Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thank You

Long story short, I had a fall on Good Friday and sustained a few injuries, which are going to require some surgeries, some rehab, some pain, and some understanding (from others), which I have certainly received. Folks have been so kind and helpful since I hurt myself.

I won't try to list them all, there are far too many, and I will surely inadvertently omit some. Of course, my family, Trish and our kids, have been so loving and supportive. My coworkers have been so kind to do things for me and get things for me, and have offered so much more. Our church family has done so much, bringing meals and offering to do anything and everything. And, the list goes on and on. We are so blessed!

Today's word is one I have used before but seems appropriate. Proverbs 11:25, NIV, reads, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

We have seen so much kindness from so many people, and I know that GOD is going to reward each of them for being so generous. We are more appreciative than words could ever describe! Thank you for being obedient to GOD and for blessing us so much! Our prayer is that each of you how how much it means to us!

Thank You, LORD, for all the wonderfully, generous and kind people you have put in our lives. Amen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

He has never failed me

Have you ever been let down? I mean, you really put your trust, your hope, your faith in someone, only to see them really fail you? There is little that compares to being leery down.

I really try to be a man of my word. I have failed at that, and have certainly let others down, but I try to be s man that does what he says he will do. Even with that desire and sincere effort, though, as I said, I still let others down.

Today's word is Psalm 9:10, NIV, which reads, "Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You."

We can trust that GOD will never let us down; He will never leave us out to dry. He won't always give us what we're want, but, He will always give us what we're need, and will always be there. Always.

Have you ever let anyone down? Have you ever been let down? Why not seek and serve the One that will never leave you and never forsake you? He has never failed me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Get some Sonshine!

It is raining this morning, which is not unusual for us; we have experienced our wettest winter of record, and spring is vying for the same. I don't mind rain, it is certainly a necessity for growth. Yet, when we've had this much rain and the kids can't get out it can be a long day for them, and us.

There is something about getting outdoors and enjoying some good ol' vitamin d from the sun. We could go into all the technical things that sunlight does, but, let's just sum it up by saying that it makes us feel better.

Today's word is Malachi 4:2, NKJV, which reads, "But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall rise With healing in His wings..."

Just as we need the sun, and the sunshine, to help and protect our bodies, even more, though, we need the Sonshine to protect and heal our souls. Nothing will ever make you clean and whole, righteous before GOD, except the Blood of JESUS CHRIST. The only way we can ever be whole is to give our hearts, our souls, our lives, our everything to Him.

Yes, it is raining again, and sunshine is in very short supply. But, the Son is always shining, always fulfilling, always sustaining, always healing. Got some things you need to get cured? Get some Sonshine!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Listen to others

Through this process of hurting myself and, now, trying to get repaired so that I can get to recovery, I have had to have some help. There are some things that I physically cannot do right now, particularly anything that involves a lot of leg usage.

It is not easy to ask for help; I am a man. I believe that we, men, feel as if we should never have to ask anyone for anything. However, I do know that at this moment in my life, I have to ask for help. I don't have a choice. And, goodness, folks have been so kind and eager to help. Thank you all!

Today's word is Proverbs 12:15, NLT, which reads, "Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others."

Not only do I need help, and others have been so kind to oblige, I need to listen to doctor's advice. Trying to be independent and a "man" can cause me to try things that I shouldn't try and cause way more harm than good. I am trying to follow medical advice, they are the experts.

Look, we all think that we have it all figured out. But, we don't. Ask GOD. Seek His wisdom. Allow Him to direct your path. Listen to those He puts in your path, the experts. We are never more wise than when we listen to others.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 20, 2020

Shoulder the load

We had another of those weekends where that all I've do e is sit and watch television, for the most part. There was some reading time, some conversations, some veg time, but a lot of sitting and watching TV.

There is nothing like an injury to remind you how fragile life is, how quickly your day to day can change, how yours changes everyone else's. Again, Trish and the kids have been super great to me. I just hate that they have to help take care of me so much.

Today's word is Galatians 6:2, ESV, which reads, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of CHRIST."

We are reminded to carry one another when they need it but, if you are like me, we find it harder to be the one being carried. I am praying that GOD will help me to not only accept the aid but to accept it humbly and openly.

We are around folks every day that need a lift, a pick me up. Let's strive to be the one that GOD can use to shoulder the load.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Just be still

We went to see the orthopedic doctor yesterday to see what was going to be needed to put me back together, and it was about what we had anticipated. It seems that I could be in for several months of recovery and recuperation.

I am a fairly busy individual. Now, I am sure that to some I am as lazy as they come but I think I am pretty busy. I am not one to sit around and do nothing. Watching TV is not something that I plan my schedule around. I can't think of a single movie that I have to see, have to. I'd rather be doing something.

Today's word is a very familiar passage but a great reminder for me. Psalm 46:10a, KJV, simply reads,  "Be still and know that I am GOD."

I am reminded that while our circumstances have changed and that Trish and the kids are going to have to help me and that I am going to spend a lot more time watching TV and such, GOD has a plan; He can certainly still use me during this season, if I'll just be still and let Him. My part is to be faithful. My prayer is exactly that.

Do you find yourself wandering and wondering? Does it seem that you are running like crazy but getting nowhere? Does it feel that your life is full of chaos, with mo end in sight? Maybe it's time to just be still.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 13, 2020

Perfect in weakness

Well, it has been a really interesting weekend. We started our three-day weekend with plans to spend a little time working and, of course, more time enjoying family and celebrating our risen SAVIOR. But...

I decided to start out Friday morning with a little tree trimming, nothing major but I would require the use of our 12 foot step ladder. Things went really well until they didn't...

I was in a bad location, and knew it before I began dating into the limb I ended up sawing through. I should have moved the ladder but wanted to get finished, and paid for my stubbornness. I ended up being knocked off the ladder, falling some 12 feet or so, and doing some damage to my right foot and left knee. The extent of the injuries will be revealed when I get an appointment with the orthopedist.

It could have been much worse. I could have had a head or back injury. I could have had my family trying to visit me in the hospital, or worse, but, GOD was merciful. Praise Him. Our weekend has been spent at home, with me staying off my foot as much as possible. I have felt bad about messing up my family's plans, though they, too, have been very merciful and gracious. Thanks to them.

And, all of that has led me to today's word. 2 Corinthians 12:9a, ESV, reads, "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness..."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 9, 2020

I trust Him

Man, it has been a busy few days. We, like so many others, are trying to figure out our new schedule, with lesson plans and new formats and everything that goes along with educating from home. By the way, thanks to all of you who are out there keeping us safe, and to all of you staying g home and doing the same.

While we are certainly trudging along, trying to find our new routine, I am not blind to the fact that we have some extra time to pour into our children, which is a blessing that may take years to fully measure. Again, don't so hung up on the inconveniences and lose sight of the opportunities and blessings.

Today's word is Psalm 52:8, KJV, which reads, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

We can trust that no matter what is going on in our lives that GOD still has it and He still has us. Just as we relish the time with our children, He relishes time with us, His children. I trust Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, April 6, 2020

I am truly blessed

As I write this, I, like I am sure most of you, am thinking about some of the things going on in our world. There is enough to distract us and pull us in every direction, whether we want to be or not. There is so much information, so much somber and sobering information, that it is hard not to get caught up in it all. But, in the midst of it all, I know how truly blessed I am.

My family is health, which is a blessing that I do not take for granted and that I know what a blessing it is. We have food to eat, which is another blessing that I do not take for granted. We live in the greatest country, with the best medical facilities. We have folks that love us and folks that we love. There is so much good still happening, if we will just look around and see it.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:20, NIV, which reads, "Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD."

We have been asked to stay away from others temporarily, social distancing. We have been asked not to gather en masse, in order to protect those most vulnerable during this trying time. While I don't like not being able to meet at church, and while I don't like not being able to do what we used to do, I completely understand, and try to completely comply with the request. Why? Because it truly will prosper us all.

During this time, I get to spend a little more time with my wife and children, with lots less distractions, which is a blessing that I cannot deny. Is it all roses and rainbows? No, everyone is a little bit edgy, some cabin fever spiking, but there are no other humans I would rather spend my time with. So, I am grateful that, even in the midst of all the trying times, I am truly blessed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Look Up

It has become pretty easy lately to notice what is missing on the store shelves, around our community, in our own pantry. I have shared with our two (2) little ones that they have seen something here in America that I have never seen in America - empty store shelves. I have seen it in other countries but never here.

I don't know why we have empty shelves in our stores. I don't. According to all the suppliers, all the producers, all the providers, there is enough for everyone but people keep hoarding up certain things and emptying shelves. They want their part and aren't concerned about anyone else; that is a pretty easy place to find ourselves in, if we aren't careful.

Today's word is a simple quote from Charlie Brown that says, "Keep looking up...that's the secret of life."

Instead of noticing what is not there, I have started noticing what is. We still have plenty of food. Maybe there are a few preferred items that we are having a more difficult time procuring but, for the most part, we still have everything we need and most of what we want. It truly is a matter of perspective and seeing what you have, instead of focusing on what you don't.

The other part of this quote to remember is that it is about looking up. It is, again, easy to lose sight of all the good things going on, if we only focus on what is going bad. It is a beautiful time of year, things are in bloom, things are springing to life, pretty days, extra time with family, A LOT of good things going on. And, we know that every good and perfect gift comes from GOD! So, I am going to try to stop looking around and spend more time looking up.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Seek Him - He Delivers

Anxiety can certainly paralyze us from time to time. If all we do is sit and watch the news and listen to everyone tell us how bad things are and how much worse they are going to get, it is easy to feel a bit anxious. And, listen, there are some things that are very trying and taxing right now.

People are out of work. Children are out of school but still in school. Parents are suddenly "homeschooling" their children, with each teacher using a different platform, thus making the parents remember multiple usernames, passwords, etc. Then, of course, the COVID -19 that is ravaging parts of our world and country, which is absolutely devastating and heartbreaking.

Our word for the day is Psalm 34:4, KJV, which reads, "I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."

There is no doubt that our anxiety is heightened, and certainly worsened, by all the things we listen to and watch. If all we watch and listen to are things that make us more anxious, we are going to find ourselves more anxious. Things are bad, heartbreaking, and they can make us anxious. BUT, have you sought the comfort and security of being in GOD'S presence, being held in His arms?

Today's word is a reminder that when we seek the LORD, He hears us. He is listening to the cries and pleas of His children. He knows what is going on. He knows how it is going to end. He sees the big picture. He wants to hear from us. And, when we seek Him, not only does He hear us, He will deliver us from ALL our fears. Want to reduce your anxiety? Seek Him - He Delivers.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T