Monday, January 30, 2017

Bubble Wrap

It's National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day! We love bubble wrap! There is just something therapeutic about popping those little air pockets. The old saying is, "I wonder how anything ever gets done at the bubble wrap factory." It is fun to pop bubbles.

It's necessary to pop a bubble from time to time. I'm talking about the ones that others, including myself, often inflate their egos with. Every now and again, we need someone to burst our bubble and remind us that we have not arrived, we are not all that and a bag of chips, we are truly just a legend in our own minds. I'm not saying that folks are going to like it but we all need to be reminded that we all bring something to the table.

Today's word is a quote that reminds me of how blessed I have been to have met the people I have met: "I'm glad I've met everyone in my life, the good and the bad. The good make me thankful; the bad have taught me valuable lessons."

I have a saying that says, "Be leery of the man that everyone speaks well of, because, he's lying to someone." If everyone is singing your praises, you may not have been entirely truthful to everyone. It is important to use tact and diplomacy but it is also important to stand for what you believe and to defend the defenseless. It's okay to tell someone that you don't agree with them and that they are not always right. It's just as okay for someone to tell me that.

I am grateful for all those I have been blessed to have met and to have had interactions with throughout my life. I have been surrounded by so many good people, so many people that love me and encourage me and keep me going. I have also had my share of folks that have taught me far more about how not to behave, how not to treat people, how not to live. When those folks come along, I really try to learn the lesson(s), and I pop bubble wrap.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Obey it

Growing up, there were countless times that my parents had to apply the "board of education" upon my "seat of learning". It wasn't that I was a horrible kid; I just liked to test my boundaries. I can see the same things in our two.

Now, I knew the rules. I knew what I was supposed to do and what I wasn't. I knew that there were certain things that my parents expected, and demanded. I knew that there was a certain code of conduct to be followed. I could quote all the "rules", all the things that were not to be done, along with all the things that were to be done. Yet, it wasn't enough just to know them...

Today's word is Luke 11:28, NIV, which reads, "He replied, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of GOD and OBEY IT.'" (My emphasis)

It is good to know the rules, the code of conduct, the rights and wrongs, the expected behavior; it is even better to obey them. It is important that we can quote the things that we should be doing and the things that we shouldn't. But, it means nothing if all we do is quote them and not practice them. Yeah, I know, I sound like an old fuddy-duddy that doesn't want anyone having any "fun". There is nothing more fun than living a proper and productive life.

Today's post is really a reminder to myself that it is great to know what we are to do and not do but it is even better to put those dos and don'ts into practice. Yes, it's good to know GOD'S word; it is better to OBEY IT.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Act Like It

Ever wonder if really rich people have bad days? I can assure you that they do. Having a boatload of money doesn't exempt you from the sorrows and stresses and distresses that this world can bring. Their problems may be experienced in a bigger, nicer house or a shinier, fancier car - but, there still the same problems we all face.

The Bible tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust. We are all going to experience those times of troubles and sorrows and problems and distresses. How do you handle them? I can tell you that there are days when I handle them well, and, I am ashamed to say, there are days when I don't handle them very well at all. I want to share with you a word that should help, even on those bad days (and, I am going to try to keep this in mind and practice it more myself):

Today's word is simply: You are a child of the most high KING! Walk like it! Talk like it! Dress like it! Act like it!

If we would only take the time to realize that we are children of the King of Kings it might just shake us out of our blues and blahs and remind us how much we are truly beloved and blessed. Because we are children of the most high KING, others should note our royalty. And, no, I don't mean an heir of superiority or holiness; we are only what we are because of Who's we are, not because of anything we have done. Others should note how we behave, how we walk and talk because we are representing our Father, the King of Kings.

Let's keep in mind Who's we are, which should help us to get through the rough patches. We are all going to have bad days. We are all going to find that we are a little short from time to time. We are all going to find that it seems that some days, folks are just trying to wreck our plans and our joy. On these days, we need to remember that we are children of the most high KING, and we need to act like it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 23, 2017

Be Still and Know

I am absolutely amazed at the rhetoric being displayed over the inauguration of a new President. We do this every four years. Our country has done it now every four years for about two hundred and forty years. Yet, everyone seems in an uproar, like the country is going to fall apart or implode. It hasn't before. Why would it now?

It's okay to protest. We live in a free country that allows everyone to express their opinions, their concerns, their likes and dislikes in a peaceful way. We live in such a great country that every four years we can have a change in leadership in the most peaceful and civil way. WOW! So, why are folks so upset? Because, their focus is misplaced...

Today's word is Psalm 46:10, NLT, which reads, "Be still, and know that I am GOD! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."

I think we get upset because we focus too much on individuals and don't focus enough on the fact that GOD has everything in control. So, your candidate didn't win - GOD is still GOD, and He's still on the throne. So, you're concerned, and we should all be cognizant of daily life, BUT, GOD is still in the midst of it all. He appoints rulers. Trust Him!

It is easy to be upset and want to lash out when you feel that things aren't going your way. And, trust me, things don't always go our way (or so we think). BUT, we can rest assured that none of this surprises GOD; none of this caught Him off guard. It's time to let GOD do His thing. It's time to be still and know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 20, 2017

The little things

Well, it's tax season, and I am sure some will do some creative deductions. I understand that it seems there is more than enough deducted from my paycheck each week, more than enough. And, when it comes tax season, it is tempting to try to find every possible way to get some of that back. And, by all means, use every LEGAL deduction and credit you can, that is what it is there for. But, I'm talking about those that may not be exactly, entirely, totally true.

In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest is standing at the grave of his buddy, Bubba, and he says, "When I was in China on the All-American Ping Pong Team, I just loved playing ping-pong with my FLEX-O Ping-Pong Paddle. Which everyone knows it isn't true, but Momma says it's just a little white lie so it wouldn't hurt nobody." We have all told the little white lies, but it truly depends on the circumstances and situations...

Today's word is Luke 16:10, NLT, which reads, "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities."

Can you be trusted to be honest, to be faithful in the little things? Are you trustworthy even when it really doesn't matter, when there is really no potential for anyone's harm? Are you doing the right thing even when no one else is watching? If you can't be trusted to handle the things that don't really matter, how can you be trusted with the things that really do? I know, I've had to ask myself the same questions.

We can only be entrusted with greater responsibilities when we prove we are responsible with the slightest responsibility. I want to be found faithful. Yes, I fail. No, I am not proud of that. But, I want to be found worthy of trust. I want to be found faithful, even in the little things.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 19, 2017

I just can't do it

There is nothing worse than hearing someone say, "I just can't do it." My Pops would always question me with, "You can't? Or, you won't? There's a big difference." He was absolutely right; there were several instances when it was more of a "I don't want to do this," than, "I can't do this." It's amazing what you can do when you determine to set your mind to it.

There is one thing though that I have determined that I just cannot do. I cannot be around negative people for long. Being around negative people can zap the life out of you. It can steal your joy and your strength. It can cause you to start seeing things as negatively as they. You have to be careful being around negative people too much, you may become just as negative as they are - negativity is contagious!

Today's word is a quote to remind us about negativity. It says, "Negativity may knock at your door but that doesn't mean you have to let it in."

There are tons of things to be negative about if you just look around long enough. I mean, there are those out there that will find a problem for every solution. There are those that can find nothing good in anything and nothing but bad in everything. Don't get me wrong, sometimes life sucks. Things are going to go wrong; things are going to go against you; problems will arise. I, like most, can get into my pity party BUT I try not to dwell there.

There is too much good to continue to dwell in the bad. I have a wife that loves me more than I have ever deserved. I have kids that, right now, think I am pretty cool and love me. Yeah, bad days come. Yeah, some days just suck. Yeah, sometimes, it would be nice to see a few less challenges. Yet, why dwell in the negative and allow it to steal the good? Being around negative people all the time can be emotionally and spiritually detrimental. I just can do it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

In My Own Eyes

I've mentioned before, and some of the conversations I have had with friends lately, have caused me to ask, "How do people get wrapped up in some of these things?" I'm not calling any names but those sects that require me to sign contracts and to forsake my family and hold me hostage in a "compound", how do people fall for those lies?

The other question I have is about those running those sects: how do they justify their actions? Some of what they do, to me, is nothing short of kidnapping, brainwashing, assault, extortion, just to name a few. So, how do they justify what they do? How do they think what they are doing is right?

Today's word is Proverbs 16:2, NLT, which reads, "People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives."

Those leading these sects "think" they are right and justified "in their own eyes". But, I don't think GOD condones many of their actions. It doesn't seem that their actions are pure and intended to help people become better people. It appears to me that their motives are to manipulate, intimidate, violate, and subjugate others for their own evil gain. While they might try to justify it in their own eyes, the LORD knows their true motives.

I really try to be more conscious of what I am doing and why I am doing them. I really try to watch my motivation to see if they are pure; and, sometimes, they are not. I want to be pleasing to the LORD, not just pure in my own eyes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 13, 2017

Wrecked Plans

Those who know me know that I am quite regimented and I like having a plan. I have shared before that I have a plan for everything, and a backup plan for every plan. Trish will even tell you that I am easy to get along with as long as you do it my way. I don't like when my plans don't work, or when others don't follow MY plan. Ever wonder if GOD feels that way?

There have been numerous times that I have had a plan but it failed miserably. I thought I had developed a good, sound plan, only to see it explode around me. It is at these moments that we will often question why GOD would do such a thing to us. Why would He not allow MY plan to work? I am glad you asked...

Today's word is a saying I heard, a quote I came across, that sums this all up: "GOD will wreck your plans when He sees that your plans are about to wreck you."

So, there you have it. GOD will, at times, intervene to stop us from destroying ourselves, and we should be eternally grateful. When we establish OUR plans, we are so narrow-minded, so blindly focused that we don't see the full picture; BUT, GOD DOES. So, there will be those times when GOD will wreck our plans because He knows that if He doesn't OUR PLAN will wreck us.

I have a saying that I use a lot that says, "You can never do wrong by doing right." I also believe the reverse of that is true as well: "You can never do right by doing wrong." Sometimes, our plans include things that are just not right, and, no matter how hard we try, we can't make it right if we are doing wrong. It is so much easier said than done but, perhaps we should be grateful to GOD for wrecked plans.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 12, 2017

He Loves us enough

I have taken some whippings lately. I have had a tendency to become lax in a couple of areas; nothing bad but just not as diligent as I should be. It's really easy to become lax or complacent from time to time, even in our spiritual lives. When this occurs, I get a much-deserved whipping.

Why does GOD whip me? Because He's angry? Because He's mean? Because He's spiteful? No. No. No. And, no. He whips me to correct my inappropriate behavior, my inattentiveness. He whips me because He loves me. Now, some may ask, "Why would someone who loves you whip you?" To that I would say, "If someone who claims to love you never corrects your inappropriate behavior, they don't really love you."

Today's word is Proverbs 3:12, NLT, which reads, "For the LORD corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights."

If you don't correct/chasten/discipline your children, you are doing them a major disservice. How will they ever know what is truly rights and wrong if you don't teach them. I am not advocating abuse; I am talking about correction. If you see someone you love about to drive down the wrong way on a one way street, you try to stop them and correct that behavior. Why? Because you love them. GOD, our FATHER, corrects our bad behavior by correcting us too.

The next time you find yourself getting a whipping, don't curse GOD or get angry. Try to figure our what action(s) need correction and try to correct them. GOD doesn't whip us because He hates us, He whips us to correct our improper behaviors. If you're not getting a whipping when you do something wrong, you might want to check on your personal relationship with GOD. He whips us because He loves us enough to do so.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, January 9, 2017

National Championship

Well, it is finally here. Today is the day that the College Football Playoff Championship will be decided. The contest pits two familiar foes, Clemson and Alabama, the two finalists from last year. They are vying for a National Championship and the crystal trophy. There is not a team in this country that wouldn't want the opportunity to play for a championship - they are rare.

But, who was the national champion in college football in 1976? Unless you are just an avid fan or were attending the championship school during this time, you probably don't know. Why? Because earthly rewards make life nice for a little while but they are fleeting. Yet, we seem to focus way more on the temporal than the eternal.

Today's word is 1 Peter 5:4, NLT, which reads, "And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor."

Striving for superiority, for being the best at something is extremely admirable and honorable and worthwhile. So, too, is making sure that we use what we have to bring glory and honor to our SAVIOR, and to lead others to Him. It is an extra-special opportunity when you can use one to aid in the other. If you find yourself with the opportunity to share with others how you achieved success, take the opportunity to tell them about the blessings received through CHRIST JESUS.

Well, it is Championship day. Roll Tide! And, by the way, the Pittsburgh Panthers, led by Heisman Trophy winner, Tony Dorsett, won the 1976 National Championship.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, January 6, 2017

Cuddle Up

It's national Cuddle Up Day! Not that I need a specific day to want to cuddle up but it is a good reminder that we need to take the time to nurture relationships with those we love. If we neglect those closest to us, it won't be long before the relationship suffers. 

Many studies have been conducted which have concluded that humans need touch. Just as we need food to satisfy hunger, just as we need water to satisfy thirst, we need touch to feel connected to someone. It's tough to feel truly connected, truly connected without some contact. I think it is often lost, especially when it comes to communication, in today's society that we don't interact as much as we think we do. Emails, texts, emojis, snap chat, whatever is not the same as face to face communication.

Today's word is one that came to mind when I read that today was Cuddle Up Day. The passage is very familiar but emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships. James 4:8a, KJV, reads, "Draw nigh to GOD, and He will draw nigh to you."

Just as our human relationships need communication and intimacy, so, too, does our relationship with the Father. If you never communicate with someone, if you never show any interest in someone, if you never take the time to spend time with someone, you will never experience a true relationship. If you want to get to know someone, you have to spend time with them.

The old saying is that you can be just as close to GOD as you choose to be. This verse tells us to draw close to GOD and He will be close to us. Take time to nurture your relationship with the Father. He knows EVERYTHING about me, yet, He still loves me. I want to know more about Him. GOD is desiring to have an intimate relationship with each of us, cuddle up.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Someday we'll laugh about it

2016 was a year that will live in infamy for me, especially in certain areas. While I am truly blessed beyond measure, there were some instances, some situations, some circumstances that arose last year that were challenging. Why these things happened is anybody's guess. Partly, I am sure, is that it is just one of those things.

The first week of January, which we find ourselves in, is "Someday we'll laugh about this" week. I am sure there are instances in each of our lives that while they were happening they really sucked but, looking back years later, we see some of the humor of the moment. I can certainly see GOD'S hand of protection and guidance; I can also see how funny it was that I reacted as I did, or how others would have gotten a chuckle from my reaction.

Today's word is Psalm 30:5, NLT, which reads, "For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning!"

This verse is a good reminder that what we may be going through, though difficult and challenging and exhausting, will pass. GOD'S favor will last forever and will see us through our most difficult and darkest times. If we will remember where He has brought us from, it will give us the strength to get through what is ahead.

We're also reminded that, while this world brings its challenges and sadness, joy will come again. Will it happen immediately? Probably not. Will it happen tomorrow? Maybe not. Will joy return? Absolutely. If we will just try to remember GOD'S goodness and grace through out difficult times, and rely on His strength to sustain us and deliver us, we, too, may just find that someday we'll laugh about this.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Look around

What's your problem? We hear that a lot, huh? It seems that everyone has a problem of some sort or another. That isn't to say that we don't all have legitimate problems and concerns. There isn't a day go by that we aren't pulled by some misfortune or mishap that upsets our normalcy. It happens to us all.

How much do you focus on your problems? I would dare say that many of us focus more on the problems than on blessings. There are probably very few people that consider how much they have rather than what they don't have. Yeah, we often lose sight of all the good because we only focus on this moment in time, this narrow glimpse of our whole day.

Today's word is a quote that I came across that reminds me to look around: "If your problem in life is as big as a ship, never forget that your blessings are as wide as the ocean."

There will be big problems in this life, BIG PROBLEMS. No one is exempt; we will all experience the difficulties this life has to offer. That's not because we have done anything wrong or that we had one coming, we live in a broken and fallen world where things just happen. But, as a child of GOD, when those things happen, we can confidently know that GOD is with us and will strengthen us and guide us through.

It's easy to get caught up in all the bad things that happen in a day - easy. But, I am going to try to remember that when the difficulties come, and they will, that I am still more blessed than I could ever imagine. Instead of focusing on the storm, I'm going to try to remember to look around.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

It's new

Well, I took a little time off to celebrate the holidays, and as an added benefit, got some things done around the house. One of the things we did around the house was to rip all the carpet out and install new flooring. The carpet was there when we bought the house six months ago, it had outlived its usefulness, and we have really bad allergies. So, the carpet had to go.

The new flooring has changed the entire look of the three bedrooms where it was installed. For one, the color is different, for two, it is not carpet, for three, it's new. Everyone likes new things. I think that is part of the excitement of New Years; we begin a new thing. And, we all like new things.

Today's word is Revelations 21:5, NLT, reads, "And the One sitting on the throne said, 'Look I am making everything new!"

Here as we begin a new year, we are in store for a lot of changes in our world. We have changes on the national political level. There will be changes that occur at many state levels. There will be changes occurring in many municipalities. Many of us will experience personal changes - most of which we don't even know are going to happen yet. I guess the point is that things change. Even that new flooring will eventually not be as appealing as it is right now. Buying a new car brings temporary happiness. But, after about three payments, the new wears off and we begin to realize that it's just another installment. But, one day...

GOD is preparing a place for us that will be new and fresh and completely and totally perfect! AND, it will ALWAYS be that way! The new will never wear off; the shine will never lose it's luster; it'll never wear out, it'll never grow boring, it'll never grow old and dated! NEVER. As we begin this new year, I am grateful for another opportunity to live in this world that GOD has created. And, I look forward to one day seeing what He has in store for His children - it's new!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T