST, you have to remain attached to Him. If we will do that, we will bear much fruit.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How did that happen?

Ever seen a historic event and wonder how it happened? Ever see deceit finally come to the surface and wonder how it ever got that far? Ever been involved in something that you thought you could or would never do and lie awake at night wondering how you ever got yourself into the mess in which you find yourself? I think we all have seen or been involved in some sort of at least one of those scenarios.

It all begins with a little bit of relaxing our standards. And, when I say our standards I really mean GOD'S. We know not to get involved, we know not to allow ourselves in those types of circumstances, we know that what we are doing is wrong, yet, we do it anyway. Why? I'm glad you asked...

Today's word is Malachi 2:8, NIV, which reads, "But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble..."

While this verse is speaking about the priests, the Levites, it rings true for us all. We find ourselves in our self-made predicaments because we turn from the way. We begin to dabble a little with this or a little with that thinking that it is just a moment and just a little fun and it isn't hurting anyone. Yet, it is hurting everyone - everyone involved. It may seem as if we aren't hurting anyone but ourselves but, like second hand smoke in a tightly closed room, the toxins are affecting everyone else. We can only hope that because of our poor decisions, because of our sins, we don't cause someone else to stumble.

I pray daily that I will walk in the paths that JESUS has prepared for me and that I will not do or say anything to cause someone else to lose faith or to lose sight or to lose ground. There is a lot going on in this world that can be distracting and, at times, appealing, but, I want to be found doing GOD'S will. Pray that I will always be diligent to follow GOD so that I don't cause someone else to stumble. Because, that it can happen so quickly and so easily.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Do something

Ever been in a situation when things weren't going exactly as planned (remember, yesterday was about the plan coming together)? Things aren't going exactly as planned and someone will look at you and say, "Do something!"

Now, there is no direction, no instruction, no detail to what they want you to do. They just want you to do something. I have a saying (I have a lot of sayings) that goes, "Doing something just to be doing something might be the wrong something to be doing." But, we are all here to do something.

Today's word is part of something I heard once and I have modified it. I apologize for the lack of citation but, after my modification, I don't rightly remember who said the original. Anyway, today's word is "GOD gave you a life to live. He has a plan for you to follow and a purpose only you can fulfill. You are here for a reason. Do something."

So many people walk around wondering what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it. All I can tell you is that I don't know GOD'S plan for your life; that is between you and GOD. You're going to have to ask Him to direct you and to lead you in His plan for your life.

The point that I want to get across is that we have been given such a gift - LIFE. GOD has given us this life to use to glorify Him and to point others to Him. You are here for a reason. Do Something.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

When the Plan comes together

We are in the process of purchasing a home, while waiting for the home we are in, which we are still paying on, gets sold. It can be a little unsettling, wondering when it will all come together.

It is at these times that I remember that GOD has a plan. Now, I ALWAYS know He has a plan but I have to remind myself that He has a PLAN. All you have to do is look at some of the plans GOD has implemented: the great flood, the Exodus, Ruth, Esther, The Plan of Salvation. GOD has a plan.

Today's word is just a word about GOD'S plans: "I know GOD has a plan. I pray for direction to follow it, patience to wait on it, and knowledge to know when it comes."

Everyone is going through something right now that may feel a little uncomfortable and we are all wondering when what to do will become clear. GOD is working on and for us simultaneously to prepare us for what He has prepared for us. While it is difficult to see where we are and what we are supposed to do and how we are to get from point A to point B, we rest assured that GOD has a plan. And, His plan is AWESOME!

I pray that I will always remember that GOD has a plan. I pray that I will follow His plan for my life, that I will patiently wait for the next direction, and that I will discern the route He has laid out for me. With GOD, we can all easily say, "I like it when a plan comes together."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 18, 2016

Me, Defined

If you had to define yourself what would you say? I don't mean describe yourself, define yourself. A description is more of an expression of how something, or someone in this case, presents itself. A definition is more about what a person does and what drives/motivates them. I am a pretty average male, which is a description. I am a Christian that relies on GOD to guide me is a definition.

What got me to thinking about this this morning is something a guy at church asked Trish and me to do yesterday. He asked each of us a question. Trishia's was, "What is a wife?" And, mine was, "What do you expect in/from a wife?" Really good questions.

Today's word is taken from the Message. Romans 1:6 from the Message reads, "You are who you are through the gift and call of JESUS CHRIST."

We, Christians, are only Christians through the gift and call of JESUS CHRIST. Being a Christian should define us. I am an average male - description. But, because I am a Christian - definition - everything I do and the way I present and behave myself should be based on Christian fundamentals.

Now, let me tell you what I expect in a wife. First, I expect her to be a Christian. Then, I expect her to be loyal and faithful, a confidant, an advocate, and encourager. I expect her to be devoted totally and completely to me. But, I didn't stop there. I finished by saying that I expect me to be the same for her.

As Christians, we are the bride of Christ. The way we behave and the way we conduct ourselves should be based on that fact.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

You never know

I have heard countless stories in my life of folks that were in need of something big to happen and it was humanly impossible for it to happen and yet it happened. When they needed it most, someone came along, an opportunity presented itself, the very impossible became possible.

I remember a quote from Dr. Seuss that says, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." It is those little things that we so often look over that in time, as we look back, really stand out. Some little something that someone did or said or just the fact that they were there when you needed it the most.

Today's word is one that reminds me that you just never know. It is Hebrews 13:2, ESV, which reads, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

You just never know when GOD is going to bless you with an opportunity to really experience one of those little things that will become a valuable memory. Yet, if we are only focused on our life, on what is missing in our life, on what we are missing out on in life, we will miss the blessing that GOD is sending our way.

Next time you find yourself in a moment that might seem unimportant, try to fast forward a few years and see if this might be one of those moments that will become a favorite memory. Not because you did something good or noble or kind but because you listened to GOD'S beckoning and followed His nudging. And, you never know, you may just entertain an angel.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Rely On It

It is when we realize that JESUS is all we have that we begin to understand that JESUS is all we need. Some folks look for answers in all the wrong places and make a lot of bad choices in their search. I know; I've been there.

It seems that we can often get distracted by the next thing. Whatever we are doing isn't as good as what someone else is doing over there. If we could only get that next car, that next house, that next person then we will be happy. What usually happens, though, is we find out that all that next thing brought us was another payment, another concern, another dilemma, another broken relationship.

Today's word is one that I have used but is on my mind this morning. It is 2 Corinthians 12:9a, NIV, which reads, "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness..."

No matter what you may be going through, no matter how much satan is tempting you with the next thing, no matter how much you think these temporal things will bring happiness, no matter how much worse you think you have it than someone else, KNOW that GOD'S grace is sufficient. His grace is all you need to get you through the difficult, confusing, defeating schemes of satan. Rely on it.

If we will realize that GOD'S grace is sufficient and rely on Him to see us through, to get us through, we will truly see His power displayed. It is when we are at our lowest, fully relying on GOD, fully trusting GOD to see us through, fully depending on GOD, that we see the fullness of His power and love and grace and sufficiency. Coming up short on things? GOD'S grace is sufficient. Rely On It!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 11, 2016

You cost A LOT

If you ask any parent how much it takes to raise a child, I would dare say that you would get a wide range of answers. I will say that it is worth every penny. There is nothing that compares to the blessing of being a parent. Are there difficult days? Yes. Are there sleepless nights? Yes. Are there difficulties and tight budgets? Yes. But, it is so worth it.

I pray every day that GOD will help me to be the godly example that my kids need in a father. More than anything else in this world, I want them to know that their Daddy loves GOD and tries to serve Him in every fashion. Second, I want them to know that I love Mommy and them enough to do whatever has to be done to take care of them.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 6:20, ESV, which reads, "For you were bought with a price. So glorify GOD in your body."

If we think raising a child costs, think about the price GOD was willing to pay for us, His children. He sent His One and Only Son, JESUS CHRIST, to be the sacrifice for our sins, to bridge the gulf that separated us from Him. Talk about love - talk about cost. As this scripture tells us, we were bought with a price. GOD was willing to do what had to be done to provide a way for us.

In return for His provision, we should glorify GOD with what we do. I pray our kids grow up to be productive parts of society. More than that, though, I pray they grow up to know and serve GOD, which will make them productive parts of society. And, I pray they will know how precious and special they are, and how much GOD was willing to pay for each of us. Then, I pray they glorify GOD with their actions. I pray I do too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Perfect Love

Have you ever really loved someone? I mean, you cannot get enough of him/her, you cannot spend enough time with him/her, you just want to be in his/her presence. There is lots to be said, and lots that has been said, about love.

I think we often confuse lust and desire with love. I admit that the initial attraction is usually physical, but it is true love that keeps the relationship going. Trish is a beautiful lady, yet, her inner beauty is far more stunning. The relationship we have shared for all these years shows me our perfect love - for she loves me despite my imperfections.

Today's word is a very common and oft used verse from 1 John 4:18, NIV, which reads, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

"There is no fear in love..." Trish loves me enough to accept my imperfections without it affecting our relationship; I can freely be who I am without fear. There's so much more that could be said here but I won't. The gist is that when you truly love someone, you accept them with their imperfections and all. And, because you truly love them, there is no need to fear because you love one another the way you are.

I also take the flip side of that. I have no fear because I love Trish, and vice versa. We keep no deep secrets from each other. We don't have to hide anything from each other. She doesn't have to check our bank statements to know where our money has gone (preschool, cable, food, housing, electricity, etc.), nor do I. There is no need to fear for I am committed to Trish and she to me - "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Go for Broke

Today is "National Go For Broke Day". There have been times, I am sure, that we have all given all we had for a certain cause/concern/interest. If any of you have ever seen my wife, you know that I am not afraid to step out and go for it. She is far better than anyone I deserved, yet, she married me. Why? Because I went for it and wooed her.

Have you had dreams and desires but allowed satan's discouragement to keep you from going for broke? Is there something you feel GOD has placed in your heart but you allow doubt and fear to keep you from pursuing it? I am really talking to myself today more than anyone.

You see, I am a planner - to a FAULT. I've said before that I have a plan for everything. And, if the plan I have doesn't work, I have an alternate plan for that. I think that I have to know everything and am supposed to fix everything. Maybe what I truly need to do to "go for broke" is to allow GOD to control it and just hang on for the ride.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me that I don't have to have every detail; I'm just supposed to trust GOD. It says, "The Bible never once says, 'Figure it out.' But, over and over, it says, 'Trust GOD.' He's already got it all figured out."

GOD expects me to do my part. I've mentioned before that GOD expects me to put feet to my prayers, to go out and do what I need to do. But, just maybe, sometimes, what I need to do is just TRUST, just know that GOD has this and all He needs me to do is let go and let Him handle it.

It's "National Go For Broke Day". Don't let anything stop you from doing what GOD has called you to do, especially yourself. Maybe what I really need to go for broke is to stop pushing and, in brokenness, trust.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 4, 2016

Listen to what they say

If you've lived any amount of time at all, you have probably learned that you learn a lot more by listening than you could ever learn by talking. I talk A LOT but I also try to be a good listener. I have found that the more you allow someone to say, the more they will tell you. Subconsciously, they begin to tell far more than they ever realize.

I think about the upcoming election, which seems as if the campaigns have been running for the last four years, which is truer than I actually want to acknowledge. If you will listen to the candidates, they will tell you more than you realize; they can't help but talk, and talk they do.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:11, NLT, which reads, "Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart."

Wouldn't it be nice if we could be around and hear from folks that truly care and truly want to make a positive difference? I mean, we get to hear a lot of negativity and how bad everyone else is and how bad everyone else will perform and how bad they will lead this country, which, I agree, has a multitude of problems. What I want to hear, though, is someone tell me how they are going to make things better for everyone, how they are going to improve upon the good things this country possesses.

And, it's not just politics. I am around people that have nothing positive to say about anything. I want to say, "Surely, there is something good about something. I mean, you got up and showed up." Yet, they don't see the good in anything, and you will never change that. However, I do know that you get more flies with sugar. I know that in order to have positive results you have to start with a positive attitude. I know that good people will be good for a country, a business, a community, a family, while wicked people destroy them all.

With that in mind, I want to strive to be a good, upright citizen. Don't you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T