Monday, April 4, 2016

Listen to what they say

If you've lived any amount of time at all, you have probably learned that you learn a lot more by listening than you could ever learn by talking. I talk A LOT but I also try to be a good listener. I have found that the more you allow someone to say, the more they will tell you. Subconsciously, they begin to tell far more than they ever realize.

I think about the upcoming election, which seems as if the campaigns have been running for the last four years, which is truer than I actually want to acknowledge. If you will listen to the candidates, they will tell you more than you realize; they can't help but talk, and talk they do.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:11, NLT, which reads, "Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart."

Wouldn't it be nice if we could be around and hear from folks that truly care and truly want to make a positive difference? I mean, we get to hear a lot of negativity and how bad everyone else is and how bad everyone else will perform and how bad they will lead this country, which, I agree, has a multitude of problems. What I want to hear, though, is someone tell me how they are going to make things better for everyone, how they are going to improve upon the good things this country possesses.

And, it's not just politics. I am around people that have nothing positive to say about anything. I want to say, "Surely, there is something good about something. I mean, you got up and showed up." Yet, they don't see the good in anything, and you will never change that. However, I do know that you get more flies with sugar. I know that in order to have positive results you have to start with a positive attitude. I know that good people will be good for a country, a business, a community, a family, while wicked people destroy them all.

With that in mind, I want to strive to be a good, upright citizen. Don't you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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