Well, it's tax season, and I am sure some will do some creative deductions. I understand that it seems there is more than enough deducted from my paycheck each week, more than enough. And, when it comes tax season, it is tempting to try to find every possible way to get some of that back. And, by all means, use every LEGAL deduction and credit you can, that is what it is there for. But, I'm talking about those that may not be exactly, entirely, totally true.
In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest is standing at the grave of his buddy, Bubba, and he says, "When I was in China on the All-American Ping Pong Team, I just loved playing ping-pong with my FLEX-O Ping-Pong Paddle. Which everyone knows it isn't true, but Momma says it's just a little white lie so it wouldn't hurt nobody." We have all told the little white lies, but it truly depends on the circumstances and situations...
Today's word is Luke 16:10, NLT, which reads, "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities."
Can you be trusted to be honest, to be faithful in the little things? Are you trustworthy even when it really doesn't matter, when there is really no potential for anyone's harm? Are you doing the right thing even when no one else is watching? If you can't be trusted to handle the things that don't really matter, how can you be trusted with the things that really do? I know, I've had to ask myself the same questions.
We can only be entrusted with greater responsibilities when we prove we are responsible with the slightest responsibility. I want to be found faithful. Yes, I fail. No, I am not proud of that. But, I want to be found worthy of trust. I want to be found faithful, even in the little things.
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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