Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Get Some Rest

I have missed a couple of days because I have slept until the alarm sounded, which doesn't leave me enough time in the morning to get a post completed. Normally, I awake and arise way before the alarm sounds, but, sometimes, I am tired and what my body apparently needs is the few extra minutes of sleep.

I think we all probably push ourselves way too hard and are way busier than we truly need to be. I can only speak for myself but there is always something going on, something to do, something to get done, somewhere to go, etc. And, if we allow it, it can overtake us and overwhelm us. Sometimes, we have to stop.

Today's word is John 11:12, NKJV, which reads, "Then His disciples said, 'LORD, if he sleeps he will get well."

In the passage today, Lazarus dies, and JESUS tells His disciples that "Our friend, Lazarus, sleeps but I am going there to awake him" (my paraphrase). To which the disciples replied what is said in our word for the day. Of course, JESUS was telling His disciples that Lazarus was dead and He was going to raise him from the dead, but, we also know that when we sleep in the LORD, we are more alive than ever.

However, while the disciples thought that Lazarus was truly just asleep, their statement is absolutely true. We need rest and relaxation in order for our bodies to restore and get well. It is absolutely a sin to be a sluggard and slothful. It is also bad to not stop every now and again and get some rest.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Be determined to learn

I have a theory that between the ages of 14 and 25 you know everything. We have all seen it in our kids or other kids; we have all been there when we were that age. Now, it is quite possible that it will happen earlier, as I am seeing in our two (2), but, for the most part, somewhere during this time in everyone's life, we sense that we know everything.

During this all knowing stretch in our lives, we feel as though our parents are extremely challenged and we wonder how they make it through life with as little knowledge as they have. But, somewhere along the way, sometime around the age of 25, we begin to realize that they are pretty wise and it is we that are lacking knowledge and wisdom.

Today's word is a quote from Zig Ziglar that says, "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

We do experience this time of all-knowing in our lives but most of us grow through it and come out on the other side wiser and smarter. If we approach things in life as opportunities to learn and grow and develop, we might be surprised at how much we learn and grow and develop. I try to remind folks all the time that I don't know much but I am trying to learn every day. 

Be willing to listen and learn. Be determined to gather all you can from anyone you can. If we aren't willing to learn, if we aren't willing to listen, we are destined to stop growing and to stay where we are. If on the other hand, though, we are determined to learn everything we can, especially from those that love us and want the best for us, we will grow and become wise enough to pass it along. Be determined to learn.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The prize is within reach

The school where Trish works won the state baseball championship for their classification last night. Congratulations Warriors! It is a HUGE accomplishment to win any kind of championship. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance and determination and some luck. Now they have a state championship for all their efforts.

I also have a couple of friends who have daughters that are competing over the next couple of days for state championships in their respective classifications for softball. They will face adversity. They will have struggles and challenges. They will have to overcome some difficulty and doubt. But, I know that they can. Good luck Lions and Blue Devils!

Today's word is Joel 2:7, NIV, which reads, "They charge like warriors, they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course."

I think this verse sums up the focus and determination it takes to win a championship. In order to accomplish a feat of that magnitude, everyone on the team has to continue pushing forward, especially when thing are hard, in order to reach the goal. We must walk our Christian walk and live our Christian faith with the same fortitude.

In life, there will be challenges and chaos, there will be difficulty and doubt, there will be trials and troubles, but, we must keep pushing forward to the prize. We have to keep scaling the walls, never deviating from the course that GOD has for us. Keep pushing forward! The prize is within reach!

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, May 17, 2021

I Glorify Him

There has been a lot of struggle bus riding this week. It has been one (1) thing after another, after another, after another. I have seemingly only gotten up just to be knocked back down, and even then, it felt as if I was troubling those knocking me down. It has been one (1) of those weeks.

But, guess what, GOD's grace was sufficient, and He saw us through. I am absolutely amazed that He loves me enough and cares enough to give me the strength to take one (1) day at a time and to push through each as they come. When it seems that I am at my lowest, He comes to me to lift me up and to carry me on.

Today's word is Psalm 50:15. NKJV, which reads, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

So, when I am having one (1) of those days, weeks, months, and it seems as if I am on the bottom, and it seems there is nothing I can do, all I have to do is call on the LORD (and, I should do that way before I do most times). He tells us that if we will just humble ourselves and call upon Him, He will deliver us. He has NEVER failed to show up and to show out and to deliver me completely and entirely.

Next time you find yourself making laps around Trouble City on the struggle bus, and you will, because, we all do, call on the LORD. When we humbly call on our LORD, He comes. And, not just comes; He comes to deliver us. I glorify Him.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Receive Relief

I battled a migraine this past weekend - all weekend. It started Friday evening, intensified all day Saturday, and by Saturday afternoon was full blown. For those of you who experience migraines (I am sorry), you know how debilitating one (1) can be. For those of you who are blessed enough to have never experienced a migraine, I can never describe it.

Anyway, there is few things more frustrating than hurting and being unable to stop the pain. I tried most things: OTC pain relievers, dark room, cool rag on forehead, etc. Eventually, though, all I could do was give in and go to bed in a dark, quiet room, and hope I could get some rest and relief. 

Today's word is Psalm 30:2, NKJV, which reads, "O LORD my GOD, I cried out to You, And You healed me."

During the migraine fight, as I laid there with seemingly no relief, I prayed. I prayed that GOD would, of course, relieve the pain so that I could presume my husbandly and fatherly roles, but, also, because pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. I wanted relief so that I could focus on the important things, and, because, pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. And, GOD heard my prayer!

We will all face pain in our lives. Sometimes, the pain is just because we live in a broken and fallen world and we will all suffer pain from time to time. But, how do we know relief, if we never experience pain? Yes, pain hurts and it sucks to hurt. However, GOD is listening. Call out to Him, and receive relief.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My thoughts and my words

I don't know about you but my mind is a powerful thing. I have had two (2) nights in a row when my mind would not shut down. I have tossed and turned and thought of every situation and solved every problem. Unfortunately, I eventually go to sleep and forget all the solutions. But, I have to be really careful to guard my thoughts.

I have also had moments when I allowed my mouth, my words, to be way more powerful than they should ever be. I have allowed myself to say things in the wrong setting or to the wrong people more times than I care to admit. Words are incredibly powerful; they can either build people up or tear people down.

Today's word is a saying that I came across that I try to remember about my thoughts and my words. It simply says, "Take care of your thoughts when you're alone, and take care of your words when you're with others."

Our thoughts can be very positive, which is a good thing. However, I only speak for myself, I have also had many thoughts that are not so positive. We have to be diligent to guard our minds, our thoughts. We have to be intentional about what we think.

We, too, must be intentional with our words. Not only can our words build and tear down, we never know how someone else may receive and repeat our words. We have to be sure that what we say is something that we wouldn't mind repeated, because, it probably will be. I want to be more mindful of my thoughts and my words.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T  

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom

It is my Mom's birthday! I am grateful for my Mom. She has had her hands full with seven (7) kids, one (1) of which is me. Like most mothers, she has had to sacrifice a lot and live without a lot to ensure that her children had things and could do things. She is a wonderful mom.

Moms are special in so many ways. Unfortunately, there are so many children that don't have a good motherly example in their life, which is vitally important. I know that through the example my Mom has shown, especially through her determination and drive, I have learned a lot of perseverance and making it one (1) more step.

Our Word for today is 1 Peter 3:4, NLT, which reads, "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to GOD." 

Mothers have an inner beauty that is hard to describe but that we have all seen and know. Godly mothers are full of love for their children and family and will do what they must, sacrificing what they have to, to see that their family is cared for and that their needs are met. If you have a godly mother, thank her. If you are a godly mother, thank you.

Today is my Mom's birthday, and I just wanted to take a moment and recognize her for all that she does and for being such a great mom! Happy Birthday Mom! I love you.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T