Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Protection from the evil one

It probably goes without saying but I am about to say it anyway: Things in this world seem to get worse and worse all the time. I am amazed at how evil some people are and how much more evil people seem to get all the time. You don't have to look far to see evil abounding and growing stronger.

No doubt, though, we have brought this upon ourselves. No, I don't believe in karma; but, I do believe that you reap what you sow, and you often get what you ask for. In the Old Testament, we read about the Israelites wanting a king and GOD telling them, through Samuel, all the bad things that would come of having a king like all the nations they had just defeated. Yet, they still wanted a king - and they got what they wanted.

Today's word is encouragement for times such as these. It is 2 Thessalonians 3:3, NIV, which reads, "But the LORD is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."

While there is evil in this world that seems to get worse with each passing day, we can take comfort and peace in the fact that GOD is faithfully watching over us. His strength and protection is there for those that seek it.

When it seems that things are bad and only getting worse, I pray I remember that GOD protects His children. I pray that I can remember to encourage others by reminding them that GOD provides us strength and protection from the evil one.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Overflowing Love

Have you ever really loved someone? I mean, really loved them? I think a lot of people really confuse love with so many other worldly emotions. Love is so much deeper than just a physical attraction or affection - love is when you are willing to give up everything for someone.

You've heard me share the stories about those who truly love, and you have heard me share before that true love is about giving, not getting. It is when you are willing to give what you have to make someone happy instead of wondering what they can give you. (Don't think for one minute I am talking about getting taken advantage of because true love only works both ways).

Today's word is 1 Thessalonians 3:12, NIV, which reads, "May the LORD make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you."

Overflowing love is what we are talking about today. I can tell you without any doubt or hesitation that I love Trish more today than I ever have, which I thought was impossible. When I awake and see her next to me, there is a feeling I cannot describe except LOVE. I have overflowing love for my children. I want to see them succeed and serve GOD. I LOVE them.

Do you really love someone? Do you have an overflowing love for someone? It all begins with JESUS. Once you come to know JESUS and experience His overflowing love, you cannot help but share that same love with others. You can only know true overflowing love through GOD, for GOD is LOVE. I pray we call experience His overflowing love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 26, 2016

Everything we do

No matter what you do, someone notices. Why? Because, no matter what you do, it affects someone else. You may be saying, "No it doesn't. How does my watching TV affect someone else?" Well, the very show you are watching is on because you are watching it. If you, along with others, didn't watch the show, it would be taken off air, affecting the actors, producers, directors, gofers, etc. And, what you are watching will have an affect on you and it will cause you to act a certain way or talk about a certain thing, etc.

Well, how does my sleeping affect someone else? Let's avoid the obvious, that if you snore or toss and turn, and if you have a spouse, it directly affects someone. Indirectly, though, our sleeping affects those on the road with us because, tired drivers can be dangerous. Indirectly, our sleeping affects those around us because lack of sleep can cause us to be less productive and, sometimes, short-tempered. On the other hand, too much sleep and you miss work or school entirely; that will affect others for sure.

Today's word is Colossians 3:17, NLT, which reads, "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the LORD JESUS, giving thanks through Him to GOD the Father."

I think we sometimes forget that what we do and what we say affects others in significant ways, or at least I forget from time to time. I need to be reminded and to remind myself that I am a representative of my SAVIOR, and, sometimes, not a very good one. However, today's word reminds me that others see me as such.

So, let's remember that no matter what we do or say, others are paying attention and others are affected. We need to be good representatives and good ambassadors. Then, we need to thank GOD for all His blessings and for allowing us to do everything that we do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 25, 2016

I thank GOD for you

There are people in our lives that just make life better. I pray that each of us have those in our lives that bring a smile to our face each time we think of them. There is absolutely no doubt that I have been blessed with an abundance of people who just bring me more joy than I could ever reciprocate - ever.

Now, I am not going to call names because I would certainly miss someone; I did say there is an abundance. But, each time I think of these blessings in my life, yes, I smile, but I also pray for them and give GOD thanks for them.

Today's word is from Philippians 1:3, NIV, where Paul expressed to the Philippians that they brought joy to him. It reads, "I thank my GOD every time I remember you."

For those who bring such joy and peace to my life, allow me to say that I as so very thankful. If I haven't said that lately, I am sorry for not telling you what you mean to me. My life is what it is because GOD has allowed me to be connected to you! Thanks!

Allow me to say again that I have been truly blessed with great people in my life. GOD has allowed me joys beyond measure and blessings beyond imagination. And, "I thank my GOD every time I remember you!"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Unlimited Resources

I don't know about you but at our house, we have a very limited budget. I make what I make and Trish makes what she makes and that is it. We could get additional jobs (if we had the time or energy) but having what we have is all we have. Now, I am not complaining - we are blessed beyond measure. My point is that, unlike a lot of our politicians seem to think, we can't just "make" or "get" more money. We have limited resources.

It is probably fair to say that the majority of people have very limited resources; we have what we have and that is all that we have. When we need extra, we have to either borrow from someone or from some financial institution and, then, try to use the limited resources we had to make those additional payments. It can become a burden of monumental proportions if we allow it. However, as GOD'S children, we have a Father that has UNLIMITED RESOURCES.

Today's word is Ephesians 3:16, ESV, which reads, "That according to the riches of His glory He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit  in your inner being."

Just as we have limited resources financially, we have limited resources physically. There are those days when it seems we cannot find the strength to make it through; just putting one foot in front of the other is more than we can force ourselves to do. It is on those days that we must allow GOD to fill us with His strength, with His power, with His unlimited resources to see us through.

GOD also has what we need, and will give it to us when we need it. There will be those times that it seems it will arrive too late but GOD'S timing is always perfect and it will all be perfectly ordered. On those days, during those times when it seems that our resources are stretched to the breaking point, let's remember that our Father has unlimited resources.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

While I'm waiting

There's a song by John Waller titles, "While I'm waiting", which I truly like. The lyrics remind us that while we are waiting for GOD to do His thing in His time to not sit there doing nothing. We can continue to serve and worship and move forward with confidence that GOD is doing His thing, which will lead us to where we need to be. It is a great song.

We all await things, whether they be the birth of a child, some big event in our or our loved ones life, retirement; we are all awaiting something. It's hard to wait, especially when you are as impatient as I am. Yes, I admit that I am impatient but I also understand that good things come to those who wait.

Today's word is Galatians 5:5, NLT, which reads, "But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness GOD has promised to us."

There is absolutely no doubt that I will never be righteous - NEVER. I have shared before that even on my best day I FAIL. Now, I don't do it on purpose. I truly want to be righteous and pleasing to GOD. However, I too often allow this carnal flesh, these human desires, these earthly things to get in the way and influence my decisions. I will never be righteous, completely righteous, until I am eternally in Heaven, and I am eagerly awaiting that.

While I wait, though, I am going to continue to strive to be what GOD has called me to be. I am going to continue pressing toward the calling that GOD has given me. I am going to continue to pursue a life of righteousness, not through my own doings but through seeking more of GOD and less of me. I do eagerly await the righteousness promised but while I am waiting I am going to work on myself.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 18, 2016


There is absolutely nothing like an election to find out that some people think very highly of themselves. Yes, there are those who are not politicians that do as well, but, you have to admit that those running for office really like to talk about themselves (and their opponent).

Now, don't get me wrong, there is no better way for me to know who you are and what you stand for other than for you to tell me. Actually, there is - show me. But, we listen to the rhetoric in order to try and gain a better understanding of the character of those seeking a seat. And, boy can they boast...

Today's word is about our boasting. 2 Corinthians 10:18, NIV, reads, "For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the LORD commends."

Today's word tells us it is not about what we say about ourselves that is important. What is important is what GOD says about us. There are a lot of people who like to tell you all about themselves but what would GOD say about them, I wonder. The truth is the same for us all - GOD knows who we really are, He knows how we got to where we are, He knows how we gained what we have, He knows the real us.

My prayer today is that I will be more concerned about what GOD knows I am than about what I think I am. Because, all I really want to be is GOD'S child, doing His thing, being faithful and obedient. I may never be anything by this world's standards, and that will be fine. It's not about me; it's about Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 15, 2016

The things GOD has prepared

It has been a weekend of reminders of how our lives truly are vapors. A man with two in high school had a massive heart attack and passed away. A thirty-six year old mother passed away of cancer. A fourteen year old passed away from injuries sustained in a four-wheeling incident. It is devastating.

We have been praying for the family left to suffer and to continue on after these tragic losses. We pray for GOD to comfort them as only He can. We pray for peace for each and every family member and friend as they try to find a sense of coping. I cannot fathom what each of these families and all their friends and loved ones must be suffering and coping with.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 2:9, NIV, which reads, "...What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things GOD has prepared for those who love Him."

While it is difficult to ever find words to express our truest and sincerest care and sorrow and sympathy in times like these, I pray that we can all find some comfort in what GOD has in store for those who love Him. While a hole has been created that nothing will ever be able to fill, we can feel just a little better knowing our loved ones are experiencing the beauty and splendor that only GOD can provide.

We pray for each of these families, and everyone affected by each of these losses. I pray, again, that GOD will comfort them as only He can.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Joyful, Patient, Faithful

I have had tremendous examples throughout my life of solid Christians holding strong in the midst of the storms. I won't call names because they wouldn't want to be recognized for doing what we are called to do. Suffice it to say, though, that I have seen people that you would think had nothing to be hopeful for that were filled with hope. And, I don't mean a positive attitude as in, "I hope things get better." No, true hope, a confident expectation, that GOD was working all things for their good - even when it seemed really bad.

I have seen others that patience was something they possessed more of than I could have even imagined. I have shared before that I am not the most patient person but I am talking about patient people that KNEW GOD was doing His thing in His time and their duty was to remain patient and wait for His blessing, that hope they had, to come.

Today's word comes from Romans 12:12, NIV, and sums up these people I am referring to: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Paul instructed the Romans to keep on keeping on; to know that it rains on the just and the unjust but GOD is working all things for their good. Man, that is so easy to say, it's so easy to tell someone; it's harder to practice. But, Paul reminds us through this verse that we can be joyful because of the hope we have in our SAVIOR. We can be patient in our affliction because it is going to pass and we will be better and stronger for it. And, we need to be faithful in prayer, for it is only through the strength we have in GOD that we can endure what this world may bring upon us.

I am eternally grateful for those who have given me examples of Christian strength, examples of how to walk the daily walk. I am humbled by their resolve and bolstered by their perseverance. I pray we can all be joyful, patient, and faithful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

He gives us everything

There are lots of people who like to claim that they are "self-made". What they mean by that is that they worked hard, had no assistance, and became a success all on their own. There have certainly been some very successful people that started with absolutely nothing, but they aren't self-made.

The fact that they are here tells me that at some time they had parents, who "made" them. They had teachers, instructors, professors, bosses who taught them and laid the foundation. They had encouragers, supporters, backers that helped them and believed in them. They had a brain that functioned in a way to direct them to success. And where did that all come from?

Today's word is Acts 17:25, NIV, which reads, "And He (GOD) is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything. Rather, He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else."

No doubt that there have been some people that have really overcome great obstacles and challenges to become huge successes in life. No doubt they should be proud of all that they have done and the hard work expended to get there. Yet, it is wrong to not acknowledge that GOD has given it all to you.

I am grateful everyday for the life that GOD has allowed me to live. It has had its challenges and disappointments, with more to come, but it has also been filled with blessings beyond measure. I try to work hard to provide for my family. I try to meet my obligations. I try to learn new things and be of use to my employer. And, I always try to acknowledge and give thanks to GOD, for He gives us everything.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 8, 2016


We went away for the weekend for Trishia's upcoming birthday, and to just relax and take in some new scenery. Now, Trish had no idea where we were going or what we were going to do. It was fun to say, "Just relax, you'll find out."

It's not easy to wait - trust me I know. I am not good at waiting. Oh, I know that good things are worth waiting for, and they are. I am just a guy who likes for things to happen and happen quickly. Maybe my frustration stems from not controlling the timing of things. How about you? And, when I am really anticipating something - needing some news on something, trying to get something settled, etc. - it is even more difficult because I don't know the timing nor what is going on.

Today's word is John 13:7, NIV, which reads, "JESUS replied, 'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.'"

When we are going through those times that all we can do is wait, it is hard to understand why we are having to wait. It seems that GOD isn't listening; or, if He is, why isn't He doing something to ease my anxiety? We don't know all the details, all that is going on behind the scenes, all that GOD is doing on our behalf. We can't see the finished product because all we can focus on is the present and how slowly it seems that things are progressing.

As GOD'S children, we can rest assured that He is working on our behalf and that whatever He is doing will be greater than anything we could have ever expected. I pray that I can keep in mind that I don't know all that JESUS is doing but I will one day understand it all. And, I will find out that it was exactly as it should have been.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Treat Folks Right

The two young ones were having a "debate" in the backseat on the way to preschool this morning concerning toys. One of them claimed all the toys belonged to them and they were keeping them all. The other complained that they didn't have anything to play with and wanted to play with just one of the toys. So, I asked if they could just share. The one with the toys said, "No."

We aren't unlike my two kids. We tend to want to keep everything for ourselves. We have more than enough for ourselves but we aren't letting go of any of it. Yet, we want others to share things with us. I'm not just talking about money and stuff though. We will hold on to secrets and "use" them to persuade others to do what we want. We will mistreat our loved ones, yet, expect them to treat us with the utmost respect. I'll just lay it out for you - that ain't right.

Today's word is Luke 6:31, NIV, which reads, "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

This verse in Luke is like Matthew 7:12, which is where we find The Golden Rule. One of Lankford's Laws states, "Treat people the way you want to be treated," which, too, is another way of saying The Golden Rule. We should strive to treat others the way we want to be treated - with respect and love and kindness and peace. No, we shouldn't be run over, but, we should not run over others either.

In the end this morning, the two young ones shared toys and the ride to preschool was fairly uneventful. Prior to their sharing, though, I had the teaching moment of reminding them that we are to treat others the way we desire to be treated - if you aren't going to share with your sibling, then, don't expect the sibling, or anyone else for that matter, to share with you. They picked it up rather quickly. Don't you wish everyone did?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

If you can

There's an old saying, and one my Mom used a lot, "Can't never could do anything." Actually, some of the folks in my family would say, "Can't never could do nothing," but, I was trying to be correct. But, can't is a word that we allow to define us and defeat us.

I don't know about you but there have been countless times in my life that I have allowed my "can't do" attitude to defeat my "can do" spirit. It doesn't take much to deflate us at times, especially when we are tired, not feeling well, bombarded on every side. However, if we only believed we could...

Today's word is Mark 9:23, KJV, which reads, "JESUS said unto him, 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.'"

Do you believe you can? As another old saying goes, "If you believe you can, or if you believe you can't, you are correct." It starts with believing. Now, I don't for one minute believe I can jump over the moon, and that is not what I am talking about. What JESUS is talking about in this verse, and what I am poorly trying to convey, is that you gotta put forth the effort and, then, believe, that your efforts are going to accomplish your goal (with GOD'S help and blessing, of course).

We will never accomplish anything worth while believing that we can't accomplish anything worth while. Do you believe you can? Is is physically possible? Have you put forth your effort and prepared for it? Is it GOD'S will and GOD'S plan for your life? Don't let "can't" define and defeat you. If you can believe, all things are possible.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 1, 2016

Get some rest

So, things have been sort of tiring lately. We have had a lot going on and it seems that every time we turn around, we are being hit with something else. There have been times that I have said, "If I could just get a breath." It's busy...

And, there have been lots of concerns; I won't name any in particular. We have had a lot to be considered and a lot of decisions that had to be made. We have prayed for wisdom and discernment in each of those decision-making processes. There have been times that all I could do is collapse in the bed and fall asleep before my head hit the pillow. There have been others when my mind wouldn't let go and I would lie awake all night thinking things through.

Today's word is Matthew 11:28, NIV, which tells us where to find some rest. It reads, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

We grow tired because we try to carry all the weight ourselves. I know because that is my nature. Now, I have prayed about it. I have asked for wisdom and discernment. I have relied on GOD to give the answer. But, then, I pick the entire load up and try to carry it all myself again. Now, GOD expects us to do our part; He expects us to put feet to our prayers. But, we will only find true rest when we allow Him to work through us.

Feeling tired? Need some rest? Why not come to JESUS and find some rest?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T