Friday, November 30, 2018

Take Care of You

According to the National Day Calendar, today is National Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day. Well, unfortunately, it falls on a Friday, the last day of a month, with lots to do. However, if you can take advantage of this unique opportunity, then, by all means, enjoy a day of wellness at home.

We all need to take a break from time to time to recuperate and to recharge. In this busy society, especially in this busy time of year, there is ALWAYS something to do, somewhere to go, someone to see. BUT, we also need to take a few minutes every now and then and just catch our breath and rest.

Today's word is Mark 6:31, ESV, which reads, "And He said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat."

The disciples were busy doing good things, ministering to countless people who truly needed it. But, as we read in today's passage, they were so busy they didn't even have time to eat. You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself. You can't help others if you become so weak that you have to be helped. We all need to rest.

Look, it is National Stay At Home Because You are Well Day, and maybe you are like the majority of us and that is not an option, but, when you get a chance, today, tomorrow, this weekend, next week, take a break. We all need to take a break and get some rest. Again, you can't take care of others if you don't take care of you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Joy is coming

Have you ever been angry? I mean, really angry? I have been angry, really angry, a few times but I don't usually stay angry. I know people that are angry at everyone and everything and they don't even know why; they are just angry.

Being angry doesn't really accomplish much of anything positive on a regular basis. Oh, it'll accomplish ulcers and wrinkles and possible hypertension and heart attacks but I don't see any of that as a real positive. As I said, we all get angry. But, it is what we do with the anger and how long we hold that anger that really matters.

Today's word holds two reminders for us. Psalm 30:5, NKJV reads, "For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life: Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning."

I probably make a lot of people angry, probably on a daily basis, yet, even when GOD gets angry with me, His child, He doesn't stay angry. He loves me and, while I disappoint Him from time to time and make Him angry from time to time, He doesn't stay angry because He loves me. Just as we love our children, GOD loves us even more perfectly.

And, as I mentioned earlier this week, there has been a lot of death in our lives the last few months. We hurt for and pray for all these that have seen their loved ones go to eternity. We can also rest assured that GOD is still with us, He still cares, He still holds us. And, while it may never get better, He will help us get through it. We will have our nights of weeping but He will bring joy in the morning. Hold to Him; hang in there; let go of anger; joy is coming.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

When we are truly strong

I have acknowledged before that I have seen amazingly strong examples of strength in my life, and I am not talking about physical. I have seen people that have gone through unimaginable difficulties and pain, while keeping a smile and positive attitude about it all. Most of them, of course, are strong Christians, who receive their strength from the Almighty.

On the other hand, I have seen folks that will turn tail and run at the drop of a hat. I have seen them, in the slightest of difficulty, give in and give up. I have also seen these same people that would give in way to easily in other situations stand strong in the face of the most fierce opposition. I have come to realize that our strength is influenced by the heat of the moment.

Today's word is a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, which I am going to rephrase slightly: "A person is like a teabag - you never know how strong they are until they get in hot water."

I think our true strength displays itself when we have to. In situations that I may think someone should be stronger, the fact may be that the other person isn't feeling the heat, and his/her response is affected by the pressure, the heat, that they are feeling. However, when the heat is on, true strength will show itself, which may be good or may not. If your strength comes from the LORD, I can promise you that you are strong.

I have rambled today, and I apologize. I am just trying to get across that when things get tough, when things get hard, when things get difficult, our true strength will show. And, if all we have to rely on is our physical strength, we are often going to fail. However, if we allow GOD to work through us in every situation, we will find that that is when we are truly strong.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

My strength and my portion FOREVER

Losing a loved one to death is a very difficult time in anyone's life, no matter the loved ones age. Allow me to say, again, however, that my loved ones have passed but they are not LOST, I know where they are. But, it is still difficult for those of us remaining here. While my Pops and other loved ones are whole and living with JESUS in eternity, I miss them.

These past few months have been difficult in my family, biological and professional. My uncle passed just a few months ago, another uncle less than a month ago, a coworker's, and friend's, father last week, my aunt just two days ago, and a great man, example, and prominent community leader just yesterday. We pray for the families, comfort where we can, and rely on the Holy Spirit to provide that comfort that only GOD can.

Today's word is a passage that I try to remember when I am feeling down: Psalm 73:26, NIV, reads, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

In this life, we will suffer loss. We will struggle with things that used to not be a problem at all. There will be times when our spirit is willing but the flesh just cannot do it anymore. There will be those times when we just can't make our fleshly bodies do what we know we used to do. There will be those times that we will see our loved ones struggle with these same maladies. BUT...

BUT, I know that GOD is my strength. And, come what may, He has me by the hand and will continue to lead me and comfort me and encourage me each step along the journey. My flesh and my heart may fail, but, GOD will NEVER fail. He is my strength and my portion FOREVER.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 26, 2018

When we are together

I hope and pray everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We shouldn't reserve one day each year to return thanks for all that GOD has done and is doing for us. But, it is really nice that once a year we try to assemble together and collectively remember GOD for all His goodness.

Now, it is unfortunate when families, loved ones, can't get together in peace and harmony for even a few hours. But, that is the case sometimes. I am blessed to see my family, all of them. What we have to keep in mind is that we are each individuals, with our own quirks and our own "issues". We may be having a bad morning prior to the get together. We never know what someone else is going through.

Today's word is a passage from Psalm to remind us about getting together: Psalm 133:1, NIV, reads, "How good and pleasant it is when GOD'S people live together in unity."

It is nice when everyone gets along and there is no moaning, groaning, complaining, griping, etc. It is nice when we can all agree to disagree. However, there are still those times when things are a little askew and emotions are near the surface; that's when the unity is lost. I try to keep in mind, when it is my emotions, that keeping peace and unity for everyone else is the least I can do.

Anyway, again, I pray everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We are entering the time of year that we celebrate the birth of our SAVIOR, the GIFT. I am forever, eternally thankful for GOD loving me enough to accept me into His family. I am thankful for the family that He has blessed me with. I pray that I can always have a good attitude when we are together.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

One gracious blessing after another

Okay, I know I talked about being grateful yesterday but, it is Thanksgiving week, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I can't help but want to give thanks for all that the LORD has done and given to me. I don't have to look very far or very long to see blessing after blessing after blessing. The mere fact that I can sit here and type this morning is a blessing that I will NEVER take for granted. NEVER.

But, there are countless others, which I am not going to try to sit here and list. I just wanted to say, "Thank you, LORD, for ALL the many, many blessings in my life." You would truly be hard-pressed to find anyone more blessed than I am. And, again, not because I deserve it; GOD blesses His children just because He loves us and just because He can.

Today's word is John 1:16, NLT, which reads, "From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another."

Even on those days when things aren't going my way, when it seems that there is one calamity after another, if I will just take a second and think, I will realize how blessed I am. There are so many things that we take for granted: walking, talking, cognitive thinking, breathing, hearing, seeing, and the list goes on and on. Yes, there will be bad moments, maybe in each day, but for the most part, there is LOTS to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Give thanks to the One Who gives one gracious blessing after another.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What we have is enough

I don't know about you, but, I have had those moments when I stood in front of a refrigerator or a pantry full of food and thought, "We have nothing to eat." Or, when I have stood in front of my overstuffed closet and thought, "Man, I don't have anything to wear." Maybe it is just me, but, it has happened.

Obviously, from my description about the refrigerator, the pantry, or the closet, none of my thoughts were true or accurate. We have plenty to eat - plenty. Sometimes, it may not be exactly what you were looking for but, if you are truly hungry, there is stuff to eat. While it may not be the latest fashion, my closet is FULL of clothes. It really all comes down to realizing you have enough.

Today's word is just a thought, a saying, that I think about as we approach Thanksgiving, and that I try to remember ever day: "Gratitude will turn what you have into ENOUGH."

When we find ourselves truly thankful for all the blessings that we already have, we begin to realize how truly blessed we really are. We live in the greatest country in the world. Does it have its problems? OH YES. But, it is still the greatest country in the world. We have access to great medical care, great food supplies, great churches, and the freedom to worship JESUS CHRIST. It is truly the greatest country.

Then, if you are like me, you have a closet full of clothes and a refrigerator and pantry full of food. When I think of how much I have been blessed, I can't help but be grateful and thankful. Is it because I deserve it? No, it is just because GOD poured it out on me. I truly believe when we start being grateful for what we do have and stop wanting more, we will realize that what we have is enough.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 15, 2018

How Small

Have you ever done something that you never thought you would be able to do? I mean, have you ever accomplished a feat, exceeded a goal, that you had set that you never thought you could actually attain. Or, have you ever overcome something that seemed so difficult, so devastating, so undoable that even now you are amazed you survived it?

I think we have all had challenges in our lives that, when we look back, we are amazed at how we came through them. Unscathed? No. Unchanged? No. Better for it? Yes. Grown from it? Yes. We never get stronger if we are never challenged, if we never have to put forth more than mediocre effort.

Today's word is just something I came across that reminds me that, with GOD, we can do anything: "Sometimes GOD will put a Goliath in your life, for you to find the David within you."

We will have our times of trials and struggles; that is just the way life is in this world. It is what we do about those challenges, how we handle those difficulties, what we learn from those struggles, how we apply those lessons in our lives and the lives of others, that is the real goal. If we sit down and do nothing every time things get difficult, we will never grow - and NOTHING will ever get done.

All we have to do is remember how GOD used David, a young, small, shepherd boy to defeat a GIANT. Of course, it had nothing to do with David's physical strength, but it did have to do with David's spiritual strength and his faith that GOD had it under control. When the challenges come, don't look at how big the challenge is; look at how small it is compared to GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I try to follow Him

We are blessed! And, when I say that, I am not just saying that. I know how much GOD has given us, more than I could ever think, dream, or imagine. We are blessed with good health, a good house, a good life. We have love and kindness and compassion and caring in our home. Yes, we also have our disputes and disturbances and disruptions but they are far outweighed by the blessings.

I look back on my life and wonder why GOD has been so good to me and to us. I can tell you that I don't deserve it any more than anyone else. But, GOD has determined, by His great love for us, that we don't deserve it any less. We try to be good stewards of that which GOD provides. We try to make good use of His many blessings. And, He has always rewarded our efforts.

Today's word is a reminder to me that GOD expects me to do my part. 1 Timothy 5:8, NIV, reads, "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

GOD tells us that we are to provide for our families. One of His commandments is to "Honor your Father and Mother." We are to take care of those in our families, especially those in our own household. Trish, Blake, and Olivia are my great blessings, and my first earthly priority. I am to take care of them, provide for them, protect them. It isn't just my duty and obligation - it is my privilege and blessing.

GOD only knows how my kids are going to turn out. I pray every day that they will listen to His calling and answer. I pray that they will find good examples to follow and that they will see that His way is THE WAY. I pray that they will be able to see His love through me. I pray that I set a good example and that they will see that I try to follow Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Can't help but Smile

Not long ago, the kids wanted to go to a fast food restaurant for breakfast. We don't go out for breakfast often but they wanted something specific and it wasn't going to break the bank to give them something that they wanted. So, we went to this particular fast food establishment in order to get a hash brown that they would cover with jam and eat.

As I approached the counter to place our order, I was whistling, which I have been known to do. The lady behind the register said, "Well, someone certainly is happy this morning." I replied, "Actually, I am usually always happy." To this she asked, "And, how does that work?" I said, "Simply put, I wake up in the morning and choose to be happy." Then, she asked, "So, it's really that easy?" I replied, "It is for me."

Today's word is Proverbs 15:13, NIV, which reads, "A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."

There will be days when it just seems that this world is piling on. It'll seem that we can barely get past one thing before another hits us, then another, and another, you get the idea. We will all experience those days when it seems that everything is broken and it will NEVER be any better. And, if all we focus on is what is currently happening, it will seem even more dire. BUT...

But, if we will focus on GOD and His great love for us and His great plan for us and His great care for us, we can see that, even in the midst of despair, there is reason to smile. Yes, I have my bad days, too. No, I don't always smile and whistle; that would be insane. But, for the most part, I know how blessed I am. And, when I focus on ALL the blessing I have, I can't help but smile.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 9, 2018

Happy Veterans Day

Sunday is Veterans Day. I am so thankful and grateful to all those who have served to protect the freedoms we all enjoy. We, as a nation, will probably never agree on anything. BUT, we SHOULD all agree that those that have served to provide our freedoms are worthy of our thanks and gratitude, along with the families that support them.

Our soldiers, sailors, and airmen are all over the world ensuring that I can get to work this morning, get my kids to school, get to church this Sunday, go to the movies, dine out, talk about our government. We have the freedoms that we so richly enjoy because they are willing to give up some personal freedoms to protect it.

In honor of Veterans Day, today's word is a quote from Omar Bradley that says, "Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared to death."

We are a great nation because of those willing to sacrifice to make it great. We are a great nation as long as we remember that GOD gives us everything, and it is our duty to protect it and be good stewards of it. We are a great nation as long as we serve Him, and we do that by serving our fellow man. The hours are long, the challenges are difficult, the circumstances can be daunting, but the mission is still completed.

Thanks to all the brave men and women that serve, and have served, to protect and to preserve. I am grateful for you. I am thankful for you. I am praying for you. Thank you for making and keeping this the greatest country in the world! Happy Veterans Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 8, 2018

He Understands

There are certain things that happen that you just cannot understand. As I have mentioned before, I don't know why certain things happen to anybody. I especially don't know why "bad" things happen to some people. I don't know why select people seem to have an abundance of struggles and others go through life almost completely unscathed. I just don't know.

It is when we go through these difficult times that we have a tendency to wonder if GOD is with us, if He hears our prayers, if He sees the struggles, if He sees the heartaches, if He cares. I can tell you, without a doubt, that He is there, He hears, He sees, He cares.

Today's word is Isaiah 40:28, NLT, which reads, "Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting GOD, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding."

We can know and stand confidently that our GOD, the One and Only True and Living GOD, is on our side. Yes, things may be going in ways that we were not expecting and in ways that we don't feel that we "deserve". But, trust me, He is there. The LORD never grows tired, He never gets worn out. He is constantly, consistently, continually there, helping us through everything. And, He understands.

Our GOD isn't just some far away being that doesn't know what is going on. No, He knows EVERYTHING. He understands hurt and betrayal; we have betrayed Him countless times. He understands heartache and pain; we have caused Him much. He understands loss; He gave His only Son. We can rest assured that He is there, He understands, and He will help us through.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Congratulations Jerry and Mary Ann

My in-laws celebrated their fiftieth (50th) anniversary two days ago, an almost unheard of feat in this day and age. They have chosen that come what may, they would remain married no matter what, even after their daughter married someone like me.

I am sure there have been many ups and downs, joys and sorrows, happys and sads. I am sure there have probably been times that they wondered if they would make it through another day, much less fifty years. But, they have stayed the course, they have remained steadfast, loyal, faithful, dedicated. So, here's to Jerry and Mary Ann!

Today's word is a very familiar passage that is often used during wedding ceremonies. Matthew 19:6, NLT, reads, "Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what GOD has joined together."

I am not going to talk about divorce and giving up; I want to applaud those, who like my in-laws, my parents, have taken this verse to heart and haven't allowed anything to split them apart. My parents were married 53 years when my Pops passed. Now, Trishia's parents have been married 50. What a testament to us, their children.

Again, I just want to say, "Congratulations Jerry and Mary Ann!" I pray you see many, many more happy and blessed years of marriage!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 5, 2018

Affect them positively

This weekend was a very busy, but mostly productive, one. I spent Saturday installing some sub-flooring and flooring in my Mom's house. Now, this is not about me; it is about my niece, Nicole. Nicole had worked the night shift Friday night and got off just before we started Saturday morning. Then, she worked all day Saturday, moving furniture, laying flooring, holding molding, etc. all day. She was a trooper; and, I am really proud of her.

Then, yesterday, after church, we traveled to see Frozen, Disney on Ice. While Blake and I didn't get the most out of it, Trish and Olivia were thrilled. If you asked our young son if he enjoyed it, he would tell you, "No." However, he sat through the entire show and didn't complain a single time. I was really proud of the way he handled it.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me that it isn't always about me: "Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts."

We can often do things that we think go unnoticed, and even unappreciated. First, though, we shouldn't be doing it for the praise we will receive; we should be doing things, helping others, because it is the right thing to do. More important, however, is that it is often more appreciated than we could ever imagine. I know my Mom really appreciates Nicole's work Saturday; it is something that she will appreciate every time she walks into her living room. And, Nicole appreciates her NaNa enough to give up a little sleep and to help. It is something they will both remember and appreciate.

For Blake, while the ice rink may not have been everything he wanted, his Mom and little sister will always remember seeing the show and that he was there with them. They will remember the joy they experienced and that he was a big part of it. We do things for others because we love them. We will never truly know how much our actions affect someone else. Let's affect them positively.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 2, 2018

What we need to boast about

Man, there are some people in this world that love to brag. They will tell you all about how good they are, how strong they are, how smart they are, etc. And, look, it is great to be strong and good and smart. And, I know that they have probably put a lot of work and effort into being strong and studying. But, they didn't do it alone...

It seems that we want to boast about our accomplishments. I like to tell people that the older I get the better I was. Time has a tendency to dim the fact that I was mediocre at my very best. I was a pretty fast runner when I was younger. Do you know why I was faster than others? Because I worked at being faster? Because I ate some special supplement? No, GOD just made me a little faster.

Do you know what a gift it is to be able to run 100 meters in 10 seconds? Yes, the elite athletes train, and train hard, but, they are gifted to run extremely fast. I could train from now until kingdom come and I will NEVER run 100 meters in 10 seconds. Why? Because GOD didn't give me that gift. So, if you have been given a GIFT (e.g., singing, playing a musical instrument, running, throwing a football, cartwheeling, being seven feet tall with coordination) can you really take credit for the gift? Wasn't it given to you?

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 1:31, NLT, which reads, "Therefore, as the Scriptures say, 'If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.'"

We have ALL been gifted in so many ways - Give GOD the credit He deserves for giving those gifts. Yes, by all means, boast about how hard you work, how much you try to hone and use that gift, but how can we boast about a gift, except the Gift of Salvation through faith in JESUS CHRIST? Now, He is what we need to boast about.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Trick or Treat Adventure

So, last night we went Trick or Treating. We have previously always gone to fall festivals and trunk-a-treats, which are all great and for which I am always appreciative. But, we wanted our kids to go trick or treating; go door-to-door, open their bag, say, "Trick or Treat", received candy, and say, "Thank You," then, repeat. What we found was that not a lot of people participate in giving out candy anymore.

When I was a child, everyone gave out candy. We would walk the neighborhood and receive candy from someone at every house. Not so much anymore. We hit many more houses not giving out candy last night than were. Now, we also went to a fall festival and the kids got PLENTY of candy, but, I just wonder why so many people don't give out candy.

Today's word is a quote from Charles R. Swindoll that says, "Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children."

Last night, even though it wasn't like I remembered it, our kids had a ball! They loved going from one house to the next. They loved knocking on doors. They loved the anticipation of what was coming. They loved the entire experience, regardless of the amount of candy they received. When they went to the house where the owner simply said, "NO CANDY," they were not deterred. As a matter of fact, they spent the rest of the evening imitating the voice, and laughing and laughing, which was quite a memory.

I don't ever want to forget the memories of my childhood. I don't ever want to forget the many blessings that I had growing up. I don't ever want to forget that I am helping to make those memories for my children. I don't ever want to forget that I am making deposits into their memory banks every single day. I don't ever want to forget the fun they had on their first Trick or Treat adventure.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T