Friday, June 23, 2017

You're a Fan

Are you a fan of anything? It may be a sports team, or a performer, or an actor, or maybe a place or a particular food. I am a fan of many things. Now, I don't go all out and get crazy about things but there are things that I like. I am a fan of good people accomplishing good things. It is always nice to see good people rewarded for their hard work.

I also notice, from time to time, that we follow things that aren't good for us either. We seem attracted to people that we really shouldn't follow. Maybe it is the appeal of someone going against the grain, or maybe it is just intriguing to see someone risking it all for no apparent good reason. I know people who stalk others on social media, then, claim that they don't actually like that person. So, why follow them so closely?

Today's word is just something I stumbled across that reminds me that what I follow, I am a fan of: "If you don't like someone or something, yet, you keep up with everything they do, you're a fan."

Before we go any further, please know that I love everyone, and I mean everyone. I want to see everyone come to know JESUS personally and go to Heaven for eternity. But, I also know there are certain others that I should pray for but not spend my time trying to keep up with everything they do. I have enough in my own life to keep me busy; I don't need to follow the debauchery and deceit in others'.

We are all fans of something or someone. I pray we are focusing our attention and our time on those things dearest to us and that we choose not to waste another minute trying to keep up with others' misfortunes. If you are following it, you're a fan.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 22, 2017

He will do it

People put their faith in a lot of different things. People who bungee jump put their faith in a really big rubber band not snapping. I don't know about you but I have snapped a few rubber bands. Others put their faith in their own abilities, in their being able to do whatever must be done. And, don't get me wrong, GOD has designed us to do abundantly amazing things. But, as we age, we lose some of that strength, agility, endurance, ability.

The question is what is your faith in? And, do you have enough faith in whatever it is to really stretch yourself? I've heard people say that they have faith in mankind, and I certainly believe that people are generally good. But, people will let you down; a lot of times, not on purpose, but they are human and they will fail and they will let you down.

Today's word is 1 Thessalonians 5:24, NIV, which reads, "The One Who calls you is faithful, and He will do it."

Faith in people and things is a faith that will fail. Again, not always on purpose, not always intentional, but things and people fail. However, if your faith is in GOD, that faith is solid and will never let you down. If GOD has called you to it, He will get you through it.

What has GOD called you to do? Have you been reluctant to step out and allow Him to use you in mighty and powerful ways? Have you been hesitant to allow Him to work through you to do His good will? Have you felt that there is no way you can do what He is calling you to? If we will just place our faith in Him, and allow Him to use us, and do our part, He will do it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sit down and listen

I am a talker. There is absolutely no other way to put it. I can talk to anyone about anything. I actually don't have to have anyone else to talk to; I will talk to myself. And, to be completely honest, I don't normally have to know a whole lot about the subject, I just talk.

There is definitely a time to talk. It is necessary to communicate plans and duties, directives and desires. It is important to talk to our children about everything from cleaning their rooms to the perils that can lie right outside the door. But, just as important as talking, is listening.

Today's word is a quote from Winston Churchill that says, "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

It takes a lot of courage to stand up for something you truly believe in, especially when the odds are against you, especially when you are outnumbered. However, I am one that will stand for what I believe without begging or backing down. That's not to sound like I think I am big and bad. It's just that if we don't stand for what we believe, do we truly believe it? But, it's not enough to stand and speak...

Sometimes, the most courageous thing we can do is sit down and listen. If we would listen to others and apply their wisdom and experiences, there is no telling what we may learn that we can then pass on to someone else. However, it takes courage to listen to others tell us what we shouldn't do, or what we should. It takes courage to sit and listen to someone correct us for our shortcomings. It takes just as much courage to sit down and listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 19, 2017

If we will just listen

I don't know about you but I have some pretty major mistakes in my life. Not that I am proud of that fact but it is a fact nonetheless. Often, after making one of my unprecedented blunders, I will have someone say, "Well, if you would only listen!" And, they are usually right.

We could probably avoid a lot of pitfalls, errors, blunders, heartaches if we would just listen to sound advice. A lot of times, though, we have our minds mind up that we are going to do it our way regardless of the consequences. Then, we suffer the consequences. If we would just listen.

Today's word is Proverbs 1:33, NIV, which a call to listen: "But whoever listens to Me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm."

Most times people tell us things to keep us safe, to keep us from harm. Like when our parents told us to stay away from certain areas, certain, people. It wasn't that they didn't love those particular people. They knew that those individuals weren't living the life that they should and, if we hung around them long enough, we may be tempted to get involved in their doings. The advised us because they loved us.

We can keep ourselves from a lot of pain and heartache if we would listen to GOD'S calling and follow His teachings. There are many things that we may never have to experience if we will just follow directions and instructions. GOD only knows how much our lives will improve, if we will just listen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Turn on the light

Ever gotten up in the middle of the night and, not wanting to disturb anyone else, didn't turn on the light and caught your little toe on something. Man, that is a pain that is hard to forget, and it takes a while for the little fella to heal. There is a lot of perils in darkness.

I couldn't imagine trying to drive at night without my headlights. Yeah, some city streets have pretty good lighting but if you get out in the suburbs, it can get really dark. Without headlights, it would be hard to navigate the road, if you could even manage to stay on it.

Today's word is John 8:12, ESV, which reads, "Again JESUS spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'"

There are many dangers and hazards in darkness. Spiritually speaking, the ultimate danger is spending eternity in hell. But, there are so many snares and pits and obstacles here on earth that will trap us if we are walking in darkness. satan is out there, just trying to set up the next trap for those walking in darkness.

I am grateful for light. I like to get out in the sunshine. I like to have good lighting when I am working and eating. I certainly don't like tripping over on outside water spigot while playing out side at night. And, the feeling of stubbing your toe on the bedpost is enough to make you want to wake the neighborhood so they can sympathize with you.You don't have to continue trying to find your way in the darkness, turn on the light.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Steering wheel or spare tire

There are parts of a vehicle that are important and others that really aren't. You really have to have an engine, transmission, tires, axles, something to sit on, brakes, windows, wipers, lights, steering wheel, etc. While some might disagree, you don't have to have a radio, a forty-seven disc cd changer, satellite radio, in car WiFi, etc.

Then, there are those items that are there for the emergencies that arise. You need to have a jack, a lug wrench, and a spare tire. You may not have to use any of those very often but when they are needed, you need them. And, while these items are important, they are not necessities for driving a vehicle. You can still drive the vehicle without a jack or a spare.

Today's word is something I saw on a church sign that says, "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?"

Do you use prayer as conversation with GOD to seek His will and His guidance for your life? Or, is prayer just one of those things you grab for when some emergency arises? If we only pray when things are going bad, we are missing some of the best opportunities in life. Not that GOD is anything like us (He made us), but let's look at this from a relationship standpoint. What kind of relationship would you have with someone if the only time you talked to them, the only time they called you, were when they had an emergency? Wouldn't the relationship be exponentially better if you talked often about good things, and just enjoyed conversation with each other? GOD is our Heavenly Father. Don't you think we should talk to Him often, about everything, not just the emergencies?

While both, a steering wheel and a spare tire are needed, only the steering wheel can guide. A continual conversation with GOD will direct and guide our lives. The more we talk to Him and listen to Him, the better our lives will be. And, we do that through prayers. Are you allowing GOD to direct and guide you? Do you use Him as your steering wheel or as your spare tire?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 12, 2017

It is refreshing

Ever felt like you were exhausted and just could not go any further? Then, you go in and take a shower or a bath and for a few minutes, maybe even an hour or two, you feel refreshed and renewed. It's amazing how a shower can be so refreshing.

There are other times that a cool glass of water is what is needed to refresh us. If we've been out working in the yard or exercising or just sitting out in the hot sun, nothing is quite as refreshing as a cold glass of water.

Today's word is about refreshment. Jeremiah 31:25, NIV, which reads, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."

Life can be hard on us from time to time. It often seems there isn't enough ours in the day, and there isn't enough me to go around. D. L. Moody was once asked if he got tired from doing all the ministry he did. His reply was, "I get tired from the work but I never get tired of the work." Family, extracurricular activities, the busyness of life can be tiring but I never tire of doing it.

If you find yourself tired and weary today, remember that GOD will send refreshment if you just ask for it. Maybe things aren't going exactly like you thought they should. Ask GOD for a refreshing shower of His love and mercy. Maybe you are thirsty for something more satisfying that what you've been tasting. Ask GOD for a drink of the eternal water He provides. If we seek GOD and His will for our lives, we will find that it isn't only fulfilling, it is refreshing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 8, 2017

It's a billion little things

Ever do jigsaw puzzles? We don't do them often but when we do, I find it therapeutic. There is something about taking a bunch of individual pieces and correctly putting it together to form a complete picture. It's kind of like a good friendship.

Today, according to some calendars, is National Best Friend Day. It is a day set aside to celebrate the person(s) in our life that are always there for us no matter what, no matter where, no matter when. I can tell you without a doubt that I married my very best friend (in this world, of course). Now, we know that JESUS is our very best friend but here in this world, I married my absolute best friend.

Today's word is a quote about friendship: "Friendship isn't a big thing. It is a billion little things."

Friendship isn't some big thing that you can put your finger on. There are those big moments that you share with your best friend but I would venture to say that if someone asked you what makes your best friend your best friend, it would be hard to pinpoint one particular thing. What makes Trish my best friend is a billion little things that she does just because she loves me.

Friendship is sort of like a jigsaw puzzle. It is hard to put your finger on the one piece that makes your best friend so special, but, when you put all the different pieces together, the picture is amazing. In honor of National Best Friend Day, thanks Trish for the billion little things!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

That's what I rejoice about

I will never be famous. And, I don't say that with any sense of disappointment or false modesty. I have no unique talent. I have no special skills. There is nothing I can do that is in high demand anywhere. There is absolutely nothing about me that would cause anyone in this world to say, "You are da bomb!" And, I am perfectly okay with that.

I have been known to tell folks that I want to live a perfectly anonymous life, then, die and go to Heaven. That is truly what I want. Some folks want fame and fortune; they want you to "know who they are". Some folks strive to be known as the greatest this or the greatest that or the meanest this or the nicest that, and all of that is well and fine. It truly is. But, my rejoicing doesn't come from earthly accolades...

Today's word is Luke 10:20, NIV, which reads, "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven."

You can be the greatest whatever EVER but if you don't know JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR, you are missing the greatest thing you could ever be - joint heirs. You may be able to run faster than anyone else in the world. You may be able to lift more weight than anyone else in the world. You may be the absolute most physically beautiful person in the whole world. BUT, none of that will affect eternity.

We are all here for a very short dispensation of time. Even if we live to be 100, I truly believe it will seem but just a fleeting moment. And, when we leave this life, all the earthly accolades, awards, designations we have amassed will not go with us into eternity. I may never receive any earthly accolades but my name is written in Heaven! And, that's what I rejoice about!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

That's the way GOD made it

Our kids, ages four and five, can ask some really good questions. I am amazed at the depth of some of their questioning. I am equally amazed at the shallowness of my understanding sometimes.

Being a scientist by nature and training, I try to give them the scientific explanation, then, tell them that it is absolutely amazing what GOD has allowed us to learn and comprehend and understand. I am always astounded by the awesomeness of GOD. I am also astounded at what He allows us to know and do. However, there are those questions for which I have no "scientific" answer.

Today's word explains the things that we cannot explain. Psalm 33:6, NLT, reads, "The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born."

When one of the kids ask one of those questions that I don't have a good, logical answer to, I use my default answer of, "That's the way GOD made it." GOD has allowed us to gain some knowledge and understanding but our feeble, carnal minds, made from the dust of the Earth, will never be able to understand GOD and His awesomeness and power. He merely spoke, and things were created. He JUST SPOKE!

When you are lost for an answer as to why the sky is blue or why dogs look as they do or why some people are six foot five and others five foot six, you just have to tell what you know - that's the way GOD made it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 5, 2017

No need to keep score

There is a saying that I use more often than I should that goes, "No good deed goes unpunished." Ever feel that way? I mean, it seems that no matter what you do for someone, no matter what sacrifice you make for someone, no matter how far you stretch for someone, it is never enough. As soon as you have completed that thing, something else comes up.

It can be tiring and trying if you keep track of all the things that seem "unfair". No one ever said that life would be fair. What exactly is fair? If we go around constantly trying to make sure that we get exactly what everyone else gets, we will miss out on some of the wonderful blessings coming our way. Life, and its fairness, is really all in how you look at it.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me that it is all about my motive and intentions: "When you do something out of love, you don't count the cost."

If we are helping others, giving to others, out of some sense of "moral obligation", we will never be happy. We will constantly be making tic marks and trying to keep score. If that is the way we do things in our lives, we will find that things never seem to balance out. BUT, when I think about JESUS and the sacrifices He made just for me, I can't help but realize that it is only because of His love for me that I have anything to help anyone with to begin with.

Now, in no way, do I advocate that we allow others to take advantage of us. There are those that will use every opportunity to bilk all they can from us and we have to be wary of them and make sure that we don't allow their guilt trip to inflict undue pain on us. I am just saying that when we do things out of love, instead of a sense of obligation, we will find that there is no need to keep score.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 2, 2017

Never underestimate it

I have admitted before that I am a talker. I talk a lot, mostly about nothing in particular. I just like communication, getting to know people, getting people engaged and involved. Now, I like my quiet moments as much as anyone but if there is an uncomfortable quiet in the room I am going to start talking.

There are also those things that I will never talk about. I am a guy that can keep a secret. Some of this is from training, some from the fact that I don't want anyone sharing my secrets, if I were to ever tell them. There are very few feelings worse than be found untrustworthy.

Today's word is Proverbs 18:21, NLT, which reads, "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."

Ever been asked to keep a secret that was so good that you found yourself unable to keep it? So, you go out and share this very privileged information with one "friend" that you told not to tell ANYONE. But, it was a juicy secret and they couldn't help but to tell one "friend", and so on and so on. When your true friend, the one that confided in you, the one that trusted you, finds your betrayal, the pain is serious and the wound is deep. It is a feeling I am determined to never experience.

There are also the consequences that come from rattling on about things you shouldn't be talking about. Whether it is a trade secret at work or something critical to a process or procedure you are involved in, if you are told not to tell it, DON'T. Our tongues are so powerful. They can surely bring life: encouragement, joy, love; or, death: brokenness, discouragement, hate. We should never underestimate it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T