Friday, July 28, 2017

Are you happy?

So, what makes you happy? I'm sure, if you asked ten different people, you would probably get ten different answers. Some would say money, others a big home, some family, and even some would say Friday! We all like to be happy.

GOD has put so many people in my life that bring me true happiness. Things can make us happy but that happiness has a tendency to be very fleeting. When we buy a new "toy", we are usually pretty happy but, after a few days, that happiness wears off and a few years down the road we find that "toy" in a box while we are looking for something else.

Today's word is just a quote that reminds me that happiness is truly a state of graciousness: "Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time. It's about loving what you have and being GRATEFUL for it."

I have mentioned before that there is a big difference between happiness and true joy - happiness comes and goes, true joy comes and stays. Happiness is fleeting, true joy is permanent. Yet, we can choose to be happy more often than we are, if we will only be grateful for the blessings GOD has already bestowed upon us, and especially if we think of the eternal blessings we, His children, will one day receive and enjoy for eternity. It truly is a matter of being grateful.

When I look at my life, I am humbled at what GOD has done for me. Do we have a big, fancy house? No, but we have a fantastic home. Do we have nice new cars? No, but we do have solid, dependable transportation. Do we always have exactly what we want for dinner? No, be we have never missed a meal. Do we always have enough money to do everything we want? No, but we always have enough to do what we need. GOD has given me more than I could ever thank Him for? And, when I keep my focus there, I can't help but be happy, and grateful! How about you? Are you grateful? Are you happy?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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