Thursday, January 30, 2020

Guard your heart

I try to remind myself that we really have to be careful what we say. Regardless of where I am or who I may be with, others are listening, and my statement, that which comes from my mouth, may be the only testimony, the only witness, that person may ever get from me. I certainly don't want to bring a reproach on my LORD.

The other thing I remind myself is that "from the heart, the mouth speaks." If you truly want to know what someone cares about, where his/her true loyalty lies, listen to what they talk about. If they spend more time talking about themselves and little time talking about GOD or others, it becomes obvious who is number one to him/her.

Today's word is Proverbs 4:23, NIV, which reads, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

As I told the youth in our group many times, "Trash in equals trash out." Whatever we put into our hearts, will eventually come out of our hearts. If we continue to listen to and read and watch bad things, we will eventually say and do and act out bad things. You can't eat trash all the time without eventually spewing trash. We must guard what we take in.

Why? Because everything we do is influenced by what, or, more important, by Who, is in our hearts. If we allow the Holy Spirit to reside and guide our hearts, we will say good things and do good things. While I have done a really poor job of relaying it, the important thing to remember is that we have to diligently guard what we take in, for it will influence everything we do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

He is faithful that promised

There are those things that people promise that prove not to be worth anything. I mean, you will get people promising you "pie in the sky", rainbows, and chocolates but receive mudpies, boo boos, and bills. Why? Because the one who promised couldn't be trusted, and never meant to deliver on the false promises.

There are other times that people promise things that they aren't in a position to deliver on. They might tell you that you will get a raise or a promotion or more playing time or whatever. But, they aren't the boss or the head coach. They aren't the one that makes the decisions.

Today's word is Hebrews 10:23, KJV, which reads, "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised)."

While we can't always rely on the promises of others, because, they are either not truthful or not in a position to deliver, we can always rely on the promises of GOD. We know that He can be trusted; He cannot lie. We also know that He has the power to deliver. We can trust GOD will deliver. Why? Because He is faithful.

There will be times when people in our lives break promises. There will be times when it seems that no one can be trusted. There will be times when we wonder if things are going to work out. But, we can rest assured that what GOD promises, He will deliver. Because, He is faithful that promised.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 24, 2020

Make someone smile

I have mentioned this before, but, this was on my mind this morning, so, I thought I would revisit it. I remember seeing a sign hanging on a wall years ago that read, "Everyone here brings joy. Some by entering; others by leaving."

I am blessed to have a lot of people in my life. Obviously, some are much closer than others but I am grateful for each and every one. I am a guy who looks for opportunities to engage others because I truly like to get to know people. I like to hear people's stories and to hear about how they came to be where they are. I like to try to use the opportunity to tell them about JESUS, and how He has brought me through so much. I like people.

Today's word is a very simple thing that I am sure you have seen before, and that I have probably used before, but, it is a good reminder for us all: "Be the reason someone smiles today."

Everyone is going through something. Yeah, I know, we all put on a good face and act like we are living the dream, but, we all have days, or parts of days, when things just aren't going the way we would like for them to. And, in those moments, when things are not going the way we would like, a friendly face, as smile can make all the difference in the world.

Today, I, like you, will come across several people that need a good smile. We won't have to do anything more than to look at them and give them a kind face. If we will take the time to do that, it may just make his/her day, and make ours as well. Make someone smile today.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Let's get to work

I am a firm believer that GOD has something for each of us to do. Yeah, I know, I am too old, I am too busy, I have other obligations, yada, yada, yada. We are all busy but we all have something that GOD wants us to do. And, trust me when I say that I feel completely unqualified to do what He allows me to do sometimes, but, I know that HE will give me what I need to do what He has called me to do.

Some of us may be called to be great speakers, some great teachers, some great comforters, some great encouragers. Some of us may be called to support roles; showing up and doing it. Whatever it is that GOD has called you to do, you will not be completely happy or fulfilled until you are doing it. But, all of this is just an introduction to what I truly want to discuss...

Today's word is John 6:29, NASB, which reads, "JESUS answered and said to them, 'This is the work of GOD, that you believe in Him Whom He has sent.'"

The first work that GOD wants any of us to do, and as some translations state, "The only work GOD has for you...", is to believe in JESUS. It really is that simple: to believe in the One that GOD sent to pay the price for our sins and to provide a way for us to be made right with Him. JESUS is the only way to Heaven. Our faith in Him, by GOD'S grace, is ALL that will get us there, not any kind of work we could ever perform.

GOD has called us all to do something. The first and foremost thing He has called us to, though, is to believe. Admit that you are a sinner. Believe that JESUS is GOD'S Son. Confess your faith in Him. That simple. Let's get to work.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Keep my promises

I have broken a few promises in my life. I am not proud of that fact but it is still a fact. Now, as I have gotten older, I have learned that I don't make promises that I cannot keep. I will not promise anyone anything that I do not have complete control over. I think it is vitally important to keep your promises; a man is only as good as his word.

If you can't keep a promise, you can never be trusted. I know people that will throw around a promise like it is the wrapper off a piece of candy. But, they are the same people that no one ever trusts to follow through on what they say they will do. I don't want to be one of those that cannot be trusted. I want others to know that if I promise to do something, I am going to do everything in my power to do it. Why?

Today's word is Psalm 116:14, NLT, which reads, "I will keep my promises to the LORD in the presence of all His people."

I am not always a good one, but I am always a representative of my LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. When I go back on my word, when I fail to keep my promise, it doesn't just reflect poorly on me, it reflects poorly on Him. I don't ever want to reflect poorly on Him.

Not only do I want to keep my promises to others; I want to keep the promises I make to the LORD. I want to be faithful and always seek to do His will. He knows me far better than I could ever think, dream, or imagine. He knows when I make a vow, a promise, whether or not I am going to keep it. However, I want to be found faithful. I want to be a useful vessel for Him, and I can only do that if I keep my promises.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 16, 2020

If we faint not

We, like everyone else, are extremely busy; there are not too many evenings that we come home and do nothing. And, when I say, "Nothing," I mean something such as just watch television and chill. We have something to do every night, study, homework, work on problem areas, home improvement, etc., but, we are also gone a lot.

Our kids are involved in a lot of activities, which I am not complaining about. The importance of being part of a team, part of something bigger than yourself, can never be overstated or overemphasized. The lessons learned from being a part of something are lessons that will influence and shape your life. But, it can be tiring...

Today's word is Galatians 6:9, KJV, which reads, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we will reap, if we faint not."

We are also quite busy in Kingdom work. Some of the evenings we are gone or busy are in order to get things done for GOD'S Kingdom. While there is no other "work" more important, with all the other things we are trying to accomplish, this can feel as if it is just one more thing to have to try to get done. BUT, like all the other things, the importance cannot be overstated or overemphasized, especially as the day draws near.

Life can be very challenging and very trying. BUT, it is worth every second. We pour all we can into our kids because I want them to know that they are loved and cared for. More important, I want them to know that GOD loves them and cares for them, and we express our love for Him by loving and caring for others. Keep working. It is tiring and trying but, we will reap, if we faint not.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

You and your children

I am Blessed and highly favored, and I don't just say that. I have also said, often, "All this and Heaven, too." JESUS came to give us life more abundant, and I have certainly been blessed with a full and rich life.

I have a wife that is the best in the world. She is beautiful inside and out, and has enough love for probably ten (10) people. We have been blessed with two (2) really smart, sometimes challenging, always fun children that we never expected to have. They bring us joys that cannot be expressed in mere words. And, all that is just the tip of the iceberg...

Today's word is Psalm 115:14, NLT, which reads, "May the LORD richly bless both you and your children."

Not only am I a blessed man, I want others to experience the blessings of GOD, and I hope you all are. And, allow me to say that the blessings of GOD have nothing to do with finances and prosperity because, I am rich beyond belief and beyond measure and we don't have a lot of money. But, I have so much more that I could have ever thought, dreamed, or imagined, and it ALL comes from GOD.

I hope you are experiencing the blessings of GOD. If not, I pray that you will draw closer to GOD and experience, first, His salvation, and second His goodness and blessings. "May GOD richly bless both you and your children."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 13, 2020

His calling will not change

There have been times that I have had to tell someone that I was too busy to do something, which was absolutely true. There have been other times when I tried to get out of doing something, when maybe I wasn't entirely too busy but I told someone that I was anyway.

Sometimes, we try to get out of doing things because we have been hurt in that capacity before. Or, because we haven't seen our efforts really produce the expected outcome. It, especially, seems that we can come up with every excuse not to do what GOD has called us to do, yet there is no higher calling.

Today's word is Romans 11:28, NASB, which reads, "For the gifts and the calling of GOD are irrevocable."

We can try all we want to make excuses to not do what GOD has called us to do but that will never change the fact that He has called us, and that is our calling. GOD has something for each and every single one of us to do, and His calling on our lives will never go away. We can run from it, we can find every excuse not to do it, we can try to deny it, BUT, it will never change.

It is, sometimes, difficult to try and manage everything that we must do: family, work, church obligations, community organizations, and the list goes on and on. However, GOD will not take us where His grace cannot keep us. Whatever GOD has called you to do, He will equip you to do it. You will never be more at peace with GOD until you do what He has called you to do. His calling will not change.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

He is right here

There is plenty of craziness in this world. You don't have to look too far or for too long to see that things are crazy and getting crazier each and every day. People do things that I never would have thought humans could do, especially to another human. It seems that we have lost the ability to care about others and have forgotten just how valuable human life is.

Then, when you look internationally, there is turmoil and chaos and strife and discord and disharmony everywhere you turn. Countries are always in a war/conflict. There never seems to be any peace, ever. If all we do is sit around and watch the news, it would drive us absolutely out of our minds. BUT...

Today's word is Isaiah 41:10, NIV, which reads, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your GOD. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

We don't have a reason to fear for GOD is with us. I tell people, when they ask me if I am alone, that I am never alone, for GOD is always with me. There is not a single place I can go that He isn't already there. He not only knows my future, He holds my future in His hand.

Not only is He always there, He will strengthen me and help me. I don't know how others can make it through without Him. It may be why so many people are worried and concerned and stressed about everything; because, they don't have Him. Cast all you worries and concerns and fears on GOD. He is right here.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I love a good story

I have probably shared before that I love a good story. I love to hear other people's stories. I love to hear how things came together when it looked as if there was no way for the ends to meet. I am encouraged to learn how GOD has worked in other people's lives and brought them through things and to things that they would have never anticipated. I think one (1) of the greatest things we can do is to tell our stories.

I remember when some of my nieces were younger that, when my Pops would begin to tell a story, they would so often roll their eyes and say, "Oh no, another back on the farm story." What they didn't realize, then, and what we fail to realize now, is that GOD will speak to us through the stories of others. We can see Him working in the stories of others.

Today's word is Psalm 44:1, NLT, which reads, "O GOD, we have heard it with our own ears - our ancestors have told us of all You did in their day, in days long ago."

People have been telling stories of GOD'S goodness and deliverance for as long as history records. Why? Because, people need to know about GOD'S goodness and deliverance because it encourages us to keep pressing on. When people hear how GOD has brought someone else through something that sounds far worse, far less promising than what they are going through, it encourages them to keep trusting that GOD will bring them through as well.

Go out and share your story. Tell others what GOD has done for you, where He has brought you from, and, most important, where He is taking you to. If you see me, please tell me. I love a good story.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 6, 2020

Loving and Praying

If you have never had anyone that seemed "out to get you", you probably are young or are a much better person than most of us will ever be. I have seen people try desperately to tear others down for no other reason than they just didn't like the fact that the other person was a good person. Yeah, we've talked before that there are those in this world that love to hate.

We recently watched the movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, staring Tom Hanks, about Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers was well respected, revered, well loved by lots of people. However, this reporter kept trying to find something bad, something shocking, something negative to write about Mr. Rogers. There are those in this world that strive to find that something on everyone every day.

Today's word is Matthew 5:44, NLT, which reads, "But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!"

Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to defeat my enemy is to make him my friend." Man, don't you wish it was that easy? The truth is, though, that it could be if both parties were willing to work it out. We know, however, that most of the time one party or the other is more bent on making things worse, on looking for supporters and choosing sides. So, what do we do?

JESUS tells us that, oftentimes, we can only pray for those who do not like us, those who are out to "get us". It is only the Holy Spirit that is able to convict and to change someone's heart. JESUS told us, also, that it should not surprise us that others hate us because, they hated Him first. If they hated JESUS, they will certainly hate me, for I am so much worse. I am going to work harder at loving and praying.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 2, 2020

More like Him

I know some people that have perfected certain things. I have tasted foods that someone had worked on the recipe for years and have perfected it; Reese Cups come to mind. I have seen magicians do certain tricks that are flawless because they have worked on the same trick over and over for years. I try to remind my kids that the only way you ever get better at something is to keep practicing and working at it.

While there are some things that we seem to perfect over time, there are countless others that will never be perfected. I do play a little golf from time to time, and I can tell you that my golf game is FAR from perfect. I mean, on the perfection scale of 1 to 10, my golf game is usually around a 2 or 3. But, I work on it a little from time to time to try and make it better.

Today's word is Philippians 1:6, NASB, which reads, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of CHRIST JESUS."

GOD began a good work in us the moment we accepted JESUS as SAVIOR. And, it is He that will continue to work on us, getting us closer to perfection, each and every day. Now, will we ever be perfect? Not in this life. But, just like anything else that we choose to work on, our Christian life will look more and more Christ-like the more effort we put into it. The more we read the Bible, the more we practice our faith, the more we purposely try to do what JESUS teaches us, the more we begin to look like a Christ follower.

Anything worth having is worth working for. GOD has begun a good work in us that He will continue to work on until He calls us home. At which time, we will finally be the perfect creation He intends. Until then, it is our job, our purpose, our calling to continue working on becoming more like Him. 

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year

It has been a few days since posting; I have taken some vacation and have enjoyed just spending time with my family. There never seems to be enough time with the ones I love. They bring me more joy and more enjoyment than I could ever try to express in mere words. I am truly blessed.

With the new year beginning, 2020, WOW, I just want to take the time to reflect and to look ahead. We have had some challenges in this past decade but we have also had so many blessings. In the last ten (10) years, we have had job changes, moves, church moves, deaths. But, we have also experienced children, Blake and Olivia, and the joys that being parents can be.

In this next ten (10) years, we will see our children progress through grammar, middle and into high school. We will see them earn driver's licenses, go to proms, grow another two (2) or three (3) feet tall. Isn't it amazing when you think about all that can happen in just a decade? I am looking forward to it.

I also pray that we will see people saved and that we will be diligent in all that we do. I want to serve the LORD and do His will; I want to be useful to Him. I want to see our children grow in their faith and to find GOD'S calling for them. My prayer is the same for Trish and me and for each of you. May 2020 be our best year ever! Happy New Year!