Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Read the Book

Whenever someone asks me, "What do you think I should do," my reply is "Read the Book." The Book I am referring to, of course, is the Holy Bible, GOD'S Word. In the Bible, you will find answers to every question you may ever have. You will find a solution to every problem you will ever face. You will find wisdom for every dilemma.

It seems to me that there are many that know the answers are in GOD'S Word but they refuse to read it, or, they refuse to accept it. Here's the deal, for me anyway, I am a servant of the ALL knowing, ALL wise, ALL loving, ALL caring, ALL everything, my LORD, JESUS CHRIST. If I trust Him for my eternity, I can certainly trust Him for my day to day.

Today's word is just a saying/quote that I came across several years back that reminds me to "Read the Book": "The voice of GOD will never contradict the Word of GOD."

There are those that will say, "GOD told me..." or, "GOD has revealed to me..." or, "GOD spoke to me and said...", and, when you hear someone say something of that nature, compare what they say to what the Bible tells you. IF what they are saying isn't fully grounded and supported by the Word of GOD, ALWAYS go with the Word of GOD.

I believe it is more important in our current society than ever before in history to be diligent and discerning. There are lots of people trying to lead LOTS of people astray by misinterpreting or misrepresenting what the Word says. The simple thing to do, though, is to Read the Book.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Just stay calm

Have you ever "gotten ahead of yourself"? You know, acted before you thought? It is really easy to do sometimes. Things are happening all around you, there is a lot of noise and clamor, you are in an uncomfortable spot, and you start making decisions, start acting in ways that are unproductive and inefficient.

I've seen people make bad decisions because they are quick to push the "panic button". Hey, I know, I, too, have pressed that button because I hadn't taken the time to evaluate and think things through. It is easily done.

Today's word is Exodus 14:14, NLT, which reads, "The LORD Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."

We all know that staying calm is often much easier said than done. But, I can tell you from experience that I don't make the best decisions when I am in a panic. And, I would venture to say that most people can say the same. I have found, again, through experience, that if I will take a breath and evaluate the situation, I usually make much better decisions. Besides, I know that GOD is with me and He always helps.

The next time you find yourself in a sticky, prickly, tight, tough situation, remember today's word: "The LORD Himself will fight for you." GOD is right beside you, helping you through. He will fight for us and show us the answers we need. The best thing we can do is just stay calm.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 25, 2019

GOD forgives me every time

We completed our Sunday school study in Genesis yesterday with Joseph reconciling with his brothers. I know you know the story of Joseph: he was hated by ten (10) of his brothers, sold into slavery, imprisoned, became governor of Egypt, and saved his people (GOD'S divine plan) from starvation.

It worked out as GOD had planned but Joseph had to go through some things. I won't try to speak for Joseph, but, I can imagine there were moments of anger and disbelief and thoughts of revenge for his brothers. Then, again, maybe Joseph never thought about revenge because in chapter 50 of Genesis Joseph tells his brothers that what they had meant for evil, GOD had meant for good, to save them all.

Today's word is Mark 11:25, NLT, which reads, "But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in Heaven will forgive your sins, too."

I heard someone say that we are never farther from GOD than when we don't forgive. For, when we don't forgive someone, we are "saying" that we are better than GOD - GOD forgives us all, and we won't forgive. On the other hand, we are never more like GOD than when we forgive someone - for, GOD forgives us all. It is often hard to forgive someone who had really hurt us but GOD forgives us for everything we have ever done. But, it is still hard...

I want to keep in mind, though, that I want GOD to forgive me: fully, completely, entirely. I don't want my prayer life hindered and hampered. I want to be as close to GOD as possible, and vice versa. I want to work on forgiveness; there's no feeling like it. No, I am not going to let someone hurt me over and over, but, I can forgive them for doing it the first time. Because, GOD forgives me every time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cheese stick or fish stick

Have you ever picked up something, thinking it was one thing but later finding out it was another? I may have shared this before but it bears repeating. I am not a fish and seafood guy; I have never been a fan of it, probably never will be. I wish I liked fish; it's supposedly really healthy. But I am just one of those folks who have never developed a taste and a desire for it. Sorry.

However, I was eating at a particular style of buffet restaurant several years ago, and came upon an item that the tag on the sneeze guard read, "Cheese Stick". I really like cheese, so, I picked one up and planned to eat it while I was completing the filling of my plate. One bite, though, let me know that what I had was not a cheese stick at all; it was a fish stick, a very fishy tasting fish stick. Sometimes, what we think we see is not what something really is.

Today's word is Revelations 3:1b, ESV, which reads, "...I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead."

The church at Sardis, whom is being talked to in today's passage, had the appearance of being a church on fire for GOD, and some, a few, of the members were. What was really going on, though, and GOD knew, was you had a few really working and striving to do His will, while the rest were lost in their sins and telling everyone that they were members of the Church of Sardis.

The same thing(s) is happening in today's church. Don't get me wrong, I am not judging, and certainly not pointing fingers; I have my own faults and failures. BUT, GOD knows the heart; He knows the ones that are trying to do His will and those that are just there to be able to say that they are there. He knows the ones that are truly His and those that want others to "think" that they are His. And, in today's passage, we are warned that He knows.

I use this passage today as a reminder to myself that I need to be doing what GOD has called me to do for one reason and one reason only - to Glorify Him and to try to let His light shine through me. I want to be found faithful. I want to be a cheese stick, not a fish stick.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Look around

Alright, while I have absolutely no right, I am just going to vent for a moment. I am tired of the rain. It has rained so much this winter season, with a days-long deluge beginning today and ending who knows when. The kids can't get out and play, there is mud and mess everywhere, it is frustrating.

Yes, I know it could be A LOT worse. I know there are areas of our country that have had incessant snow, extreme cold, and a bitter winter season. And, I feel for them, too. It is aggravating at times that we can't get a pretty day, a decent day to go out and enjoy. There have been a few days here and there but it was still extremely muddy. But, I am just complaining, which is neither comely nor productive nor justified.

Today's word is Psalm 55:22, ESV, which reads, "Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved."

Even when we are having a bad day, a bad season, we can trust that GOD has it all in His hand. He isn't oblivious to our situation. He isn't apathetic to our feelings. He isn't unaware of our frustrations. We may try to hide them and act like everything is just fine, BUT, He knows it all, even those things we complain about in our heads. We can cast our burden, our struggles, our complaints, our frustrations on Him; He will help us through.

Yeah, it has been a frustratingly wet winter. It has had its very dark days. But, we have accomplished some inside work that we had been wanting to get done. We have had a couple of evenings that we could sit down as a family and enjoy a clean, wholesome movie. While all this incessant rain has caused its problems and inconveniences, GOD has given us moments of joy and happiness. It's amazing what you can "see", if you just lift your head and look around.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 15, 2019

Someone who makes the time

According to the National Day Calendar, today is "National No One Eats Alone Day", which is pretty neat, I think. A day set aside to remind us that everyone has a different story and everyone could use someone just to listen to his/her story (now, all of the explanation is just my thought of what it could mean).

I am having lunch today with some friends: one, a former boss that lives thirty (30) miles away, the other, a friend traveling about 100 miles just to have lunch. Both of these men are much older, much wiser, and retired. But, still, they are taking the time to travel a fair distance just to sit down for a few minutes and enjoy a little fellowship over lunch.

Today's word is a little something I try to remember when I NEED to be somewhere but I WANT to do something else: "It's not about HAVING time. It's about MAKING time."

There will be those times in life when we really want to finish a project, go to the movies, just veg, but, a friend really needs us to sit and listen. And, when I say "friend", it certainly goes for my wife and kids (FIRST). We may not think that we "HAVE" the time but we know we need to "MAKE" the time. Why? Because, others have and will do it for us.

So, on this "National No One Eats Alone Day", remember what others have done for you and try to make a little time for someone else. I bet you'll receive far more of a blessing than you give. There is something special about someone who makes the time.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Greatest

What does "Love" mean? It is definitely a word that is better felt than described, better lived than explained, better shared than discussed. But, it is also a word that is really hard to give a true definition. It is sort of like when I try to explain to my kids that I love them in a way that they will NEVER understand (until they have kids), but I love their Mom, my wife, with a love like no other.

Love is an emotion, yeah, but, it is one that is harder to explain than anger or sadness. It is something that reaches our deepest being, into our very soul. GOD'S word tells us that there is no greater love than to give your life for a friend. And, that GOD loves us so much that He gave His Son as a sacrifice for us! That's LOVE.

Obviously, it is Valentine's Day, a day devoted to expressing our love to others. Now, I will tell you that I try to show Trish love every day, not just on Valentine's Day. I want her to know how much she means to me, how she completes me, how much I LOVE HER every, single day. Same goes for our kids, my family, my friends, everyone.

So, on this Valentine's Day, let others know that you love them and appreciate them. Then, why save it for just one day each year? Try to let those that you love know how special they are, not because they have done anything particularly special but because they are just special.

And, with that, I will end with today's word, which is often used, especially on Valentine's Day, but is always true and relevant. 1 Corinthians 13:13, NLT, reads, "Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Exactly what they deserve

We try not to watch a lot of news. As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I actually watched any news. However, you can hardly start any web browser without seeing the headlines. My phone is actually set up to deliver new breaking news headlines. So, while I haven't watched a news program in a while, the truth is that I usually see all the news, which is usually bad.

It is hard to escape bad news. The old saying, "Good news travels fast; bad news travels faster," is absolutely true. What I find in the news, mostly, is how evil some people are. It is not unusual to get some news feed every day about the wickedness of some; there is a payday coming for wickedness.

Today's word is Isaiah 3:11, NLT, which reads, "But the wicked are doomed, for they will get exactly what they deserve."

I don't know how anyone gets to the point that some do, except that they are lost and without GOD. Unfortunately for us, we have to live in a world where wickedness seems more and more prevalent. More unfortunate, though, is the retribution the wicked will pay. My prayer is that everyone will give his/her heart to JESUS and be saved. However, we know that many won't, and, there is a steep price to pay for not.

For as long as GOD keeps me on this earth, I know there will be wicked people committing wicked acts. Again, I pray for each and every one that all will coming to a saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. We will all stand before GOD one day. We will all receive what we have coming. Just like everyone else, the wicked will get exactly what they deserve.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Until we do

Are you a Christian? Are you a child of GOD? A joint heir with JESUS CHRIST? If you are, you have been called to do some good works. No, not to make you more saved, nothing can do more. And, no, not to bring glory to yourself. As a child of GOD, we are all called to reflect our Father, and we do that by doing His good will.

Now, what GOD has called you to do is between you and Him only. I don't know what He has called you to do. I don't know where He will call you to serve. I don't know when He will call on you to do something. Again, that is between you and Him. I just know that He didn't save us to do nothing.

Today's word is Ephesians 2:10, NIV, which reads, "For we are GOD'S handiwork, created in CHRIST JESUS to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do."

These good works that I reference were prepared in advance for us to do. GOD has a plan for His children, and it is for us to seek His will and to do it. Again, He alone knows what He has prepared for each of us individually. It is our calling to seek Him out and to do that which He has called us to do. Yours may be in an area that He has gifted you, or it may be in an area completely out of your comfort zone. If it is out of your comfort zone, He will give you what you need in order to accomplish His will. All you have to do is seek to do it.

I read today's passage this morning and it just reminded me that GOD has a plan and a purpose for my life. I am His child and He has something for me to do. My part in it all is to diligently seek Him and, then, do that which He has prepared for me to do, and for which He has prepared me to do. We were created to do good works. And, as I have said before, we won't be happy until we do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 11, 2019

Fulfill it for Him

So, I have jury duty starting today, and I don't take it lightly. I pray that GOD can use me during this time of jury duty, whether it be on a jury or just talking to someone about GOD while sitting around waiting. I certainly believe that things happen for a reason, and in Diving appointments. So, I have no doubt that GOD has a reason for me to be on jury duty staring today.

If I do get on a case, however, I want to be sure to listen as well as I can, evaluate all the evidence, then, pray, and allow GOD to direct my decision. It is never lost on me that I will one day stand before a Holy and Just GOD and give an account for everything I have done in this life, whether it be good or whether it be bad. So, I am going to do my very best.

Today's word is a reminder from 2 Samuel 23:3b, KJV, that we need to rely on GOD when making decisions: "...He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of GOD."

Now, I am not ruling over anyone, but, I could be in a position where my decision determines someone else's fate, whether it be a monetary issue or a criminal one. I would want whomever was in the position to decide for me to be a believer and to be dependent on GOD for discernment, and I would like to think others feel the same.

Let's all try to remember that the world is watching. They are watching how we react, how we respond, and how we rule. I want to rule well. I want to rule wisely. I want to rule with GOD'S direction. Pray that whatever role GOD puts me in that I will fulfill it for Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 8, 2019

Watching, and learning, and laughing, and uploading

I don't know if you have ever experienced it but I have. It happens at the most inopportune times; or, maybe it is the most opportune time for others. It can happen to someone you don't know, someone you are really close to, or even to you. It can come along, out of nowhere, and leave you wondering what happened.

I have seen it almost every day of my life. There have been some days when I have seen it multiple times. I have seen when it happened to a single, solitary person, and I have seen it when it overtook a multitude. Do you know what "IT" is? STUPIDITY. I have been a part of, seen a lot of, and will see more stupidity.

Today's word is a quote from Albert Einstein that says, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

What really concerns me about stupidity, including my own, is that it is still completely and totally rampant. I would think that after thousands of years of human existence that we would have eliminated a lot of stupidity but, alas, it is still alive and well. Why? Because we seem to be too unintelligent to learn from others' mistakes.

So, I just wanted to remind you, and you can remind me, that we can do better. We do not have to repeat the same stupid acts we see others perform. We don't have to prove that human stupidity is infinite. However, if we do that, a lot of social media sites will have to shut down. So, go out there today and think before you act; you just never know who is watching, and learning, and laughing, and uploading.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A word fitly spoken

According to the National Day Calendar, today is "National Send a Card to a Friend Day". There is nothing like getting an encouraging note or even a text from someone out of the blue that just says, "Hey, been thinking about you. Wanted you to know that everything is going to be alright. Love you."

I think I can, often, underestimate the power of words, those spoken and especially those written. We try to make sure that our kids write thank you cards for people who help them and gift them things. Now, they don't actually write them, but, they do sign them. It is important that the givers know that their gift was truly appreciated and it is also important that our kids learn to say, "Thanks".

Today's word is Proverbs 25:11, NLT, which reads, "Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket."

Nothing bolsters our spirit and encourages us like good advice at the right time, a true word of wisdom when we need it most. I know that I have been gifted sound advice that was sent by GOD through one of His children. I pray that GOD will find me useful in that area as well.

So, today, I have had on my mind the fact that we can all use a good word from time to time. We also need a correcting word from time to time, too, but, that is a different story for a different day. Today, let's try to be the one that will use our words to encourage and strengthen and build up someone. Because, nothing is like a word fitly spoken.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My GOD is amazing

Have you ever pondered anything? To ponder means, "To think about something very carefully," usually prior to making a decision either for something or about something. I can tell you that I have pondered many things, including whether to buy a certain house, vehicle, television, computer, etc. I have also pondered many things in my daily walk.

Isn't it amazing how GOD put everything together? Did you know that the earth has to spin about 1,000 miles per hour to be able to make a complete rotation in 24 hours? Or, that we are moving through space, orbiting the sun at about 67,000 miles per hour? And, yet, we are thrown off or we don't just fly out of orbit. I have knocked myself out of balance trying to run faster than I should, which is not very fast. How can anyone think that the way the earth is held together all happened by chance? Something to ponder...

Today's word is Psalm 111:2, NIV, which reads, "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

The LORD has created all the many splendorous things that we see every day: the sunrise/sunset, the beautiful waters, the fresh flower blooms, my children, my wife, and I am barely scratching the surface. I ponder, sometimes, why GOD has blessed me so much and why He has been so good to me - JUST BECAUSE HE CAN. And, JUST BECAUSE HE LOVES ME.

We can get all wrapped up in the wonder and mystery of everything, and spend our lives trying to find a way to explain it all. Or, we can remember Romans 11:34, which asks, "For who can know the LORD'S thoughts..." We don't have to know why or how He created everything and put it all together. We can just accept that He did and enjoy it; My GOD is amazing!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Everything He has given us

They say a true test of one's character is how he/she treats others, especially those that can do nothing for them in return. It is easy to give to those we love - we love them. But, have you ever seen a situation, been near a scene, where someone needed some assistance? It may have been that they were asking for two dollars, just something to eat. What did you do?

Now, in every situation, we must be sure to use some discernment and good judgement. There are many out there that will take advantage of your goodness and generosity. But, if GOD is imploring you, do you help? Or, do we wait for someone else to come along? There will be times when we know that we can't just give this person money but we can't take them to get something to eat either. There are other times that GOD may have put us there at just that moment.

Today's word is a reminder that GOD wants us to use what He has given us. Proverbs 19:17, NLT, reads, "If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD--and He will repay you!"

It is not that the LORD needs our help or "our" money. He is the LORD. What He wants is for us to see our need to serve Him by serving others. Again, there will be times when His discernment will tell us, "No," but, there will be those other occasions when His Spirit is pressing us to say, "Yes". And, if we will follow His leading, we cannot imagine what He has in store.

The simple fact for me is that GOD wants me to be wise and prudent and a good steward of everything He gives us. He also wants me to acknowledge and understand that anything good that I have has come from Him. As the old saying goes, "My life is GOD'S gift to me. What I do with it is my gift to Him." The same can be said of everything He has given us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, February 4, 2019

Every second in between

As I have probably said before, when asked how I am doing, my reply is usually, "Blessed and highly favored." And, that is not just something I say; that is something that is true, that I mean, and that I acknowledge. I know without a doubt that GOD has blessed me beyond anything I ever imagined. I want to be sure I praise Him for all He has done.

I bet, if we would only take the time to think about it, even on our bleakest days, we can see how GOD has blessed us. It may take some soul-searching, some really deep inspection, but we still know how blessed we are. There is not a day that goes by that I don't recognize the goodness of my LORD.

Today's word is Psalm 113:3, NIV, which reads, "From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised."

The Bible tells us that if we don't cry out our praises to the LORD, the rocks will do it for us. If a rock can, and will, praise the LORD, why wouldn't we? Are we dumber than rocks? Just look around at all you have. Yes, I know it could be better, but, aren't you grateful for what you have? So many people, in so many places, have so much less. Yet, they praise the LORD. We, Christians, should sing His praises wherever we are.

My prayer today is that I will always see the goodness of the LORD in whatever I am doing, wherever I am, no matter the time of day. For we should praise Him from sunrise to sunset, and every second in between.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, February 1, 2019

Give the rest to GOD

There are lots of things to be concerned about. We make plans for retirement, while trying to figure out how to pay for first cars, college, and weddings, and all those things that will arise between those things. It is difficult to go anywhere during this season without being fully conscious of touching something that may give you an illness.

Then, there are all the things going on in the world, and there are lots. Wars and strife and conflicts abound. Crime rates rising everywhere. Concerns about safety and protecting our families. Concerns about the economy and being able to adequately provide. Some of the concerns I can do something about, make some preparations; others, however, are beyond my control.

Tony Gaskins has a quote that says, "If you can't do anything about it, then let it go. Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change." I always simply say, "I don't worry about things I don't control." There is absolutely no need to worry about the things that you don't have any influence over. What good will it do? Is the worrying going to change it? No, but it will change your outlook, your attitude, and your health.

Today's word is Matthew 6:27, NLT, which reads, "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?"

I think we all know the answer to that question is a resounding "No". Worry can, however, steal precious moments from our lives. Look, there are lots of things to be concerned about, but, don't let them worry you. Pray about everything. Handle those things you can. Give the rest to GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T