Tuesday, August 9, 2016

He gives us everything

There are lots of people who like to claim that they are "self-made". What they mean by that is that they worked hard, had no assistance, and became a success all on their own. There have certainly been some very successful people that started with absolutely nothing, but they aren't self-made.

The fact that they are here tells me that at some time they had parents, who "made" them. They had teachers, instructors, professors, bosses who taught them and laid the foundation. They had encouragers, supporters, backers that helped them and believed in them. They had a brain that functioned in a way to direct them to success. And where did that all come from?

Today's word is Acts 17:25, NIV, which reads, "And He (GOD) is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything. Rather, He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else."

No doubt that there have been some people that have really overcome great obstacles and challenges to become huge successes in life. No doubt they should be proud of all that they have done and the hard work expended to get there. Yet, it is wrong to not acknowledge that GOD has given it all to you.

I am grateful everyday for the life that GOD has allowed me to live. It has had its challenges and disappointments, with more to come, but it has also been filled with blessings beyond measure. I try to work hard to provide for my family. I try to meet my obligations. I try to learn new things and be of use to my employer. And, I always try to acknowledge and give thanks to GOD, for He gives us everything.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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