Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Carry On Soldier

In boot camp, we were instructed on protocol. When an officer entered our barracks, the watch would snap to attention and shout, "Attention on deck," which would alert everyone else to stop what they were doing and snap to attention. Usually, when this happened, the officer would almost immediately say, "As you were" or "Carry on", both of which meant "go back to doing whatever you were doing.

I'd like to talk about carry on today. Ever feel like you were swimming upstream and losing ground with every stroke? Ever feel like asking, "How much more can I take," but was afraid to because you might have to find out? Ever feel like one more straw would definitely break the camel's back? Well, today's word is for you...

Today's word is a quote I came across somewhere along the way that reminds me to carry on: "Keep your head up. GOD gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers."

Life has a way of testing our mettle, of just seeing exactly how much we can take. It is often a challenge and a chore to take one more step, to carry on. There are those instances in life that you wonder what you've done to deserve such a test. Sometimes, probably most of the time, it isn't a test, it's just life. But, there is so much to learn in those challenging times - through CHRIST we can do all things.

Keep your head up. GOD is using you to do amazingly wonderful things. We may never see the true breadth of what He is doing in and through our lives but, trust me, He can use it for His glory - even when we did it to ourselves. GOD is on our side. Keep your head up. Keep pressing on. Carry on soldier!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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