Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Reminders through beauticians

I received a very refreshing and encouraging blessing while Blake was getting his hair cut the other day. We were at one of the hair cutting facilities in a strip mall and I overheard the conversation that the stylist next to Blake's was having with the customer in her chair.

It seems that the young stylist had asked the young man in her chair about how things were going in his life. The young man gave the usual reply of, "Everything is pretty good." The stylist went on to ask about children. The young man said he had a son but that the mother and he had gotten divorced. Then, he went on to share that he had made mistakes and was trying to figure things out. Then, I heard this young stylist say, "GOD has a plan for your life. Yes, we've all made mistakes, we have all failed, but if you are GOD'S child, and you say you are, GOD still has a plan for your life..."

Today's word is Psalm 32:8, NLT, which reads, "The LORD says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'"

It was refreshing and humbling to see this young stylist use her occupation, her calling, her job for ministry. She was sharing the gospel with someone that was searching for direction. We have all failed. We have all found ourselves lost and confused about GOD'S plan for our lives from time to time. We have all searched for answers and hoped for solutions, and here was this young lady sharing the good news that GOD will direct you.

We will all have moments when we can't seem to get footing, where we can't seem to get traction, where we can't seem to make sense of all that is going on. But, if we will turn to GOD, He has promised to guide us, advise us, and watch over us. And, sometimes, He even sends reminders through beauticians.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 29, 2018

How delightful it truly is

As you are aware, I have failed before. I make no false pretenses, I make no boasts about being good; I am a man that has made a lot of mistakes that GOD has graciously saved. And, even though I have been saved a long time now, I still make mistakes. Not making any excuses, but it is just human nature.

However, when I do mess up and sin, conviction is quick. I don't like being outside of GOD'S will even for a millisecond. I want to be found faithful. I want to be found doing His work and following His commands. I want to be a good witness and a good example of what a Christian should be. Again, I fail at it often, but that is my desire.

Today's word is Psalm 112:1, NLT, which reads, "Praise the LORD! How joyful are those who fear the LORD and delight in obeying His commands."

I am usually a happy person. Not because we have everything we want; we never will. Not because I don't have any problems; we have as many as most. Not because I am naive or delusional; I am a true realist. No, I am usually happy because I know that GOD loves me and He is always working on my behalf.

The longer I serve the LORD, the more I want to please Him, the more I want to obey Him. And, the more I try to obey Him, the happier I find myself. It is difficult to continue in sin and be happy. I know. But, if you will trust JESUS and commit yourself to following Him, you may just find how delightful it truly is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 26, 2018

Don't let negativity steal another second

There is a lot of negativity in this world, if you look for it. There are people doing things to others that is absolutely unnatural, immoral, unacceptable. There are people saying things about others that they should be ashamed of but, of course, they're not. There is all the unrest and skirmishes and turmoil throughout our country and our world. There is a lot of negativity.

It's hard to get away from negativity. Once it embeds itself in our mind, it takes over. Once negativity camps out in our thoughts, all we see are negative things. Once negativity takes root, it rules us. If all we focus on is the negative, all we will see are the negatives.

Today's word is just a thought about overcoming negativity: "A negative mind will NEVER give you a positive life."

There is a lot of negativity in our world but I choose to focus on the positives. I am older, which means I have survived a lot of things that others have not. I have some aches and pains, which means that I have lived a life filled with activity and adventure. I don't have a lot of money, but I am the richest man you will ever find - I have a wife who loves me and two children that GOD has blessed us with that teach me more and more every day about what truly matters. And, as you've heard me say before, "All this and Heaven too."

What are you focusing on? If your entire focus is looking at all the bad and wondering how much worse it could possibly get, you may just find out how much worse it could get. Why not take the time to look at the positives today? Why not look around and see all the great things that GOD has done for us? The beauty of another day. The love of others. The smile of a spouse. The laughter of a child. Don't let negativity steal another second.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 25, 2018

He will run to us

I had to go out of town for a seminar and arrived back last night. Now, I was only gone for one night but Trish and the kids seemed really glad to see me. I WAS glad to see them. There is no place like home.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that it will always be this way. I pray it will. I hope it will. But, our two little ones will become teenagers one day, and I doubt that they will miss me as much as they do now. I do think Trish will always be that way. I know I certainly am about her. But, suffice it to say, there is something special about coming home or for someone you love to come back home.

Today's word is Luke 15:20, ESV, which reads,"And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him."

The story of the prodigal son is such a powerful reminder of how much GOD truly loves me and desires to have a relationship with me (and you). The prodigal son had taken his portion of his dad's inheritance and had gone out and lived a sinful life and blew everything. He had gotten to the point that he thought about eating the slop he was hired to feed the pigs. Everyone was his "friend" until the money ran out. Sound familiar?

We have all sinned and fallen short of GOD'S commands. We have all spent time wasting what He has given us: time, talent, money, etc. But, if we will just come to our senses, if we will just see that He is still there and is waiting to take us back, we would run to Him. If we will let go of our sin and turn back to Him, we will find that He will run to us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The right equipment

So, our son has decided that he wants to play baseball, T-ball for his age group, this spring. We have played a couple of seasons of soccer and, now, he has decided to give baseball a try. I am excited! I played a lot of baseball growing up. As a matter of fact, I played a lot of sports growing up; played them all poorly but played them.

In order to play any sport, you have to have the right equipment. You can hit a football with a baseball bat but it isn't going to go very far, and that isn't the design of the game. And, a volleyball net and a tennis net are both nets, and both divide the court, but they are definitely not the same. I could even spike a volleyball over a tennis net.

Today's word is Hebrews 13:21a, NLT, which reads, "May He equip you with all you need for doing His will. May He produce in you, through the power of JESUS CHRIST, every good thing that is pleasing to Him..."

When you need equipment, you have to go to where you can find it. It will do us no good to look for sports equipment at a medical supply store, and vice versa. I have bought a lot of medical supplies because of playing sports but I haven't bought sporting equipment at the medical supply store.

The same goes for doing GOD'S work. Only He can provide us with what we need to accomplish what He has purposed for us. Many people search a lot of different places, trying to find what only GOD can provide. If you are wondering how you are going to accomplish GOD'S good work, you have to go to the One that provides the right equipment.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 22, 2018

The middle of the ocean

If you have never been on the open ocean in the middle of the night, you have missed a treat. Yes, there is some light but not much; it is really hard to see. You might pick up a faint reflection from the moon light shining on some object but it is very faint. For the most part, you don't see anything that your lights aren't shining on.

We hear stories of ships that crash into rocks and land masses because it was dark or stormy or both. Again, it is hard to see without the help of auxiliary lighting. Of course, ships have sonar and radar and GPS, which has certainly made navigation easier in recent days. But, one of the first, and best, beacons that navigators had were lighthouses...

Today's word is Psalm 43:3, ESV, which reads, "Send out Your light and Your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling!"

Much like lighthouses help navigate the seas, we need a beacon to lead us in our everyday lives. Many folks look for their direction in a lot of different, and sometimes strange, ways. They will listen to talk show hosts or the new, popular self-help "guru" or someone who claims to be an expert but they really aren't. Why not go to the source? Why not take GOD'S road map for our lives, The Holy Bible, and utilize it for direction?

If you find yourself lost and looking for direction, you need something dependable to show you the way. Even the modern day GPS will park you in front of a vacant lot that is supposed to be the main tourist attraction in town; it's not always dependable. BUT, GOD is the same yesterday, today, forever. His direction will get you where you need to be - with Him - even if you are in the middle of the ocean.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 19, 2018

It may not be a bad thing

I heard of a recent survey that listed one of the traits of people who have longevity (live longer) is stubbornness. If that is true, I may live forever! Now, of course, I will live forever, just not here on this earth. But, there is not doubt about it, I am stubborn.

The story goes that I was born two weeks late. My Mom was in labor with me for about thirty-six hours, which apparently started a stubborn streak in me that holds VERY STRONG to this day. However, I don't know that being stubborn is necessarily a bad thing, not in every situation anyway.

Today's word is a very familiar passage, and one I have used before. But, it really goes with today's thought. 1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV, reads, "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain."

It is so easy to give up on things, especially in today's society that seems to see everything and everyone as disposable an replaceable. But, there is more to say about those who have some resiliency and stubbornness, those who will dig their heels in and get the job done, especially those doing the LORD'S work.

Thank you all for doing what GOD has called you to do. Be stubborn, stick to it. Be steadfast and immovable. GOD has called you to it - Do it. And, if you are married to a really steadfast person, such as Trish is, try to remember that it may not be a bad thing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Medium Raw

I like steak; not that I eat it that often but I really do like it. Now, as most people who like steak, I like mine prepared a certain way. You have those who like their steak passed over the flame and served raw; that's not for me. My steak can have a little pink in the middle but it has to be warm and very little.

I ordered a steak medium well once, but when I received it, it was medium well. Now, the outside looked like it had been prepared as I had requested. BUT, when I cut into it, it was definitely not medium well, it was medium raw.

Today's word is 1 Samuel 16:7b, NIV, which reads, "...The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Just as my steak outwardly appeared to be exactly what I had requested, many folks put on a false front appearing to be everything they should be. Now, I am not pointing fingers; I, too, have failed miserably. However, there are lots of people being deceived by others who outwardly appear to be GOD-fearing, GOD-believing, GOD-serving, BUT, if you cut into them, you find that they are not done - they are raw.

We have to be careful not to allow our eyes to tempt us into believing something is what it isn't. We have to allow GOD to give us discernment to determine if what we are seeing is what is real. Because, as we mentioned, there are lots of people deceiving others by putting on a great outward appearance, while the inside is not up to par. And, I don't mean my standards, I mean GOD'S.

Don't just look at the outward appearance. Cut with the Sword of the Truth and make sure they are medium well and not medium raw.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What He wants me to be

I read a story about a guy named Maurice Anderson giving the boots off his feet to a homeless man on a subway. It seems that the homeless man had inadequate footwear for the brutal winter season in the Midwest, and Mr. Anderson felt compelled to literally give this gentleman the very clothes he was wearing. Absolutely amazing and humbling!

Now, Mr. Anderson didn't tell the story, a lady who witnessed the act did. She couldn't help but share how one man's generosity was exactly what another man needed. I would dare say it was something that she needed to see and we all need to be reminded of - we are here to help one another, and we serve GOD by serving each other.

Today's word is Matthew 25:40, ESV, which reads, "And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.'"

In this passage, we are reminded that when we help others we are doing what GOD has called us to do. Yes, we must be wise and use discernment, for there are those that will take advantage of your generosity. There are those that will rob GOD Himself and never think twice about it. But, there are also those that GOD puts along our path to remind us how good He has been to us and to allow us a chance to truly serve Him.

I pray that GOD will always nudge me to do His will. I pray that I will humbly and diligently seek His will. I pray that I will earnestly and sincerely serve Him by serving others. I pray that I see the opportunities He presents to me. I pray I can be what He wants me to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wherever I have gone

I have done a fair amount of traveling, especially in my younger days. During that travel, I have seen some things and been in some positions/situations that were uncomfortable. Some even downright scary. Even having said that, though, I know there are others that have been in more harrowing situations than I could ever imagine.

I think about the false nuclear attack that was broadcast in Hawaii. Thankfully, it was erroneous but the fear for those 38 minutes could never be explained. I cannot imagine what I would have felt, as a husband and father, and not being able to truly protect my wife and children. It had to have been very troubling and disturbing.

Today's word is Genesis 35:3b, NLT, which reads, "...GOD Who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He has been with me wherever I have gone."

The one Thing, the one Good Thing, the one Peaceful Thing that I had and have when things are going bad is that GOD is always with me. He is guiding me, instructing me, leading me, nurturing me, and, when necessary, carrying me. We know that with GOD nothing is impossible. We also know that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

The next time you find yourself in a troubling, disturbing, stressful situation, remember that GOD is there with you. You can call on Him and He will hear your prayers. You can seek Him and He will be found. Everything may not turn out the way you want but, you won't go through it alone. I know this because GOD has gone with me wherever I have gone.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 12, 2018

Don't let worry steal your joy

Ever find yourself in the dumps and can't really put your finger on why? I mean, I think life is full of ebbs and flows, ups and downs. But, usually, we can know why we are happy and why we are not. But, on occasions, I find myself in a somber mood, and I really don't know why.

Maybe it is the weather. I am affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder. When it turns cold and gloomy and drizzly, I have a tendency to get more somber and melancholy. We are an outside family. So, when we can't be outside, everyone seems in a less than upbeat mood. Not always, but sometimes.

Of course, sometimes, our moods are affected by what's on our minds, what we are thinking about. There is no doubt that worry will usually put me in a sour mood. The really sad part about that is that worry has NEVER fixed anything. NEVER. We can worry about some of the most trivial stuff that will never amount to a hill of beans and allow that worry to steal the joy of some of the most precious times.

Today's word is a "quote" I came across some time ago and can't really remember where. But, it says, "Worrying won't stop bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good."

I think this quote is spot on and helps to remind me that being all wrapped up in my worries and concerns may cause me to miss some of the most precious moments I could ever enjoy. I don't want to miss a single smile or laugh from my wife or kids or loved-ones. I want to share in their joys, and the joys of those I work with and fellowship with. Bad things are going to happen, they just do. But don't let worrying about those things keep you from enjoying the many blessings surrounding you everyday. Don't let worry steal your joy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Put your confidence in Him

Let me begin this post by confessing that I have made mistakes - BIG ONES. I am not in any way glossing over my sins and failures. I am in no way belittling my sins. I am admitting that I have mad MANY mistakes and committed many sins. I have confessed before that even on my best day I fail. Not that I want to, not that I am proud of that fact, it is truth. All I can do is ask GOD to forgive me,  ask anyone I have wronged to forgive me, turn from that sin, and try to not sin again.

I wanted to start with that acknowledgement prior to getting into today's post. I am not condemning anyone, only GOD has that right. I am not trying to convict anyone, only GOD has that power. But, none of us live in a vacuum and, lately, there has been an abundance of news pertaining to prominent, powerful, Christian people who have made grievous errors in judgment and have committed sins. And, of course, everyone wants to point out how they are supposed to be the morally correct and, yet, they have sinned. Again, allow me to say, as we all have. Now, in NO WAY am I condoning any of these acts. I am just stating that we have ALL sinned and come short of the glory of GOD. What these individuals should have done, as we all should, is ask GOD to forgive them, ask those they have hurt and wronged to forgive them, and not try to cover things up.

We are all hurt by these acts. No, not like the ones they were committed against. But, we all feel the hurt that has been exacted and feel the condemnation placed on everyone that confesses to be Christian. Again, not condoning any of the sins, just saying that just because one Christian sinned doesn't mean that all are guilty of that sin.

Today's word is Psalm 146:3, NLT, which reads, "Don't put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there."

We, Christians, should do better, behave better, be better. However, we, Christians, are still human. And, humans make mistakes, some bigger than others, but, we all make them. I think we often try to put people on pedestals: politicians, pastors, civic leaders, actors, etc. But, these are all still humans, flawed, failed, and fallacious. We shouldn't be surprised that politicians, tv personalities, or pastors are caught in sin. They are no different than any other human. It hurts that they fail. It hurts that they falter. It hurts that they aren't what they profess and we hope that they are. But, we shouldn't be surprised; they are human. What we need to do is quite putting our confidence in people and realize that the only One that will NEVER fail us is GOD! Put your confidence in Him!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Two outstanding young men

For those who don't follow football, Alabama won the CFP National Championship on Monday night in an overtime thriller. I realize that not everyone is an Alabama fan, and that is certainly each individual's prerogative. However, if you listened to post game interviews, you can't help but be fans of Jalen Hurts and Tua Tagovailoa.

Jalen Hurts had been Alabama's starting quarterback for the last two seasons. He has lost only two games in those two seasons. However, he had struggled recently, especially in big games, and Monday was no different. So, to start the second half, Nick Saban, Alabama's coach, decided it was time to make a change and put Tagovailoa in as quarterback. And, history was made.

Tagovailoa led the Crimson Tide to a victory after they trailed by thirteen twice. He threw an incredibly impressive forty-one yard touchdown pass to a true freshman, in overtime, for the victory. Tagovailoa is a true freshman himself. It was quite impressive.

Today's word is Micah 6:8, NLT, which reads, "No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your GOD."

In the post game interviews, Jalen Hurts, who had been benched for an underclassman, had nothing but praise for the way Tagovailoa played. As a matter of fact, he cheered him on from the sideline and encouraged and coached him at every opportunity. Tagovailoa praised GOD for the opportunity and his teammates for standing strong and making plays.

Both, Hurts and Tagovailoa, were very humble and gracious. Both are believers. Both displayed today's word exemplary. We can all learn something from these two outstanding young men.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The wicked run away

According to the National Day Calendar, today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. I am grateful for our men and women of law enforcement. Statistics indicate that about every two (2) minutes, law enforcement is dispatched to some scene. So, about every two (2) minutes someone puts their life on the line for others; that is very humbling.

I have and have had some very good and dear friends that have/had law enforcement careers. These people are the cream of the crop, the creme de la creme, the very best. Thank you for all you do for our society, for our families, for our world.

Today's word is Proverbs 28:1, NLT, which reads, "The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions."

We all have tried to run away from our sins from time to time. We have tried to deny it, hide it, evade it. But, sin has a way of catching up with us. ALWAYS. I HATE when I sin. I hate that I fail. I hate that I come up short of what I should be. I don't sin on purpose but I sin way more than I want. I have learned through the years that if I will turn from that sin, ask GOD to forgive me of that sin, He will.

No one has ever given more than JESUS CHRIST, Who left Heaven to come and pay a price that I could not. I am forever grateful that He counted me worthy. I am forever humbled that He thought I was worth it. I am forever thankful that instead of running from sin, I can run to the arms of my loving SAVIOR. In the meantime, here on earth, I am also so very thankful that He has called the men and women of law enforcement to make the wicked run away.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 8, 2018

Flying Blind

We watched the movie Flying Blind, from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, yesterday in church. I won't give away the movie; I think everyone should see it for themselves. However, I will tell you that it is relevant and eye-opening. It is a good reminder to us all that we can't allow ourselves to get comfortable and complacent.

I admit that from time to time I find myself "thinking" that I have it all together, that I am doing good things and that I don't have to worry about the "roaring lion". Yet, that is when satan is most prone to strike. It is when we let our guards down that satan will swoop in and tempt us with the very thing(s) he know will. The old saying is, "Give satan and inch and he will be your ruler."

Today's word is Ephesians 6:18a, NLT, which reads, "Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent..."

Satan walks around just looking for any opportunity to bring us down. He doesn't care about our families, our loved ones, our reputations, our lives. He only wants to destroy and take everything. And, if he can cause a Christian to stumble and bring dishonor to GOD, that is just icing on the cake. We have to understand that our adversary, the devil, will present every evil temptation. We have to recognize his schemes and defeat his plans. How? I'm glad you asked.

We have to remain alert and persistent. We have to stay close to GOD. We have to pray and nurture our relationship. We have to study His word and do His work. We have to look for warning signs, and not disregard them when they start alerting us to the danger ahead. This post is for me. I am reminding myself of how easy it is to fall and fail. I am reminding myself that it is time to stop flying blind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The strength we find

So, we like most other folks, have a lot going on in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Some are struggling with physical ailments, some with financial shortages, some with emotional hurts, and others with just trying to figure it out.

Not to beleaguer the point but things get hard from time to time. As we have mentioned before, you are either coming out of a storm, in a storm, or headed for a storm. The one consistency in this life is that it changes. There are some enormous challenges to overcome. There are tough decisions to make. There are great trials to face. This world can be quite difficult, BUT, our GOD has overcome this world and is walking us through ours.

Today's word is something that is a mix of some things I have heard and the way I sum it up and paraphrase it in my mind. It simply says, "When life gets hard, determine to be strong. What challenges you today, strengthens you tomorrow."

Life will have its ups and downs, its ebbs and flows. There will be happy days and sad days. There will be good days and bad days. There will be fun days and merciless days. We can only control how we allow these ebbs and flows, these ups and downs, to influence us. We can choose to sit down and wallow in it, which is okay for a little while, or we can choose to face it head on, get stronger, and be better prepared for the next obstacle.

Look, there are no easy answers. Sometimes, things just suck. However, GOD is ALWAYS with us. He is always helping us, encouraging us, strengthening us, blessing us. IF we will determine to bow down and bow up, we might be surprised at the strength we find.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My prayer for 2018

Well, it has been a little while since posting. I took some time off during the holidays, which was much enjoyed. There is absolutely nothing like the blessing of spending time with family. As I get older, I realize more and more how precious that is.

So, I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. I am always humbled when I stop and think about why JESUS had to come. It really, simply boils down to this - He came to redeem me. Yes, He came to redeem all men but I wasn't worth it. However, He felt I was and He came.

With that thought, I wanted the first post I made this new year to express my prayer for the upcoming 2018. My prayer for 2018 is that "We all seek to do His good will."

Not a single one of us will go through the next 363 days without having to make some tough and difficult decisions. Not a single one of us will go through the remainder of this year without having to really fight some tough urges and desires. Not a single one of us will go through the next twelve months without having moments of wondering what we should do next.

So, how do we make those decisions? How do we fight those urges? How do we determine the next step? By asking GOD to give us wisdom and discernment, to strengthen us and fight for us, to direct us. We can overcome everything that may come our way this year if we will allow GOD to work in us, for us, and through us. We do that by seeking His will, then, by doing His will. And, that is my prayer for 2018.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T