Friday, June 22, 2018

Happy Anniversary

Alright, here's the deal, I am going to get a little mushy today. Sorry. Trish and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this coming Monday. 30 years! It is hard to believe. If you've ever seen Trish, you know she doesn't look nearly old enough to be married 20 years, much less 30. But, anyway, we are just a few days away from a fairly large anniversary. And, I am so blessed.

I have shared before that when people say, "You two seem so happy. What's your secret?" I always say, "We don't seem happy; we are happy. And, there really is no great secret. We put GOD first and each other second. If you will do that, everything else will fall into place." And, over the last almost 30 years, we have seen it do exactly that.

So, a little mushy, I know, but, today's word is a quote from Barbara De Angelis, that says, "Marriage is not a noun, it's a verb. It isn't something you get, it's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day."

Trish and I have been extremely, happily married for almost 30 years because we work on it. We choose to love one another, to always love one another. I am sure there have been times that she has wanted to wring my neck, yet, she allows love to prevail and loves me anyway.

I pray everyone has a chance to experience what Trish and I have. As I have said so often, I am truly blessed. Happy Anniversary!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Let's walk in the light

Alright, look, here's the deal: I have an ailment that really bothers a lot of people. I am a morning person. I know, people like me are just plain weird. But, I like the mornings. I can get up really early on vacations just to see the sunrise. I don't mind getting up at three in the morning if I have to, but, I don't really want to still be up at three in the morning.

So, why am I such a morning person? I like daylight. I like being able to get some sunshine. I like being able to see what I am doing. I like being able to see life and what is around me. I just like the daytime. Now, I also like the nighttime and sleeping and relaxing, but, my favorite part of the day is the daytime.

Today's word is John 11:10, NIV, which reads, "It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light."

In our spiritual lives, we also have day and night. And, we can choose which of those we walk in. If we choose to follow the dark, the forbidden, the sin, we will find ourselves struggling and stumbling. But, if we choose to walk in the day, in the light, we will clearly see the path that is laid before us and find the traveling easier.

Today is National Appreciate the Daylight Day, and I hope that you get a chance to get out and appreciate some. I also pray that you are seeking and searching for the Light, and, if you are a child of GOD, that you are walking in His light. It is in the darkness that we find ourselves stumbling and bumbling. Let's walk in the light.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The LORD knows how to rescue

I was talking to a friend recently that has been going through quite a bit. As we have mentioned before, you are either in the midst of a storm, coming out of a storm, or headed into a storm; this friend is in the midst of a long storm.

He was saying that he had even asked GOD what he had done to deserve all that was happening to him. I told him, and it is easy to say when you are on the outside looking in, that he had a case of "why me"? He asked what I meant by that. I told him that we all get in the "why mes" from time to time. However, when I find myself with a bad case of "why me", I try to stop and ask, "why not me"? I mean, I'm certainly no better than anyone else, and, truth be known, probably a lot worse than most.

My LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, did absolutely NOTHING wrong, yet, He died on the cross for MY SINS. What makes me think that I shouldn't have to suffer the trials and testings of this world? We live in a broken and fallen world; it rains on the just and the unjust. We are all going to experience troubles - ALL. BUT, GOD WILL SEE US THROUGH...

Today's word is 2 Peter 2:9a, NLT, which reads, "So you see, the LORD knows how to rescue godly people from their trials..."

We will experience the evils of this world. We will have heartaches and hurts. We will have pain and suffering. We will go through storms. We will have to navigate difficult and tumultuous times. But, we can rest easy though, because we know that GOD has us in His hands and He will see us through. Next time you are in the midst of the "why mes", remember that the LORD knows how to rescue!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

We'll be praying

We are helping our former church with their VBS this week, and honored to do so. We love VBS. We love the opportunity to share the Gospel with young people. We love the opportunity to see young ones laugh and dance and sing and just have a good time, all while learning more about JESUS.

At VBS, there are a couple of summer missionaries helping with the music portion, and last night, during a break, I had the opportunity to ask one of them about plans for after high school. This high schooler began to share desires and said, "It would just be nice for GOD to tell me what to do." I understood what this young missionary meant.

Today's word is Colossians 1:9b, NLT, which reads, "...We ask GOD to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding."

I shared with this young missionary that it would be nice if GOD would put it on a billboard telling us what to do. However, it doesn't work that way. What we do know is that if we will diligently seek GOD'S will and strive to do His will, He will direct our paths. He will put us exactly where He wants us to be.

It's tough, sometimes, to figure it all out. I don't want to get outside of GOD'S will. I don't won't to step out of His plan. I want to seek His will and to do His work. Often, though, it is hard to discern. HOWEVER, the more I pray, the more I read His word, the more I listen to godly people that GOD has placed in my life, the more easily those decisions come. So, as I shared with the young, summer missionary last night, we'll be praying.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 18, 2018

GOD will have the last word

In D-Life yesterday morning, we read about and discussed the Hebrew "spies" that Moses sent to check out the Promised Land. I am sure you are familiar with the story: they discovered that the land was, indeed, flowing with milk and honey, that there was plenty of food and fertile ground, that it was everything they could have imagined and more. BUT,

They also discovered that the sons of Anak, a population of giants, lived there. In these Israelites' eyes, they were just grasshoppers compared to these giant beings. Ten of the "spies" decided that while it was definitely everything they could have ever hoped for, it was probably in their best interest to not try to take the land. HOWEVER...

Today's word is Psalm 59:8, NIV, which reads, "But You laugh at them, LORD;You scoff at all those nations."

Caleb and Joshua were the other two "spies" that had gone on this reconnaissance mission; they came back with a different report. Yes, everything you had hoped for was found in the land. Yes, there are some big ol' boys over there. BUT, GOD said it was ours, so, let's go take it. They knew that the land was promised to them by the ALMIGHTY GOD of HEAVEN. And, if He promised it, which He did, He would deliver it. Haven't you experienced what GOD can do when you don't try to put Him in a box and limit Him? He is limitless! He can do all things!

There are tons of nations, millions of people, in our world today that have no idea that GOD is real. They go through life thinking it is a fallacy, a fable. They think that they know the truth and that we are all infidels and worthless. They try to discredit GOD and try to persuade others that He doesn't exist. Do you think that bothers GOD? Do you thin it hurts His feelings? No, He loves them anyway. It is His will that all come to repentance. However, if they continue to follow the path they are on, they will, like the rest of us, one day stand before a Holy and Just GOD and give an account. Yeah, they may talk but GOD will have the last word.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The way GOD planned

Well, it has been an interesting couple of days. The day before yesterday, Trish had taken our two little ones to swimming lessons and, while they were walking into the pool complex, a nice lady backed into the front-right of Trishia's car. I hate it for the lady but, thankfully, no one was injured and the car can be fixed.

Then, yesterday, Trish and the kids had just left coming to see me for a few minutes and, as they were entering onto a busy highway, were rear ended by another really nice lady. Thankfully, again, no one was injured and the car can be fixed. But, two accidents in two days. We are praying that that run has ended.

Today's word is a quote/saying I came across that reminds me that it'll all work out: "Sometimes you gotta stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out. Maybe not the way you expected, but exactly the way GOD planned."

We have been attending a VBS this week where the theme is JESUS Rescues. If you are lonely, JESUS Rescues. If you are worried, JESUS rescues. If you are struggling, JESUS rescues. JESUS is on our side, making a way for all things to work for our good and His glory. We may not know  exactly what is going on or how it'll all fall into place, but, we can rest assured it is going to be better than we could have ever imagined.

Now, we must do our part; we gotta keep pressing and pushing and trying to accomplish all we can. We have to keep praying and trusting and moving and going. But, when we are doing all we can, we can trust that GOD will take care of the rest. And, while we are going through life's challenges, we can rest comfortably knowing that it's all going to work out - exactly the way GOD planned.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

He's listening

I am a singer. No, I am not a good singer, I am just someone who likes to sing. I sing almost constantly about almost everything. As I have probably mentioned before, I grew up in a family that sung, and we sand everything from old country music to the dawning of rock and roll to the big-hair bands (my era). Needless to say, we sung.

So, who is your favorite singer? I've often thought of that but I finally figured it out one day. My favorite singer is King David. David wrote songs in the book of Psalms that have taught me to be more intentional in my conversation with others, and with GOD. I sing His praises to others, I have cried out to Him in my distress, and He hears them both.

Today's word is Psalm 34:17, NLT, which reads, "The LORD hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles."

When we cry out to GOD, He hears. In the midst of all the noise, all the confusion, all the clamor, we may think that He can't hear us BUT HE DOES. He hears our deepest hurts, our darkest feelings, our strongest longings, our sincerest praise - He hears it all. Even when we may be able to come up with the words, He hears the song that is in our hearts. BUT, He doesn't just listen...

He acts. He hears us when we call out AND, He rescues us from all our troubles. Sometimes, I listen to people's situations but there is little I can do about it. However, GOD not only listens, He rescues us from those problems. Got things going on in your life that need some Fatherly attention? Got some things going on in your life that need some fixing? Sing a song to GOD - He's listening.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 8, 2018

Happy Best Friends Day

In honor of National Best Friend Day, I would like to honor my best friend on this earth, my wife, Trish. Yes, JESUS is my absolute best friend, One Who sticks closer than a brother, but He also gave me an earthly best friend, and she was naive enough to marry me.

So, why is Trish my best friend? Because we share a bond, a relationship, that is so special that I can't explain it. The Bible teaches us that when we married, we two became one. So, she is the other half of me, and by far the better half. The reality is that I can hardly exist whole without her. Because of our bond, we can freely share with each other: our fears, our dreams, our hopes, our hurts, our desires, our errors, our thoughts, our opinions. We can share without the fear of ridicule or offense. Why?

Today's word is one I have used before but is two appropriate for today that I had to use it again. Proverbs 27:17, NLT, reads, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."

Trish and I don't always agree, and I am not always right. What makes our relationship so strong is that we are honest with one another. We are not afraid to say, "Hey, that is not right. You know what you should do and how you should do it." More honesty in this world could only help. But, to quote a famous movie line, a lot of folks, "can't handle the truth".

We need people in our lives that love us enough to tell us the truth, who love us enough to be painfully honest when needed. GOD'S word and His Holy Spirit that dwells within me continually and consistently convict me and correct me. GOD also gave me a helpmate that He uses to do the same. Happy Best Friends Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Don't remain broken

Years ago, when Trish and I first got married, we had NOTHING. We had borrowed a 13" black & white television from her parents, and watched what we could get from an antenna. However, we scrimped and saved and finally amassed enough money that we could buy a color television.

We were at KMart to purchase a 19" or 20" color television, when I had an epiphany: we could purchase a larger color television OR we could purchase a 13" color television and a VCP (Video Cassette Player). Now, the VCP would play movies but would not record but how nice it would be to be able to play movies. So, we decided to buy the smaller color television and the VCP.

We had used that VCP for several years before it started giving us trouble.  But, it eventually got stuck in rewind; you would put a VHS tape in and it would automatically rewind, and nothing else. I decided I was going to fix it (remember, we had NOTHING). So, I took it apart, looked for any burned or broken wires or connections. I cleaned everything. I spent two or three hours really trying to make this thing work, and work better than before. Upon reassembling the VCP, and testing it, it was no longer stuck in rewind - it was stuck in eject. You would put a tape in and it would immediately eject it.

Today's word is Psalm 51:17, NLT, which reads, "The sacrifice You desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O GOD."

Unlike my inability to fix a broken VCP, GOD can fix things. However, He can't fix it if we don't admit and acknowledge that it is broken. So many people, as I have been guilty of, will allow pride to stand in the way of restoration and repentance. When we are truly broken, the Master Craftsman can fix us. If you're struggling with something today, won't you admit to GOD it's broken and allow Him to fix it? He will get whatever it is working again. Don't remain broken.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Won't have to be afraid

There is a song, Trust in You, by Lauren Daigle, that our daughter LOVES! She sings it all the time. She will tell you that Lauren Daigle is her girl. I am glad there are Christian artists making great music. I am more grateful that there are Christians who are artists, making positive differences in kids lives, mine included.

The song is a great song. It just simply says that, come what may, I will trust in the LORD. I'm not going to trust strength, which is fleeting, dreams, which are often unrealistic, or even tomorrow, which is not promised. However, I am going to trust the ONE that is all powerful, who fulfills my every need, and knows what tomorrow holds.

Today's word is Psalm 56:3, NIV, which reads, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."

So many people put their trust in all the wrong things. I once had an uncle, by marriage, that smoked like a tar kiln and drank fairly heavily that was quite sure that he would live to be over 100 simply because his Mom made it to 98. Now, whether he makes it or not, he is currently 70ish, is not his to decide. He has his trust in genetics; mine is in JESUS!

We may not know what tomorrow will bring but we know Who controls it all - JESUS. You can put your trust in all the wrong things. OR, you can put your trust in the ONE REAL THING - JESUS. Put your trust in the LORD, and you won't have to be afraid.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Hope and Cheer

Trish and I have had times in our lives that have been very trying and concerning that GOD has always worked to our good. One that I like to tell folks about is years ago, when Trish and I were newly married, I worked in a foundry, which was good work but long hours. We would work twelve hours a day, most every Saturday, and many Sundays. There was not a lot of off time.

During this time, I told Trish that I would like to look for a new job but there was no way to get the time off to do so; we were working all the time. We prayed that GOD would provide some direction, give us some idea of what we needed to do. I wanted to spend more time with Trish, I always do. I needed to provide for my family. I didn't want to work eighty hours a week, yet, there was no time off to try and find something else. It was difficult.

Today's word is Psalm 94:19, NLT, which reads, "When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."

When it seems that there is no peace, no rest, no direction, there is only One place to turn - GOD. He has it all under control. He is working it all for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. He is already in tomorrow, and next week, and next year. He knows what we need, even before we realize that we need it. When you find yourself troubled or burdened with doubts, turn to Him.

So, how did it all work out? I'm glad you asked. GOD closed the foundry. It was as if He was saying, "Alright, you want a different job but can't get time off to find it. Okay, then, I will eliminate the hindrance to that pursuit." Well, guess what? That brought on a different set of concerns and doubts, which when I turned them over to GOD, He comforted me and gave me hope and cheer.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 4, 2018

Stop kicking the can

So, how do you handle problems/challenges? I am one that usually tries to take them head on. I try not to let them fester or grow into something more than they are - problems. When something arises that needs to be handled immediately, I try to handle it immediately. If it is a "life-changing" thing, I will take the time to pray and evaluate but, as soon as GOD gives me a peace about it, I try to move on it and get it behind me.

Others, don't face problems at all. And, no, I didn't state that incorrectly. Yes, they have problems; they just don't face them. They try to bury their heads in the proverbial sand and hope that when they resurface everything will be taken care of. Or, they figure if they ignore it long enough, it will go away or someone else will have it handled. While that may sometimes happen, it is not always the case.

Today's word is a quote from Abraham Lincoln that says, "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

It seems that there are so many people that operate on the principle that if they avoid the problem, it will not be their problem. And, they are often found to be mistaken. If you have a leaky pipe and don't fix it, it will get worse. If you owe money and don't pay it, it will get worse. If you have a lingering hurt between someone else and yourself, it will only grow worse over time if you don't address it. Even our government can continue to try and think that what we are doing has no effect but our future generations will feel it.

We can go through life trying to fix things as they arrive with the resources GOD has given us, including common sense. Or, we can go through life trying to avoid things and hoping someone else is going to fix it. The simplest, not always easiest, thing to do is to address it head on and find a solution before a small problem becomes a major crisis. I guess what I am trying to say is, "Stop kicking the can."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 1, 2018

Lack of common sense

What happened to common sense? I hear stories all the time from people that made some really bad decisions, then, can't for the life of them figure out why things always go against them. Prime example: you'll have those that will eat out every meal and not know why they can't pay the power bill. Or, you will have those that will try to skateboard down a 30 degree grade and wonder why they have a broken wrist. It's just common sense.

There are lots of examples of folks not using the good sense that GOD gave them in the decision making process. What they use, I do not know. The worst, however, are those that will try the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome. WOW! Allow me to explain that every time you throw something up, it will fall down. If there is something over head and you are tugging on it, it is probably going to fall on your head. Gravity - common sense.

Today's word is Proverbs 10:21, NLT, which reads, "The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense."

Many folks are walking around today without the benefit of common sense. I see it all the time with those who like base jumping - plunging towards the Earth (remember gravity) at "killer" speeds, with hopes that a bed sheet will slow them down enough to prevent death. Since 2006, base jumping has a fatality rate of about one in every six jumpers. That means that if you are in a group of six base jumpers and the other five have made it to land safely...

Look, I have absolutely nothing against base jumping. If that is the way you spend your time, go be you. I am just saying that we need to use some common sense. Go out, explore, have some fun! But, also, be safe, have good medical insurance, and enough life insurance to take care of your family. That is good advice for us all because, there are lots of folks being destroyed by their lack of common sense.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T