Friday, February 28, 2020

He possesses, protects, and provides

No doubt, there are some things to be concerned about. We have a very serious health condition that is ravaging our world. Whether it is a pandemic or an outbreak or whatever, the truth is that it is very serous and it seems to be spreading. And, every day, we hear of more and more cases and the ability of its spread.

With the spread of this health concern, the stock market has taken, and continues to take, a significant hit/dip. Some people have lost significant gains in their retirement funds. It is disheartening to think you are on track for something you have been planning for years and, then, see your retirement take hit after hit after hit.

I've been traveling this week, and one (1) of the conversations I have overheard during dinner this week, concerned Social Security and whether or not folks my age would see a penny of it. That, too, can go back to the previous concern about retirement accounts taking hit after hit after hit. But, look, Social Security may be the only retirement most of us will have. What do you mean it won't be here when I get there?

There are conflicts and wars, making ends meet, health concerns, financial concerns, just A LOT that can cause us stress, which is another health concern. But, listen, there is little we can individually do to influence any of these things; there is little I can do to prevent or halt any of these things from happening or not happening. I can protect my family and myself by practicing good hygiene and staying away from certain areas. I can try to protect our investments by diversifying and not taking too many risks. But, the single biggest thing I can do is...let GOD handle it.

Today's word is Philippians 4:19, NASB, which reads, "And my GOD will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in CHRIST JESUS."

GOD possesses it all, protects it all, and will provide it all.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fulfilling and Rewarding

Life is short. We have probably heard that all of our lives but it is a fact. Even if you live to be 120, it still seems pretty short. I want to try to make the most of the time that GOD blesses me with here on this earth. I want to try to teach our children the importance of knowing GOD and being saved; there is no other decision that affects our eternity.

I want to spend time with my loved ones enjoying each others' company and making memories. I look back at times with my grandparents, my parents, my family and I realize how special and fleeting those moments were/are. I want to be wise in everything I do.

Today's word is Psalm 90:12, ESV, which reads, "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

Moses was going up the mountain, knowing that he was going to see the Promised Land but would not be stepping foot into it. GOD was merciful in letting him see it. Moses was reflecting on his life and the things of life as I am sure we all do from time to time. He knew that life was short. 

I think knowing that our time is very limited causes us to make wise choices and decisions, which is what today's word is reminding us to do. I am not trying to be a downer today. I just want to remind myself that life is short; let's make the most of it. Let the little things be the little things. Pray that GOD will give us wisdom, which will make us more useful. And, will make life more fulfilling and rewarding.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 21, 2020

He is Excellent

I was showing a friend of mine at work some "sky" pictures yesterday. The particulars we were looking at were so vivid in color that they were hard to describe. We both agreed that they were colors that only GOD could create.

When I look around at all His creations, I can't help but thank GOD for them all. I have been blessed to see and experience so many of them. I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and kids, and we have seen some of GOD'S creations. While there are so many more to see, the ones we have seen are enough to know that Heaven will be spectacular!

Today's word is a very familiar passage. Psalm 8:9, KJV, reads, "O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!"

GOD is worthy and deserves our praise. Spirits flee when they hear His name. Captives are set free by just speaking His name. It is only through Him, and His plan of salvation, by Grace through Faith in JESUS CHRIST, that we can experience true life. He is indeed worthy of all praise and honor and glory.

As you go about your day, and weekend, look around; He is excellent!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 20, 2020

We Stand Firm

It is easy to be shaken in this world; there is so much going on. I have talked before about all the things that go on each and every day. You can't turn on an electronic device or listen to a newscast or look at any news feed without seeing that we live in a broken and fallen world.

There seems to always be some violent scene unfolding every day of our lives. Then, we have the health scares, especially with the corona virus and the flu season. And, if you listen to politicians, and why you would want to do that, I do not know, but, if you do, you will get the impression that we are certainly doomed. But, I have good news...

Today's word is Psalm 16:8, NKJV, which reads, "I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved."

It really comes down to what we are focusing on. If we have our focus continually on all the bad things around us, on all the negativity happening every day, on all the worries and concerns that others want us to have, we will feel like there really is no hope. However, if we will focus on the One Who leads us, protects us, guides us, we will realize that He has it all under control and He is taking us where we need to go.

Furthermore, with our focus on the LORD, with Him leading us and guiding us, we can stand firm that everything is working for our good. So, regardless of the clamor and noise that others are providing, we know that He is on our side and we will stand victorious. Yeah, we may be in shaky days but, with GOD on our side, we stand firm!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sky Pictures

I am a guy that likes to take "sky" pictures, especially sunrises and sunsets. There is nothing prettier than the colors displayed by GOD. NO picture, no camera can do these sights justice. I have taken many pictures, and they are pretty to look at but none of them even come close to what my eye actually sees.

It amazes me that others can see these beautiful displays of color and think that they happen by chance, that some big boom created everything and, by chance, we see these amazing displays. I know that GOD created everything, and we see just a little glimpse of what is in store for us in Heaven. Yes, I know there will be no need for sunrises and sunsets in Heaven; I am just saying that the colors are pure and a quick look at what we will see when we get there.

Today's word is Colossians 1:16, ESV, which reads, "For by Him all things were created, in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through Him and for Him."

Today's passage tells us that ALL things were created for and through JESUS. Now, don't go nuts and say, "Oh, so He created sin?" No, of course not. He created us; we committed sin. Let's stick to the point; He created all the beauty we see that so many try to explain away as happenstance or luck or coincidence. No, it is GOD.

When you see something beautiful, and I see a lot of it in my wife and kids and so many other things, know Who is responsible for it all. Give Him praise for His glorious and marvelous and lovely works. Stop and take a sky picture, then, send it to me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 17, 2020

Living water

I tell our kids often that trash in will equal trash out. Whatever we allow in us, through what we see, what we hear, what we watch, what we listen to, will influence and affect what comes out of our mouths. We can never be too careful with protecting what goes in so that we can protect what comes out.

There is no doubt that "times, they are a changing" fits today's current state of affairs. Yes, our parents thought that we were wild and rebellious and edgy. The problem today, though, is that kids have access to more with one search on the internet than my generation could learn in years. And, the ones making the "noise", being listened to, being quoted do not have their own best interest at heart, much less our children's.

Today's word is John 7:38, NKJV, which reads, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."

We have to be diligent and intentional about what we allow into our minds because, eventually, that is what will come out. If we fill our minds, our thoughts, with things that are not pleasing to GOD, then, we will tell things that are not pleasing to GOD. Why? Because that is all we have to draw from.

When you drop the bucket into the well, you draw what is in the well. But, as Christians, our bucket should be drawing from the well of Living Water. As Christians, we have been filled with the Holy Spirit and we should dispense the water of life to others. What goes in will eventually come out. I want to dispense the water of Life.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020

It is Valentine's Day. A day that we celebrate love, which is really unnecessary but, hey, we will go with it. What I mean by that is that I don't have to celebrate love; I love and am loved every day of my life. I don't need a specific day to celebrate it.

Before you get all huffy, I know it celebrates St. Valentine, who performed wedding ceremonies even after he was forbidden to do so. And, I am not diminishing that in the least. I am just pointing out that, much like Forrest Gump, I know what love is.

Today's word is a quote from Helen Keller that says, "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."

It is hard to explain what love is. It is impossible for me to find adequate words to describe or define what love means. It is impossible for me to tell you what Trish and our kids mean to me. What I do know, though, is that it is LOVE. I love Trish like no one else in this world, always have, always will. I love our kids like no one else in this world, always have, always will. And, those feelings can't be seen or heard, but, they are certainly felt.

Go tell the ones you love that you love them, not just today but every day. Happy Valentine's Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Direction from GOD

Have you ever had a tough decision to make? I am sure that we all have. So, how did you make the decision? What did you use? What did you rely on? How did you come to the decision in your mind? Did you ask others? Did you go with your "gut"? Did you call the psychic hotline? They knew you were going to, right?

Some decisions are tough to make. Some decisions can be languished and lingered over, with still no clear cut answer or direction. People will look to flipping a coin, or eeny meeny miny moe to help them but that is really taking your chances. Others will seek the counsel of others, which is excellent, if you a prudent in the counsel sought. So, what do I do? I am glad you asked...

Today's word is Proverbs 2:6, NASB, which reads, "For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

When I have a tough decision to make, I take it to the LORD. First, I pray, which is two-way communication. GOD already knows my desires and my needs but I take it to Him, asking for direction. And, while I pray, He "talks" to me, through giving me thoughts and clarity and impressing upon my heart a feeling of peace.

Then, I read "The Book". Every answer we will ever need is found in the Word of GOD, the Holy Bible. In the Bible, we can find direction for everything and anything we might ever face. You want to know how to treat others? It is in the Book. You want to know how to handle your money? It is in the Book. Every answer you will ever need can be found by seeking direction from GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Get some SONshine

Man, I am tired of this rain. It seems that it has rained all but a few days for the last month. Everything around is muddy. There is not a dry spot of ground within probably 40 miles of here. And, I don't know about you, but, the rainy, dreary weather wears me out physically. I mean, I am physically tired, too.

GOD made our bodies with the need, the desire, for vitamin D, which we get from the sun. Vitamin D is important, especially for our bone health, and for my mental outlook. Just seeing the sun, and being out in the sun, can change attitudes and outlooks. So, what do we do, when we can't see anything but dreary, rainy weather, and no sun?

Today's word is Psalm 105:4, NLT, which reads, "Search for the LORD and for His strength; continually seek Him."

The best thing that we can do every day is to bask in the SON. More than the sun, we need the SON for our spiritual health, which is far more important. The Bible tells us that GOD will supply all our needs, including vitamin D. So, even when we can't see the sun, we can always feel the SON, Who will provide us the strength to persevere.

It has been raining A LOT. The dark, wet, dreary weather can really wear you down. When you start feeling like you need a pick me up, get some SONshine!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 10, 2020

He will never stop loving us

It has been one (1) of those weekends. Today, I feel as if I have tried to bench press a truck - 100 times. I am so sore, and don't know why, that I can't express where all I am sore. And, I really can't point out why, other than I haven't felt great all weekend.

I battled, what I have diagnosed, as a case of food poisoning over the weekend. It wasn't a stomach virus; I never had a fever. It wasn't some other bug that may be going around; I didn't really feel bad. I just had issues every time I ate or drank something, which this weekend was as seldom as possible.

While today's word has nothing to do with today's introduction, today's word is Psalm 86:5, NLT, which reads, "O LORD, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for Your help."

We serve a GOD that is so, so good. He gives us things that I don't deserve, and will never deserve. I am a blessed man, with more than I could have ever thought possible. GOD has given me a beautiful wife, wonderful children, good health, a good life. BUT, He didn't stop there. He has given me salvation and eternal life through the sacrifice of His Son, JESUS CHRIST. How do we receive that?

By asking. Our verse today tells us that GOD is good, full of love, and ready to forgive "All who ask..." If you feel as if things are falling apart, that things are spiraling out of control, that you need some help, why not ask the One that can truly help? Not only is He ready to help, He is good (He is on your side). And, He is full of unfailing love. He will never stop loving us. Never.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

They can be Blessed, too

I have probably shared before that Trish will say that she is amazed at what I can do. I can't do anything very well but I can do several different things "well-enough". I am not the best at anything but I have probably saved us a little money from time to time by doing things that I can do, much less efficient and much less professionally than others.

I have shared with her that what makes me different from others is that I am not afraid to fail. The fact that I am not afraid to fail should reveal that I have failed OFTEN. I have made tons of mistakes; I have messed up in about every possible way. I have been asked to lead the music on a Sunday morning, which I am poorly qualified to do but, I have tried, and I have failed. But, I think our fear of failure comes from being afraid of what others might say or think of us. Why should that matter?

Today's word is 1 Peter 3:14, NIV, which reads, "But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened."

The passage today isn't necessarily talking about facing our fears of failure but failing to act because we are afraid, afraid because of what others might think of us because of our faith. There are so many in the world today that are unfriendly to the Christian faith. They will use everything in their power to intimidate and belittle. But, don't let that stop you from living the Christian life that GOD has called you to live.

I like the first part of today's word: "Even if you should suffer for what is right, you are BLESSED..." GOD has given, and continues to give, so much to His children. All this and Heaven too. Don't let fear keep you from pursuing what GOD wants you to do. Don't let fear stand in the way of telling others how they can be Blessed, too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 3, 2020

GOD'S special possession

This world can take a toll on your ego and self-esteem. There is no doubt that when you start to feel as if you have things going your way, something will come up to show you that you don't. And, from time to time, it is easy to allow yourself to get in the dumps about your plight in life. I am sure that we probably all do from time to time.

It is easy to allow ourselves to listen to the lies of others, especially satan, when they tell us how little we have accomplished, how little we are valued, how little we will ever be worth. However, that is not what we need to listen to. We need to listen to our Father, the One Who loved us so much that He gave His Own SON so that we could have a relationship with Him.

Today's word is 1 Peter 2:9a, NIV, which reads, "But you are a chose people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, GOD'S special possession..."

Whenever we start to feel down, beaten by this world in which we live, we need to remember that today does not define us. We are defined by the One that we belong to. Just as I am an American, just as I carry my father's last name, just as I am a member of my church, I am part of GOD'S chosen people, And, so are you.

You are far more than anything you could ever imagine. You have more value than you could ever comprehend. You are more loved than you could ever reciprocate. You are part of "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, GOD'S special possession."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T