Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Boiling Water

So, I really don't know how to start this post. I am not really sure how it will all come out when I finish typing but I am going to try to get a thought across. The thought that I have this morning is that we all go through things, we all experience things, we all struggle with things, but some people allow the difficulties to make them bitter, while others use the difficulties to make them better. Have you noticed that?

Two people can go through virtually the same experience but the one will be bitter the rest of his/her life, while the other will use that struggle to be a better person the rest of his/her life. And, trust me, I am not judging either way; one of our laws states, "Every situation is relative to each individual". Everything affects each person differently.

Today's word is something I came across, and it started my thoughts today: "The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you are made of, not the circumstances."

I have seen people in my life that have really struggled with things that others do not struggle with, and vice versa. It truly is relative to the individual. What bothers you may not bother me; what bothers me may be a nonissue for you. BUT, the point I am trying to get to, and failing miserably, is that it mostly depends on our perspective and what we are made of, what we allow to soften us.

And, it works both ways. Some sappy movie may not affect some people at all, while it causes others to bawl like a baby. On the other hand, some life changing event may cause one to lay in a fetal position and cry, while someone else thinks, "It really is no big deal." Both reactions stem from prior experience and life challenges.

Here's the point, though, we all face life's challenges, the boiling water, each and every one of us. It is up to us whether we allow those incidences, those challenges, those obstacles, those disappointments, to soften us or to make us more resilient. We each, individually, choose how we come out of the boiling water.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 29, 2018

Even when the outside isn't

Do you ever get dirty? I mean really dirty? Do you like to stay dirty? I can get as dirty as anyone: working on cars, doing yard work, playing sports, etc., but, I do not like staying dirty. Shortly after finishing whatever sweat-inducing, dirt-clinging activity I am doing, I like to clean up and put on clean clothes. And, it doesn't end there...

After getting cleaned up and putting on fresh clothes, I will not put the dirty clothes back on - they have to be cleaned as well. I want them to be washed and dried and folded and put away. I don't leave them laying around dirty, waiting to be put back on the next time I have to work. No one likes putting on dirty clothes. So, why do we continually put on the same sins over and over?

Today's word is James 1:21, ESV, which reads, "Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls."

Just as dirty clothes foul our outward appearance, sinning fouls our outward appearance. When others see us sin, they see the dirt on us. More important, though, is when we sin, we feel the dirtiness on us. Why do we continually go back to the same sins that so easily beset us? Why do we return to the same sins over and over and over? Why do we wallow in the dirt instead of shedding those dirty clothes and freshening up and putting on something clean? Because we don't have the implanted word...

To be implanted means to be inserted, grafted, embedded. When we allow GOD'S word to be embedded into our very being, it will keep us from becoming so easily soiled by all the sin that is prevalent in today's world. Just as we don't like to walk around in dirty clothes, we shouldn't like walking around in sin. And, you don't have to - take off the sin and allow GOD'S Word, the Word that is able to save your very soul, to become implanted. Then, the inside will be clean even when the outside isn't.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 26, 2018

Find Fun

Today is Fall Fest for Blake and Olivia at their elementary school. Because of the rain, it has had to be scaled back but it should still be a fun time for everyone. They will have booths set up in the gym, along with games and chances to win prizes. Most important, they will have the opportunity to share some fun time with others.

I really like this time of year; there is so much to do. Our church had a fall festival for everyone this past Wednesday night, which was a huge success, I hear. We plan to go to a pumpkin patch this Sunday after church. Of course, trick or treat is just a few days away. The beginning of fall is a fun time. However, every day can be fun, if you want.

Today's word is a lengthy verse from Ecclesiastes, which reminds us to have a little fun. Ecclesiastes 8:15, NLT, reads, "So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work GOD gives them under the sun."

If we allow it, the every day wear and tear of this life can beat us up and bring us down. Solomon reminds us that we need to enjoy life. The Bible tells us that JESUS came to give us abundant life. Yes, there are going to be hard and difficult days - lots of them. But, there will also be lots of fun and exciting days. We just have to choose to have a fun day from time to time.

You may not be heading to a fall fest today but it can still be a day of fun. Look for something that makes you smile today. Look for something that will make someone else smile today. Listen to a child's laughter. Watch someone accomplish something difficult. When we take our focus off of ourselves and all the things that are wrong in our lives, we may just begin to see the good things GOD has given each of us. And, you may find fun.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

I want to work for Him

I had a businessman tell me a story of an employee he had. It seems that this particular employee had been hired in as a lab assistant, helping the chemist prepare samples for analysis. One day, this business owner walked through the lab and noticed that some things needed tidying a bit so he asked the lab assistant to get some cleaning supplies and freshen the place up. The lab assistant told this man, who had hired him, that that was not in his job description. He continued by informing his boss that he was a lab assistant, not a janitor. In just a few minutes later, this man found out that he was neither.

We have to remember that we work for someone else. Even if you are a business owner, you work for your customers. We, Christians, have to remember that beyond our immediate, human, earthly, bosses, we work for GOD. We are a direct reflection of His attitude, His humility, His servitude.

Today's word is a very familiar passage from Colossians 3:23, ESV, which reads, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the LORD and not for men."

As Christians, we work for our LORD, through those that employ us. Yes, they are our bosses, our supervisors, our superiors, but ultimately, we work for the LORD. GOD has given us the ability to work and to work where we do. How we perform our duties is a reflection of our appreciation to Him.

JESUS sacrificed everything to bring us eternal life. He left it all to come here and save us. While He walked the earth, He was the greatest servant anyone could ever imagine. His example of humility and servitude should be seen in His children. I admit that I don't always have the right attitude: reading today's word reminded me of that. It also reminded me of the story with which I began today's post. I never want to feel as though something is beneath me. Because, I am so unworthy and so beneath my SAVIOR, and yet He came to seek, to serve, and to save me. I want to work for Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Turn to the Son

I, as I am sure many others, know people who complain about everything and do nothing to change any of it. As we have discussed before, we are all going to experience bad things, challenges, situations, and some people can do nothing to change their situation. And, there are countless others that will do absolutely nothing to change theirs.

For those that cannot change their situation, I humbly pray that GOD will make a way. For those that refuse to do anything to change theirs, I want to talk to you for a moment. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. IF you want things to change, you have to change what you are doing.

Today's word is a quote from Guy Finley that says, "If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining."

If you are complaining about your plight in life and how difficult it is and how hard it is to meet new people, while you are sitting on the couch and haven't gone outside in three weeks, nothing is going to change. If they haven't shown up at your house in the last three weeks, they probably aren't coming. However, if you go outside, there is a world of people, places, opportunities just waiting.

What I am trying to say is that GOD will provide everything we need. However, we have to do our part. I call it putting feet to our prayers. If you are walking around in a dark room, and you want light, you have to flip the switch. If you don't feel the sun shining on your face, you have to turn into the sun. If you want a closer walk with JESUS, turn to the Son.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 22, 2018

A plan to keep me alive

I'm a people watcher. I don't know about you, but, I sit back and watch folks. Not like some weirdo, just staring and making folks uncomfortable; more of someone who just observes how people interact and react. You can learn a lot from watching how others respond to things.

I have seen people go through some really difficult and trying times. I have seen perseverance and resilience and toughness that seems beyond human capabilities. I have seen folks push through when others would have dropped into the fetal position and given up. While some folks are just mentally stronger than others, I do think, for GOD'S children, there is a certain something that can make us stronger than others?

Today's word is Psalm 54:4, NLT, which reads, "But GOD is my helper. The LORD keeps me alive!"

When we know that GOD is on our side, we need not fear anything or anyone. We can rest assured that He is working all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Does that mean that we shouldn't go through bad things? No, we live in a completely broken and fallen world. It does mean, though, that we do not go through it alone - He is our helper. We can also rest assured that the LORD keeps us alive. He provides everything we need to make it through this life - food, shelter, family, etc. - but, most important, He has made a way for us to live eternally with Him!

Do you find yourself fighting through some things? Don't worry, we all are. And, we are here to help one another as we go through this life together. Find some folks that will help you walk through this valley to the next hilltop. Find some folks that will remind you that GOD is our Helper, and He is working even when we can't see it. Then, remind yourself that not only does He have a plan for you in this life, He has made a plan for eternity, a plan to keep me alive!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 19, 2018

When we least deserved it

Have you ever been given a gift, an award, a honor, a designation that you didn't deserve? All you have to do is look at my life to see someone that has been blessed abundantly above anything I could ever think, dream, or imagine. I have a godly wife that is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. I have two beautiful, healthy, funny, loving kids. I have a great job that I like, with folks I like working with. I have good health, a great place to live, and the list goes on and on. BUT...

But, it doesn't stop there. When this life is over, I am going to spend eternity with my LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST forever in Heaven. There will be no more pain, no more suffering, no more heartache, no more loss, just eternity with the LORD. And, I don't deserve that either.

Today's word is Romans 5:8, NLT, which reads, "But GOD showed His great love for us by sending CHRIST to die for us while we were still sinners."

We were not deserving of GOD'S grace and mercy but He loved us enough to make a way for us to spend eternity with Him, His Son, JESUS. And, JESUS didn't come because we were good people, deserving of a SAVIOR. No, He came just because He loves us. Deserving it or not deserving it had nothing to do with it; it was all about love.

As we progress through this life, we will have countless occasions when we receive things that we in no way deserve. When this happens, it is humbling; or, it certainly is to me. My prayer today is that if you don't know JESUS in a real and personal way that today will be the day you accept His gift of salvation, by grace through faith. You can come to Him just as you are. You see, He gave us the greatest gift, when we least deserved it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Keep It

According to the National Day Calendar, today is National Be Smart about Credit Day. It is easy to get trapped by the credit bug. We see things we want, we apply for credit, they let us have it, then, we have to pay for it over time. There are things that this is absolutely necessary for (houses, cars, education, etc.) but, we get ourselves in trouble when we use credit for things that are not essential.

I know A LOT of people that really don't care how much something costs; all they care about is how much does it cost per month? How much is the payment going to be? The care can cost $95,000 but, if they can get payments for $200/month FOREVER, they are okay with that. We really have to be careful when it comes to what we owe, and to whom we owe it. Because, and here is the kicker, we are EXPECTED to pay it back.

Today's word is Ecclesiates 5:5, ESV, which reads, "It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay."

There are lots of folks out there that will make a promise to pay back what they owe but end up defaulting on that promise. Every time we sign papers to borrow the money to purchase something, we have vowed that we will pay for the item(s) we have purchased. There are times that defaulting can't be helped (sickness, loss of employment, etc.), there are many other times, though, when we just don't fulfill our promises, and that is not pleasing to the ones we owe nor to GOD.

Today's verse is a great reminder that we need to mindful of our good credit. It is easier today to get things that we don't really need than it has ever been. It may cost you five times more than it is worth but you can still get it. Just remember that if you choose to buy it on credit, you are expected to pay for it. We, Christians, are to display the attributes of our Father, Who has always kept His promises. It is better to not promise than to make a promise and not keep it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

True Strength

Have you ever watched The World's Strongest Man competitions? They used to come on ESPN and I would watch some of it occasionally. These guys were extremely strong - extremely. And, if I were ever to find the need to have someone bench press a refrigerator, these men would be at the top of the list; they were as physically strong as humans could be, I suppose.

However, I was watching an episode once, where the challenge was a 100 yard dash, while carrying a refrigerator on their backs. As they were quickly walking down the track, one of these guys' leg bent at a 90 degree angle at the knee. Of course, ligaments gave way under the extra weight he was carrying on his back. It reminded me that physical strength is only as strong as the weakest ligament, tendon, muscle, bone.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:7, NLT, which reads, "When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own feeble strength."

Now, I am not indicating that the participants in The World's Strongest Man competition were evil. I am just saying that it is great to be super strong physically BUT physical strength will not go with us into eternity. We must have our spiritual conditioning done; we must be saved through accepting JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR, which will make us stronger than anything physical could ever do.

It is super good to take care of our bodies, temples of the Holy Spirit, but it is far more important to take care of our spiritual selves. One day the physical strength will all be gone. One day we will see that all the physical strength truly is feeble. One day we will stand before the One and Only Holy and Just GOD and give an account. And, we won't be judged on whether we can bench press a refrigerator or run a four minute mile or climb a slick building. All that will matter that day is whether we have true strength, which only comes through JESUS CHRIST.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Great value in that

What are you good at? It is a question that we have all probably been asked countless times, in countless different ways. In sports, it may be what position do you play. In a job interview, it may be what special skills do you have. In a building project, it may be are you better at nailing or at cutting?

We all know what we are "good" at. I can tell you that my list is fairly small, and the older I get the smaller it gets. Plus, things that I used to be fairly good at, I am not as good at anymore. However, as I have lost some abilities in some areas, I have gained abilities in others. I may not be as fast as I used to be but I am more clever, quicker even, to get to the spot I need to be in time. Experience is a great teacher.

Today's word reminds us to focus on the positives: "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are."

We all have a tendency to focus on what we are not. I am not the best looking guy in the world - never have been, never will be. I am not able to bench press a refrigerator - never have been, never will be. The point is that there are lots of things that I am not, and I could focus on all the things I am not and feel miserable all the time.

Instead, I want to focus on what I am. I am GOD'S child, and will spend eternity with Him. I am the husband to the loveliest, sweetest lady GOD ever created. I am the father to the two greatest kids any father could ever have. I am a son, a brother, an uncle, a friend. There is more value in what I am than in what I am not. There is so much more to what I have than to what I have lost. Put the emphasis, the focus on what is important - you are an incredible masterpiece, and a work in progress all at the same time; there is great value in that.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Him Only

There are a lot of things that people worship: false gods, the gym, money, etc. What they most often find, though, is that none of those things have eternal significance. When our time on this earth is over, we will be taking none of the money we have amassed with us. There will come a time in our lives that physical strength will wane. And, I would hate to think about entering into eternity without the One True GOD.

It seems that people will make a god out of anything. Some folks love to "worship" creation instead of the Creator. Isn't the One that created it more significant, more worthy of praise than what has been created?

Today's word is Luke 4:8, ESV, which reads, "And JESUS answered him, 'You shall worship the LORD your GOD, and Him ONLY shall you serve."

JESUS was in the desert being tempted by satan, when satan tells Him that if He would just worship him that he would give JESUS authority over things and give Him things of this earth. But, JESUS, GOD Himself, knew that anything satan could offer far paled in comparison with what GOD would give His children. Nor only an abundant life here, but eternity in Heaven.

What are you chasing? Are you spinning your wheels, going nowhere fast? Are you stuck in a rut with no way out. Are you looking for that magic bullet that will make everything better? Are you thinking that more money, more stuff, more whatever is going to fill the void you feel? There is only One that can fill that void and make you feel satisfied - His name is JESUS. Worship Him ONLY.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Two things that may change your life

I have often said that it isn't usually what I say but how I say it. I have a tendency to sprinkle most everything with a pinch of sarcasm. And, I have absolutely no doubt that there are those who get sarcasm, but the majority do not. So, if I have to end up trying to explain the sarcasm, it really loses its emphasis and humor. It isn't usually what I say but how I say it.

The flip side of my sarcastic self is the fact that I am not harder on anyone than I am myself. I am an OCD (CDO) perfectionist. I walked in one afternoon from work several years ago and Trish was watching a show that had a "perfectionist quiz". We both took the quiz. If you scored 100 or more points, out of a possible 200, you were a perfectionist. I scored like a 196. So, as hard as I may seem on others, I am more hard on myself. Both can be counterproductive.

Today's word is something to remind us to be kind to ourselves and to watch what we say around others: "Two things to remember in life: Take care of your thoughts when you are alone; and, take care of your words when you are with others."

We can really be overly critical with ourselves when we are alone. We will tell ourselves that we are things that we are not, that we are worth far less than we are, and that we will never be something that we don't need to be anyway. What we need to remember is that we are a child of the King of Kings and He has a promised future for us.

When we are with others, we need to be equally cautious. Not only can our words cause them to have negative thoughts about themselves, they can cause others to tell things on us that are not true. All it takes is a few words said to the wrong person to change your life. So, when you are alone, guard your thoughts. When you are with others guard your words. You may just be surprised at how much those two things may change your life.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 8, 2018

You will never be the same

As I probably mentioned, last week I was in New Orleans for a conference. There are tons of places to have conferences, this one happened to be there. And, I could go on and on about all the things that you shouldn't do there but I am reasonably sure most of you know what you ought not to do. We all do.

The point I want to make, however, is that while I was there, I was watching the local informational channel and they were interviewing one of the local bar owners. The bar owner was telling the interviewer that on Sundays her establishment played more "spiritual" music, and a good time was had by all. She went on to say that everyone didn't have to worship the way she did, and that whatever god you worshipped was just fine, and you could still have a good time at her establishment.

Today's word is Acts 4:12, KJV, which reads, "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Much like many pop stars and movie stars and celebrities, in general, that want to be politically correct and not offend anyone, people will try to tell you that everyone is okay as long as they worship "some god". I am here to tell you that they are wrong. I am here to tell you that, if they know JESUS as his/her personal SAVIOR, they will give an account for allowing others to go astray and for telling them that they are alright no matter what. There is only ONE TRUE LIVING GOD.

Don't let anyone try to convince you that anything other that JESUS will do. There is only one way to eternal life in Heaven, and that is there accepting JESUS CHRIST as your LORD an SAVIOR. GOD will accept you just like you are. BUT, once you meet Him, you will never be the same!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I want to be an influence

I had a very interesting and engaging conversation with a friend and fellow believer last night about how I want to be an example for my kids and others. I fail miserably at times, but, I so want to be a good example. I want to be someone that they can look up to and know that I try to serve my LORD and SAVIOR the very best I can.

The conversation hinged on the fact that I don't partake of alcoholic drinks of any kind, in any way. I won't, purposefully, order a dessert with an alcohol-based glaze or sauce. Not that I think it is wrong or that it will cause me to become "drunk", but, because I don't want others to see me and cause them to give in to a temptation that they fight every day. I want to be an example.

Today's word is another quoted. I apologize for having two days of quotes but this one sums up what I try to get through to my kids and others: "You will NEVER influence this world by trying to be LIKE it." And, I'll aid, "Or, by trying to be liked BY it."

As Christians, we are called to come out from among them and to live differently. I know we have covered this before, and I apologize for digressing, but, it bears repeating. We are children of GOD, a royal priesthood, an heir with JESUS CHRIST, we shouldn't live like we belong to the king of this world. We should try to live in such a way that others know that our Father is not of this world.

I am really talking to myself, reminding myself, today. I want to be an example. As I said, I want my wife, my kids, my family, my friends, my coworkers, and everyone else to know that JESUS CHRIST permeates every facet of my life. I want them to know that I serve Him and that I try my best to do His will. I want them to see a good example. I want to be an influence.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Make others happy too

I have probably shared before that I am a morning person. I know, I am not right. But, I don't mind getting up early. I like the mornings. I like to get up and see the sun rise, exercise, read my Bible. There is something about being up early and getting going. For me, sleeping until 9 AM feels almost as if I have wasted most of my day; that's just me though.

Not only am I a morning person, I am also usually in a good mood. You know the type; some would consider over the top, overly positive too early in the morning. But, it is not a show or a front; I truly am a pretty happy person. Why? Because I know how good GOD has been to me and how much better He is to me each and every day I live. I trust Him with everything.

Today's word is just a little quote I came across that reminds me to be happy: "Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too."

Ever smiled at someone that looked really down or really bothered, just to see them smile back. Sometimes, all it takes to make someone else's day is to treat them with a little respect and to smile. Isn't it true that seeing other people happy can make you happy. I know it is true for me. Why not be the one to start the happiness.

There will be hard days that turn into hard weeks that turn into hard months. BUT, if we can find some little something to be happy about, some little positive something to smile about each and every day, it could change our lives, and the lives of countless others. Be happy; make others happy too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 1, 2018

Under His wings

I have probably shared this before, but, if I have, just bear with me for a few moments. As a young child, probably until I was about six or so, I would cover my head up at night so the "boogie man" couldn't see me and get me. Now, about six or so I realized that there was no "boogie man", and if there was, the covers offered very little protection.

But, there was something comforting about hiding under the covers. There is still something comforting, maybe when we are fighting a cold or some other malady, about crawling under the covers and feeling its warmth. There is something strengthening and comforting about being enveloped in a covering.

Today's word is Psalm 61:4, ESV, which reads, "Let me dwell in Your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter or Your wings."

When things are going bad, when the storms are raging, when there seems to be no end in sight, there is nothing more comforting than GOD pulling us close and protecting us. The Bible tells us He envelopes us like a dove will envelope her children under her wings. The peace and comfort that comes from knowing that we are safe and secure in the arms of GOD cannot be explained. It is one of those things that is far better to feel than to talk about.

I pray that you feel GOD wrapping His arms around you; that you can feel Him pull you close and protect you. Because, whether you feel it or not, the truth is that He is doing just that. We can rest comfortably and securely and safely under His wings.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T