Thursday, March 21, 2013

Stupid Dating 101

We are discussing dating in our Youth Group. It is important to try to lay a foundation for them when it comes to whom, when, how and why to date.

It seems that so many people date and marry for so many of the wrong reasons. I've tried to explain to them before & restated it last night that true love is about giving, not getting. Yet, so many folks are only after what they can get out of a relationship. And, usually, once they get what they want, they get out of the relationship.

I try to emphasis that they should date with marriage in mind; if you wouldn't marry them, don't date them. The longer you are involved with someone, the easier it is to fall in love with them. So, don't date just to date which is stupid dating; date with potential marriage in mind.

Today's word is a quote that sort of goes, "A happy person marries the person they love; a happier person truly loves the one they marry."

What I want our young folks to know is that we should be less interested in finding someone we want to get something from, and find the one that we love enough to give ouraelves to. If they will approach dating with that in mind, maybe we will start a new trend - smart dating.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stupid Rock

During part of my military training, I had a company commander that would run us to a certain rock (huge boulder) about three miles out. Once we arrived at the rock, he would command us to try and push the rock over the edge of the gully. We never did, of course, but we certainly tried.

I wondered for a while why he would always want us pushing against that stupid rock, knowing we would never move it. I saw it as an effort in futility, an immovable object, an obstacle in our training. It was only later that I began to realize that it wasn't an obstacle, it was a tool to strengthen us. The rock was strengthening us individually by developing muscles by pushing against its resistance. It was also strengthening us as a unit as we came together in an effort to move the huge object.

Today's word is a quote from Frank A. Clark, which says, "If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."

We so often look for the easy road, the easy way to get from where we are to where we think we want to go. If something crops up, if something arises, if something gets in the way, we detour around the obstacle and go five miles out of the way looking for an easier path. It could be that the obstacles are preparing us for something later down the road.

If we never had any resistance, if we never had any struggles, if we never had anything to overcome, how would we ever get any stronger? The obstacles in our lives are, sometimes, just that - obstacles. But, perhaps, sometimes, they are opportunities to strengthen and develop us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Detailed Instructions

Never underestimate the importance of detailed instructions. I recently put a bed cover on my truck with limited instructions. When I say limited, I am being generous. The entire instruction sheet was a 8-1/2 x 11 page with five pictures and three statements. None of the pictures actually showed assemblage; none of the statements were anything more than statements.

I spent two hours trying to get something to fit in a slot that it couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't fit, and it didn't. After racking my brain and my patience, I finally figured out that I had the front rail on the back and the back rail on the front. Once I disassembled the frame and corrected that error, I had the entire thing done in thirty-five minutes.

How simple it would have been to put an "F" on the front rail and an "R" on the rear rail. That little bit of detail could have saved me an hour and a half or two hours. Never underestimate the importance of detailed instruction...

Today's word comes from Psalm 32:8, NIV, which reads, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My loving eye on you."

GOD is going to give us detailed instruction in everything we should and need to do. He is not going to give us a few pictures and a few statements that give us limited insight into His plans. No, GOD is going to give us all the information we need to accomplish His will, to follow His path for our lives. Now, we have to follow the instructions; we have to use everything in the right fashion. If we will follow His detailed instructions for our lives, I think we would be amazed at what could be accomplished. Never underestimate the importance of detailed instructions.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why worry

I have mentioned to a lot of folks that I am not a big worrier. Yes, I do have concerns, college for kids, paying off the mortgage, ensuring adequate living for all in the family, someday, retirement...but I really try not to worry. I have found that worry will gain you nothing but will cost you immensely.

I do have my tendencies to worry about the most frivolous things though. I always want to do my best and I am always hoping that my best measures up to someone else's standard, which is really counterproductive. Why should my absolute best be determined by anyone else? Isn't is my best?

Today's word is a quote from Walt Disney that says, "Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it ANY better."

It seems to me that we so often want the absolute approval and acceptance of everyone else. When we don't meet their standards we are let down. Because of this fear, we worry about every little thing we do meeting someone else's standard. STOP!

If you will do you absolute best at whatever you are doing, you have done all you can. So, why worry? It is sort of like bench pressing weight. If you can bench press 150 pounds, and that is all you can do, worrying about doing 200 will do you no good. Worrying about it is certainly not going to lift that extra 50 pounds. Be happy about pressing the 150, which, if it is your absolute best, is good enough. All you can do is ALL YOU CAN DO!

Why worry about what you can't do? Do what you can; do the very best you can, and don't worry about the rest. Worrying won't change anything, won't make anything any better. ALL you can do is ALL YOU CAN DO!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 15, 2013

No one taught me

Sorry for missing yesterday; work took me out of town for training. I left home about 5:30 yesterday morning and got back to the office parking lot about 5:40 yesterday evening. Then, I had the pleasure of going with one of my nieces to hear about a college she may be interested in, she's a senior.

Listening to the opportunities possible for the young adults headed off to college got me to thinking about being young. An amazing thing happens when we are young. Well, actually, a lot of amazing things happen when we are young but one in particular is on my mind this morning...

Today's word is from Proverbs 20:11, and today, we will use the New Living Translation, which reads, "Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right."

As a child, did anyone have to teach you to lie? Anyone? No. When you were probably as young as 18 months to two years, you knew how to lie - without anyone having to teach you. Your Mom or Dad caught you with something, or caught you doing something, and when they asked did you do it, you immediately replied, "NO." No one taught you to lie, you were born into it.

The word today says that we are known by what we do, even children. People are watching us to see what we truly believe. Our lips may say one thing but if our actions say a different thing, which one do you think speaks loudest?

Yes, no one taught me to sin, it just came naturally. But, if I will rely on GOD and allow Him to direct and lead me, I can be taught better. And, so can you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I remember taking my driver's test many moons ago. I remember it distinctly for a couple of reasons. Number one, I turned sixteen on a Saturday and had to wait two additional days to get my license, which was an eternity for someone who had waited sixteen years for that moment. The second thing I remember is a young lady that took her test the same day.

I took the driver's test in a 1972 Oldsmobile Delta 88. Yes, a tank of a car. She, on the other hand, took her driver's test in a brand new Corvette that her parents had given her for her sixteenth birthday. I bet, however, she didn't appreciate that Corvette anymore than I appreciated that Oldsmobile when the test was over.

Today's word is a thought I had this morning as I drove to work - "The difference between getting what you want and wanting what you get is appreciation. Appreciate the good things you've been given."

In this day and age where everybody is wanting more and more and more, I truly want to be appreciative of the little things, the many great things, that I have been given; all those things I so often take for granted. I can walk and talk and run (not as fast) and jump (not as high) and yell (even louder) and scream and holler. I can think and understand and comprehend. I can feed and clothe myself. I don't have to walk to work. I have a job that I enjoy and don't mind going to. And, I haven't even scratched the surface...I didn't talk about my wife and family, my health, and so many other things.

Yes, that young lady took her driver's test in a new Corvette. Yes, I took mine in a 1972 Oldsmobile Delta 88. But, she couldn't have appreciated the blessing of taking the driver's test anymore than I.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Good advice

Advice is pretty easy to come by; everyone will give you some on about any and every subject. Good advice, on the other hand, is a much harder animal to harness. I have been given some good advice in my life, which I did not heed. I have also had much bad advice given, which I did heed. I will give you some advice, don't heed the bad advice.

I am really good at giving advice. Most of the time, you don't even have to ask for it, I will freely give you my "wisdom-laden advice" (yeah, right). Why people would listen to my advice, at times, I do not know. I will say that the majority of advice that I hand out is definitely not what you want to hear. I am not a "blow sunshine up your skirt" type of adviser. I think it is far more important for people to hear the truth than for people to hear what they want to hear. I could deliver the advice a little more tactfully, though.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 12:5, NIV, which reads, "The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful." And, I add, "Listen to righteous counsel.

If you are looking for people who will tell you what you want to hear, there are plenty of them out there. However, listening only to others that don't have your best interest at heart will only lead you down a road that you don't want to travel. Sometimes, listening to wise counsel hurts our feelings; no one likes to be told things they don't want to hear. However, find someone that will give you good godly, scriptural advice; that is worth listening to.

Yes, advice is easy to get; bad advice is even easier to acquire.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 11, 2013


I wonder how many resolutions vowed three months ago are still vibrant today, don't you? I don't know about you but I am good a good intentions. I mean well. I even start well. Sometimes, I can keep it going for a while. But, it takes true commitment to continue.

There are so many things that we start and never finish. There are even more that we begin on to stop prior to reaching the goal. Maybe your goal is to lose a few pounds. Maybe your goal is to get the flower bed in shape. Maybe your goal is to save a little more money. Whatever your goal, you will never accomplish it without commitment. I know - I have failed at a lot of things.

Today's word is a quote from Bill Blackman, which says, "Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy."

Yes, we sometimes give up because we are not truly committed. We are often not truly committed because the changes we were expecting didn't happen immediately. If we will commit to sticking to it, even when things look bleak, we will eventually find that we can reach our goals.

Let's go back to the saving money goal, which is probably something everyone desires to do but few ever accomplish. Maybe you set a goal of saving $1,000. Well, you start out putting back $10 each week but after a month, you say, "Well, it's only $40, I will never reach my goal. I may as well just give up."

If you will only commit to it and continue on with your pursuit, in about two years, you will have saved the $1,000 by just putting back $10 each week. (I wish I had given myself this advice a while back!)

It is going to take some commitment to reach the goals we set for ourselves. We must strive each day to continue on our pursuit. If we fail today, and we will occasionally, then, tomorrow, recommit and start continue on. No goal is easily attainable but with GOD nothing is impossible. It truly is about commitment.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 8, 2013

The heat is on

In our Wednesday night youth meeting, we discussed being angry and sinning not, which is pretty easy in theory but much more difficult in practice. The first part, being angry, comes rather easy for most folks. It is the second part, and sin not, that gives vexes our souls.

And, allow me to say, there is a lot of stuff to be angry about. It seems that people don't seem to understand the tight schedule that I am on. How about you? Everybody always in your way, slowing you down, driving slow on purpose, taking too much time at the check out, slow to make a decision at the drive through? Yeah, people just don't seem to always purposely slow me down.

There are other times that folks just don't seem to understand how super intelligent I ma (Yeah, right. But, bear with me...). They will say things and do things just to make me explain things over and over. Surely this, too, is purposely. Some people seem to know exactly the right thing to say to get the wrong words from me. You ever struggle with that? How do you react when the heat is on?

Today's word is a quote form Thomas Courtney Mackey, which says, "Always think before you react, because your anger will pass on but your actions will remain."

There have been countless moments that I have allowed my anger to lead me to say things that I regretted immensely later. If I had only taken the time to think before I spoke or think before I reacted, it could have saved me a tremendous amount of embarrassment and regret. You can NEVER take back what you say or do. You may be able to apologize and, eventually, make amends, but the scar will always be there.

If I would only take the time to think before I react, if I could only engage brain before putting mouth in gear, if I could only allow myself to calm down and not react under pure emotion, I could save myself and others a lot of pain.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Great Unmet Expectations

The valedictorian of my high school graduating class was, let's say, pretty smart. He had a 4.0+ gpa, he mad a 36 on his ACT, he was offered full rides to several colleges, he went to college and got a degree in software engineering. Yeah, he is a smart fella...

I saw our valedictorian at a class reunion and was discussing life and work, etc. When I asked what he did for a living, he reply was, "I just work for the phone company." I thought to myself, "Wow, there's a lot of pressure that goes with being super smart. He feels that everyone thinks he should be doing something more." He had a case of great unmet expectations for himself; I was quite impressed, he wasn't.

Today's word comes from Proverbs 24:14, NIV, which reads, "Know also that wisdom is like honey for you; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

Wisdom is so important. Solomon writes that it is like honey (sweet) and there is a future if you have wisdom. The guy I spoke of that was valedictorian had a self-imposed case of unmet expectations. I am impressed with what he does. Yes, he works for the phone company - writing the software that keeps everybody's phone working! That is a pretty big deal.

Some may say, "Yeah, but it's not like he is a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist." And, I say, "You're right. But, neither of those could do their job very efficiently if they couldn't communicate with others via the avenue that he provides."

We all have intelligence, but not all in the same area. Don't get bogged down that you can't do what everyone else does. Do what you can do with all that you have! Use what GOD has given you to accomplish His will. If you will do that, you will meet all expectations.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Almost right

I don't know about you but I have been known to relish in being almost right. You know what I am talking about. I will miss a problem by only fractions of a point and think that that was pretty good; I was almost right. I will find myself just barely missing Jeopardy questions and thinking, "Well, that was almost right."

Today's word is something that I thought of this morning..."In Christian matters, being ALMOST right is still COMPLETELY wrong. Lots of folks looking for ways to get to Heaven - there's only ONE - JESUS."

If you think being almost right is appropriate, as I have thought, think about a brain surgeon. Do you want the brain surgeon to be almost right when he/she is operating on your or your loved one's brain. How about a heart surgeon. How about an accountant that is almost right about your finances but just misses a little something that costs you thousands of dollars in back taxes or, even worse, sends you to the slammer for being almost right?

All of those things are serious but not nearly as serious as being almost right about Heaven. Yes, there are a ton of different religions and isms and beliefs out there. Yes, some of them sound almost right. But, the Bible is clear that there is only one way to Heaven - JESUS CHRIST.

Don't let your pride of being almost right lead you to be completely wrong. While you're at it, check out your surgeon to see how right they have been, too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hair today, wrong tomorrow

Have you ever been guilty of judging others by their appearance. I would like to say that I have never done that but that would be a lie. I would love to say that I don't do that but, the truth is, I still find myself, occasionally, judging someone by their appearance.

You all know the folks - they are a little unkempt, a little disheveled, a little whatever. We have a tendency to look at them and think all the wrong things about them. They could be millionaires for all we know, yet, we judge them to be something entirely different. The flip side of that is we see all these models and celebrities and think they are worthy of some kind of special respect, and the truth is, they are worthy of no more respect than anyone else.

Today's word comes form 1 Peter 2:17, NIV, which reads, "Show proper respect to everyone. Love the brotherhood of believers, fear GOD, honor the king."

I have recently started watching Duck Dynasty, which I know a lot of people watch. I have to admit that the first time I saw it, I thought it was a little staged and corny. However, the more I watched, the more I enjoyed the cleanliness of the show. And, I especially like the family meal, with prayer, and the "moral" at the end of each show.

To look at those fellas, you wouldn't think they had a penny to their name. Yet, they could buy everything I have with the spare change in their pockets. Yeah, those guys are known everywhere now but prior to the show becoming a hit, I would venture to say that most folks would have shied away from them on the streets.

The flip side of that is that now that everyone knows those guys, and know that they have money, they are no more worthy of respect than anyone else. Yes, they have a lot of money but they don't deserve anymore respect than I do.

Try to keep in mind when you see others that GOD is no respecter of persons. He doesn't care how long your hair is, how you're dressed, what you drive, your bank account amount, or anything else. All GOD is concerned with is what is in your heart. And, that, my friends, is all that should concern us.

Be Blessed,
Micky T

Monday, March 4, 2013

My plan versus GOD'S

Ever have plans to do something just to have everything fall apart? Ever had plans to accomplish great and mighty feats only to be derailed by everyday humdrum life? Ever had plans to go out and meet the world head on just to find yourself in be with a headache?

Yes, we all like to make our own plans; we like to make big plans for ourselves. I am guilty of making plans that I haven't even asked GOD about. I am guilty of making plans and, then, trying to convince GOD that my plans are the ones He has for me. I bet you have, too.

Today's word is a saying I read sometime back. I have tweaked it just a bit but it is the same..."Faith is trusting in GOD'S plan, not trusting GOD to submit to our plans. He is not some genie. He is not our servant, we are His."

So often we try to "make" GOD submit to our plans. We will say things like, "Well, GOD, You said that Your plans were to prosper me." Or, "Well, GOD, You said that You would give me the desires of my heart." Yes, we try to use GOD'S words against Him. We often tend to forget that we don't see the whole picture but He does.

Trusting in GOD'S plan is difficult when things are not going according to plan. It is more complicated when we see something in this world that would seem to better our circumstances. It is further complicated when we are tempted to believe that our temporary solution is the permanent answer.

I know that GOD has great plans. I am just going to stick with Him. I know His plans are far greater than mine; and, I just want to be His servant.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 1, 2013

Afraid of the dark

Were you ever afraid of the dark? I have known folks that are so afraid of the dark, so terrified by what might be lurking in the darkness that they are paralyzed to move. I mean, they won't go outside after dark if their life depended on it.

My favorite thing about a fear of the dark is the way we pull the covers over our head when we fear something at night. How much protection does that thin little sheet provide? Surely the boogie man can't see through that sheet. Or, if he can, he could never penetrate its force field. Right? Maybe the sheet doesn't provide much protection physically, but it seems to provide so much mentally.

We all have our fears of the dark. My fear, especially as I get older, is tripping over something and hurting myself. I have definitely hurt my little piggy toe more than once by things strategically placed to injure piggy toes, such as bed corners and dressers and coffee tables and door facings.

Today's word is a quote from Plato, which says, "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

Darkness is just the absence of light; it is actually missing something. It is when we are afraid of the light because of the darkness we possess that it becomes tragic. We all have those little things we try to keep hidden from others. However, it is when we try to hide from the world in broad daylight that we need to evaluate the things in our lives. And, I certainly don't want to hurt anything in the dark, especially my little piggy toe.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T