Monday, July 31, 2017

Ponder them

Alright, so I am a man that is very comfortable admitting that I like to pictures of the sky. I call them "sky pictures"; I'm also a very simple man. There is just something majestic and amazing in how GOD paints in the sky.

I have been taking sky pictures for a while now, especially since the camera phone became such a part of everyday life. My kids will tell you that I have stopped in parking lots and on the side of the road just to get the "shot". Maybe you're not that amazed at the sky but it reminds me of GOD and all that He has created.

Today's word is Psalm 111:2, NIV, which reads, "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

GOD has given us so much to enjoy and to ponder, and I am not just referencing the "wonders of the world". The simple every day things are amazing to me. I am struck with awe at how my kids think I am the greatest Dad in the world. Am I? I would certainly doubt it. But, GOD, in His infinite wisdom, allowed Trish and me to be parents of two of the most amazing individuals He ever created. They are growing and learning, full of attitude and interest, soaking up life as quickly as they can. What an AMAZING blessing.

Of course, the greatest work of GOD is His design to give us a way back to Him. It's not necessarily amazing that we want a relationship with Him. It is absolutely amazing that He would want a relationship with us, especially me. What's most amazing is that if I had been the ONLY person needing salvation, He would have done exactly the same just to save me. His works truly are amazing. Let's take the time to ponder them.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 28, 2017

Are you happy?

So, what makes you happy? I'm sure, if you asked ten different people, you would probably get ten different answers. Some would say money, others a big home, some family, and even some would say Friday! We all like to be happy.

GOD has put so many people in my life that bring me true happiness. Things can make us happy but that happiness has a tendency to be very fleeting. When we buy a new "toy", we are usually pretty happy but, after a few days, that happiness wears off and a few years down the road we find that "toy" in a box while we are looking for something else.

Today's word is just a quote that reminds me that happiness is truly a state of graciousness: "Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time. It's about loving what you have and being GRATEFUL for it."

I have mentioned before that there is a big difference between happiness and true joy - happiness comes and goes, true joy comes and stays. Happiness is fleeting, true joy is permanent. Yet, we can choose to be happy more often than we are, if we will only be grateful for the blessings GOD has already bestowed upon us, and especially if we think of the eternal blessings we, His children, will one day receive and enjoy for eternity. It truly is a matter of being grateful.

When I look at my life, I am humbled at what GOD has done for me. Do we have a big, fancy house? No, but we have a fantastic home. Do we have nice new cars? No, but we do have solid, dependable transportation. Do we always have exactly what we want for dinner? No, be we have never missed a meal. Do we always have enough money to do everything we want? No, but we always have enough to do what we need. GOD has given me more than I could ever thank Him for? And, when I keep my focus there, I can't help but be happy, and grateful! How about you? Are you grateful? Are you happy?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 27, 2017

It'll pay off

There's an old saying that goes, "Hard work never killed anyone, but I'm not taking any chances." And, while some may live by that adage, I think the majority of folks like to work. Maybe you don't necessarily like your particular job or your particular duties, but there is something about having something to do.

GOD created us to be doers, to be "accomplishers", to be busy. He has created us all with a purpose, and part of that purpose is to work. Now, it is truly frustrating to work hard and to really do your best and to not see anything come from it. It is utterly discouraging to toil away and see that there is usually more month than there is money. But, trust me, if you are busy doing what GOD has called you to do, it'll pay off.

Today's word is Proverbs 13:4, NLT, which reads, "Lazy people want much be get little, but those who work hard will prosper."

As we mentioned, there seems to be those that really don't want to have to earn anything, which is a really sad attitude and testimony. Not that having stuff is my desire. And, I certainly don't want to think that I have accomplished anything all on my own. It is only by GOD'S grace that I am who I am and where I am. However, I have said before, and I believe it with everything that I am, "You have to put feet to your prayers." GOD is going to provide and equip you with everything you need; you have to take what He has given you and work to accomplish His will.

If you feel as if you are in a rut, in a dead end job, where no one cares and no one notices your efforts, GOD sees it all. He sees your diligence and your desire and your determination. He knows your sincerity, your motivation, and your needs. Keep working hard. Keep doing the good work. Keep on keeping on. It'll pay off.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Give it a little time

If you have ever purchased a car or a house, you have been through some serious negotiations. A negotiation is simply a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. Some agreements are much more difficult to come to than others.

In negotiating, no one wants to walk away feeling as if they were taken advantage of or that they didn't get a fair deal. Now, this may be the feeling you've experienced after a car or house purchase but, most of the time, we can walk away from our negotiations feeling as if it was a good and fair deal. And, sometimes, negotiations can take a lot of patience.

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 7:8, NIV, which reads, "The end of the matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride."

When we find that car or that house that we want, and begin the negotiating process, it is a struggle. Negotiations of this matter can wear us down and wear us out. The back and forth, the looking at budgets, the calculating and recalculating how much we can afford can all be very taxing. And, when we seem to reach that impasse that is almost inevitable in any negotiation, if we aren't careful, we can just give in. If we do that, we are often left feeling like we didn't get our best deal.

However, if we persevere, if we push through with the negotiation and finally reach a true agreement, everyone walks away feeling as if they got what they wanted, and the end is certainly the best part. And, there is no doubt that, sometimes, the best negotiating tool is to let it sit and be patient.

If you find yourself stressed about a really important decision you need to make, don't be afraid to take the time to pray and to seek GOD'S will in the matter. Don't be afraid to negotiate for your best deal and in your best interest. Don't be afraid to give it a little time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A job well done

I like to do a good job. Well, I guess no one ever really sets out to do a bad job. What I mean, though, is that I consciously want to do a good job. I want to do my very best at whatever I am trying to do. I hate painting. I am really slow at it, it is time consuming, monotonous, and just really not my thing. Yet, if I am painting a wall, a window frame, or a spot on the wrought iron, I am going to try to do my very best.

Occasionally, when I do perform a decent job, someone will compliment my efforts and tell me that I have done well. But, not always. It's nice to be recognized for doing a good job. No one dislikes positive feedback and compliments. Yet, at times, even after doing your very best, it seems that it goes unnoticed.

Today's word is a quote I came across some time back that I don't know who said but it reminds me to always do my best: "Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit."

If our only motivation for performing our best is the praise and compliments of others, we are going to wind up disappointed more times than not. As I mentioned, I try to do my best but not because I want others to notice. I try to do my best because I expect that of others. And, how can I expect others to do their best if I don't hold myself to that same standard?

So, it really comes down to your motivation for doing your best. Mine is pretty simple. I always try to remember that whatever I am doing, I am ultimately doing for GOD. While others may never notice my efforts, my efforts are never unnoticed by my Heavenly Father. I want to please Him. I want to hear Him say, "That is a job well done."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 24, 2017

He will repay you

In Children's Church yesterday, we discussed the Good Samaritan. I am sure you are familiar with the story: A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when a band of robbers attacked him, stole his money, beat him, and left him half dead. Well, a priest came along and saw this man but he didn't want to touch him and passed on by. Then, a Levite passed and he too didn't stop to help the guy. But...

But, a Samaritan, one that others looked down upon a social outcast so to speak, came along, saw the guy and stopped to help. Luke 10 tells us that this Samaritan cleaned him up, bandaged his wounds, put him on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day, when the Samaritan needed to be moving on, he gave the innkeeper about two days' wages and asked him to take care of the guy. But, he didn't stop there. He finished by telling the innkeeper that if that wasn't enough money to take care of everything, then, when he passed back through, he would pay the innkeeper back for any expense he incurred.

Today's word is Proverbs 19:17, NLT, which reads, "If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD---and He will repay you!"

While we don't know if this gentleman that fell among the thieves was poor or not, we do know that after his encounter he had nothing in which to help himself. He had reached a point that he was broken, wounded and poor. He had no means to pay for help, and he certainly couldn't help himself. Yet, GOD sent someone to help. And, this Samaritan helped without thought of repayment. Why? Because, he knew that GOD had given it to him, and if he used it for GOD'S work and for His plan, then, payback would come.

We must be wise and use discernment when it comes to people needing our help, our resources. However, if you ever feel GOD tugging at your heart to help someone, do it. The blessing isn't the one you give them, it is the one GOD will give you. Use what you have for His glory; He will repay you!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 20, 2017

What are you aiming at

I played a lot of baseball and, as I got older, softball. I was mainly a shortstop, which is still my favorite position. There's just something about playing in the middle of the infield. At shortstop, you get to range a little, which helped me to keep my focus.

As a young shortstop, I had a really wild arm, as I did as an older shortstop, though not quite as bad. One day at practice, after I had bounced a few to first, thrown a few into the dugout, and misfired a couple into the outfield, I was asked, "What are you aiming at?" To this, I replied, "The first baseman," who was pretty large. Then, I received some advice that still resonates with me: "Aim small, miss small."

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 5:9, ESV, which reads, "So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him."

My aim is to please GOD in everything I do, each day I live. However, if I take my focus off that one goal, if I start getting distracted by some big object instead of focusing my aim, I will miss my mark. Whether I am at my house, my most stable environment, or if I am on a vacation in the biggest party town in the world, my aim should not change - I want to please Him.

While it was said on a field, the advice is good everywhere - Aim small, miss small. What you focus on, what you aim at, what you truly dial in on is what you will hit. What are you aiming at?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

He can

One of my favorite thoughts about GOD is that He can. No matter the circumstance, no matter the problem, no matter how tough and impossible the situation seems, I know that GOD can still make a way. I mean, what's too hard for GOD?

Now, I also know that we live in a broken and sinful and fallen world and that things happen all the time because of the evil that runs rampant here. I've shared before that I don't know why some people receive earthly healing, while others receive eternal. But, I have absolutely NO DOUBT that GOD can do anything He wants, when He wants, how He wants - He can.

Today's word is Psalm 21:13, KJV, which reads, "Be Thou exalted, LORD, in Thine own strength: so will we sing and praise Thy power."

GOD is powerful! He sets up rulers and kingdoms, and can tear them down and raise them back up. He spoke everything we see into existence. He made time stand still. He uses simple things to confound the wisest of people. He died and rose again! He can!

I'm not going to sit here and blow sunshine, and tell you that everything is always going to turn out the way you want them. And, anyone that believes that is really missing the boat. What I do know is that GOD can give us the strength and the grace to withstand whatever may arise, and that He is truly working all things for our good. And, even if everything looks and feels as though it is going to pot, doesn't GOD deserve our praise just because He can?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Be quiet

Ever have to make a really tough decision and can't find a quiet place to sit and really contemplate and pray and think? When I need to make a really big, really tough decision, I prefer to find somewhere that I can really think and pray, with little to no noise. AT ALL. Now, I can make decisions on the fly, some good, some not, but when it comes to the really difficult ones, the really, really life-affecting ones, I like a quiet place.

Even in corporate settings, you have those that will cause distractions and confusion, which can lead to frustration. I am a joker and a kidder. My process mechanism is often sarcasm. I distract part of my brain by saying something, while another part of my brain is processing my answer. I know, it's weird; but, it works for me.

Today's word is a quote from Joel Osteen that I try to keep in mind when someone needs to make a decision: "If you can't be positive, then at least be quiet."

Not only do we have those in our lives that will create noise and confusion, they often are negative-ninnies, naysayers. No matter what you say, they will bring up all the negativism they can muster. It doesn't take long for them to suck the life out of you and to cause you to question everything, even the things you know are good decisions.

I want to be positive. I don't always accomplish it, but that is my goal. I do want to point out flaws in planning, but I want to do it constructively. I want to be a positive influence and to encourage others as we go along. I want to remember that if I can't find anything positive to say, then, I need to be quiet.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 17, 2017

Help in on the way

As a child, I watched reruns of the Lone Ranger. They were old then, even older now, but it was good television. Someone was performing some sort of evil against someone that was unable to overcome it, and the Lone Ranger would ride in and save the day. Don't you wish there was still a Lone Ranger to help us?

I've shared before that it seems that it is just one thing after another. It truly seems that one catastrophe is hardly averted before another arises. There are days when they seem to line up, take numbers, and just wait their turn to make life miserable. But, help is on the way...

Today's word is Psalm 34:19, NLT, which reads, "The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time."

As I have often shared with frustrated Christians, and just as often have had to remind myself, this is a fallen and broken world. We are saved. We have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR. We have submitted our lives to Him. We will one day spend eternity in Heaven with Him. BUT, that doesn't mean that bad things aren't going to happen from time to time in our lives. What it does mean, however, is that He has our back!

Whatever you may be going through, whatever trials you are facing, whatever struggles you may be fighting, whatever problem this life is throwing at you, remember that you are child of the King. You have an Advocate with the Father. You have a SAVIOR Who loves you and adores you. You have hope because help is on the way!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 13, 2017

System Restore

There are times, through no fault of our own, that we have to restore our computers. Usually, the restore is just to a restore point a few days or weeks prior. Occasionally, though, we have to completely restore the system to the original factory settings.

It is frustrating when someone downloads something that causes the need to restore. They don't do it personally; I once released a worm by trying to open a resume. I had to restore my computer to the original factory settings, losing everything that was in documents and such. I'm much better at backing up now.

Today's word is a passage that I have used before but is on my mind this morning. Lamentations 5:21, NLT, reads, "Restore us, O LORD, and bring us back to You again! Give us back the joys we once had!"

There are benefits to restoring our computers, it gets rid of some useless things that tie up valuable resources and slow down the good processes. Sometimes, our computers just need a good cleaning out. Sometimes, so do we.

There is a lot going on in our lives. We often allow things in that corrupt our good processes and slow down the progress we should be making. The only way for us to clean out what isn't needed is to allow GOD to do the cleaning. More than our computers, sometimes, we need a thorough system restore.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Harder than it has to be

I think I am pretty good at solving problems and finding solutions. I think. But, I will admit that I have gotten myself into a lot of the problems I have to find solutions for because I think I am good at solving problems and finding solutions. Sometimes, I should probably leave well enough alone.

I have often told others to not create their own problem. We often tend to take on problems that are not ours to fix. Then, we stress over the fact that we can't fix it. The first thing to note is whether it is your problem or not. While we are to help one another bear their burdens, we aren't obligated to take on their problems as our own.

Today's word is a simple saying that helps me to remember that, sometimes, I create my own problems: "Sometimes life is hard, but sometimes we make it harder than it has to be."

Look life is hard. The Bible tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust. We are all going to have difficulties and problems. We are all going to have those moments when it seems that life is just too hard, too complicated. But, we often take our mole hills and make them mountains.

Again, we are to help one another; we are not to aid and abet. We are to nurture, care for, and restore one another; we are not to encourage and condone repetitive bad behavior. Let's fix what we can. Let's not create our own problems. Let's tackle the difficult situations that arise but let's not make it harder than it has to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Carry On Soldier

In boot camp, we were instructed on protocol. When an officer entered our barracks, the watch would snap to attention and shout, "Attention on deck," which would alert everyone else to stop what they were doing and snap to attention. Usually, when this happened, the officer would almost immediately say, "As you were" or "Carry on", both of which meant "go back to doing whatever you were doing.

I'd like to talk about carry on today. Ever feel like you were swimming upstream and losing ground with every stroke? Ever feel like asking, "How much more can I take," but was afraid to because you might have to find out? Ever feel like one more straw would definitely break the camel's back? Well, today's word is for you...

Today's word is a quote I came across somewhere along the way that reminds me to carry on: "Keep your head up. GOD gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers."

Life has a way of testing our mettle, of just seeing exactly how much we can take. It is often a challenge and a chore to take one more step, to carry on. There are those instances in life that you wonder what you've done to deserve such a test. Sometimes, probably most of the time, it isn't a test, it's just life. But, there is so much to learn in those challenging times - through CHRIST we can do all things.

Keep your head up. GOD is using you to do amazingly wonderful things. We may never see the true breadth of what He is doing in and through our lives but, trust me, He can use it for His glory - even when we did it to ourselves. GOD is on our side. Keep your head up. Keep pressing on. Carry on soldier!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 10, 2017

Today is enough

So, I am meeting with a financial planner today; it'll probably be a short meeting. There is a lot to discuss but there isn't a lot of ways to get from where we are to where I would like to be, especially considering how little time I have left in my plans to work.

But, it is very important to plan for the future. We have two little ones that I hope will one day pursue a college degree. I certainly want to help, financially, in that pursuit, and so we are meeting with the financial planner to see what we can do to help make all these things happen. I have to be careful, though, that I don't allow my focus on the future to miss something very important  - TODAY.

Today's word is Matthew 6:34, NLT, which reads, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."

We can allow ourselves to get so focused on future things, even good things like retirement and kids' college, that it can become overwhelming. We certainly can't scrimp and save every penny we can for the future while our house is falling in around us. Without a place to live, what kind of future will we have? Paying for our kids' future college expenses isn't nearly as important as investing our time in their lives today.

It is imperative that we be good stewards of all that GOD has given us, including our finances. We should give back to GOD, try to keep things up, have a little fun, and save all we can for the future. We should certainly be concerned and do our best to plan, but, we can't allow our worries about the future to cause us to miss something today. Today is enough!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 7, 2017

There is still a lot to learn

There are people in this world that believe they are all that with a cherry on top. I mean, you cannot tell them anything. No matter the subject, they are the foremost authority. When they walk into a room, they are automatically the most intelligent and interesting person there. Of course, they are probably none of those things but don't tell them that.

If you come across someone with the mentality that we just mentioned, it is hard to tell them anything. You can try to be considerate and tell them something that could really save them some heartache and hurt but they won't even listen to that sound advice. It is really difficult to talk to certain people. However...

Today's word is Proverbs 9:9, which reads, "Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning."

...If we try to tell something to someone who is wise enough to know that they don't know everything and that they can still learn something from others, they will take that information and become even wiser. I have said before that I am as dumb as a sack of concrete so I have tons to learn. But, I also know that I have never had a conversation with anyone where I didn't learn something, either good information or something about the conversationalist.

The point today is to not only try to instruct those who are "instructable" but, also, to be someone that is open to instruction. There are tons of people in this world who can teach us tons of stuff if we will listen. And, trust me, we all have reason to listen - there is still a lot to learn.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Like coffee

If you don't drink coffee, I say, "Good for you." I drink coffee, and lots of it. Some studies say that coffee is bad for you. Some studies say that drinking coffee is good for you. My study says that if I don't drink coffee, it can be bad for everyone. I tend to get a little moody without my java.

As much as I like coffee, though, I prefer it a certain way. While some may prefer their coffee black and others with lots of cream or lots of sugar, or lots of both, I prefer mine good. What makes it good depends on the mood I am in at the moment. Sometimes, I like a little cream and a little sugar. Sometimes, I like just one or the other. And, there are those occasions that I like it black. But, I usually always like coffee. Period.

Today's word is just a little reminder that we often get out of something what we put into it: "Today is like coffee. It will be as good as you make it."

There are those days that I get up and my attitude is such that I am going to have a bad day no matter how much everyone else tries to make it good. You know those days. Instead of seeing roses growing on a thorn bush, you see thorns invading your roses. Instead of seeing a friend stopping by for some fellowship as an opportunity to relax and laugh, you see it as something else to keep you from doing what you feel you really need to do, which is probably sit down, relax, and laugh a little.

It's cliche but the truth is that we only have today: yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not promised to any of us. So, why not make today a good day? Why not try to make today something worth savoring? Because, as funny as it is, today truly will be whatever you choose to make it, just like coffee.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Praise Him Again

Have you ever heard that when you are feeling down that the best thing to do is to do something for someone else? I know, it sounds counter-intuitive, but have you ever tried it? When you were in the mully-grubs, did you try doing something for someone else? If you did, did it make a difference?

I have found myself, from time to time, in the dump and have tried to practice the "doing something for someone else" and I can tell you from experience that it truly does make you feel better. There is just something about doing something good, whether for you or someone else, to break the funk we find ourselves in at times. There is also something else we can do, which King David reminds us of in today's word.

Psalm 42:11, NLT, reads, "Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in GOD! I will praise Him again--my Savior and my GOD!"

We all get down from time to time. This world seems intent on beating us when we are down and piling it on when we feel as if we can't handle any more. However, we have a GOD that loves us and cares for us and will bring us through. We have a GOD that hears our pleas, and comforts our hearts, and can heal our hurts. Turn to Him!

When we are feeling down and depressed and defeated, if we will just begin to praise the LORD, and thank Him for His goodness and faithfulness, we may find ourselves a little less down and completely undefeated. If we will begin to remember all that He has previously done, all that He has brought us through, all that He will take us to, it will lift our spirits and cause our hearts to soar! If you need a little boost, praise Him again!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 3, 2017

A Little Joey

I have been known to be somewhat corny and goofy and even sentimental at times. But, I am reminded from time to time that it truly is the minutiae that truly matters.

My family and I were on vacation last week, where we visited with family for a few days and went and saw some big waters. Then, we drove across part of Canada and visited Niagara Falls, both sides. Then, we stopped to visit the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY, which, if you haven't seen it, is HUGE! Needless to say, we saw some really large, monumental things, man made and GOD made.

Today's word is a quote that reminds about the little things:"Happy are they who take life day by day, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things."

So, why is this thought on my mind after seeing all the large things we saw? Because, while we were at the Ark Encounter, we were informed that there was a new edition. The day before our visit, a mother kangaroo had given birth to a joey; our kids could not wait to see the baby. And, when anyone has asked them about the trip that we took, they don't talk about Niagara, they don't mention the big lakes, they don't mention driving through Canada, they don't mention seeing the giant ark, they seem to always say, "We saw a joey!"

I think we are sometimes so distracted by all the big things in our lives, all the things that seem to need to be done RIGHT NOW, that we often miss some of the great joys and just being in the moment. Seeing some of GOD'S great works is amazing. Seeing the awe in my children's eyes at seeing one of GOD'S great miracles - birth - will always remind me that nothing compares to seeing a little joey.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T