Monday, September 30, 2013


I have occasions where I look at something and have a difficult time getting that image out of my head. I mean, I can go for days, weeks, months with that image cropping up from time to time. This is not a bad thing when the image is good, it is when the image is not so good.

I have a memory of my Grandpa sitting me, a very young child, on his knee and feeding me onion and cornbread (don't knock it until you try it). I was hungry. It was still quite a while until dinner. He fixed my hunger. The image of my Grandpa taking the time, showing the compassion to feed a little fellow will stay with me until GOD calls me home.

I also have images that I will never forget that are very unpleasant. I won't go into details. I won't give specifics. But, suffice it to say that I have some really bad images that, too, will stay with me until GOD calls me home.

Today's word is from Luke 11:34, NIV, which reads, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness."

We all know that the eyes are the windows to the soul. The images we see, the things we watch, the things we look at are burrowing straight to our soul. We have to be cautious and watch what we watch. It's easy to look at an image and think that one little look won't hurt. One may not, but we so seldom give it just one look.

Look, I am talking to me. We really need to watch what we watch. When our eyes are healthy, when they are looking at good things, our body will be healthy and full of light. Be careful little eyes what you see...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 27, 2013


There is no other word like, "wait." I have never liked the word. I have never liked being told to wait. I have never liked having to wait. There is something just not right about having to wait. Not really...

Waiting on something, the anticipation of something coming, is so exciting. I remember as a child, before time moved so quickly, waiting on Christmas. It would seem that from Christmas to Christmas was like 1000 days. Just from the first of December to December 24th was like 500 days! But, then, Christmas day would arrive and it would be worth the wait. Some things are worth waiting for.

Today's word is, again, just a thought that I have come across, that I have kept with me for a while, that I have paraphrased and memorized. It says, "Someone who will lead you to GOD and to a stronger relationship with Him and not lead you to sin is always worth the wait."

Sometimes, it takes a while for things to come to fruition. It seems that the worse I want something, the longer it takes for that something to manifest. However, when it finally comes together, when things finally fall into place, when the something I have been waiting for finally comes to past, it is worth the wait.

It is never easy waiting on things, especially the one we love. So many people get antsy and want love immediately, yet, it doesn't always work that way. Most of the time, GOD is waiting for us to become the right person before we meet the right person. I promise you, though, if you will just trust Him, it'll be worth the wait.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You are beautiful!

"You are beautiful," is not a statement that has ever been said about me. I tell people all the time that Trish and I are pretty good - she is pretty and I am good. And, yes, everyone knows that I don't always hold up my end of the duet.

I think one of the worse things we can do, however, is constantly compare ourselves to others. Look, I am comfortable enough in my manhood to admit that there are some guys, okay, A LOT of guys, better looking than I. I am not going to name them, because, as I said, there is A LOT. However, Trish thinks I am a pretty good looking dude, or at least I think she does.

Today's word is just a saying that I came across that sums up what GOD thinks of us..."You are beautiful! And, I should know, because I made you." - GOD

Look, I am sure that some folks look at me and find that I am less attractive than most. I am sure there are others that find me less attractive than many. I am sure that there are even others that find me the least attractive of all. I mean, they think that if I was in a beauty contest with seven others, I would finish twelfth. But, what really matters is what GOD thinks, and He thinks I am beautiful.

GOD made us just as He desired. He has a special plan and purpose for you just the way you are. He thinks I am da bomb, and so are you. Don't worry so much about meeting others' standards. Concentrate on what GOD says. He says YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! And, He should know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How tall are you?

I can remember as a teenager and early twenty-something thinking that one day I would be able to slam a basketball. It was a dream, especially for a five foot, nine inch guy. But, my vertical limitations did not dampen my resolve to eventually slam. However, gravity did eventually prove too much to overcome.

The deal, though, is that I had set a goal that was way beyond my abilities. I had stretched my physical self to a limit yet unsurpassed. I had made it a goal to do something that, up until I was finally proven, I thought I would achieve. What's the point? I am glad you asked...

Today's word is just a thought, a phrase, a saying, a something that I heard some time back and I will miss quote it but I will quote it the way it registers with me. It goes, "If we never stretch our limits and occasionally get in over our heads, how will we ever know how tall we are?"

We will never reach our full potential, see our true selves, test our resolve until we strive to do something that stretches us to our limits. It is easy to take all the easy classes, to never set the bar especially high, to never push ourselves but, when we do that, when we settle for good enough, we never see how truly great things we can accomplish.

It is okay to push, to strive, to drive yourself to reach a goal. You may never get there but your efforts will be rewarded none the less. No, I never did manage to slam the basketball. But, those attempts, those jumps, that exercise benefited me in countless other ways. Stretch yourself - you may be surprised at how tall you really are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Keep it real

I know a guy that will tell everyone what they want to hear. I mean, if you want to hear that you are the greatest individual in the world, that's what he will tell you. If you want to hear that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, that is what he will tell you. Now, he doesn't truly mean any of it; he is just telling others what he thinks they want to hear in order to gain a foothold with them.

If you are like me, a little sunshine up the skirt, a little pat on the back, a little "atta boy" every now and them is nice. However, when it comes to true matters, the things that really count, especially matters of the heart, I want you to keep it real.

Today's word is from Romans 12:9 & 10, NIV, which reads, "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."

Now, this doesn't mean that we are to do without everything, that we are to give away everything, that we are to live in squalor. What it does mean is that we should truly be concerned about others. And, when I say TRULY, I mean TRULY. We aren't supposed to feign interest or care or concern or love, we are supposed to be sincere - we are supposed to keep it real.

Here's the real deal - I LOVE YOU! I am grateful that GOD has blessed me with so many good friends. And, that is real!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today's little things

Have you ever noticed how one little thing today can lead to a major issue somewhere in the future? You know what I mean, right? You have a little drip in the washing machine line. No big deal, you just put a pan or bucket under it. But, it doesn't get better; these things always get worse. Eventually, that little drip becomes a major leak, ruining your laundry room floor.

Another little thing that I am often guilty of is the "I don't have any time for exercise." It is difficult to find time to get a lot of exercise in, especially in big blocks. But, if I would only get up from the desk occasionally and walk to the end of the hall or upstairs to drop off paperwork or anything that resembles exercise, it would all add up cumulatively.

Today's word is just a simple saying that says, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

The old saying is, "If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." The truth is, we are all making decisions today to do, and not do, things that we will eventually feel the effects of. Hey, I am pointing the finger at me, not you.

I need to work on doing something today that will benefit me in the future. It may be a few extra steps, one less cookie, a little catnap, checking twice before entering traffic; it can be any little thing. But, I bet I'll be surprised at how doing some little beneficial thing today will really pay off down the road.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me

On the show HEE HAW, the fellows would always have a segment where they would sing the song, "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me" and lament all their troubles and trials. It could be anything from their truck breaking down to the cornbread burning. We all have troubles.

When we have troubles, we need to find a way to face those troubles, to free ourselves from the burden of those troubles, and to forge on to the good end that GOD intends for us. Now, I know that that is much easier said than done. As a matter of fact, I have probably shared that I have my occasional pity party; I just try not to lie in that pity bog for long. I eventually choose to move on and let it go.

Today's word is a quote, a saying, I came across that I really like. It says, "Being hurt is something that you can't stop from happening, but being miserable is ALWAYS your choice." To which I add, "Choose to be happy.

Once again, easier said than done, but doable. Folks are going to hurt us in ways we never thought possible. There are folks in this world who derive great pleasure and enjoyment from hurting others and seeing others hurt. And, there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop them. It is a definite fact that being hurt is going to happen, and there is NOTHING we can do to stop it from happening. BUT...

But, how we handle that hurt, that disappointment, that ridicule, that betrayal is up to us. Yeah, wallow in it for a while, we all do, we all will. Then, pray for GOD to give you the strength and the fortitude and the determination to move on. We can't stop the hurt but we can stop the misery. Choose to be happy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What comes out is what counts

Ever use a vending machine, especially a drink machine, and not get exactly what you thought your were going to get? You put your money in, more of it lately, and you press the button for a Dr. Pepper. Now, what you expect to drop down into the little trough is a Dr. Pepper. However, on occasions, what drops out is something completely different.

Now, you put the right thing in, money. You used the proper technique - insert money, make selection. You did everything you could do to make the machine work according to your wishes, yet, you still didn't get what you thought you would.

Today's word is from Matthew 15:11, NIV, where JESUS said, "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."

While the above example may not seem to be appropriate, just bear with me. You see, GOD gives us everything we need. He feeds us with His word, with songs, with the words of others, with our prayer time - He gives us everything we need to get out of us what we need. However, sometimes, what comes out is completely different than what is expected.

Now, it never surprises GOD; He knows everything. But, I wonder if He doesn't sometime sit there and say, "Now, that was not what I pressed." It's what comes out that counts.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Things change

Remember when you were younger and the things that really bothered you? Or, if you are younger, what are the things that bother you? I can tell you that what bothered you when you were 15 isn't what will bother you when you are 25. Several folks are thinking, "You're right. I really don't care that Penelope liked Ricardo more than me."

Things change as we get a little maturity, as we get a little older. That is not to say that certain things won't bother you forever, because some things will. I am just saying that the little things, the minutiae is just that little minutiae. Those things that we thought were life and death were actually just temporary things playing with our emotions.

With that thought in mind, today's word is, "Don't make permanent decisions based on your temporary emotion. Pray and allow GOD to give you the permanent solution to your temporary problem."

So many of us will make rash decisions that will follow us the rest of our lives based on a temporary emotion. DON'T DO IT! We need to sit back, pray about it, and allow GOD to direct us to the right action. We need to respond, not react.

There will be things that really get to you; there will ALWAYS be things that really get to you. However, don't let your temporary emotion, your temporary anger, your temporary infatuation, your temporary passion lead you to make a permanent decision that will cost you forever. Don't let temporary things cause you to make permanent mistakes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pay attention

Ever have your parents or a teacher or someone say, "You need to pay attention"? I have always been easily distracted, so I heard that statement many times. Sometimes, it was because I needed to hear what someone was trying to tell me. Sometimes, it was to get me to see something that I had been missing. Sometimes, it was to keep me from walking into some sort of danger that could have been avoided. Yeah, I got it a lot.

I am glad, though, that folks took the time to get me to pay attention. I don't know much, but I know tons more than I would have known if they had not gotten my attention. It may seem strange, but apparently there is a "pay attention" sensor attached to the seat, if you know what I mean.

Today's word comes from Psalm 46:10, NIV, which reads, "He says, 'Be still and know that I am GOD; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

With all the distractions and all that is going on in our worlds, it is easy to forget how to just be still and know. I will NEVER forget GOD but I do, sometimes, forget to give things to Him. I need to sit still and let Him take care of things. I need to trust that He has things under control. I need to rest in His promises that everything is working for my good.

GOD is AWESOME! He is going to be exalted, and deserves our admiration, adoration, and attention. He is GOD. He is going to take care of things. He has a plan. You may not need the reminder but I often do. So, here it is - listen up, be still, PAY ATTENTION - GOD is at work!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 16, 2013

Look where you've been

I've shared before that I have never been a long distance runner. Those who like to run for hours, more power to them. I like peace and solitude as much as anyone but there is little of that when all I can hear is my feet pounding on the pavement, my heart pounding in my head, and both of those are being drowned out by my lungs efforts to supply enough oxygen to keep me going. Yeah, I've never been a huge fan.

However, I have run great distances. Not because I wanted to, but because they made me. You can try to get out of it if you want, but you are not going to get out of it. When you have to do something that you really, really, really don't want to do, you have to find some little something to keep you going. That's what I have been thinking about. What keeps us going?

Today's word is a thought I came across some time ago that sort of gives insight into what keep us going. I don't know who said it originally but it is sound advice: "When you feel like giving up and that you can't go any further, just look at how far you have already come. That same strength that has brought you this far is enough to see you through. Keep going, you have the strength to make it."

You see, when you are going through things, it is really easy to only see the mountain standing in front or you. However, if we will just look back at the mountains we've already climbed, we will see that we have the strength to get over the next one; it won't be easy, but it is doable. You have the strength to press on, to accomplish the goal, to reach the end. How can you tell? Just look at where you've already been.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Hope

Good News! Apparently, I may have won $10,000,000 in the latest sweepstakes! We've all seen or heard that line before, haven't we? We begin to dream of what we would do with all that money. Yet, it seems that it never comes to fruition and we lose hope.

It is sort of the same thing that is going on in our current economy. I hear people all the time say, "Well, if there is any social security when I get there. You better hope there is." My reply is that my hope is not in the social security system, and certainly not in the federal government.

Today's word is from Psalm 71:14, NIV, which reads, "As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more."

When you are a child of GOD, there is always hope, a hope that is settled and stable and unchanging. The Bible tells us that GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We know that GOD will see us through, we don't hope he does, we KNOW He will.

Yeah, it might be nice to win the SUPER PRIZE but I would venture a guess that I never will. In the mean time, I will keep my hope and my faith in JESUS CHRIST - the only One worth hoping in.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just Listen

We all have those times, those moments, those needs to get something off our chests. Sometimes, it is a hurt that we just need to vent off. Sometimes, it is a frustration that needs to be released. Other times, it is a tense situation that needs a little massage. Whatever the case, there are times when we all need to get something said.

I don't know about you but I have been guilty, at times, of half listening to someone. I have been guilty of thinking to myself, "Oh boy, here we go again." It's not easy to admit, but it is true. Most of the time, folks just need someone to listen, they want to be heard. Why should that be so difficult?

Today's word is a thought I came across one day that has really stuck with me. It says, "Nothing ever got worse from talking about it. Just pick the right person to talk to."

Nothing gets worse by getting it off your chest. The only thing that could go wrong is someone violating your trust and telling your business; that's why you have to pick the right person to talk to. The point is, it is okay to talk about things, to vent, to get things off your chest, to release that hurt, that anger, that frustration. Most of the time all it takes is just to get it said. All I really need to do is listen; that really shouldn't be that tough.

If you ever feel the need to say something, you can trust me. I am the most confidential person you will ever meet. If you need someone to listen, I will try to be better at it. We all need someone to talk to, and it never hurts anything to get it said. Pick the right person and get it off your chest. You may just be surprised at how freeing it is.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Got Strength?

Ever have those moments when you could use just a little extra oomph? Sometimes, we just need a little something to get us over the hump. There have been and are and will be many times when just a little extra strength could go a long ways.

I remember the first time I tried to run the 400 meters. I thought that I would hold back a little and blow them away at the end. Boy, was I wrong. By the time I got ready to give my final kick, the rest were so far ahead that I couldn't catch them. That's when my coach told me that the 400 meters is a sprint, start to finish. I started training for the 400 meters as a sprint. I found that if I gave everything I had from start to finish, I really didn't finish with what I started with. But, I kept working at it, kept trying to learn how to run correctly.

Today's word is from Isaiah 40:29, NIV, which reads, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

We all need someone to show us how to do things, to instruct us in our paths. Contrary to popular opinion, sometimes, we all need a little extra help. We may not have the energy or the strength to keep battling through the things that continue to come our way. BUT (don't you love the BUTS?), GOD will sustain us and give us what we need if we will only rely on Him.

Feeling a little tired? Draw from the well that is GOD'S. He will give you strength if you are tired and give you the power to carry on!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tail Wagging

When Trish and I first got married, we had an old 1974 Ford Mustang, with a four cylinder and no power. Well, we started looking for another vehicle and found ourselves at the auto auction. It was there that we purchased, for $400, a 1978 Chevrolet Impala that smoked like a tar kiln. The car wasn't much to look at but, boy, did we get some looks.

Everywhere we went, it looked like we were spraying for mosquitoes. Every time we started the Impala up, it looked like we were stoking a fire for smoke signals. However, we ended up putting 52,000 miles on that $400 car, and it was still running when we got rid of it.

Today's word is a quote from Richard Friedman, which says, "Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail."

That old Impala wasn't the best looking car. I am sure that most folks with any dignity probably looked down on Trish and me as we drove it around. But, for the money, there has never been a finer automobile. If we had had the money, we could have bought a much more expensive vehicle, but I don't think it would have given us any more satisfaction; that old dog really could wag its tail.

What am I trying to say? Well, I am glad you asked. You can have all the finest things in the world, you can buy all the nicest things in the world, you can live high on the hog, but without love, it is all useless. You gotta have love! With love, even a 1978 Chevrolet Impala that smoked like a tar kiln, is a prized possession.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 6, 2013

Inside Job

We often hear of people who use their knowledge of the business that they are employed with using that knowledge to steal, exploit, pilfer assets. It is a shame that people do these things but these inside jobs take place all the time.

There was a movie released in 2010 starring Matt Damon titled Inside Job. The movie takes a closer look at what brought about the financial meltdown in the early 2000s. It just validates what a lot of us already knew, people on the inside were doing some shenanigans, which cost this country dearly. Today, however, I want to talk about a different type of inside job...

Today's word is a quote from Mandy Hale, which says, "Happiness is an inside job. Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life."

Look, there is absolutely nothing nor no one that can make you happy. Happiness has to come from within. You have to be happy with what you have and whom you have. I don't mean you have to settle for less, settle for mediocre, settle for bad. I am saying that you would be surprised at how happy you would be if you would just stop trying to let others make you happy. You have to choose to be happy. It's an inside job!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 5, 2013

It may be legal, but it's not right

In case you haven't noticed, it seems that our government is trying to make more and more things legal. I am not going into the specifics but I think we have all seen laws passed making things legal that are morally wrong. Try as they may, they are still wrong.

Here is just one way to look at what I am trying to say. In certain parts of the world, even in certain parts of this country, hiring a prostitute is legal. So, you have a legal right to hire a prostitute. However, if you are married, it may be legal but it is definitely not right.

Today's word is from Proverbs 21:2, NIV, which reads, "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart."

This verse sums up what is going on in our country through our government. What they are legalizing seems right to them (in their eyes). But, one day, we will stand and give an account for what we have done in this life and we won't be judged by what we thought was right; we will be judged by what is in our heart. Now, if JESUS is in your heart, you have nothing to worry about, if He isn't, you have more troubles than you could ever imagine.

The government is going to keep passing laws legalizing things that shouldn't be legal to gain the support of a select few. They are going to be judged for that. The government can keep on trying to make sin legal. They will NEVER make sin right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Ordinary

I have often mentioned to folks that I do not watch reality television. Why? Because it is not reality. I remember watching the very first episode of the very first Survivor. When the episode went off, I looked at Trish and told her that I wouldn't be watching anymore of that because, it isn't reality, it isn't survival. If you want a true survivor show, drop twelve people off on a remote island, leave them with no provisions, no camera crew, no medics, and when you come back eight weeks later, the person that has lost the least weight is the winner - they have out survived the others; that, my friend would be reality.

I know why they make the "reality" shows so unrealistic. Because, most people would find true reality absolutely boring. You should follow me around for a day. Yeah, that would be a huge dose of reality. So many people lose sight of the fact that real joy lies in the reality that even on my worst day, things are pretty good.

Today's word is a quote from Bishop Gore, which says, "GOD does not want us to do extraordinary things; He wants us to do ordinary things extraordinarily well."

GOD doesn't want us to go out and conquer Mt. Everest, if you do, that is well and fine, but for the most of us, that is not His plan. He simply wants us to do what we do to the very best of our abilities. Some people think that they have to accomplish some great feat and make a "name" for themselves, when the reality of it all is that GOD simply wants you to do your best in each instance. Live the moment - it could be the most important of your life! That is REALITY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Nothing vs Everything

There will be moments in each of our lives when we have to make the choice to go with the crowd or to stand for what we really believe in. Now, it is easy to cave and give in - I know. It takes a lot to run the risk of looking like the "square", the "nerd", the "uncool" person. I would still rather look "uncool" than to look like a fool. You know what I mean.

Going with the flow is the obviously easy path; and, there is one great advantage - you get there faster. Where you're getting to should be of more concern than how fast you are arriving - the destination is much more important than the speed of travel.

Today's word is a quote from Hans F. Hansen, which says, "It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone."

It gets easier to stand alone the older you get, though there are still those times that others try to press you into something you shouldn't allow. However, we are called to stand up for what is right regardless of the numbers against you. As Mr. Hansen said, "It takes NOTHING to join the crowd." Be strong, don't give in.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T