Friday, August 31, 2018

Certainly appreciated

It is Labor Day weekend! I like long weekends. I especially like the fact that we celebrate all the hard work that people do every day to provide us the food, safety, entertainment, and services that we enjoy without a thought. In my profession, we have people working around the clock every day to ensure safety and life, which is to be celebrated.

I am grateful to be able to work. I have been blessed with good health and the ability to physically go out and work. I am grateful to work where I work. I have been blessed with a good, stable, steady place of employment, where those I work for and those I work with truly are a family. It truly is a great place to work, the best.

Today's word is Proverbs 12:11, NLT, which reads, "A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies has no sense."

Where I work is a great place to work because everyone works. We have a staff that works - everyone doing his/her job for the betterment of the organization, which, in turn, makes it better for each and every person our services touch. All it would take is one person not pulling his/her weight, not doing his/her job, not working to make a major difference and to have a major negative impact on all those counting on us.

In celebration of Labor Day, I want to say thanks to all those out there doing his/her best to do a job. It may not be glamorous or exciting or celebrated but, know that it is certainly appreciated!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 30, 2018

But, you do

Have you ever held a grudge? I mean, you just could not let it go? I know some people that are so full of a grudge that they aren't happy about anything. Hey, I sorta understand. I have share with folks before that I can forgive but I have a hard time forgetting. No, I don't hold it over your head or bring it up but I won't let it happen again.

We all know, however, that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Holding on to that anger, that frustration, that hatred, will do nothing but steal our joy and happiness and keep us from the meaningful relationships we could have with GOD and others. Aren't you glad GOD doesn't hold grudges?

Today's word is Lamentations 3:22, NLT, which reads, "The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease."

I don't know about you, but, I have done enough, sinned enough, that most folks would have given up on me. Yet, GOD has not. He continues to faithfully love me each and every second He keeps me here on this earth. He continually showers me with His grace and mercy, both of which never cease. Why? Because He loves me. And, He loves you, too.

If you've been horrendously and deplorably wronged, I can understand that you can't let that go. GOD understands, too. But, try to allow GOD to take the hate and anger away so that you can live a fulfilling and victorious life. Yeah, I know, they don't deserve your forgiveness. But, you do!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The secret to success

As I have probably mentioned before, I am a planner, to a fault. I always have a plan. I have a plan to back up the plan to back up the plan. If plan A doesn't work, I have other plans. I have established plans for every moment of every day for vacations, etc. AND, there have been a lot of times that the plans did not work out.

As is often the case, you can have what you think is the best plan in the world. BUT, if GOD is not in it, the plan will never succeed. We can make plans but He is the one that holds things together. We can decide a plan of action but if it doesn't coincide with His plan for our life, our plans are futile. We need the Master Planner to give us the plan He has for our lives.

Today's word is Proverbs 16:3, NLT, which reads, "Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed."

I have made many plans, and many of My plans have failed. Why? Because the plans I made were selfish or foolish or detrimental to what really needed to be done. But, if I seek GOD and try to follow the plan that He has for my life, those plans always succeed. So, the first step to any plan is to pray and see GOD'S will.

Are you a planner? Are you allowing GOD to show you His plan for your life? Are you following GOD'S plan? I can tell you, without a doubt, that His plan is better than anything we could ever think, dream, or imagine. It is when we decide that we want something more than Him, when we want to do something outside of His will that we will cause our own troubles. Commit all you do to Him; that's the secret to success.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Enjoy the ride

Man, everyday life can really present its ups and downs. You know what I mean, one second everything is going your way; the next you can't buy a break. One second you are on the fast track to success, the next, something goes wrong and you go up in flames. Don't worry, everybody experiences these same ups and downs.

We are all going to have our ups and downs; it is universal and no one is exempt. How we handle our ups and downs will determine what kind of day and, ultimately, what kind of life we live. We can wallow in all the downs. OR, we can cherish the ups and realize that you can't have an up if you don't begin with a down.

Today's word is a quote that reminds me that we are all going to experience ups and downs: "Life is like a roller coaster. You can either scream every time there is a bump or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride."

I like roller coasters. Some people don't, and, trust me, that's okay. But, I like the fact that there is an element of danger, the feeling of just having to roll with the punches. I like the twists and turns, the loops and the rollovers. Roller coasters remind me of life.

In life, we are going to have our ups and downs, our twists and turns, our loops and rollovers. BUT, if we will do our part, remain faithful and obedient, and allow GOD to drive, we can sit back, throw our hands up, and enjoy the ride.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 27, 2018

I put my trust in You

Our little man has been hung up on natural disasters lately. He is very inquisitive about hurricanes and volcanoes and tornadoes and, lately, tsunamis. Hey, I asked A LOT of questions growing up. Still do. And, I can certainly see where these disasters and their abilities to destroy so much can be concerning.

There are other things going on in our world that are very distressing and concerning. It seems that hardly a day goes by that we don't read or hear about some heinous crime being committed, and often not that far from us. But, we cannot let fear overwhelm us.

Today's word is Psalm 56:3, NIV, a short verse that reads, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."

If all we do is look around at how quickly this world is headed for disaster, how often evil things are happening all around us, how random these acts seem to be, we will become paralyzed with fear. Are these things concerning? Yes. Are they things that we should take not of and be aware of? Yes. Are they things that should cause us to bury our heads in the sand and live in fear? No. We know Who protects us and keeps us. And, we can be sure that He will continue to do so.

As I have mentioned before, growing up, I was terrified of thunderstorms. I would run and hide in the closet. Now, while thunderstorms are still quite concerning, I realize that GOD has everything, including me, in His hand, and He will protect me. Won't you put your trust in Him? If you will give it all to Him, He will take care of it all. Then, you, too, can truly say, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 24, 2018

Pass the kindness

One of the things we try to teach our kids is to be kind. It doesn't seem that difficult but it is, not just for them but for us all. We remind them to be kind to others because we, ourselves, need to be reminded to be kind to others. Again, not always easy, especially when we are tired or waiting or stuck in traffic.

So, why be kind? Because it is the right thing to do. Also, because we want others to be kind to us. I like when people are nice and kind to me. I like when people go out of their way for me. I like when people put in a little more effort to show kindness. I bet others would like to see me do that as well. We have another, more important reason to be kind though...

Today's word is Ephesians 4:32, NIV, which reads, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in CHRIST GOD forgave you."

When we think about the kindness and compassion that GOD has shown us, shows us every day, shouldn't that make us want to be kind to others? I mean, GOD has been so good to us, so benevolent to us, so forgiving of us, why can't we be kind to others? Yeah, they make us angry from time to time. Yeah, they really did cut us off in traffic. But, how much have we wronged GOD? Yet, He still shows us kindness and compassion.

Life can get very frustrating at times. It can make us angry and resentful and unkind. I pray that I can remember all the kindness and goodness and compassion that GOD has shown me. I pray that those memories will remind me to pass the kindness.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Don't just listen - DO

I often tell people that every answer they will ever need is in "The Book". Of course, The Book I am referring to is the Holy Bible. There is an answer to every thing you may ever need an answer for. Now, it may not be the answer you desire, it may not be the answer you expect, it may not be the easiest answer to understand, but, the answer is in there.

The problem often occurs when we read the Bible, we enjoy reading the Bible, BUT, we don't apply the Bible to our lives. It doesn't do us much good to have the answers, to know the answers, to understand the answers, but never apply the answers. It would be like knowing what the first aid book says but refusing to apply pressure to a bleeding wound.

Today's word is James 1:22, NLT, which reminds us to apply The Word: "But don't just listen to GOD'S word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves."

Again, we can listen to good instruction. We can know good advice when we hear it. We can get the right directions. BUT, if we don't use them, if we don't apply them, if we don't DO them, we continue in the same direction, same confusion, some situation we are currently in. It is an absolute shame to know better but not do better.

I want to apply GOD'S Word to my life every day. I want to live more for Him and more like Him. Do I fail? Oh, yes I do. But, that doesn't keep me from asking for forgiveness, and, then, going back to The Word and trying to apply those new lessons to my life. Let's stop fooling ourselves. Don't just listen - DO.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Feed your hunger

Ever have cravings? I have a few from time to time. I really like Reese Cups; I mean really. And, occasionally, I give in to that craving and have a couple. Now, I don't always give in to the craving because eating that much goodness can be bad for you, for me.

There are other cravings that I have that I indulge sometimes, too. There are times that I will binge watch something on television that I enjoy, such as Flea Market Flip, Love it or List it, Fixer Upper, The Food Network, college football. But, even then, I know that it isn't good for me to continue to sit on the couch and accomplish nothing.

Today's word is a paraphrase of 1 Peter 2:2, which reminds us of a craving we should have and indulge every day: "Crave the Word of GOD like a baby craves milk, so you may grow up mature and whole in GOD."

We have a yearning within us that can only be filled by a sincere and hungry desire to know more about our LORD and SAVIOR. And, the only way to fulfill that longing, that hunger, that craving is to read His Word. We can certainly listen to someone else read it to us. We can certainly get a filling by listening to someone else preach it to us. We can certainly get a taste of it by someone else singing about Him. But, there is nothing like the filling and feeling we get when we sit and have a few intimate moments with Him through His word.

We indulge in other cravings. Why do we not nurture and fill the craving to know more about JESUS? Take a few minutes today and study His Word. Take a few minutes today and feed your hunger.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Be where your feet are

Nick Saban has a saying that he uses to teach his players to focus. He tells them to be where their feet are. In other words, they need to be focused on where they are and the assignment that they have. If you are not careful, and fail to fill your gap or to perform your duties at your position, the other team can pick up big yardage. It is important to be in the moment, to be focused, to do your job, to be where your feet are. I think that is good advice for us all.

So many people get all caught up in the "good old days". They talk about how good it was growing up and how bad it is now. And, I agree, things were much simpler when I was growing up than they are now. We could play in the street, go to the park, hang out with friends, and not have to worry about all the "what ifs" that could happen. It was just simpler.

Today's word is a reminder, though, that we don't need to get caught up in the past. Ecclesiastes 7:10, NLT, which reads, "Don't long for 'the good old days.' This is not wise."

If we get stuck constantly thinking about yesterday, we will miss something today. GOD has given us today - that is why it is called the present. We have been graced with another day; don't waste today yearning for yesterday. Yesterday is gone; there is absolutely no getting it back. Yes, things may have been much simpler, much easier, much safer, but, GOD has us here today - do something today.

It is great to look back and remember. It is great to use our experiences to mold our current and our future. It is absolutely imperative that we learn from our former mistakes. It is also absolutely, positively necessary to live today and to be a blessing to all those we come across today. Don't allow yesterday to steal from the joys of today - be where your feet are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 20, 2018


There is a song by Micah Tyler, titled Different, that I have really enjoyed listening to, playing, and trying to sing. While I certainly haven't lived Micah Tyler's life, nor he mine, I can relate to wanting to be different. Not, different in a physical sense; different in a spiritual sense.

I shared with the congregation yesterday that I want to be different for my LORD, and I want to be different for my wife and kids, and all those others that GOD puts in my path. I want my wife and kids to know that I know the LORD, and that relationship positively affects every relationship I have or will ever have. I want them to be able to look at others and say that the most noticeable thing about my husband/Dad is that he knows JESUS.

Today's word is one that I have used before but it reminds me that we are called to be different: 2 Corinthians 6:17, NLT, reads, "Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them says the LORD. Don't touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you."

The reason I want so desperately to be different is because it is getting harder and harder to tell the difference from those that profess Christianity and those that don't. There are those, and I am included at times, that profess to wanting to live for JESUS that are doing things that are so far removed from Him that there is no way that you can do that and be right with Him.

I want to be His, useful to Him. I want my kids to know that my relationship with JESUS permeates every decision I make and every step I take. I want them to know that it is because of Him that I am what I am. I want them to know that my faith is in Him and I know that I know that He has it all under control. I want them to see that I am different.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 17, 2018

Walk in the Truth

This summer, our two little ones accepted CHRIST as their SAVIOR. And, I have to tell you that there is no feeling like it. To know that my children are saved is a tremendous weight off our shoulders. It feels like we are complete. And, of course, the best things is that we know that we will all spend eternity together.

We, now, await GOD'S plan on their lives. I don't know where GOD is going to take them, what HE is going to do in their lives, what His plan for their service is but I am excited. It thrills me when they ask questions about GOD. There is nothing like hearing them sincerely ask prayer for a loved one or a friend. There is nothing like seeing your child walk with JESUS.

Today's word is 3 John 1:4, NIV, which reads, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

John was writing to those that GOD had placed under his care, and he tells them that there is nothing like hearing that they are walking with GOD. There absolutely is nothing like hearing that your child is living his/her life for JESUS CHRIST! Nothing. Now, if we feel that strongly about it, how do you think it makes GOD feel to see His children obeying Him and doing His will?

If you are saved, you are GOD'S child. He wants you obeying Him and doing His will. He is thrilled when we do just that. He wants to see His children doing what He has called them to do. I want to please Him. I want to do His will. I want to be an obedient child. Because there is no greater joy than to walk in the Truth.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 16, 2018


Trish and I have been married for over thirty years - 30. Even as I type it, it is hard to believe. Not only hard to believe she has stayed with me thirty years but really hard to believe how quickly thirty years pass. It seems as if it was just a few years ago, we committed to each other. Actually, we didn't make a commitment; we made a covenant.

We decided before we got married that we were going to be committed to each other until death do us part. I knew when I met Trish that we were going to be together forever. Have we had our challenges, our difficulties, our trials, our troubles? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. But, I LOVE her. And, with the good LORD'S help, come what may, we are in this together.

Today's word is Ruth 1:16, NLT, which reads, "But Ruth replied, 'Don't ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your GOD will be my GOD."

Ruth had seen here husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law all die. Her sister-in-law had returned to her homeland and kin. BUT, Ruth has decided that she is committed to Naomi; she would go where Naomi went, live where Naomi lived, and serve Naomi's GOD, the ONE TRUE GOD. That, my friend, is commitment.

In today's society, it is easy to give in and give up. It is easy to hear everyone tell you that it is not worth it. And, yes, it takes two people to make any relationship work. But, more important, it takes two committed people to make any relationship work and endure. My prayer is that I will always be cognizant of the wolves and distractions fighting against commitment.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The best thing you can do is relax

Ever get worked up because you aren't meeting expectations, especially yours? I am much harder on myself than I am on anyone else. The truth is, I have a hard time with making mistakes. I know, with all the mistakes that I make, I should have learned by now to not let it bother me as much. But, I do.

I just do not like to mess up, at all. I want to do everything correctly every time. I want to get it right every time, completely right. Now, again, I have messed it up enough that I should be easier on myself but I am just not. And, when I really come down on myself, I try to remember that we all make mistakes and what I messed up can be fixed.

Today's word is an old Chinese proverb, which says, "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."

Sometimes, I get really tense about messing up, which only creates an atmosphere more conducive to messing up. So, it just starts a vicious cycle - mess up, get tense, mess up worse, get more tense, mess up even get the idea.

When you find yourself getting tense because you are trying to do something correctly, that is perfectly normal. However, and I am trying to remind myself, getting more tense about it will only cause me to mess up more. It is much easier said than done, but, the truth is, when things are the most tense, the best thing you can do is relax.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What kind of waiter

Have you ever been a waiter? I don't mean the person who takes someone's order and brings that person's food to him/her. Though I respect those servants immensely, it is not the type waiter I am referring to.

No, I mean, a waiter, as in "waiting for something". Haven't we all been waiters. We wait until we are a teenager. We wait until we are sixteen, so we can get our driver's license. We can hardly wait until we are eighteen and graduate. We can't wait until we go to college and become our own "boss" (yeah, like that's how it works out). But, are you are good waiter?

Today's word is Psalm 27:14, ESV, which reads, "Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!"

I admit that I am not a very good waiter. I am prone to say, "Well, if it needs doing, let's do it." Or, "We aren't getting any younger, let's do this." But, sometimes, we have to wait. GOD is doing things in the background, in preparation for what is about to take place, and, just like baking a cake, we have to wait for things to get done. We can rest assured, just like the cake, that when GOD completes it, it will be worth the wait.

While I will NEVER be a good waiter, I am trying to get better at it. I am trying to practice today's verse and be strong and courageous, patiently waiting on GOD to do His thing in His time. We can be sure that GOD will never leave us, never forsake us, never keep us waiting. So, what kind of waiter are you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 13, 2018

No turning back

Sometimes, life is just hard. I mean, it often seems that when it is going bad, it just gets worse. I know of countless people that have been through things that I cannot imagine, yet, have continued to press on. I am amazed and humbled by their resolve.

There will be times in our lives that nothing makes sense, that there is absolutely no explanation for what we are going through. We all know that it rains on the just and the unjust. We all know that we live in a broken and fallen world, where no one is exempt from pain and suffering - no one. We all know that we are going to go through some things. So, where do we find our hope, our strength, our resolve?

Today's word is Psalm 44:18, ESV, which reads, "Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from Your way."

When bad things happen, we can either sit down and blame GOD for letting it happen, OR, we can rest assured that He will bring us through. We can wallow in it, OR, we can know that come what may, He is on our side, and He has it all under His control.

I don't know why people turn from GOD in the midst of trials and tragedies, when they need Him most. I know it is difficult. I know it sucks. I know it doesn't seem fair. But, He has brought us through before, and He will do it again. I pray that GOD strengthens me and gives me the resolve to keep on keeping on, to press forward when I am being pressed down. I pray He will give me the resolve and the determination to say, "There is no turning back."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 10, 2018

As bad as it will ever get

A friend and I were talking about the challenges good, godly people face in this world sometimes. It can be discouraging. It can be frustrating. It can be infuriating to see people that are not living for GOD seemingly prospering more than we ever will. HOWEVER...

One day, we will ALL stand before a holy and just GOD and give an account for all that we have done, whether it be good or bad. For those who are GOD'S children, we will enter into eternity with our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. For those who do not know GOD, have not accepted GOD, they will hear, "Depart from Me, for I NEVER knew you."

Today's word is Psalm 94:23, NLT, which reads, "GOD will turn the sins of evil people back on them. He will destroy them for their sins. The LORD our GOD will destroy them."

I try to remind people all the time that we live in a broken, and fallen world. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people just because we live in a world that is full of bad things. More important, satan is running things in this world. But, it is not this world that we should be concerned about. It is not our earthly possessions that should drive us. Our treasures are in Heaven. One day all this will be behind us and those that are left can "enjoy" it for what time they have left.

You see, I don't want anyone to go to hell; NOT ONE. But, for those who are living evil lives, they prosper because satan already has them; he gives them things to try and keep them. For those of us who belong to JESUS, he wants to beat us down, beat us up, and cause us to become discouraged. All we have to do is remember that our treasures are in heaven, and, one day, we will all receive our just rewards. For those who are not saved, this world is as good as it will ever get. For those of us who are saved, this world is as bad as it will ever get.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Ask GOD to show you

Alright, you will have to excuse me while I wax sappy for a moment. Today is Trishia's birthday! I am so blessed to have her in my life, to be able to share this life with here. She is absolutely the best mate any man could have. I am grateful for her every day, not just her birthday. However, today, being her birthday, is a good day to acknowledge all that she does.

I get credit for tons of things that I have absolutely NO idea that we did. Someone will come up to me and say, "Hey, thanks for the card," or, "Hey, thanks for the gift basket," or, "Hey, thanks for the...". I always mutter the usual, "Oh, absolutely." I have no idea what they are talking about but Trish has sent them something, she was thinking of them, praying for them. And, I get credit just because I am married to her. Trish really knows why she is here.

Today's word is a quote from William Barclay that says, "There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why."

Now, of course, the greatest day is when we receive CHRIST as our SAVIOR and LORD, which is usually the day we discover why we are here. Trish knows why she is here - to serve GOD and to make others' lives better. She does it well. She does it humbly. She does it without expecting anything in return. She does it because that is what GOD has called her to do.

In honor of Trishia's birthday, my question for us all is, "Do you know why you are here?" We have all been called WITH a purpose. We have something to do. We have some tangible way to serve GOD, by serving others. You have experienced a great day - you were born. If you know JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR, you have experienced the greatest day you ever will on this earth. Have you had the other great day? Do you know why you are here? If not, ask GOD to show you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

JESUS is enough

Have you ever thought about what would be enough? I mean, I have been so blessed, in ways that I could never explain or express. I have had so many good things happen in my life that I don't deserve. I have the greatest wife, the greatest kids, a great job, work with good people, a great church family, a great family, and the list goes on and on. BUT...

But, there are still those times when I find myself wanting more. Not, that I am willing to do something immoral or illegal but just more. How much is enough for retirement? When we get a little something saved, it doesn't seem to be enough. How much is enough life insurance? When we think about what we have, we wonder is it enough. It just seems that we are always looking for enough, whatever that is.

Today's word is a passages where the disciple Philip was looking for enough. John 14:8, NIV, reads, "Philip said, 'LORD, show us the Father and that will be enough for us."

Philip and the other disciples had been walking and talking with JESUS for three and a half years. They had been learning from GOD, Himself. Yet, Philip wanted a little more. He is with JESUS, GOD in the flesh but he wants JESUS to show him the Father. Why? Because that would be enough. We seem to always want more but we don't know what enough is.

JESUS goes on to tell Philip and the disciples that if they had seen Him, which they had, they had seen the Father. In other words, He is enough. When I find myself wondering about how much more we need to accumulate, how much more we "need", I remind myself that JESUS is enough.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Spirit intercedes

Have you ever had someone in your life that didn't speak well and were difficult to understand? I am sure that I was that someone in my younger days. I had problems making the sounds when a "r" followed a letter, such as "brain", "train", "drain". While I thought I pronounced them correctly, they came out as "bwain", "twain", and "dwain". Thankfully, I had some assistance with proper enunciation and pronunciation.

Little children, first learning to talk, can be difficult to understand, too. It's not their fault, they are just learning. But, they will say something that I don't understand, and it happened with our two, and one of the parents will have to interpret what was said. They intercede for them by conveying what they are saying.

Today's word is Romans 8:26, ESV, which reads, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit, Himself, intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."

Do you pray? Have you ever had a time when there was something overwhelming to pray about but you just didn't even know where to begin? Have you ever been at a lose for words when trying to ask GOD to help with a situation or a circumstance? Have you ever wondered if GOD knew what you were trying to express, though no expression was forthcoming? He does.

We all have those times in our lives that the situation is so desperate, so dire, that we don't even know how to pray. I can tell you that GOD knows what we need, He knows what is in our heart, even if we can't get it to come out of our mouths, even if what proceeds from our mouths makes no sense. The Spirit intercedes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T