Monday, June 5, 2017

No need to keep score

There is a saying that I use more often than I should that goes, "No good deed goes unpunished." Ever feel that way? I mean, it seems that no matter what you do for someone, no matter what sacrifice you make for someone, no matter how far you stretch for someone, it is never enough. As soon as you have completed that thing, something else comes up.

It can be tiring and trying if you keep track of all the things that seem "unfair". No one ever said that life would be fair. What exactly is fair? If we go around constantly trying to make sure that we get exactly what everyone else gets, we will miss out on some of the wonderful blessings coming our way. Life, and its fairness, is really all in how you look at it.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me that it is all about my motive and intentions: "When you do something out of love, you don't count the cost."

If we are helping others, giving to others, out of some sense of "moral obligation", we will never be happy. We will constantly be making tic marks and trying to keep score. If that is the way we do things in our lives, we will find that things never seem to balance out. BUT, when I think about JESUS and the sacrifices He made just for me, I can't help but realize that it is only because of His love for me that I have anything to help anyone with to begin with.

Now, in no way, do I advocate that we allow others to take advantage of us. There are those that will use every opportunity to bilk all they can from us and we have to be wary of them and make sure that we don't allow their guilt trip to inflict undue pain on us. I am just saying that when we do things out of love, instead of a sense of obligation, we will find that there is no need to keep score.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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