I've shared before that I have never been a long distance runner. Those who like to run for hours, more power to them. I like peace and solitude as much as anyone but there is little of that when all I can hear is my feet pounding on the pavement, my heart pounding in my head, and both of those are being drowned out by my lungs efforts to supply enough oxygen to keep me going. Yeah, I've never been a huge fan.
However, I have run great distances. Not because I wanted to, but because they made me. You can try to get out of it if you want, but you are not going to get out of it. When you have to do something that you really, really, really don't want to do, you have to find some little something to keep you going. That's what I have been thinking about. What keeps us going?
Today's word is a thought I came across some time ago that sort of gives insight into what keep us going. I don't know who said it originally but it is sound advice: "When you feel like giving up and that you can't go any further, just look at how far you have already come. That same strength that has brought you this far is enough to see you through. Keep going, you have the strength to make it."
You see, when you are going through things, it is really easy to only see the mountain standing in front or you. However, if we will just look back at the mountains we've already climbed, we will see that we have the strength to get over the next one; it won't be easy, but it is doable. You have the strength to press on, to accomplish the goal, to reach the end. How can you tell? Just look at where you've already been.
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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